
经济答案 9471

culture usually refers to a fuzzy set of basic assumptions and values, orientations to life, beliefs, policies, procedures and behavioral conventions that are shared by a group of people, and that influence each member’s behaviour and his/her interpretations of the ‘meaning’of other people’s behaviour.

western civilization or occidental culture, usually refers to the heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems, artifacts and technologies that originated in or are associated with europe and america.

the word “philosophy" is derived from the greek word “philosophia”, meaning “love of freedom”.

philosophy is a form of reflective thinking that critically questions and confronts established beliefs, customs, practices, and institutions of a society.

the four paradigmatic philosophers in human history are socrates, confucius, jesus christ and sakyamuni.

the axial age refers to a period from 800 b.c. to 200 b.c. in which many great thinkers appeared in persia, india, china and egypt.

plato is the father of western philosophy.

socrates wrote a lot of influential philosophical books when he was alive.

two charges against socraes were his heresy and his corruption of the youth with his teachings.

for socrates, true knowledge is unchanging and eternal truth inscribed within one’s soul. opinions, on the other hand, are changeable and offer only temporal views, ideas, and mere beliefs.

in about 500 b.c., the classic period of chinese philosophy (known as the contention of a hundred schools of thought) flourished, and the three most influential schools were established. they are confuciani, taoi and mohi.

confucius wanted to serve in high office in the hope that he could restore the ancient morality set by the founders of the zhou dynasty (1046–256 bc).

after realizing his political ideal in his own state of lu, confucius began to travel from state to state, trying to spread his teachings.

confucius influence on china is so great that he was hailed after his death as “the uncrowned king”.

in ethics, confuciani advocates the six constant virtues.

in politics, confuciani advocates benevolent government.

confucius is also the first educator who proposed that " there should be no distinction of classes in teaching".

both confucius and socrates put emphasis on virtue and self-improvement.

both confucius and socrates would often enlighten his students by directly providing his answers.

both confucius and socrates taught their students rather informally and used primarily a conversational style.

the name of britain came from a celtic tribe—the britons.

the anglo-saxons came to britain in the mide-5th century.

the bill of rights granted the townspeople freedom of trade and self-government, which is regarded as the foundation of the british constitutionali.

in 1066, duke william of normandy crossed the channel, defeated the english army at the battle of hastings, thus beginning the norman conquest of england which marked the establishment of feudali in england.

the hundred years’ war was a series of wars fought between england and normans for trade and territory.

black death spread through europe in the 14th century, and swept through england in 1348 without any cure, killing half of the population and causing enormous economic losses.

the end of the wars of the roses led to the rule of the house of anjou.

america was named after amerigo vespucci, who arrived on the new continent after columbus.

the second continental congress was held in philadelphia, and the continental army and navy were founded under the command of thomas jefferson.

the first english colony in america was founded at boston, massachusetts, in 1607, known as the mother state.

the first shots of the american war of independence were fired in lexington.

abraham lincoln issued emancipation proclamation to grant freedom to all slaves.

in gettyurg address, abraham lincoln said “government of the people by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth”

the german air raid on pearl harbour was the direct cause for america’s entrance into the war.

president roosevelt applied new deal to deal with the problem of the great depression.

pilgrim fathers are a group of puritans who came to america to avoid persecution in england.

the first opium war, also known as anglo-chinese war was fought between britain and the qing dynasty of china. it marked the start of the century of humiliation.

the direct cause of the first opium war was chinese official seizure of opium stocks at canton to stop the banned opium trade.

the qing government adhered to the policy of emphasizing commerce and restraining agriculture, claiming that "commerce is the foundation of all ".

under a ban on the sea, officials of qing government were prohibited from going out to sea privately, but the civilians were allowed to conduct foreign trade.

in britain the accent you speak with, the clothes you wear and the schools you attend are all markers that identify your social class.

private schools in uk are somewhat confusingly called public schools.

the lectures provide the students with a platform for sharing their views on a given topic.

for those people who have missed the opportunity for higher education, the open university provides a second chance.

admission to british university is by selection based on a-level results.

in britain, a master's degree requires three years of full time study

there is actually no definite area that can be called campus in oxford and cambridge university.

there is a national education system providing uniform standards for schools in all the states of america.

religious doctrine can be taught in american public schools.

inidualized instruction within a classroom is an important idea in american education and "learning by doing" remains a highly respected approach to child development

american schools stress the ability of memorization of facts rather than cultivating the students' independent thinking ability.

quite a number of american students work part-time during their school years.

in the wei and jin period and southern and northern dynasties, actually, local government authorities were given the task of selecting talented candidates, then categorizing them into nine grades depending on their abilities.

in ancient china the success of examination candidates was proudly called stepping into the dragon's door.

in ming dynasty, the imperial examination system reached its period of full bloom, which consisted of four levels: the county exam, the provincial exam, national exam, and the palace exam.

