2023电力机车副司机岗前培训 (组合)2搜题找答案用什么软件-2024欧洲杯竞猜官方平台

随行课堂问答 3789




【单选题】体系结构是由( )方向上的协议和( )方向上的服务构成的:

【单选题】集线器既不能隔离( ),也不能隔离( )

【单选题】交换机位于( ),它通过mac地址表进行数据转发

【单选题】交换机的工作原理中的操作包括( )

【单选题】交换机通过( )建立自己的mac地址表

【单选题】交换机可以隔离( )

【单选题】路由器工作在( ),实现不同网段的通信

【单选题】路由器可以隔离( )

【单选题】ip地址是给每个连接在因特网上的主机(或路由器)分配一个在全世界范围是惟一的 ( )bit 的标识符

【单选题】ip地址的编址分为三个阶段,分别是:( )




【单选题】c类地址的默认子网掩码是( )

【单选题】cidr编址将ip地址分为两部分:( )

【单选题】前缀为13的地址块的掩码为( )

【单选题】 中,斜线后面的20表示网络前缀的比特数,也表示子网掩码中( )的个数


【单选题】只有在交换机的( )模式下输入查看命令才能进行当前配置的查看

【单选题】在交换机的( )模式下才能创建vlan

【单选题】只有在交换机的( )模式下才能配置接口

【单选题】若一项命令写错,可以在该项命令前加上“( )”,将该命令删除

【单选题】查看当前交换机配置的命令是( )

【单选题】交换机保存配置的命令是( )

【单选题】查看vlan配置的命令是( )


【多选题】交换机的带外管理实现的是对交换机进行初始化的配置,包括( )



【单选题】( )技术可以进行广播域的隔离


【单选题】tag-vlan中,( )

【单选题】tag -vlan中,端口为( )模式

【单选题】跨交换机实现相同vlan通信需要用到( )技术

【单选题】三层交换机相当于( )

【单选题】三层交换机是通过创建( ),从而生成( )来实现vlan路由的

【单选题】三层交换机为每个vlan创建的svi地址就是该vlan主机的( )地址

【单选题】( )技术是将交换机上的多个端口逻辑上捆绑在一起,形成一个拥有较大宽带的端口,实现冗余和增加带宽

【单选题】当多台交换机考虑到稳定性和可靠性,连接组成一个环路时,必须开启( )避免广播风暴

【单选题】路由器是根据收到ip数据包的( )地址,抽取出对应的( )地址,再来查表转发的

【单选题】当给路由器的端口配上ip地址后,就生成了( )

【单选题】查看路由表的命令是( )

【单选题】从路由器的用户模式到特权模式输入( ),从特权模式到全局模式输入( ),从全局模式到接口模式输入( )

【单选题】要实现不同网段的主机通信,那么该主机必须设置默认,这个地址就是( )

【单选题】查看本机的tcp/ip所有配置命令是( ),查看本机ip地址信息的命令是( )

【单选题】测试两台主机是否能通信的命令是( )

【多选题】路由器是根据路由表进行查表转发数据的,路由表的生成有三种方式( )

【多选题】路由器的管理方式分为( )

【多选题】路由器端口ip地址的配置原则正确的是:( )

【单选题】由管理员手动输入路由条目的方式,生成了( )

【单选题】( )是具有方向性的,因此配好了一个方向的路由还要考虑反方向的路由

【单选题】( )是静态路由的一种特殊情况,通常在99.99%的( )上都会配置它,将内网主机上网数据传给isp连局域网的接口,为实现上网做好路由准备

【单选题】nat技术实现了内网的多个( )转换为极少数( )上网的功能

【单选题】( )用于实现需要向外网络提供信息服务的主机,实现永久的一对一ip地址映射关系

【单选题】( )用于内网主机访问外网服务,建立临时的一对一ip地址映射关系

【单选题】动态napt映射后的( )通常就是出口路由器的出接口ip地址

【单选题】在路由器上配置了诸如rip、ospf这样的路由选择协议,就会生成( )

【多选题】三层交换机实现路由的方式有:( )

【多选题】常见的私有地址有( )

