
地理问答 1701




【单选题】体系结构是由( )方向上的协议和( )方向上的服务构成的:

【单选题】集线器既不能隔离( ),也不能隔离( )

【单选题】交换机位于( ),它通过mac地址表进行数据转发

【单选题】交换机的工作原理中的操作包括( )

【单选题】交换机通过( )建立自己的mac地址表

【单选题】交换机可以隔离( )

【单选题】路由器工作在( ),实现不同网段的通信

【单选题】路由器可以隔离( )

【单选题】ip地址是给每个连接在因特网上的主机(或路由器)分配一个在全世界范围是惟一的 ( )bit 的标识符

【单选题】ip地址的编址分为三个阶段,分别是:( )




【单选题】c类地址的默认子网掩码是( )

【单选题】cidr编址将ip地址分为两部分:( )

【单选题】前缀为13的地址块的掩码为( )

【单选题】 中,斜线后面的20表示网络前缀的比特数,也表示子网掩码中( )的个数


【单选题】只有在交换机的( )模式下输入查看命令才能进行当前配置的查看

【单选题】在交换机的( )模式下才能创建vlan

【单选题】只有在交换机的( )模式下才能配置接口

【单选题】若一项命令写错,可以在该项命令前加上“( )”,将该命令删除

【单选题】查看当前交换机配置的命令是( )

【单选题】交换机保存配置的命令是( )

【单选题】查看vlan配置的命令是( )


【多选题】交换机的带外管理实现的是对交换机进行初始化的配置,包括( )



【单选题】( )技术可以进行广播域的隔离


【单选题】tag-vlan中,( )

【单选题】tag -vlan中,端口为( )模式

【单选题】跨交换机实现相同vlan通信需要用到( )技术

【单选题】三层交换机相当于( )

【单选题】三层交换机是通过创建( ),从而生成( )来实现vlan路由的

【单选题】三层交换机为每个vlan创建的svi地址就是该vlan主机的( )地址

【单选题】( )技术是将交换机上的多个端口逻辑上捆绑在一起,形成一个拥有较大宽带的端口,实现冗余和增加带宽

【单选题】当多台交换机考虑到稳定性和可靠性,连接组成一个环路时,必须开启( )避免广播风暴

【单选题】路由器是根据收到ip数据包的( )地址,抽取出对应的( )地址,再来查表转发的

【单选题】当给路由器的端口配上ip地址后,就生成了( )

【单选题】查看路由表的命令是( )

【单选题】从路由器的用户模式到特权模式输入( ),从特权模式到全局模式输入( ),从全局模式到接口模式输入( )

【单选题】要实现不同网段的主机通信,那么该主机必须设置默认,这个地址就是( )

【单选题】查看本机的tcp/ip所有配置命令是( ),查看本机ip地址信息的命令是( )

【单选题】测试两台主机是否能通信的命令是( )

【多选题】路由器是根据路由表进行查表转发数据的,路由表的生成有三种方式( )

【多选题】路由器的管理方式分为( )

【多选题】路由器端口ip地址的配置原则正确的是:( )

【单选题】由管理员手动输入路由条目的方式,生成了( )

【单选题】( )是具有方向性的,因此配好了一个方向的路由还要考虑反方向的路由

【单选题】( )是静态路由的一种特殊情况,通常在99.99%的( )上都会配置它,将内网主机上网数据传给isp连局域网的接口,为实现上网做好路由准备

【单选题】nat技术实现了内网的多个( )转换为极少数( )上网的功能

【单选题】( )用于实现需要向外网络提供信息服务的主机,实现永久的一对一ip地址映射关系

【单选题】( )用于内网主机访问外网服务,建立临时的一对一ip地址映射关系

【单选题】动态napt映射后的( )通常就是出口路由器的出接口ip地址

【单选题】在路由器上配置了诸如rip、ospf这样的路由选择协议,就会生成( )

【多选题】三层交换机实现路由的方式有:( )

【多选题】常见的私有地址有( )

【单选题】层次化的网络设计思想是将网络规划为三层,它们是( )

