
初级会计题库 6516

不能作为{}以a为极限的定义是:( )






设 , ,且,,则数列是(填收敛或者发散)。



设数列满足则下列结论正确的是( ) (a)若发散,则必发散 (b)若,则必 (c)若有界,则 (d)若,则必有

等于( ). (a) 1 (b) -1 (c) (d)








函数的斜渐近线方程是:( )

设函数,则( )


若,则( )


,在r上至少有( )(填2或者3)个实根。












已知在处取得极小值,则 , .(答案用空格隔开)

函数在区间 单调递增,其图形在区间 向上凹。(用空格隔开,指数用^表示,正无穷大可以直接输入中文正无穷大)

曲线的渐近线方程为 。

曲线上对应于点处的曲率半径为 。(根号及根号中的数字x用"sqrt(x)"来表示)


设, ,则( )

=( )

曲线对应于的一段弧长是( )

由曲线与轴围成的平面图形面积s=( )

平面图形绕直线旋转得到的旋转体体积是( )

半径为r的半球形水池,其中装满水,要把池中水全部抽出需要做功( )

由曲线围成的密度均匀的平面薄板的质心坐标是( )

统计有三种涵义,其中( )是基础。

对某市高等学校科研所进行调查,统计总体是( )

要了解某市全民所有制工业企业设备情况,则统计总体是( )

要了解50个学生的学习情况,则总体单位是( )

标志是指( )

统计的特点有:( )

数量指标反映总体某一特征的( )

下列标志中,属于数量标志的有( )。

下列标志中,属于品质标志的有( )。

下列各项中,哪些属于统计指标( )

统计着眼于事物的整体,不考虑个别事物的数量特征。 ( )

统计学是一门实质性社会科学。 ( )

一个人口总体,可以用人口总数,年龄、性别、民族等概念来反映和描述。 ( )

诸如粮食产量、身高等,是离散变量,它们的数值可以靠计数取得。( )

统计学是一门( )、( )和( )统计数据的方科学。

标志按其表现形式不同,有( )标志和( )标志之分。

变量按其数值是否连续,有( )变量和( )变量之分。

变量是指( )数量标志和指标。

按统计指标的作用和表现形式不同,可分为( )、( )、( )。

某手机厂商为了掌握该厂的产品质量,拟进行一次全厂的质量大检查,这种检查应当选择( )。

某地区为了掌握该地区化肥生产质量情况,拟对占该地区化肥总产量80%的五大化肥厂的生产情况进行调查,这种调查方式是( )。

对一部分农民家庭收支状况通过提问,算帐方式进行调查,这是采用统计调查中的( )。

人口普查规定统一的标准时间是为了( )。

下边哪种现象适用于一次性调查( )。

抽样调查和典型调查的主要区别有( )。

在我国专门调查有( )。

我国第六次人口普查属于( )。

下列情况的统计调查,哪些属于经常性调查( )

常用的搜集统计资料的方法有( )。

统计调查中的调查单位与填报单位是一致的。( )

调查时间指的是统计调查工作的起止时间。( )

重点调查可以是定期的,也可以是不定期的。( )

准确性是统计调查最基本的要求,所以统计资料必须100%准确才能有效发挥作用。( )

统计调查按调查对象包括的范围不同,可以分为( )与( )。

统计调查按调查登记的时间是否连续,可以分为( )与( )。

普查是一种( )的( )调查。

按调查组织方式不同,统计调查可分为( )和( )。

统计调查的要求是( )、( )、( )。

统计分组的关键问题是( )。

指出下面哪种分组是按品质标志分组( )。

将统计总体按某一标志分组的结果表现为( )。

将某地区40个工厂按产值多少分组而编制的变量分布数列中,变量值是( )。

在分组中,凡是遇到某单位的标志值刚好等于相邻两组上下限数值时,一般是( )。

下列分组哪些是按数量标志分组( )。

下面有关分布数列,说确的是( )。

在组距数列中,组中值计算公式是( )。

由于变量有连续性变量和离散性变量两种,其组限的划分,有不同的要求( )。

统计分组实质上是在统计总体内部进行的一种定性分类。 ( )

无论是离散性变量还是连续性变量都可以编制单项变量数列。( )

对于任何形式的变量,都可以采用不重叠的组限。 ( )

组距式变量数列分为等距数列和异距数列两种。 ( )

