
优学院答案 0153










看标题栏的方向一般与绘图和看图方向一致,标题栏一般位于图纸的( )。

标注角度尺寸时,其角度的数值书写方向( )。




细实线可用于下列哪种情况?( )





正垂圆的( )直线的长度,与该圆的直径相等。


这是 的两面投影。





































组合体中所标注的尺寸包括哪些尺寸?( )

组合体尺寸标注中正确的是( )。












如图图示,表达方法是正确的。 、



下列属于螺纹紧固件的有 。

规定标记:滚动轴承 6204 gb/t276-2013,其内径尺寸为( )。


在单个圆柱齿轮的画法中,齿顶圆与齿顶线用 绘制。


梯形螺纹的特征代号是( )。




( )是制造和检验零件的依据。


读泵轴的零件图,可以得知表达该零件采用了( )个视图。


图示壳体零件的总高尺寸为( )。





将机器安装在地基上或部件与机器连接时所需的尺寸是( )。







对一封闭的绝热系统做功后,系统的温度 。


理想气体的真空自由膨胀,不变的函数是 。


化学反应若循着系统的摩尔吉布斯函数~反应进度关系曲线进行,则该反应在 进行着热力学可逆过程。




在一定的温度下,在密闭的刚性容器中进行理想气体反应a b=c,达到平衡后,若加入一定量的惰性气体,平衡将 。

液体水与水蒸气达到相平衡的系统,自由度数 f=2, 可变的物理量是温度和压力。

溶质b溶于溶剂a形成稀溶液,为确保该稀溶液的凝固点低于纯溶剂a的凝固点,则必须满足条件 。



下图所示二组分凝聚系统相图中,ⅰ区内平衡共存的相是 。

法拉第电解定律适用于 。


电池在等温,等压及可逆情况下放电,电池与环境间交换的热为 。

电解时, 在阳极上优先发生的是实际析出电势最大的反应。


与液体表面张力无关的因素是 。




下列系统不是胶体的为 。


某反应速率常数的量纲为,此反应为 。



很多可燃气体在空气中因支链反应而发生爆炸,但有一定的爆炸界限,在其上限以上不会发生爆炸的主要原因是 。








1841年, 第一次出现了11人制足球赛?

1848年,英国 、 、 3所学校在比赛时制定了一些竞赛规则,规则中认定足球是一项除手臂以外触球的运动,于是足球运动第一个文字形式的规则——《剑桥规则》诞生了。







下列关于足球运动的发展趋势表述有误的是 ?

是世界杯历史上单届进球最多的人 ?

世界上著名的洲际足球组织机构有 ?







以下 属于上肢力量的练习方法?






拖拉球时,支撑脚站在球的侧后方约 ______厘米处,脚尖朝前



单脚内外侧拨球时,支撑脚在球的内侧稍后约 厘米处?

以下是 扣球技术的动作要领?






脚内侧踢球时,助跑方向与传球方向一致,助跑最后一步 ,支撑脚踏在球侧约15厘米处。

脚内侧踢球时,脚尖上翘,用脚内侧部位击球的 。

















在“停传带射”这四大基本技术中, 是排在第一位的,也是我们任何的技术动作的起步动作。

脚内侧接反弹球时,需要用脚内侧对准 ?

大腿接空中球时,需要判断好来球的落点,面对来球,停球腿大腿抬起,以 对准球的落点?


















铲球可分为同侧脚铲球和异侧脚铲球 。








界外球技术分为 哪两种?

接地滚球时,守门员可以采用 两种形式?














people learn languages in__________ ways.

learning can be affected by the way __________.

the structural view of language sees language as__________ made up of various subsystems: p __________, m__________ , and s__________ .(三个子答案间用英文逗号相隔,如“,”)

the functional view not only sees language as _____________ but also __________.(两个子答案间用英文逗号相隔,如“,”)

the interactional view considers language to be a__________ ,whose main use is to build up and maintain social __________ between people.(两个子答案间用英文逗号相隔,如“,”)

process-oriented theories emphasizes the nature of the human and physical context in which language learning takes place.

condition-oriented theories are concerned with how the mind organize new information such as habit formation, induction, making inference, hypothesis testing and generalization.

behaviourist theory believes that language is a form of behaviour and it can be learned the same way as an animal is trained to respond to stimuli.

according to skinner, language is not a form of behaviour, it is an intricate rule-based system and a large part of language acquisition is the learning of this system.