【单选题】在网络拓扑搭建中,( )层是最终用户与网络的接口,提供较高的端口密度和即插即用的特性,一般设计在各楼宇楼层内,便于管理和维护,实现广播隔离、端口安全等

【单选题】在网络拓扑搭建中,( )层是把大量来自接入层数据进行汇聚和集中,实现通信量的收敛。

【单选题】在网络拓扑搭建中,( )层是一个高速的交换骨干,是网络所有流量的最终承受者和汇聚者,通常三层交换机作为核心层设备,置于中心机房,可实现路由等

【多选题】网络规划与设计的内容包括:( )






【单选题】提高情商能力,首先要认知自己的( )

【单选题】在人力资源配置上( )的人,从事管理工作、中高级领导工作

【单选题】今天谈论的情商一般缩写为( )

【单选题】( )是情商的核心

【单选题】古人讲的“吾日三省吾身”、“反躬自省”就是讲的( )

【单选题】情商和智商是相互支撑的( )

【单选题】情商和智商的关系是( )

【单选题】情商是( )

【单选题】( )被誉为“情商之父”

【单选题】一个人的情绪应该表达而又没有表达的出来的状况,称之为( )

【单选题】智商再高,情商不高,不一定能成功( )


【单选题】每个人都是由智商和情商两者组合的综合题( )

【单选题】在人成功的要素中,( )是重要因素

【单选题】情商和智商是相互独立的,两种治理相互之间没有影响( )

【单选题】对某种事情产生不同情感的原因( )

【单选题】人们分析完一个问题后,第一个反应是( )

【单选题】不同信念的人对同一事件会产生( )的情感

【单选题】分析事件到最后的行为反应是有一个过程的,其中需要经过( )

【单选题】环境能改变一个人的信念标准( )

【单选题】消极情绪主要还是( )的问题

【单选题】下列哪种心态不是积极心态( )

【单选题】人的心态不会因外界事件而发生改变( )

【单选题】化悲痛为力量说明积极情绪和消极情绪有( )的特点

【单选题】保持健康情绪状态的方法与途径,不包括( )

【单选题】调控情绪根本方法是( )

【单选题】情商训练作用不大,是因为( )

【单选题】调控情绪根本方法是( )

【单选题】情商训练作用不大,是因为( )

【单选题】成语塞翁失马,焉知非福,说的是不是换角度思考?( )

【单选题】秀才赶考的故事是不是换角度思考?( )

【单选题】换角度思考后,对解决问题( )

【单选题】阿q精神是不是换角度思考?( )

【单选题】换角度思考是不是一种消极思维?( )

【单选题】处理不良情感的最好方式是( )

【单选题】当自己遇到问题而快要失去理智的时候,高情商的人会( )

【单选题】辨认自身或他人压力的关键是( )

【单选题】做到今日事今日毕并不容易,因为紧迫感会让我们压力更大。解决这个问题的一个有效方法就是( )

【单选题】音乐对人的情绪有( )作用

【单选题】消除浮躁情绪的主要手段是社会要正确引导( )

【单选题】幽默感对于减轻精神和心理压力没有什么太大的帮助( )

【单选题】宣泄一般是在背地里,在知心朋友中进行的,采取的形式有( )

【单选题】遇有不良情绪时,最简单的办法就是( )

【单选题】“眼泪是上帝珍贵的礼物”,在一定程度上说明释放不良情绪可以通过( )方法

【单选题】愤怒是一种激烈的情绪表现,它也有一定的好处( )

【单选题】下列哪个选项不是运用克制法时需要做到的( )

【单选题】愤怒是一种激烈的情绪表现,它也有一定的好处( )

【单选题】到空旷的山野给自己拟定一个遐想目标大声喊叫以宣泄心中怨气的情绪宣泄的方法是( )

【单选题】对自己爱慕之人与异往产生嫉妒情绪,以致产生猜疑甚至限制对方的行为。这是个不良情绪的表现( )


【单选题】不是没有不可能,只是暂时没有找到方法,这种说法是( )

【单选题】自我激励的基石是( )

【单选题】积极的自我暗示是( ),以下哪条最适合。

【单选题】王力同学的数学成绩好,常常受到老师和同学的夸奖,由此对数学产生浓厚的兴趣并在全国数学奥林匹克竞赛中获得铜奖。这说明( )