【单选题】层次化的网络设计思想是将网络规划为三层,它们是( )

【单选题】在网络拓扑搭建中,( )层是最终用户与网络的接口,提供较高的端口密度和即插即用的特性,一般设计在各楼宇楼层内,便于管理和维护,实现广播隔离、端口安全等

【单选题】在网络拓扑搭建中,( )层是把大量来自接入层数据进行汇聚和集中,实现通信量的收敛。

【单选题】在网络拓扑搭建中,( )层是一个高速的交换骨干,是网络所有流量的最终承受者和汇聚者,通常三层交换机作为核心层设备,置于中心机房,可实现路由等

【多选题】网络规划与设计的内容包括:( )






我国死亡人数最多的死因为( )。

导致恶性肿瘤、心脑血管疾病等慢的主要因素有( )。

引起人体衰老的因素很多,概括起来主要有两个方面,即( )。



碳水化合物供能应占一天总能量的( )。

矿物质元素中铁、锌、硒属于( )。

人体内钠的量与人体血压呈( ),钾的量与人体血压呈( )。

人体血液中的铁是(),植物性食物中的铁主要是( )。

人体( )消耗的能量最多。

人体内的钙99%集中于( )。

维生素b2的缺乏症是( )。

谷类食物中的维生素主要为( )。

蛋白质的生理功能主要包括( )。

以下脂肪酸是饱和脂肪酸的有( )。

成年人缺钙的主要表现有( )。

有利于铁吸收的膳食因素主要有( )。

硒的生理功能主要包括( )。

除维生素和矿物质以外,植物性食物中含有的抗氧化剂主要有( )。

维生素d缺乏可有( )等表现。









谷物储存蛋白质和淀粉最多的部位是 ( )。

居民膳食指南(2016)提出少吃肥肉、烟熏和腌制肉食品,畜肉每周摄入量为( )。

居民膳食指南(2016)提出禽肉每周共摄入量为( )。

鱼类脂肪中含有( ),有降低动脉粥样硬化的作用。


水果中含有较丰富的膳食纤维,包括 ( )。

大豆中的胀气因子包括 ( )。





根据《居民膳食指南(2016)》,成年人每天饮用水量为( )。

根据《居民膳食指南(2016)》,女性一天饮用酒的酒精量不超过( )。

根据《居民膳食指南(2016)》,成人每天摄入食盐不超过( )。

《居民膳食指南(2016)》版,膳食宝塔对各类食物的摄入量表现为“四降一升”,( )的摄入量下降。

新版指南首次于建议正文中加入“控糖”,提出 ( )。



备孕期女性应尤其注意补充( )。

建议乳母的能量在非孕期妇女的基础上每日增加( )kcal。

学龄前儿童神经细胞分化已基本完成,脑量达到成人的( )。

老年人的容易出现 ( ) 肥胖。

正常人如果空腹是大于( ),餐后2小时大于( )就可诊断为糖尿病。

怀孕期间,孕妇体内( )水平明显升高。

关于老年人生理变化一下说确的是( )。

引起肥胖的原因很多,主要有( )几个方面。

典型的糖尿病症是“三多一少”,“三多”是指( )。





细菌性食物中毒一般在( )最多见。

下列不属于兽药残留对人体的危害的是( )。

目前亚硝酸盐食物中毒最常见原因是( )。

下列防范食品污染采取的措施,错误是( )。


粮谷类食品的主要卫生问题包括( )。

食品中常见的化学污染物包括( )。

引起含氰甙类食物中毒的食物有( )。





















【单选题】设在 处可导,则=












in area, the united states is the _________ largest country in the world.

the statue of liberty was a gift of friendship to american people from the people of __________.