different from constructivist theory, socio-constructivist theory emphasizes interaction and engagement wit and scaffolding.


communicative competence includes the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in ___________________.

in real life, language is used to perform__________, while in a traditional language classroom, the teaching focus is often on_____ rather than functions.

traditional pedagogy tends to focus on _______ skills and ignore the others while in real language use ____ skills are used.

in real life language is always used in a certain _______, but traditional pedagogy tends to isolate language from its context.

according to hedge, communicative competence consists of linguistic competence, _________, __________, __________ and _______ __ .

the three principles of communicative language teaching suggested by richards and rodgers(1986) are communication principle, ______ principle, and ___ ___ principle.

given communication principle, activities designed for language teaching and learning should be involved real communication and________.

in clt, listening is viewed not only as ________speaking, but as an with its own objectives.

in clt, reading is to and learning of grammar and vocabulary is to .

in clt, the writing skill has been expanded to . students should have the chance to write to express their own feeling or describe their own experiences.

given evaluating how communicative classroom activities are, the activity must involve the students in just practicing language for its own sake.

communicative desire refers that the classroom activity must create a desire to communicate in the students.

in clt, when the students are doing the activity, they must be concentrating on how they say it rather than what they are saying.

as far as no teacher intervention in clt, the assesent should be based on whether the students have achieved their communicative purpose, not whether the language they used was correct.

in clt, the activity must involve the students in using one specific language form they’ve learned before from the perspective of variety of language.

if an activity does not meet the six criteria of communicative purpose, communicative desire, content and not form, variety of language, no teacher intervention and no materials control, it means the activity is not good one.

while planning a lesson, teachers need to only think about the three elements of the aims to be achieved, materials to be covered and activities to be organized in order to achieve the aims of the lesson.

proper lesson planning is essential only for novice teachers not for experienced teachers because the latter are already very familiar with what they are teaching and how they teach.

it is believed that all experienced teachers need to plan their lessons simply because no teaching and learning situation is really static.

good lesson planning gives novice teachers confidence in class and they know what they are going to do next in class rather than themselves.

when planning the next lesson ,teachers needn’t to change the original plan and simply have a lesson on the original plan.

one lesson may have a number of aims which are usually the things teacher intend his or her students to do during the lesson.

teachers are suggested to plan a number of different types of activities and introduce students to a wide selection of materials so that students will always be interested, motivated and never monotonous.

teachers should always have a class on the prepared plans or a methodology as the class always goes according to the plan.

the contents and tasks planned for the lesson should be within the learning ability of the students.

the stages and the steps within each stage are suggested to be planned in such a way that the teacher would organize students to do a series of language-focused activities to get them prepared linguistically before conducting a communicative task.

it is more important for a teacher to know what he or she is going to teach or do in a lesson than to know his or her students are able to achieve by the end of the lesson.

it’s a good understanding of teachers regarding teaching aims as the contents to covered, such as grammar, vocabulary or language skills.

the overall objectives described in the new english curriculum indicate a change in the understanding of the nature of english education from purely linguistic to an emphasis on language skills, knowledge, affects, strategies and culture awareness in order to lay a good foundation for continuing development according to wang qiang (2003).

it is desirable to adopt the ppp model in a reading lesson in which ,the focus is on the developing reading skill.

the end of lesson summary is a very important stage for the teacher to take learning further and deeper by helping students to refer back to the learning objectives.

the optional activities should be prepared by the teacher as backups in case the lesson goes too fast and there are a few minutes left.

after lesson reflection is the only part to be finished after a lesson which can contributes greatly to teachers’ professional development.

it’s known that there are uniform lesson plans so that a good lesson plan has to be long or extremely detailed because it is necessary and practical for teachers to remember and follow every detail in the lesson plan while teaching.

principles for good lesson planning are _______________, ________________. ______________.______________ and _________________.

macro plannning involvees: knowing about the ____________________, knowing about the ____________________, knowing about the ____________________, knowing about the ____________________, knowing about the ____________________, and knowing about the ____________________.


the first 15 years after the founding of the people’s republic of china in 1949 saw __________ as the predominant foreign language in both secondary schools and colleges.

in early 1960s, thousands of secondary school and university teachers had to transfer their subject major to __________.

during 1966-1976 the cultural revolution witnessed a much more __________of foreign language teaching.

english replaced russian as __________ in secondary schools in 1970s and later formally restored into the national curriculum in 1978.

since 1978 the development of elt can be ided into four phases: restoration, rapid development, reform and__________.