【单选题】撑起信心最重要的支柱是( )

【单选题】自我暗示是不是自欺欺人?( )

【单选题】算命先生的话是对他人的自我暗示吗?( )

【单选题】班会上,老师要求每个学生夸夸自己,写出自己身上的10个优点。10分钟过去了,小明一条也写不出来。他说:"我没有优点。"对小明的最好的建议是( )

【单选题】王力同学的数学成绩好,常常受到老师和同学的夸奖,由此对数学产生浓厚的兴趣并在全国数学奥林匹克竞赛中获得铜奖。这说明( )

【单选题】撑起信心最重要的支柱是( )

【单选题】下列各种心理,属于成功的基石的是( )


【单选题】人际关系最重要的特点是具有( )的基础

【单选题】( )是用嘴的艺术

【单选题】认识他人的情绪情感主要是通过( )

【单选题】特别适合从事监督、教学、销售与管理的工作的人具有( )

【单选题】遇到困难和挫折时会愁容满面,说明( )反映着人的情绪状态

【单选题】提高情商能力,首先要认知自己的( )

【单选题】下列哪个选项不是认知他人情绪情感的方法( )

【单选题】情商水平高的人具备以下( )特点

【单选题】处理人的情感反映最好的方式是了解人的情感知觉( )

【单选题】高兴时手舞足蹈,失望时垂头丧气,说明( )反映着人的情绪状态

【单选题】同样的事情,人们会得到截然不同的看法这恰恰反映了人们自己的( )

【单选题】消除浮躁情绪的主要手段是社会要正确的引导( )

【单选题】人际关系最重要的特点是具有( )的基础

【单选题】下列哪种做法不能消除抑郁情绪( )

【单选题】体恤他人情绪的方法是( )

【单选题】( )是用嘴的艺术

【单选题】只有( ),很可能就不会处理人际关系,不好合作

【单选题】想要提高情商的人需要学会聆听、赞美别人和宽容( )

【单选题】人际关系取决于一个人( )

【单选题】人际交往中,表达下面情绪应是( )

【单选题】养殖热带观赏鱼,水温一般以( )为宜。

【单选题】将新买回的观赏鱼放入鱼缸时其温差不超过( )为宜,温差过大,引发鱼病。

【单选题】解决鱼缸里溶解氧缺少的常用方法是( )。

【单选题】用自来水饲养观赏鱼,需要除掉水中的游离氯,否则鱼会引起中毒甚至死亡。除氯的常用方法是( )。

【单选题】饲养观赏鱼时一般用( )来稳定水质。

【单选题】水质硬度指( )的高低。

【单选题】观赏鱼运输过程中以下那一条要避免( )。

【单选题】用卵胎生繁殖的鱼是( )。

【单选题】观赏鱼入缸时一般要用( )消毒处理。

【单选题】只能单独养殖的鱼是( )。

















































to put it in a simple way, linguistics studies ________, meaning of linguistic units, and the use and interpretation of a sentence in different contexts.

to have a scientific language study, we must pursue brevity in yzing the data and in stating our findings, which can be summarized as the standard of ________.

parole refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.

the reason for frenchmen to use cheval and for english to use horse to refer to the same animal is inexplicable.

of speech and writing, modern linguistics regards writing as the primary medium of communication.

according to chomsky, competence is the actual realization of the performance in linguistic communication.

which of the following disciplines are related to applied linguistics?

unlike animal communication systems, human language is ________.

________ has been widely accepted as the forefather of modern linguistics.

by saying language is arbitrary, we mean that there is no logical connection between meaning and ________.

what kind of sounds can we make, when the vocal cords are vibrating?

which one is different from the others according to manners of articulation?

which of the following cannot be considered as a minimal pair?

the sound /z/ can be described with “voiced, ________, alveolar”.

in english, if three consonants cluster together at the beginning of a word, the combination could be the following except ________.

a phoneme in one language or one dialect may be an allophone in another language or dialect.

the speech sounds which are in complementary distribution are definitely allophones of the same phoneme.

broad transcription is intended to symbolize all the possible speech sounds, including the minute shades.

the initial sound of “peak” is aspirated while the second sound of “speak” is unaspirated. they are allophones.

phonetic similarity means that the allophones of a phoneme must bear some morphological resemblance.

the italicized word in the sentence “they are better fed, better housed, and better clothed than ever before” is a good example of ________.

we can classify morphemes into ________.