统计表从形式上看,由主词和宾词两部分构成。 ( )

统计分组的关键在于( )和划分各组的界限。

( )是统计分组的核心问题。

对同一总体选择( )标志( )进行分组,就叫复合分组。

分布数列有两个组成要素:一个是( );另一个是( )。

变量数列有两种形式:( )和( )。

如果我们所需研究的是整个工业企业职工人员的状况,则总体单位总量是( )。

某种产品单位成本计划规定比基期下降3%,实际比基期下降3.5%,单位成本计划完成程度相对指标为( )。

权数本身对加权算术平均数的影响,决定于( )。

众数是由变量数列中( )。

平均差与标准差的区别主要是( )。

国有企业的工业增加值( )。

比较相对指标可用于( )。

下列数列中,可以计算算术平均数的有( )。

标准差( )。

总体单位总量和总体标志总量会随研究目的的不同而转化。 ( )

当各变量值的连乘积等于总比率或总速度时,宜采用几何平均法计算平均数。( )


实物指标的综合性能差,而价值指标的综合性能好。 ( )

总量指标按其反映的时间状况不同,可分为( )和( )。

强度相对指标数值大小,如果与现象的发展程度成正比,称之为( ),反之称为( )。

总量指标按其反映的内容不同,可分为( )和( )。

加权算术平均数受两个因素的影响,一个是分布数列中( ),另一个是( )。

下列属于时点数列的是( )。

某种产品的产量2011年-2015年分别比2010年增长30、40、45、60、80万吨,这五年间平均每年增长量为( )

下列等式中,不正确的是( )

序时平均数与一般平均数的共同点是( )。

几何平均法平均发展速度数值的大小( )。

直线趋势yt=a bt中a和b的意义是( )。

编制时间序列的原则有( )。

动态平均数包括( )。

对于季节变动的测定,下列说确的是( )。

下列哪些是反映平均指标变动的指数( )

时间数列的发展水平就是总量指标。( )

在时间数列中,报告期水平与基期水平的确定总是与一定研究目的相联系的。( )

若各期的逐期(环比)增长量△相等(△>0),则各期的环比增长速度是逐年(期)增加的。( )

平均增长速度不是根据各期环比发展速度直接求得的,而是根据平均发展速度计算的。( )

时间数列一般由( )和( )两个基本要素构成。

时间数列的分析指标可分为( )和( )两大类。

发展速度由于采用的基期不同可分为( )发展速度和( )发展速度两种。

如果移动时间长度适当,采用移动平均法能有效地消除循环变动和( )。

统计指数划分为个体指数和总指数的依据,是按指数( )。

综合指数是( )。

总指数编制的两种形式是( )。

某造纸厂产量比上年增长了13.6%,生产总费用增加了12.9%,则该厂产品单位成本( )。

在由三个指数所组成的指数体系中,两个因素指数的同度量因素通常( )。

综合指数与加权平均指数关系在于( )。

下列指数中属于质量指标指数的是( )。

若用p表示价格,q表示商品销售量,则公式∑p1q1-∑p0q0的意义是( )。

综合指数与平均指数的区别与联系表现为( )。

某产品的生产总成本2014年为20万元,比2013年多支出0.4万元,单位成本2014年比2013年降低2%,则( )

反映数量指标变动的个体指数和总指数都称为数量指数。 ( )




总指数的编制方法,其基本形式有两种:一是( ),二是( )。

编制数量指标综合指数的一般原则是采用( )作为同度量因素。编制质量指标综合指数的一般原则是采用( )作为同度量因素。

在指数体系中,指数之间的数量对等关系表现在两个方面;一是对象指数等于各因素指数的( );二是对象指数的分子项与分母项之差等于各因素指数的( )。

所谓随机原则,就是指( )。

抽样误差( )。

下列各种社会经济现象属于变量总体的是( )。

抽样调查与全面调查的关系是( )。

为了了解某地区职工的劳动强度和收入状况,并对该地区各行业职工的劳动强度和收入情况进行对比分析,有关部门需要进行一次抽样调查,应该采用( )。

在抽样估计中( )。

计算抽样平均误差时,由于总体方差是未知的,通常有下列代替方法( )。

样本容量的大小( )。

对一个正态总体进行抽样调查,不管样本量大小如何,样本均值总是服从正态分布。( )