students’ overall development is the motivation and goal of the english curriculum. therefore, its objectives, the teaching process, the assesent procedures as well as the development of teaching resources should all reflect the principle of _ .

the design of the new national english curriculum unifies both primary and secondary school english into one continuum of development and ides english language teaching and learning into .

the curriculum aims to develop of the students in china.

overall performance objectives for each level are given in addition to descriptions of abilities regarding language knowledge, language skills, , learning strategies and cross-cultural awareness for relevant levels.

the assesent for the nine-year compulsory education should be geared to stimulating students’ interests and cultivating their autonomy in learning and the system should include both __________ assesent with the former one playing a primary role.

teachers often do as controllers, organizers, prompters, participants and resource-providers in a language classroom. decide what role the teacher is playing in the following activity. put the letter a-d in the blankets. the teacher gives students 2 minutes to skim a text, and when time is up, he asks students to stop and answer some questions.

t: do you have any hobbies? s: yes, i like singing and dancing. t: uhm, and…? s: i also collect coins. t: oh, really, how many…have you already…collected?

the teacher write one of five numbers(1-5) on a number of cards(the same number as the students). each student draws one card. those who have drawn number 1 will from group, and those who have drawn number 2 will from group 2. thus students are put into five groups in a random way.

when a student has made a sentence with borrow, “ i borrowed a paper to write a letter”, the teacher says, “well, we don’t say a paper, we say a piece of paper.”

the teacher asks students to take turns to make sentences with a newly learned structure. if someone makes an error, the teacher asks him or her to revise.

while doing a writing task either inidually or in groups, the students need to use a particular word they don’t know. so they ask the teacher.

the teacher asks a student a question “have you ever bought clothes with problems?” if the students doesn’t seem to be ready, the teacher says “for example, a shirt without…” and points to the buttons on his own shirt or jacket.

when the students have in groups decided where to go for an spring outing, the teacher asks each group to tell the others why they have made such a choice.

when students are doing a group-work task, the teacher joins one or two groups for a short period of time.

the teacher asks students to produce conversations(either orally or in writing) by using particular patterns or expressions they have just learned.

the following are the common student groupings in classroom. decide what way that the teacher group students in each situation. put the right letter a-d in the brackets. it refers to the time when students work on an exercise or a task. it could be a dialogue reading, a game or an information-gap task between the two students.

it is the time when students are expected to work on their own at their own speed. it is very important form of learning for the students with the opportunities to process information and consolidate learning in a quiet manner in their own pace.

it refers to the time when students work in all groups. each group may have 3, 4, or 5 students, depending on the activity.

it refers to the time when all the students are under the control of the teacher. they are all doing the same activity at the same rhythm and pace. during the period, the teacher asks questions and students answer either together or one by one as indicated by the teacher.

i the indiscipline is so disruptive as to hinder the progress of the whole class, the teacher should ___________ and make it clear what is wrong.

if troublesome students are sitting together, the teacher should __________.besides, if students are moved to the front of the class they will behave better.

if the class seem to be getting out of the control, or if discipline occurs due to inappropriacy of the activity, __________ will often restore the class.

if a student is continually making trouble the teacher should ___________ after class. the students should be given a chance to explain why he/she behaves like that.

there are rules to follow for making instructions effective. the first is to use simple instruction and make them suit the __________.

the longer a discipline problem is left unchecked, the more difficult it is to take action. so if possible, indisciplined acts in class should be__________.

i trouble some students ate sitting together, the teacher should __________. the students will behave better if they are moved to the front of the class.

classification one is involved with _________ and open questions.

classification two involves __________and genuine questions.

classification is made up of __________ and higher-order questions.

classification four is about__________ a taxonomy suggested by bloom.

learners who have more exposure to english need less focus on pronunciation than those who only learn english in the class.

the teaching pronunciation should be focus on the students’ ability to identify and produce english sounds themselves.

students should be led to focus on reading and writing phonetic transcripts of words, especially for young students, because phonetic transcripts are abstract.

stress and intonation are important and should be taught from the very beginning because different stresses and intonations indicate different meanings.

the factors that determine if the students can acquire native-like english pronunciation are not related to the age of learners and the amount of exposure to english.

different students have different phonetic ability and some students are more sensitive to and better at imitating sounds than other students due to biological and physiological differences.

when talking about pronunciation, it is composed of only two aspects of sounds and phonetic symbols.

perception practice of sounds is aimed at developing the students’ ability to __________ between different sounds.

production practice of sounds if aimed at developing students’ ability to __________ and it varies from ___________ to production in __________.

for good pronunciation, two kinds of stress should be paid attention to. the first is __________ stress which is to stress the proper syllable in multi-syllabic words. the second kind of stress is __________stress and each of them has one syllable that receives greater or more prominent stress than the others.

according to wang qiang(2006), the realistic goal of teaching pronunciation should be consistency, intelligibility and__________.