________ of the four words are good examples of compounding.

the word children contains _________ morphemes

the italicized word in sentence ________, the italicized part doesn't involve conversion.

most prefixes can occur as independent words.

such compounds as quick-frozen, far-fetched, fresh-baked, and long-awaited are created by “a./ad. v.-ed”.

in american english, compounds are not usually written solid as soon as they have gained some permanent status.

a compound can be formed by placing any lexical item in front of another.

syntax is the study of how words and phrases are properly formed out of elements of a language.

many syntactic theories have developed in response to generative syntax.

in the course of its development, generative grammar gradually shifted its focus from language itself to the native speaker’s knowledge of language.

in the generative tradition, language is usually understood to refer to the all the language structures that native speakers can generate.

according to chomsky, i-language refers to a set of sentences a native speaker can use.

the sub-component which includes the rules governing word formation is called ________.

________ is to syntax what phoneme to phonology and morpheme to morphology.

among the following categories, ________ are word categories.

in the category of cp, letter c stands for ____________.

the approach to semantic study that is more concerned with the relationship between linguistic expressions and the phenomena in the world to which they refer may be called ________.

the contextualist view of meaning is based on the presumption that one can derive meaning from observable contexts.

meaning can be studied as ________.

predication ysis is to break down predications into their constituents: ________ and ________.

the predication of the sentence “jack is happy” is said to consist of jack, the _________, and happy, the predicate.

the sense relations between words can be yzed in terms of truth conditions.

as for gradable antonyms, the denial of one is the assertion of the other.

a pair of complementary antonyms is characterized by the feature that the denial of one member implies the assertion of the other.

the concept of reference can be regarded as a connection between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.

according to the classic semantic triangle suggested by ogden and richards, the meaning of a word is the concept connecting the word with the real thing in the world. this concept is called reference or thought.

all the acts that belong to the same category act share the same purpose or the same illocutionary act, and they are the same in their strength or force.

conversation participants almost always observe the cp and the maxims of the cp.

a sentence is grammatical concept, and the meaning of a sentence is often studied as the abstract intrinsic property of the sentence itself in terms of a predication

utterance is based on sentence meaning; it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication or simply in a context.

the cooperative principle is proposed by ________.

the maxim of quantity requires: ________.

most of the violations of the maxims of the cp give rise to ________.

the significance of grice’s cp lies in that it explains how it is possible for the speaker to convey ________ is literally said.

the following is the clipped words except ________.

as a result of the norman conquest of 1066, vast quantities of ________ words were added to the english vocabulary.

morphological and syntactic changes in english language including the following except ________.

the following are the methods for the addition of new words except ________.

the meaning of word accident has undergone the process of ________.

the word pioneer used to refer to a foot soldier who cleared the way for any army by falling trees, but now it refers to a person who goes before, preparing the way for others, as a scientist doing exploratory work. this process of change is called ________.

which of the following words are formed by clipping?

only words of the same parts of speech can be combined to form compounds.

all the former job titles with -man have been replaced by the new job titles with -person.

the change of grammar is caused by economy of memory.

someone who can speak many languages is called ________.

the social factors in sociolinguistic studies do include ________.

ethnic dialects are mainly spoken by a less privileged population, such as the ________.

code-switching can happen in ________.

from different perspectives, sociolinguistics may be classified into ________.

gender varieties arise because language, as a social phenomenon, is closely related to social attitudes.

macro-studies are to look at society as a whole and consider how language functions in it and how it reflects the social differentiations.

for a sociolinguist, code-switching means the switch made by a speaker or writer from one language or language variety to another.

greek does not belong to indo-european language family.

in sociolinguistics, code-switching is the use of more than one linguistic variety in a manner consistent with the syntax and phonology of each variety.