抽样极限误差总是要大于抽样平均误差。 ( )

若要估计即将毕业的在校大学生对就业感到乐观者所占的比例,在全国100所重点大学中每所大学分别随机抽取25个男生和25个女生,共计抽取5000名学生构成样本。这样的样本应该具有较好的代表性。( )

根据抽取样本的方式不同,抽样方法有( )和( )两种。

抽样的组织形式主要有( ),( ),( ),( )和( )五种形式。

估计量的优良性标准有( )、( )和( )。

按设计标准,某自动食品包装机所包装食品的平均每袋重量应为500克,若要检验该机实际运行状况是否符合设计标准,应该采用( )。

假设检验的p值表示( )。

假设检验中,显著性水平表示( )。

设总体为正态总体,总体方差未知,在小样本条件下,对总体均值进行如下的假设检验,h0:µ=µ0(µ0为一已知数);h1:µ:≠µ0,α=0.1,则下列说确的有( )。

利用z统计量可以对总体比例进行假设检验,则下列说法中正确的是( )。

下列关于检验统计量的正确说法有( )。

假设检验是一种科学的统计决策方法,因此使用它不会犯错误。( )

在假设检验中,如果在显著性水平0.05的前提下拒绝了假设h0:µ≤µ0,则在同一水平一定可以拒绝假设h0:µ= µ0 。( )

在做假设检验时容易犯的两类错误是( )和( )。

有一批电子零件,质量检查员必须判断是否合格,假设此电子零件的使用时间大于或等于1000,则为合格,小于1000小时,则为不合格,那么可以提出的原假设和备择假设分别为( )和( )

writing academically, you do not have to base your argument on evidence.

formal language means you need to write in precise and impersonal language.

the cohesive marker "so" in the following sentence is "ellipsis". --john cheated on the exam last week. --i believe so.

thinkind independently, you need to go beyond the observation of facts and explore the underlying cause.

wht kind of fallacy is committed in the following statement? about four fifths of our class beleive doing part-time job is helpfu for our communicative skills, so part-time job does assist us in bettering our skills in communicating wih people.

thinking critically, you need to identify the key arguments of a piece of writing.

in the following topic sentence, the controlling idea is "digitalization". digitalization makes it easy for people to get access to the reading material.

a topic senence has two parts: a topic and a controlling idea.

the concluding sentence could summarize the main idea of the paragraph.

you can start a new idea in the concluding sentence.

relevance serves as a bridge between details/ideas and the claim/topic of the paragraph.

the author's responsibility means that the author is responle for writing his/her ideas down and does not have to make everything clear to the reader.

what has caused the pressure of modern people? write a paragraph of about 200 words to explain the causes of modern people's pressure.

which one of the following is not a purpose of the general statement?

a thesis statement does not have to be arguable.

you can use statistics in your general statement.

a general statement has two parts: a hook and background information.

to reach a reliable conclusion, the premise must be supported with evidence.

the following statement is a fact. english is the most important language in the international communication.

a fact is something you believe to be true.

a rebuttal can help you convince the fencesitters, and strengthen your own point.

counterargument proves that you do not have to think about both sides of the argument.

based on what you have decided to write in this semester, write the concluding paragraph for your essay.

the comparison-contrast paragraph could be organized in a point-to-point pattern or a _____________ pattern.

the concluding paragraph in an essay could signal the essay closure, leave the readers the final impression and let the readers feel ____________.

the concluding sentence usually has three parts: the signal word, the ________ of the topic and the summary signiof the main ideas.

which of the following statements is true about critical thinking?

which of the following statements is not true about the purpose of the general statement?

the topic sentence involves two parts: ___________ and the controlling idea.

the comparison-contrast paragraph could be organized in a point-to-point pattern or a _____________ pattern.

which of the following statements is true about critical thinking?

what kind of fallacy is committed in the following statement? about four fifths of our class believe doing part-time job is helpful for our communicative skills, so part-time job does assist us in bettering our skills in communicating with people.

what kind of fallacy is committed by the following statement? social apps can help us save much time in shopping and make long-distance communication more convenient. they can also enable us to learn online. therefore, everyone should use social apps for both their life and study.

the concluding sentence usually has three parts: the signal word, the restatement of the topic and the ________ of the main ideas.

the controlling idea of the topic sentence tells the reader what the author believes.