__________means that the pronunciation should be ooth and natural.

intelligibility means the pronunciation should understandable to __________ .

pronunciation is an umbrella term covering many aspects besides sounds and phonetic symbols, such as stress, __________, and rhythm.

the sentence “i want two tickets to london. ” means__________ if the stress is put on “two”.

the sentence “i want two tickets to london. ” means___________ if the stress is put on “return”.

the sentence “i want two tickets to london. ” means___________ if the stress is put on “london”.

in the dialogue between the speaker and the listener of “would you please turn down the radio a little bit?” and “sorry”. “sorry” means _______ if it was given with a neutral tone.

in the dialogue between the speaker and the listener of “would you please turn down the radio a little bit?” and “sorry”. “sorry” means _______ if it was given with a falling tone.

in the dialogue between the speaker and the listener of “would you please turn down the radio a little bit?” and “sorry”. “sorry” means _______ if it was given with a rising tone.

1.grammar teaching “can enhance learner ____ and ______ and facilitate the_______ of its syntactic system”.

2. the ultimate goal of language teaching is to develop students’ ________, which includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations.

3. grammar is sometimes defined as ‘the ____ words are put together to make correct sentences’ or ‘____ for forming words and combining them into sentences’.

4. english grammar is the _____ of english language. without grammar english language cannot be well constructed

5. diane larsen-freeman ided grammar into three dimensions: ___,___ and _____

1.it is essential for the teacher to know how to present the ___ and ____of a structure in a way that is clear, simple, accurate and helpful.

2 the deductive method relies on ______, yzing and ______.

3. in the inductive method, the teacher induces the learners to ____ grammar rules without any form of_______.

4.there are different ways of presenting grammar in the classroom. among them, three are most frequently used and discussed: they are the deductive method, the inductive method and ______.

5.the guided discovery method. it is similar to the inductive method in that the students are induced to discover rules by themselves. but it is different from the inductive method in that the process of the discovery is carefully_____and _____ by the teacher and the rules are then elicited and taught explicitly.

1. grammar practice is usually ided into two categories: ______and_______.

2. ______and _______are the most frequently used in mechanical practice

3. in meaningful practice, the focus is on______,_______ or_______ through the students “keep

4. ________has also proved to be an effective way of grammar practice

5. mechanical practice involves activities that are aimed at________.

1 grammar practice is usually ided into two categories, mechanical practice and meaningful practice.

2 in teaching reading, if the teacher teaches the background knowledge first so that the students can be equipped with such knowledge and will be able to guess meaning from the printed page, we believe that this teacher is following the bottom-up model in his teaching.

3 there are many situations in which we use more than one language skill, so it is valuable to integrate the four skills, to enhance the students’ communicative competence .

4 most research has also agreed that there is a positive role of instruction for grammar learning.

5 grammar is sometimes defined as ‘the way words are put together to make correct sentences’ or ‘rules for forming words and combining them into sentences’ .

6 diane larsen-freeman ided grammar into three dimensions: form, meaning and function.

7. the deductive method, the inductive method and the guided discovery method are three frequently used method of presenting grammar.

8 in the inductive method, the teacher provides learners with authentic language data and induces the learners to realize grammar rules with any form of explicit explanation.

9 grammatical competence can’t be attained solely through exposure to the target language or meaningful input.

10 substitution drills and transformation drills are the most frequently used in mechanical practice.

1.what does knowing a word involve? knowing a word means knowing its_____ and _____; knowing a word means knowing its _____ and _____; knowing a word means knowing its _____;

2.vocabulary learning “involves at least two aspects of meaning. the first aspect involves the understanding of its _____ and _____ meaning. the second aspect involves understanding the _____among words.”

3.denotative meaning: the primary,___ or explicit meaning of a word, which refers to ―those words that we use to_____things as regards real objects, such as a name or a sign, etc. in the ____world.

4. collocations help achieve ____ and _____in language learning

5. language is made up of three main elements:_____, phonetics and vocabulary.