it was later realized that eight-part essay was harmful because it stifled both creativity and imagination.

co-educational schools or mixed schools are those schools where both boys and girls are admitted.

in us and uk, students beginning in a school are grouped into classes and they remain in those classes for the entire time in that school.

the western education system allows students to learn at their own pace, through trial and error, gaining experience by dealing with and overcoming problems.

based on regional feature, chinese cuisines have been ided into eight main schools: shangdong cuisine, sichuan cusine, guangdong cuisine, fujian cusine, jiangsu cusine, zhejiang cuisine, hunan cuisine, and shanxi cuisine.

food served on the eve of the lunar new year is usually full of symboli

noodles are the symbol of longevity in chinese culture.

there are five features of chinese food culture, they are nutrition, flavor, regionalization, variety and folk custom.

shen nong tasted herbs to distinguish the poisonous and edible ones.

yi yin admired lao zi for his governing a great nation just like cooking a all delicacy

the principle of homology of medicine and food is not used now in china.

red boiled eggs are usually cooked and served to celebrate the birth of a new baby.

the most popular dish in britain is fish and chips.

british afternoon tea is eaten from the top to the bottom.

high tea is usually served on high table at 6 p.m. in the living room.

pub is short for public house .

british people would like to go to the pub to have some drinks, play games and communicate with friends.

fast food and carbonated drinks are numerous in america, but there is no drive-in fast food stores.

as a nation of immigrants, there are erse types of food in america.

boston is famous for its roast potatoes and blue crabs.

the flavor of food in china basically includes sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty.

american people favor fast food like burger king, kfc, macdonald’s etc.

according to chinese food culture, food is the paramount necessity of people.

homology of food and medicine is a principle of chinese food culture, by which the nutrition of food is well perceived through traditional medicinal concept.

to understand the origin of chinese festivals, we may first know about the ancient chinese calendar system which is known as the agricultural calendar.

spring festival or the chinese new year falls on january 1st, and ends on january 15th.

the formation of the festivals actually has something to do with ancient people's beliefs.

april fool’s day originated in germany. when the german first adopted the gregorian calendar in 1564, some people continued to use the old calendar to celebrate new year’s day on april 1st, and these people were called april fools.

in 1863, abraham lincoln declared the last thursday in november to be thanksgiving day.

easter customs vary across the christian world and include decorating easter eggs, egg hunting, and so on, because the egg is a symbol of longevity.

it is widely believed that halloween traditions originated from ancient celtic harvest festivals, particularly the gaelic festival samhain.

according to “yes, virginia”, there is a santa claus, he exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist. if there were no santa claus, there would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence.

a famous chinese saying “the whole year’s work depends on a good starting in spring” reflects that the chinese place so much emphasis on the springtime, and thus qingming festival is treated as such an important festival.

both chinese and western literature originated from oral poetry.

western tragedies originated from ancient rome.

shakespeare is recognized as the summit of the english renaissance.

oedipus the king is one of the works of aeschylus, father of tragedies.

the iliad is an epic that tells stories about the heroes in the trojan war

the odyssey is an epic that tells about achilles’journey back home after the trojan war.

literature tends to evolve from prose to poetry.

poetry still plays the major role in modern chinese literature.

the merchant of venice is a famous tragedy by william shakespeare.

toni morrison, the jewish american writer, adopts magic reali in her novel beloved.

shakespeare's four “great tragedies”are hamlet, othello, king lear and macbeth.

shakespeare's four “great comedies”are a midsummer night’s dream, the merchant of venice, as you like it, and the tempest.

it is believed that the ancient greek tragedies evolved from the chorus (合唱) on the festivals in honor of apollo.

though struggling in vain, oedipus demonstrates his courage, dignity and nobleness as a man in the tragedy oedipus the king.

the homeric epics are recognized as the origin of the western literature.

freud sees in oedipus the king the hidden human desire in the unconscious and names it oedipus complex.

myth derives from the greek word mythos, which means “speech, story or tale.”

mythology refers to a collection of independent myths.

in greek mythology, zeus was the god of the sky and ruler of the olympian gods.

in greek mythology, athena was zeus' wife and sister, the queen of all the gods, the goddess of marriage.

achilles was the strongest and most fearless warrior in the greek war against the trojans.

perseus killed gorgon medusa while watching her eyes directly.

zeus's jealous wife, hera, punished prometheus to perform twelve seemingly impossible labors.

greek heroes were most popular because they were human and because they would exhibit weakness, and make mistakes. these are characteristics that all humans can identify with.

cerberus was a huge and powerful three-headed dog owned by poseidon, god of the dead, who guarded the entrance to the underworld.

the bible and greek mythology are two cornerstones of western culture

in solar system, all the major planets are named after greek gods and goddesses.