_____ is the capital city of scotland.

among the four parts of the united kingdom, _____is the allest.

the missouri river is called “the father of waters".

yellowstone national park is known for its wildlife and its many geothermal features.

the most populous city in america is new york city.

the island of great britain is geographically ided into three parts: england, scotland and wales.

the uk is bordered by three seas and one ocean.

scotland is the most populous among the four parts of the uk.

the britain founded ___________ colonies along the east coast in america.

the principal author of the declaration of independence was _________.

how many continental states were there at the time of the independence of the united states?

but even after the abolition of slavery, organized or inidual discrimination was practiced against _______.

in his inaugural address in 1861, lincoln showed clearly that he __________.

in 1932, in the depth of the depression, the american people choose ________ as their next president who promised a “new deal” to get america out of depression.

an english colony was founded in america in 1620 by a group of people fleeing religious persecution with the ship called mayflower.

the first continental congress was held in boston in september, 1774.

the great depression only happened in america.

in the year 1066, william the conqueror invaded england from france, defeating the saxon king harold at _________.

the ____attack on rome ended the roman occupation in britain in 410.

westminster abbey was built at the time of_____ .

the ______marked the establishment of feudali in england.

the direct cause for the religious reformation was king henry viii’s effort to_____.

_____ was passed after the glorious revolution.

the industrial revolution was accomplished in britain by the middle of the____ century.

the british history before 55bc is basically undocumented.

the celts became the dominant group in britain between the 8 th and 5 th centuries bc.

the name of britain came from a celtic tribe-- the britons.

the anglo-saxons came to britain in the mid-5th century.

the chief or king of the anglo--saxon tribes exercised power at their own will.

the real center of power in parliament is_____.

the real power of the house of lords lies in____.

during the 200 or so years before the mid-19th century, british politics was dominated by the tories and the whigs.

economically, the conservative party support private enterprise and minimal state regulation, and accepts the mixed economy, which involves private ownership of business with some government control.

what are the general principles of the form of us government?

which of the following are the functions of the us state government?

which of the following statements of us senate or senator are true?

members of the house of representatives must over 35 years old and must have been an american citizen for at least 7 years.

the us state government is concerned with foreign affairs and with matters of general concern to all the states, including interstate commerce.

the us democrats want the government to play an important role in the economy and emphasize full employment as a matter of national concern.

chaucer made great contribution in making the dialect of london the standard for the modern english speech and therefore he is considered as a great master of the english language.

the king james bible is not only considered to be the culmination of bible translations but also one of the greatest literary works of all time.

which of the following plays of shakespeare are tragedies?

the adventures of gulliver include_____.

“if winter comes, can spring be far behind” is from “ode to the west wind” written by ______.

becky sharp is the e in the novel of _______ by thackeray.

the picture of dorian gray is a novel in which oscar wilde best practiced his principle of _______.

the author of the golden notebook is _____ .

the colonial period of american literature stretched roughly from the settlement of america in the early 17th century through the end of ________ century.

benjamin franklin was the epitome of the ______.

more than five hundred poems dickinson wrote are about nature, in which her general skeptici about the relationship between ______ is well-expressed.

________ was often regarded as america’s first man of letters, father of american literature, devoting much of his career to literature.

with howells, james, and mark twain active on the scene, ________ became the major trend in the 70s and 80s of the 19th century.

the literacy rate in britain is one of the highest in the world at over 99 percent.

every child in britain must by law receive full-time education from the age of five to eighteen.

the great majority of parents, however, send their children to ___ schools, where education and equipment, including text books and stationery, are entirely free.

recruitment of universities in the uk are based on________ .

oxbridge is a term which is now used to refer to ______ collectively, often with implications of their superior intellectual or social status.

the education in america lays emphasis on the basic nature of knowledge and learning.

college students must maintain at least a low d average in order to remain in school.

“the function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. intelligence plus character– that is the goal of true education.” was a remark by ____ .

there are two stages in secondary education in the us, that is, ________ .

how do high school students go to universities? there is no annual college entrance examination, applicants are chosen on the basis of the following aspects_____.

which of the following are the main features of religion in the uk?

what is the largest religion in britain and america?

its first aim is to preach the story of jesus christ to unbelievers; it also does a great deal of social work among the poor and the sick; and the organization is almost military. the above is the description of _________.

the anglican church, also called the church of england, is one of the main denomination of protestanti.

the us federal government was permitted to give special favors to any religion or to hinder the free practice, or exercise, of religion.

the bible’s books are arranged chronologically, rather than by type.

which of the following days is considered lucky for wedding?

on the way to the wedding, seeing ____ is considered good luck.