1. ______refer to a group of words that go together to form meaning

2.for effective teaching of vocabulary, it is always useful for a teacher to have a list of techniques so that learners can choose a technique according to the type of ______and different______ of the learners.

3. providing a visual or physical _____whenever possible, using pictures, photos, video clips, mimes or gestures to show ______is one of the ways to present vocabulary.

5. if the word to be presented has some ______ meaning, the teacher should translate and examplify it.

1. to improve the quality of revision, learners should do ______and review the newly learned words regularly.

2. in order to let students create their personal dictionary, perhaps regular class time should be devoted to help students specifically work on their_______ particularly at the beginning stage.

3. in managing a strategy use, students should first be guided constantly to self-evaluate _______of their strategy used for vocabulary learning

4. there are generally five strategies involved in vocabulary learning: reviewing regularly,___, organizing vocabulary effectively, ______ and managing a strategy use

1. language is made up of three main elements: grammar, phonetics and vocabulary.

2. vocabulary is the carrier of phonetics and grammar and is also the construction material of linguistic building.

3. knowing a word involves knowing its pronunciation and stress; knowing its spelling and grammatical properties; knowing its meaning;

4. vocabulary learning involves at least two aspects of meaning. the first aspect involves the understanding of its denotative and connotative meaning. the second aspect involves understanding the sense relations among words.

5. connotative meaning is the primary, literal or explicit meaning of a word, which refers to “those words that we use to label things as regards real objects, such as a name or a sign, etc. in the physical world.

6. in hedge’s words, connotative meaning is “the attitudes or emotions of a language user in choosing a word and the influence of these on the listener or reader’s interpretation of the world” interpretation of the world”

7. collocations help achieve fluency and appropriateness in language learning.

8. using lexical sets or hyponyms to show relations of words and their meanings is one of the ways to present vocabulary items.

9. review the words regularly has proven to be one of the effective vocabulary learning strategies.

10. in the use of a dictionary, students should try to look up every word they do not know when reading.

1. spoken english is not well planned, but ______.

2. sentences in spoken english are often incomplete, ungrammatical, and full of ______, false starts, and redundancies.

3.if it is not recorded, spoken language can’t be listened to again. it is expected to be understood ______.

1. one can only improve speaking by speaking more. ( )

3. the purpose of giving students a variety of speaking is to make them be able to cope with different situations in reality. ( )

4.controlled activities mainly focus on meaning and communication. ( )

5. communicative activities allow for real information exchange. ( )

1. if it is not recorded, spoken language can’t be listened to again. it is expected to be understood immediately. ( )

2. sentences in spoken english are often carefully constructed and well organized. ( )

3. we should make the best use of classroom learning environment to provide sufficient language input and practice for the students in speaking teaching.( )

4. helping students develop speaking strategies is important in speaking teaching.( )

5. we cannot keep balance between accuracy-based practice and fluency-based practice in speaking teaching. ( )

6. the teacher’s task is to design meaningful, motivating, linguistically appropriate and cognitively challenging tasks to give students maximum opportunities to practice speaking. ( )

7. the purpose of giving students a variety of speaking is to help keep motivation low. ( )

8. semi-controlled activities focus more on meaning and communication. ( )

9. communicative activities include functional communicative activities and social interaction activities. ( )

10. different all groups should work at the same level, then all students will continue learning and remain more motivated. ( )

1 characteristics of the listening process include:_____, _____,_______ , _______and _______.

2 one major reason for students’ poor listening skill is that listening is often neglected in teaching due to lack of _____, lack of _____ and lack of _____ where language learners need to understand spoken english.

3 the context of listening is usually known to both the listener and the speaker in real life . in other words, we know the ________ between the listener and the speaker.

4. while listening, the speakers’ facial expressions, gestures and other body language will provide us _____ which can help us understand and predict what we hear.

5. in the bottom-up model, listening comprehension is believed to start with____ and____. in other words, “we use information in the speech itself to try to comprehend the meaning”.

1. top-down processing refers to the use of _____ knowledge in understanding the meaning of a message.

2.there are two major purposes in listening. the first is for social reasons, the second is to obtain and exchange __________.

3. another problem with many listening exercises in traditional textbooks is that they text students’ memory, not their______.

4. while designing listening tasks, it it very important to grade ______of the tasks.

1.as far as classroom procedures are concerned, the teaching of listening generally follows three stages: _____,______ and ______.

2.in the bottom-up model, listening comprehension is believed to start with____ and____. in other words, “we use information in the speech itself to try to comprehend the meaning”.