language is heavily tinted with its culture, and culture also affects its people’s language uses.

acculturation means a continuing process whereby an inidual acquires a personal identity and learns the norms, values, behavior, and social skills appropriate to his or her social position.

the appearance of loan words is one typical example of cultural diffusion.

language and culture are closely related to each other, and it is extremely difficult to separate the two.

the ignorance of cultural differences will not necessarily create barriers in learning the target language and in communication.

denotative meaning refers to the meaning that isn’t stated but implied; the implication of a word, apart from its primary meaning.

successful communication occurs when the listener can ________ from the speaker’s point of view.

in cross-cultural communication, ________ are key points to mutual understanding and can serve as the bridge that will help us transcend cultural barriers.

the common denial that birds are animals among very young children is a typical example of over-extension.

dyslexia refers to the abnormal difficulty in reading and spelling caused by a brain lesion.

many studies of children’s acquisition sequences and errors in various languages have revealed that children have some ________ for making sense of language information.

according to chomsky, human beings are not biologically programmed for language and the language develops in the child with extreme attention and efforts.

the innatists argue that children can discover the rules and principles underneath the language by trial and error.

the speech contains content words and lacks function elements can be called ________.

which of the following is the term meaning repetition of sounds, syllables, or phrases where the speaker cannot “release” the words?

interlanguage is defined as an abstract system of learners’ target language system.

the goal of contrastive ysis is to predict what areas will be easy to learn and what areas will be difficult to learn.

contrastive ysis involves describing the learners’ interlanguage, then comparing the two forms to locate miatches.

it is generally believed that people learn their first language consciously and acquire their second language naturally.

mistakes often occur when learners fail to perform their competence, suggesting failure in ________.

________ errors occur when the learner misuses an item because it shares features with an item in the native language.

*“i losed the game.” and “there are ten sheeps.” are illustrations of ________ and performance errors.

it is generally accepted that successful learners tend to use more strategies and use them more selectively and flexibly.

according to contrastive ysis, the greater the differences between l1 and l2, the more frequently the error will occur.

________ produce fast and fluent speech with good intonation and pronunciation but the content of their speech ranges from mildly inappropriate to complete nonsense, often as unintelligible.

________ is the study of language in relation to the mind.

the brain is ided into two roughly symmetrical halves, called ________, one on the right and one on the left.

which of the following parts of the brain accounts for the human distinctness in the animal world?

which of the following methods are used to examine the behavior associated with the brain?

left hemisphere is primarily responsible for language and there are specific language areas within the left hemisphere.

it has been proved that the right ear shows an advantage for the perception of linguistic signal.

most right-handed iniduals have language represented in the left hemisphere and left-handers have language localization in the right hemisphere.

in the priming experiment, both prime and target are stimuli.

the priming task tells us that aspects of phonology are automatically activated during word reading.

which event stands for the formal establishment of cognitive linguistics as a discipline?

in the metaphor “our car has broken down”, the source domain is?

which of the following views means that “the choice of the subject of a sentence depends on the degree of the prominence of each element in the context described by the sentence”?

cognitive linguistics is born on the basis of ________.

both ________ and ________ were written by george lakoff.

the essential feature of the traditional view of the category is the binary opposition.

in different cultures, the prototypes of the category “bird” may be different.

metaphors are culture-related.

the prototype category‘s philosophical roots are based on family similarity.

【单选题】1,兼毫是由( )种以上毫毛所制?

【单选题】七紫三羊是用( )毫制成的笔。




【单选题】起初宣纸作为专有名词是因( )命名。

【单选题】宣纸按原料配比分类不正确的是( )。














【单选题】书法的源头最早可以追溯到( )

【单选题】书体与书定的演变与( )最为紧密

【单选题】汉字构造中,不属于“六书”的是其中的( )

【单选题】汉字是一种什么特性的文字( )

【单选题】先秦文字的体势与笔法是何种关系( )

【单选题】书法的源头最早可以追溯到( )

【单选题】书体与书定的演变与( )最为紧密

【单选题】汉字构造中,不属于“六书”的是其中的( )

【单选题】汉字是一种什么特性的文字( )