just as facts, opinions can also be used to support one'spoint of view.

when defining an item, one no longer needs to specify the features of the item as long as one has already explained what category the item belongs to.

the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph should not state the details in the body paragraphs.

in writing a counterargument paragraph for an essay, one does not need to report the opponent's view.

as long as you can reach the logical conclusion, your premises do not have to be acceptable.

thinking independently, you need to go beyond the observation of facts and explore the underlying cause.

the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph should not state the details in the body paragraphs.

when defining an item, one no longer needs to specify the features of the item as long as one has already explained what category the item belongs to.

formal language means we need to write in precise and impersonal language.

the cohesive marker "so" in the following sentence is "ellipsis". --john cheated on the exam last week. --i believe so.

critical thinking refers to the process used to deal with information.

the root cause is the cause which can explain all the sufficient causes.

the author's responsibility means that the author is only responsible for writing his/her ideas down and does not have to make everything clear to the reader.

with supporting sentences you can give examples to illustrate the point in the topic sentence.

小米手机在研发中让用户深度参与,体现了( )

以下企业人力资源管理变革实践属于“互联网 ”时代培训与开发新模式的是( )

人力资源管理精确化、信息化和智能化体现在:( )

体现了新型的员工合作关系的企业案例有:( )

互联网 时代领导者有三个新角色:( )


互联网 时代组织结构有以下变革趋势:( )


“小前端” “大平台”的结构是自组织与平台型组织的有机融合。


( )的hrbp十分有特色,又被称为“政委”。

自组织化( )为企业的管理者、决策者甚至是拥有者。

企业平台型组织的运行特点有:( )

企业自组织的运行特点有:( )




招聘的极客法则是“1000字以内的简历 最多2次1小时左右的招聘面谈 最多1次外联了解”。

新兴网络招聘渠道主要有以下四种形式:( )

用户思维表现在招聘管理上有一个字很重要,就是“快”。( )指招聘周期大幅缩短,包括发布职位、简历投递、简历处理、安排面试、面试、面试反馈、offer发放、录用等环节。

同城、赶集网是( )。

互联网时代,企业招聘流程重构体现在以下几个方面:( )

领英的运作方式很有特点,主要包括以下几个方面( )。



which of the following is not categorized as scientific literature?

which of the following is defined as tertiary literature?

which type of the following international conferences is listed as number one conference in the world?

the followings are published in academic journals except for:

there are similarities between a journal research article and a graduation paper. they are similar in the following aspects except for:

which is not the feature of product specification?

which type of document below does not belong to the classification of product specification?

the classification of standard documents can be drawn according to the range of their application, thus they are classified in terms of the followings except for:

which of the following criteria is not the criterion used to classify technical reports?

which of the following is not one of the four well-known american technical reports?

how many years would a patent be protected?

which of the following scientists should be listed as the top one?

the intentions of academic journals are the followings except for:

journal metrics can be used in academic circles to ______.

which metric is used to measure the productivity and impact of an author?

how many digits does isbn have after 1st january 2007?

which of the following citation indexes was not originally published by the institute for scientific information (isi)?

generally speaking, which two types can abbreviations be classified into?

which of the following abbreviations is not correct?

which of the following is not the suitable tool for you to search for the top journals, top conferences and top authors?

the influence of an author’s journal articles can be evaluated by the following factors except for ______.

journal metrics can be used in academic circles to ______.

what do you use the software of note-express for?

which function of the below is not listed as one of the functions of endnote?

zotero is similar to endnote in some aspects, but different in that

the following words are regarded as derivation formation except for:

which nominalization of the below is not listed as transforming a verb into a noun?

which of the followings is not the morpheme or suffixation indicated as illness?

which transitional word of the below is to interpret as the meaning of contrast?

which of the followings is not the usage of lexical metaphor in scientific literature?

which type of title does this title “application of sliding mode in the construction of reinforced concrete” belong to?

when you read phrases in the introduction section of a research article, such as “little is, however, known about participants views of”, you will know that the following contents might possibly be about:

the following contents are the major contents in the research method section, except for:

based on purposes, research methods can be classified into the following categories except for:

ethical issue will be involved if the research subjects are except for:

the result section of a research article usually presents the research finding in form of non-verbal language which is:

which move is not included in the discussion section of a research article?