3. top-down processing refers to the use of _____ knowledge in understanding the meaning of a message.

4.pre-listening tasks must be used to stimulate the appropriate ___________ and help learners to identify the purpose of the listening activity

5. there is a method called ______, which concentrates on learning language by listening and responding to commands or directions.

1. the skills of listening and reading are often thought of as passive skills, therefore people can do nothing to process information that they are receiving.

2. it is important to develop listening skills together with other skills, especially reading, because ordinarily , listening is not an isolated skill.

3. the most typical type of post-listening task is the multiple-choice comprehension question.

4. there are many opportunities to integrate listening with the practice of other language skills, especially at the while-listening stage.

5. listening for the gist is similar to the concept of skimming a passage in reading.

6. the while-listening stage is the most difficult for the teacher to control, because this is where students need to pay attention and process the information actively.

7. setting the scene for the stuents before listening ia a type of preilistening activity.

8. generally, dictogloss has three stages: preparation, dictation and reconstruction.

9. answering questions is a good example of how while-listening and post-listening is combined.

10. recent research has shown that by not giving students any task the first time they listen to a passage, it can take the anxiety out of listening.

1. the purposes of silent reading are for ______ and also for pleasure.

2. the form of activity in reading aloud is______.

4. the main obstacle in english reading is______.

5. efficient reading begins with a lightening-like ______ recognition of words.

2. in teaching reading, tasks should not be clearly given in advance. ( )

3. in teaching reading, the selected texts and attached tasks should be accessible to the students.( )

4. the purpose of transition device is be able to simplify sophisticated output. ( )

5. the theory of top-down model is that one’s background knowledge plays a more important role than new words and new structures in reading comprehension. ( )

1. the purpose of pre-reading is to facilitate while-reading activities. ( )

2.the reader’s predictions, whether right or wrong, will get his mind closer to the theme of the text to be read. ( )

3.the key point in scanning is that the reader has something in his mind and he should ignore the irrelevant parts when reading. ( )

4. the purpose of transition device is be able to simplify sophisticated output. ( )

5.information presented in plain text form does not facilitate information retention. ( )

1. the teacher should try to introduce an extensive reading scheme whenever possible to encourage learners to read more after class ( )

2. the best and easiest way to develop vocabulary is not to read a great deal. ( )

3. fluent reading depends on a general knowledge about the target language. ( )

6. tasks should be designed to encourage selective and intelligent reading for the main meaning rather than test the students’ understanding of trivial details. ( )

7. tasks should help test their reading comprehension rather than develop students’ reading skills. ( )

8. the teacher should help students not merely to cope with one particular text in class but to develop their reading strategies and reading ability in general. ( )

9. the teacher should provide enough guidance and assistance at the beginning to help students read and develop reading strategies but gradually withdraw his/her guidance as students progress. ( )

1. writing is a real-life reality. day to day, we write to get things done and to form and maintain______.

2. we write for various reasons, such as to convey ______ or just to keep a record of what is in our life.

3. the communicative approach to writing is to motivate students by engaging them in some act of______.

4. the purpose of writing in flt is to______ language that is recently studied

5. while writing, some never put down a word before ______ the sentence many times in their mind

1. the product-oriented method of teaching writing pays great attention to the accuracy of the final product but ignores the process, which the students go through to reach the final goal. ( )

2. in order to motivate students to write, we should leave students enough room for creativity and imagination.( )

3. the process-oriented method of teaching writing is that the teacher provides the help to guide the students through the process that they undergo when they are writing.( )

4. in order to motivate students to write, we should encourage collaborative group writing. ( )

5. making the topic of writing as close as possible to students’ life is important for motivating students to write.( )

1. there is a great variety of things we write in reality. ( )

2. while writing, students should be given ideas to express rather than being invited to invent their own. ( )

3. while writing, some never put down a word before rehearsing the sentence many times in their mind. ( )

4. in current writing tasks, for students, there are always many opportunities for creative writing, particular for expressing unusual or original ideas. ( )

5. while writing, someone will write down anything that comes to their mind before they start drafting and then do a lot of editing a proof-reading. ( )

6. in order to motivate students to write, we should prepare students well before writing. ( )

7. teaching of writing should focus on the product rather than the process. ( )

8. providing constructive and positive feedback is important for motivating students to write. ( )

9. not all the writing tasks should have communicative purposes. ( )

10. give students feedback throughout the composing process (not just on the final product) to consider as they attempt to bring their expression closer and closer to intention. ( )