【单选题】先秦文字的体势与笔法是何种关系( )

【单选题】秦始皇实行“书同文”的字体是( )

【单选题】最早规范的汉字应当算是( )

【单选题】汉字形体在秦以后第一次大变化称为( )

【单选题】汉代隶书除了碑版之外,比较多的是( )

【单选题】与碑版隶书正体相对应的变体,后人称之为( )

【单选题】出土汉代帛书最有名的是( )

【单选题】竹木简较有名的是( )

【单选题】魏晋南北朝的南北书法分称,多谓( )

【单选题】王羲之与王献之的书法风格是何关系( )

【单选题】江左书风主要体现在哪种材质上( )

【单选题】南与北的代表形式,在笔画方面的区别主要在( )

【单选题】代表南方书风最高成就的是这个时期的( )

【单选题】“书圣”主要的成就是( )

【单选题】“唐人尚法”主要是指的在哪种书体上有成就( )

【单选题】唐初四大家指的是( )

【单选题】唐人受北朝书法影响较深的有( )

【单选题】唐太宗最喜欢谁的书法( )

【单选题】《集王书圣教序》的主体文章是哪位皇帝撰写的( )

【单选题】唐代草书最有名的是( )

【单选题】“宋人尚意”,在书法中的表现有( )

【单选题】元代书法中,以复古为开新的代表人物是( )

【单选题】明人在书法上复古,走得并不彻底,但较好的有( )

【单选题】清人帖学较明显的是( )

【单选题】清人倡碑较有名的是( )

【单选题】刻意生新的清人有( )

【单选题】清代复兴隶书的人物有( )

【单选题】碑帖之争在书体之外的意义是( )

【单选题】西学东渐,使的传统书法,首先是在( )上有所变化。

【单选题】属于民国书法五大家的人物之一有( )

【单选题】于右任的主要成就是在哪一种书体( )

【单选题】康有为的主要成就是( )

【单选题】李瑞清书法主要是从( )书体中化出

【单选题】民国初融金石于笔下的最名人物是( )

【单选题】郑孝胥的路数是( )

【单选题】魏晋南北朝的南北书法分称,多谓( )

【单选题】王羲之与王献之的书法风格是何关系( )

【单选题】江左书风主要体现在哪种材质上( )

【单选题】南与北的代表形式,在笔画方面的区别主要在( )

【单选题】代表南方书风最高成就的是这个时期的( )

【单选题】“书圣”主要的成就是( )

【单选题】“唐人尚法”主要是指的在哪种书体上有成就( )

【单选题】唐初四大家指的是( )

【单选题】唐人受北朝书法影响较深的有( )

【单选题】唐太宗最喜欢谁的书法( )

【单选题】《集王书圣教序》的主体文章是哪位皇帝撰写的( )

【单选题】唐代草书最有名的是( )

【单选题】“宋人尚意”,在书法中的表现有( )

【单选题】元代书法中,以复古为开新的代表人物是( )

【单选题】明人在书法上复古,走得并不彻底,但较好的有( )

【单选题】清人帖学较明显的是( )

【单选题】清人倡碑较有名的是( )

【单选题】刻意生新的清人有( )

【单选题】清代复兴隶书的人物有( )

【单选题】碑帖之争在书体之外的意义是( )

【单选题】西学东渐,使的传统书法,首先是在( )上有所变化。

【单选题】属于民国书法五大家的人物之一有( )

【单选题】于右任的主要成就是在哪一种书体( )

【单选题】康有为的主要成就是( )

【单选题】李瑞清书法主要是从( )书体中化出

【单选题】民国初融金石于笔下的最名人物是( )

【单选题】郑孝胥的路数是( )


























【单选题】汉字部件是由 组成的具有组配汉字功能的构字单位。

【单选题】许慎的《说文解字》将汉字分为 个部首。






【单选题】“警”字由 个部件组成。

【单选题】“鸟”字由 个部件组成。



【单选题】“赣”字右部件由 个部件组成。




【单选题】“籍”字上部件由 个部件组成。

【单选题】“高”字的上部件是 。



【单选题】“譬”字下部件由 个部件组成。



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