the four treasures of the study are brush pen, ink stick, ink slab and paper.

chinese calligraphy can be generally ided into 7 styles.

oracle bone inscriptions are characters scripted onto bronze wares.

the bronze inscription appeared from shang to qin dynasty.

the seal character is the earliest form written with brush.

the regular script has 8 basic strokes which can be traced in one chinese character-永.

the most famous master of running hand is mifu.

famous calligraphers of cursive hand are wang xizhi and monk huaisu.

traditional chinese painting is also called danqing, dan is for red and qing is for cyan.

according to the painting techniques, chinese painting can be ided into gongbi and landscape painting

according to the painters, chinese paintings can be ided into scholar painting, court painting and folk painting.

chinese calligraphy and painting are inseparable, not only because many great painters are also great calligraphers, but also because they are of the same origin.

the most famous masterpiece of running hand is the preface to the orchid pavilion collection by wang xizhi.

couplets and tablet are artistic forms of calligraphy in chinese people’s daily life.

the pursuit of art in ancient greece is to reappear the beauty of human body.

the three great masters of renaissance are da vinci, michelangelo and raphael.

in the 19th century, impressionist painters are known as people who pursue light in nature.

假设甲公司清算组在清理公司财产、编制资产负债表和财务清单后,发现公司财产不足以清偿债务,应当( ),

按照生产资料所有制为标准,企业法人可以分为( )。

2006年7月10日甲签发了一张一个月到期的汇票,收款人为乙,丙为付款人。2006年7月15日,丁向丙提出承兑时遭遇拒绝,并制作拒绝证书。丁对乙行使追索权的期间至( )。

甲公司向银行贷款,并以所持乙上市公司股份用于质押。根据《物权法》的规定,质押合同的生效时间是( )。

a了b的电脑后,通过二手市场将该电脑卖给c,c按照市场价格向a支付了价款,根据《物权法》的规定,下列各项中,有关该电脑买卖行为的表述中,符合法律规定的有 ( )。

根据我国《个人所得税法》,目前对于工资、薪金我国个人所得税的费用扣除标准为( )元。

王某欠张某三千块钱一直未还,张某的下列哪些行为不能导致诉讼时效的中断?( )。

乙公司欠甲公司40万元,同时甲公司须在2006年9月20日清偿对乙公司的30万元货款。甲公司在同年 9月18日与丙公司签订书面协议,转让其对乙公司的40万元债权。同年9月24日,乙公司接到甲公司关于转让债权的通知后,便主张30万元的抵销权。下列说确的是( )。

金某是甲公司的小股东并担任公司董事,因其股权份额仅占10%,在5人的董事会中也仅占1席,其意见和建议常被股东会和董事会否决。金某为此十分郁闷,遂向律师请教事宜。在金某讲述的下列事项中,金某可以就以下( )事项以股东身份对公司提讼。

公司公开发行新股,应当符合的条件有( )。

2008年9月1日,某省会城市的七大商场以厂家2024欧洲杯竞猜官方平台的售后服务质量不好为由,联合宣布拒绝销售“阳光”牌彩电,同时将各自商场内的“阳光”牌彩电撤下专柜。经证实,任何机关都没有接到过关于“阳光”牌彩电的投诉。根据《反垄断法》的规定,七大商场的上述做法属于( )行为

根据个人独资企业法律制度规定,在下列情形中,个人独资企业应当解散的有( )。

乙公司向甲公司发出要约,随即又发出一份“要约作废”的函件。甲公司的董事长助理收到乙公司“要约作废”的函件后,忘记交给董事长。第三天,甲公司董事长发函给乙公司,提出只要将交货日期推迟2个星期,其他条件都可以接受。后甲、乙公司未能缔约,双方缔约没能成功的原因是什么?( )

小强的父母以死亡为给付保险金与保险公司签订保险合同,订立前未经小强书面同意便认可保险金额的,则下列说法错误的是( )


有关肝素的叙述错误的是( )。

体温生理性变化错误的一项是( )。

男性,28岁,检查发现气管向左侧移位,右侧胸廓饱满,触觉语颤消失,叩诊鼓音,应考虑最可能的原因是( )。




护理尿失禁患者,下列措施哪项不妥( )。

善于治痰咳喘气急,兼能润肠通便的是( )。



有关药物生物半衰期叙述正确的是( )


《药典》2000版规定制药工业筛筛孔目数是要求( )



下列关于合作信赖主义的述错误的是( )。

下列各项中,属于纳税人可以享有的权利的有( )。


根据规定,下列关于城市维护建设税的纳税地点的说法中,正确的有( )。

甲公司于1月1日从证券市场购入乙公司发行在外的股票10 000股,作为可供出售金融资产核算,每股支付价款10元,另支付相关费用2 000元。6月20日收到上年的股利4 000元。12月31日,这部分股票的公允价值为120 000元,5月1日甲公司以125 000元将该项债券投资出售,则甲公司处置该项金融资产确认的损益为()元。