( )最适合运送急需物质、鲜活商品、精密仪器以及贵重物品。

按运输中途是否换载分类,国际货物运输分为( )。

按运输中途是否换载分类,国际货物运输分为( )。

在班轮运价表中用字母“m”表示的计收标准为( )


cy-cy运输条款下进口时,cy经营人责任期限是( )。

国际海运集装箱按用途不同可以分成不同类型的集装箱,其中“ fr ”代表 ( )。

cy-cy集装箱运输条款是指( )。


集装箱运输单证有( )。


which of the following languages belongs to the indo-european language family?

which of the following is the second largest language family in the world?

which language family does english belong to?

what are the three fundamental elements of a language?

which of the following expressions equal(s) to lingua franca?

languages only exist in the community of humans.

with pronunciation, a language can become a spoken one.

the quality of pronunciation does not necessarily reflect the connotative meaning of the speech.

pronunciation must be produced through vocal organs.

how can you distinguish between front vowels, central vowels, and back vowels?

in the following groups of vowels, are mid vowels.

in the following statements, which one is right?

which of the following correctly describes the english phoneme /θ/?

the main difference between /m/ and /n/ lies in ________ .

/s/ and/θ/ can be distinguished by_____.

which of the following words consists of a final consonant cluster?

which of the following statements is/are correct about vowels?

in the following groups of vowels, are not all front vowels.

in the following words, have tense vowels.

in the following vowels, are back vowels.

the pairs of english phonemes_____differ in the manner of articulation.

the pair(s) of english phonemes____ differ inthe place of articulation.

in the following consonants, _______are voiceless.

tongue height, tongue backness and lip roundedness are three features that daniel jones used in developing the cardinal vowel system to describe vowels.

distinctive feature is a particular characteristic which distinguishes one sound of a language from another or one group of sounds from another group.

the vowel sound of “flour” is a triphthong.

/p/ and /b/ are both pronounced with the lips.

in terms of the place ofarticulation, /t/, /d/, /s/, /z/, and /n/ are all dental.

the word “speech” consists of an initial consonant cluster.

which of the following words is a monosyllabic word?

which of the following words consists of an open syllable?

which of the following words consists of a closed syllable?

which of the following words consists of two syllables?

liaison isn’t involved in _________.

what would you like, hot (/hɒt/) tea (/ti:/) or black coffee? in this sentence, the /t/ in “hot”and /t/ in “tea” should merge into one.

the word “walked” should be pronounced as [wɔ:ktə].

the right pronunciation of the word “see” is [xi:].

the right pronunciation of “grow” should be [ɡərəʊ].

syllable structure is a difficult area for chinese efl learners.

which syntactic constituent corresponds with intonation units more frequently?

intonation reflects in:

what is the function(s) of intonation?

a sense group can be comprised of syntactic-units such as:

which data proves the consistency of intonation-unit, syntactic-unit and sense unit?

sense equals to the meaning of a word or a phrase.

sense group refers to a group of sensory verbs.

the hierarchical structure in syntactic constituent is: sentence-phrase-clause-word.

pause is the most frequently mentioned marker of an intonation-unit boundary.

we usually identify intonation-units by pitch.

what is the function(s) of pause in a flow of speech?

how do you understand the following sentence? i didn’t come because he told me.

who might be dressed in the following sentence? she dressed and fed the baby.

how do you understand following sentences with different positions of pause: (1) i sent some presents to my friend who lives in nanjing (2) i sent some presents to my friend // who lives in nanjing

how do you understand the following sentence? lily didn’t answer my question honestly.

why chinese efl learners tend to produce too many pauses in their english speech?

choose the sentence(s) with the wrong position of pause:

the strength and duration of the pause may lead to different meanings in a flow of speech.

in sentence “mary left her mother to make a cup of coffee”, mary’s mother cannot be the one who made coffee.

in sentence “the manager chose eddie a teacher”, “teacher” may refer to eddie or someone else.

how many syllables are there in the word banana?

did you the professor’s notes today?

the president of the united states lives in the _____?

which of the following is correct?

which of the following ways are stresses correctly expressed?

which of the following are content words?

each word has only one stress and the stress in always on the vowel.

for compound adjectives (like bad-tempered, old-fashioned), the stress is on the first part.

vowel reduction is used on stressed syllables in order to make the unstressed syllables less prominent.

word stress is important because it can help you understand a word even if you did not hear it clearly.