which of the following weather is considered lucky for wedding?

some british holidays are celebrated to mark the important events of the christian calendar, and others are related to local customs and traditions.

thanksgiving day falls on the fourth tuesday in november.

in the united states today, the value of mastering nature results in bold approaches to overcome all obstacles and the belief that an inidual should have control over their personal environment and the ability to achieve any goal.

this passion for change and progress is evident in the way that americans have traditionally approached the environment--as something to be conquered, tamed, or harnessed for social or personal benefit.

the puritans have left rich cultural heritage to future americans. the american values such as iniduali, hard work, and respect of education owe every much to the puritan beliefs.

americans have a strong belief in materiali, that is, that which is partly a result of the people’s great material abundance.

in the united states what lies ahead usually takes precedence over the past.

americans believe time is a limited resource, they try to conserve and manage it.

that 18th century "american dream" motivated the gold rush and gave california its nickname of the "golden state".

values and attitudes to life just can be seen in americans’ characters, they are______ .

hallmarks of cultures that hold future orientation include _______.

what are the modern people’s american dreams?

the english language belongs to the west germanic branches of the indo-european family of languages.

the history of english is often ided into ______.

before the saxons, the language spoken in the present uk was a mixture of latin and various celtic languages which were spoken before the romans came to britain.

british pronunciation usually refers to received pronunciation (rp). rp is the pronunciation of the british upper class; it is sometimes called the queen’s english.

the principal distinction between early and late modern english is______.

words borrowed from french have different pronunciation in british and american english. in ame, these words are pronounced with the stress falling on the final vowel.

major differences between american and british english include_______ .

british spellings are highly influenced by french spellings; many words keep the aspects of spelling that of french origin, while americans use more phonetic spellings.

euphemistic expressions for being fat include______ .

allusion can be categorized as biblical allusion, mythological allusion, historical allusion and literary allusion.

which of the following statements about radio broadcasting in america is not true?

the mass media are ersified media technologies that can _________.

choose the right statements about british newspaper.

three large privately-owned networks in the united states are __________.

broadcasting forms a very large segment of the mass media.

in many countries there are constitutional or statutory protections pertaining to freedom of the press.

freedom of the press means that the press enjoys total freedom.

the observer is the world’s oldest national newspaper.

the bbc is britain’s main public service broadcaster.

nbc was created to provide leadership in american national news-gathering and production.

britain is the birthplace of modern football.

the royal ascot is the biggest social event associated with ________, where women especially wear very elaborate and exotic hats.

________is still referred to as the "national pastime” in the us.

if david wants to watch british tv dramas about detective story, which of the following will you recommend?

after wwii, less restrictive censorship leads to the emergence of horror films.

typical characteristics of classical music era is the emergence of baroque music.

orchestra music like symphony, dance music like ballet, piano music like beethoven’s piano sonatas and string quartets, all reflect the romantic outlook in the 19th century.

which of the following statement is not true?

【单选题】当用户请求jsp页面时,p引擎就会执行该页面的字节码文件响应客户的请求,执行字节码文件的结果是( )

【单选题】不是p运行必须的是( )

【单选题】p的编译指令标记通常是指:( )

【单选题】javaee体系中web层技术是( )。

【单选题】p页面在第一次运行时被p引擎转化为( )。

【单选题】web技术的设想在( )年提出。


【填空题】当今比较流行的技术研发模式是__ _和__ __的体系结构来实现的。





【单选题】tomcat服务器的默认端口号是:( )

【单选题】当多个用户请求同一个p页面时,tomcat服务器为每个客户启动一个( )

【单选题】mysql的默认端口是:( )

【单选题】配置p运行环境,若web应用服务器选用tomcat,以下说确的是( )。




【单选题】不是p运行必须的是( )

【单选题】tomcat服务器的默认端口号是:( )

【单选题】下列()注释为隐藏型注释。( )


【填空题】p页面中,输出型注释的内容写在 __________________ 之间。



【单选题】不是p运行必须的是( )

【单选题】p中的html注释在用户客户端浏览器中查看源码( )。


【填空题】html文档的开头和结束元素为__ ____。