外国企业在境内未设立机构、场所而有来源于境内的特许权使用费,现行税法规定按( )的税率或双边税收协定规定的优惠税率计算预提所得税,由支付位扣缴。

某化妆品店10月委托某化妆品加工厂加工a类化妆品10套,化妆品店提供原材料成本为30000元,支付不含税加工费8500元,受托方a类化妆品不含税售价为5400元/套;另外委托其加工新型b类化妆品5套,该化妆品店提供原材料成本为40000元,支付不含税加工费10000元,由于b类化妆品为一种新型化妆品,受托方无同类售价。当月将委托加工的化妆品全部收回入库,受托方未履行代收代缴消费税义务。则化妆品店就该业务应补缴消费税( )元。(化妆品消费税税率为30%)

某市外贸公司8月5日海运进口一批金银首饰,海关审定货价折合币6970万元,运保费无法确定,海关按同类货物同程运输费估定运费折合币906万元。8月15日进口一批珠宝,海关审定货价折合币1000区,运保费合计20万元。该业务涉及的关税税率均为15%,金银首饰消费税税率5%,珠宝玉石的消费税税率10%。则下列涉及进口环节各项税金说确的有( )。

根据资源税规定,下列各项中不属于从价定率计征资源税的是( )。

某轮胎生产企业销售货物开具增值税专用发票取得销售额4000万元,开具普通发票取得的销售额1170万元,当年发生销售费用900万元(其中广告费用620万元,业务宣传费175万元)。计算应纳税所得额时,准许扣除的销售费用为( )万元

下列不属于我国税法结构类型的有( )。

2011年10月20日,甲企业根据合同向乙公司发货100箱,每箱不含税售价1000元。双方协商运费2000元由乙公司承担,甲企业先代垫2000元运费支付给承运单位,但承运单位将运输发票开具给甲企业。当天甲企业办妥托收手续,要求乙企业支付款项共计119000元,甲企业当月应纳的增值税为( )元。



下面这个sub过程的功能是统计字符串中“a”的个数,请在空白处填上合适的代码完成程序。 private sub numcount()dim hum as integers$ = "software and hardware"num = len(s$)for i = 1 to hum b$=______if b$ = "a" then x = x 1next iprint "x="; x end sub

以下程序的输出结果是______。 #includestdioh> #define fudge(y) 284 y #define pr(a) printf("%d",(int)(a)) #define print() pr(s) ;putchar('\n') main() { intx=2; print1(fudge(5)x); }

在窗体上画一个文本框和一个命令按钮,如下图所示。 编写如下程序: private sub form_load() show text1.text=" " form1.keypreview=false text1.setfocus end sub private sub command1_click() keypreview=not keypreview print end sub private sub form_keypress(keyascii as integer) print ucase(chr(keyascii 1)); end sub private sub text1_keypress(keyascii as integer) print chr(keyascii 2) keyascii=0 end sub 阅读以上程序,理解每个事件过程的操作,然后填空。 ①程序运行后,直接

下面这个sub过程的功能是统计字符串中“a”的个数,请在空白处填上合适的代码完成程序。 private sub numcount() dim hum as integer s$ = "software and hardware" num = len(s$) for i = 1 to hum b$=______ if b$ = "a" then x = x 1 next i print "x="; x end sub

程序: aa=0 for i=2 to 100 step 2 aa=aa i endfor aa return 该程序得到的结果为( )

设有以下函数过程: functiofun(m as integer)as integer dimk as integer,sum as integer sum=0 fork=m to 1 step-2 sum=sum k nextk fun=sum end function 若在程序中用语句s=fun(10)调用此函数,则s的值为______。



关于菜单设计,下列叙述中错误的是( )。

以下是一个比赛评分程序。在窗体上建立一个名为text1的文本框数组,然后画一个名为text2的文本框和名为commandl的命令按钮。运行时在文本框数组中输入7个分数,单击“计算得分”命令按钮,则最后得分显示在text2文本框中(去掉一个最高分和一个最低分后的平均分即为最后得分),如下图所示。请填空。 pfivale sub commaildl_c1ick() dimk as hteger dimsum as single,maxas single,min as single sum=text1(0) max=text1(0) min=______ fork=1 to 6 if maxtext1(k)then max=text1(k) end if if min>text1(k)then min=text1(k) end if sum=sum text1(k) nextk text2=(

下列四组词语中都有错别字,其中只有一个错别字的一组是 ( )




观 月有删改 ◆张孝祥 ①月极明于中秋,观中秋之月,临水胜;临水之观,宜独往




下列句子中加点的成语使用正确的一句是 ( )



下列加点的字,读音都正确的一项是 ( )


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