in sentence stress, new information is usually _____while given information is ____?

which of the following responses to the question below is correctly stressed? q: what is your name?

which of the following responses to the question below is correctly stressed? q: whose name is peter?

rhythm is important in english because_____.

which of the following conversation is stressed correctly?

which of the following words or phrases are correctly stressed?

isochrony may change the lexical stress of english words when clustered together.

chinese is a “syllable-timed” language and english is a “stress-timed” language.

in english, syllables always last for a fairly constant length of time.

the nucleus of an intonationunit is usually the first content word of the unit.

chinese is a ________language. english is an________ language.

chinese has ________ basic lexical tones and one neutral tone.

in chinese,________ have relatively fixed tones.

in english, the nucleus usually occurs on the ________lexical item.

rising tone is most often used in ________.

falling tone is frequently used in ________,________,________ andexclamations.

in english, there are three primary tones, fall, rise and fall-rise.

the primary tones have two major functions, indicating sentence types and labeling information status.

to label information status,rising tone indicates the current information is new and falling tone means that the current information is given.

“hi.” with ____________expresses the speaker’s joy to see the listener.

“thank you.” with____________ sounds casual and is usually used to show gratitude for a all favor.

boundary tones often work closely with____________ to construct intonation groups.

in a british cafe, when a waitress says“sugar?”, to ask a customer whether he or she wants sugar in his or her coffee, she often uses____________.

in english, there are three secondary falling tones,____________,____________and____________.

low fall in statements conveys____________or____________.

in a conversation, the speaker’s use of ____________ or____________ at the end of statements may discourage the listener from replying.

in english, there are three secondary rising tones, low rise, high rise and rise-fall.

high fall in statements indicates that the speaker is interested or involved.

the communicative functions of tones include expressing emotions,maintaining the interactional order,building up identities and constructing the context for interpretation.

if we address to a larger group, we need to____________ the volume and pay attention to those who sit ____________ us.

native speakers of english usually talk in their daily conversation at a rate _____________per minute.

a _____________ rate usually helps us to express happiness, while a _____________ rate helps us to express sadness.

a general rule of sentence accentuation is to stress_____________ and weaken_____________ .

dale carnegie once said, “_____________, in public speech, is not mere silence-it is silence made designedly eloquent.”

public speaking serves four general purposes:___________, ___________, ___________ and ___________. (多选)

five important factors in a public speaking involve______________ , ______________,______________ ______________, and effect. (多选)

three important elements in the criteria for assessing speaking are______________ , ______________ and ______________. (多选)

top-level public speakers should bear in mind six words: accurate, fluent,_____________ , _____________, _____________and_____________. (多选)

enunciation means to pronounce words____________ , ____________ and ____________. (多选)

according to kachru’s three circles model of english, which circle would these english varieties, singaporean english, canadian english, german english, china english, indian english, belong to respectively?

what do rp and ga stand for respectively?

we often use world englishes to emphasize that the language belongs to speakers who use it as a/an _______

the goal of proposing the three circles model of english is to ________

what is the most common used model accent for learners of english as a foreign or second language?

the british and the americans are the only processors of english.

it is possible to communicate effectively among speakers of different english varieties.

both rp and ga are widely used by the well-educated people, and on national radios and tv networks.

american english is merely shaped by british english.

it is improper to use the word “englishes” under any situation.

which of the following does not involve the difference of pronunciation between rp and ga?

two speakers from different countries are discussing a picture. speakera …and the second picture, the bottom of the, the bottom of the picture, there is mmm gley house. speaker b (frowns) speaker a (register a’s frown) gley and all house. it’s very old. speaker b you mean grey house? speaker a yeah! (adapted from jenkins 2002: 82) based on the above conversation, why did these two speakers understand each other finally?

if you are going to give a talk to speakers who are from different english varieties, which of the following aspects will you pay attention to during the talk?

if a foreigner is asking you the way to a shopping market, how would you say this sentence to make the communication effectively? so you can go right, then straight, then go right again, then left, to reach all the way to the top.

if one of your friends has a strong accent when he/she speaks english, what suggestions would you give to him/her?

there are more of similarities than of differences between rp and ga.

if there is one deviated sound of some speaker’s speech, it must cause misunderstandings.

sometimes native english speakers’ speeches are not easier for us chinese speakers to understand than those of non-native english speakers.

correct pronunciation of segmentals is the most important aspect in international communication.

conveying information and making ourselves understood by listeners are the primary goal under the context of world englishes.
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