the major difference between fact description and opinion description is that an opinion is described by the following means except for:

the functions of references are the follows except for:

in the acknowledgement section of a research paper, what was thanked usually include except for:


the differences between a research article and a review article mainly falls on:

based on timeline, review articles are classified into retrospective review and prospective review, while the retrospective review focuses on the historical development of the research area, the prospective review focuses on:

when we read a contentious review article, what is the focus of the review?

the differences between a macro-review and a micro-review are drawn based on:

the section that follows the introduction section in a research article is the method section, but what follows the introduction section in a review article is often the:

in the abstract of a review article, there are usually five moves, after the move of indicating the reviewed focus, what might follow closely is the move that describes:

when the author wants to introduce some relevant studies that others have done, he or she would usually use the following phrases except for:

the main body section of a review article usually does not have fixed moves, but rather indicate the reviewed details by use of:

when you read a review article, it is much easier to follow the subtitles of each section for reviewed contents, but also you can follow:

“to overcome these barriers, collaboration between research institutions, industry, government, and other stakeholders is essential.” in this sentence, the underlined phrases indicate:

公路根据功能和适应的交通量分为( )个等级。

公路的结构组成主要包括( )。

判断新建高速公路路基干湿类型宜采用的指标是( )。

路基边坡土体沿一定的滑动面整体向下滑动的现象称为( )。

下列不属于路基附属设施的是( )。

对于已建路基,采用( )作为划分土质路基干湿类型的指标。

高速公路的路基土应处于( )状态。

为保证路基稳定,路基两侧应做成具有一定坡度的坡面,边坡形状可分为( )。

按路基填挖的情况,其结构形式可分为( )。

( )是工程项目的总体负责人,是质量和安全的第一责任人。

施工前的设计技术交底工作,通常由( )主持,相关参建单位参加。

下列( )项不是技术资料准备的内容。

下列( )不属于施工现场准备。

公路高程测量应采用( )。

导线复测的外业工作主要包括( )。

某公路施工图设计文件中提供了平面设计图、直线、曲线及转角表和交点坐标,但没有逐桩坐标表,可以用( )方法进行放样。

用于填石路基的填料,要求石料强度(饱水试件极限抗压强度)不小于( )。

用于公路路基的填料要求强度较高,其中确定其强度要求的指标是( )。

用于公路路基的填料要求挖取方便,压实容易,强度高,水稳定性好,确定填料最小强度和最大粒径应通过( )。

按有关规定处理后可以用于路堤填筑的填料是( )。

关于土质路堤地基表层处理要求的说确的有( )。

关于填石路堤基底处理要求正确的有( )。

稳定斜坡上地基表层的处理,应符合的要求有( )。

原地基原状土的强度不符合要求时,应进行换填,具体要求为( )。

当路堤原地基横坡陡于1:5时,原地基处理正确方式有( )。

不得直接作为路堤填料,需要应用时,必须采取满足设计要求的技术措施,经检查合格后方可使用的土有( )。

在选择路堤填料时,严禁作为填料的土有( )。

选择路堤填料时,不得使用的土有( )。

选用种植土作填料时,应满足具体要求有( )。

在公路工程中用于以借为填或移挖作填地段,特别是在深挖高填相间、工程量大的鸡爪形地区,为减少挖、装、运、夯等工序,提高生产效率,宜采用( )。

高速公路和一级公路,横坡1:5~1:2.5地段的半填半挖路基需要采取的措施为( )。

粉煤灰路堤的施工步骤与填土路堤施工方法相类似,仅增加了包边土和( )等工序。

eps 路堤施工质量检测项目有( )。



拓宽部分的路堤采用非透水性填料时,应在地基表面按设计铺设垫层,垫层材料 一般为砂砾或碎石,含泥量不大于 5%。

冬期开挖路堑时,表层厚度在lm以内的冻土层宜选用( )。

冬期开挖路堑的开挖顺序应该是( )。

属于冬期施工的选项是( )。

雨期填筑路堤时,应分层填筑,当天填筑的土层应当天完成压实,对每一层的表面应( )。

可在雨期施工地段为( )。

雨期路基施工地段一般可选择的地段有( )。

雨期填筑路堤时,应该注意的事项有( )。

雨期填筑路堤需借土时,对取土坑的要求有( )。

雨期填筑路时,填料选择应注意的问题有( )。

路基施工可冬季进行的项目有( )。
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