
经济题库 3511

the subject concerning the study of meaning is called __________.

c. k. ogden and i. a. richards holds that there are _______ major categories of meanings, with sub-categores all together, numbering 22.

g. leech recognizes 7 types of meaning in his book _______ first published in 1974.

the _______ meaning refers to the logical, cognitive or denotative content of language.

the theory of meaning wich relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to is known as the ________ theory.

every word has its sense, but not every word has a ________.

"good" and "bad" are said to be in _______ antonymy.

"innocent" and "guilty" are said to be in _________ antonymy.

"dead" and "alive" are said to be in _______ antonymy.

there is no intermediate ground between the words in _________ antonymy.

words in gradable antonymy ______________.

total synonymy is _____. synonyms are all context dependent. they all differ one way or another.

in terms of sense, "politician" and "stateman" differ mainly in _________.

when it comes to sense, "buy" and "purchase" are mainly different from each other in _________.

"subway" in american enligsh and "tube" in british english are mainly different in _______ in terms of sense relaiton.

the higher term of a group of words in hyponymy is called ________.

in english,there is such kind of words such as uncle, for which no _____ exist.

in the light of componential ysis, the word "boy" can be ysed into _____________.

in the light of componential ysis, the word "girl" can be ysed into _______________.

two words, or two expression, which have the same semantic components will be synonymous with each other.

words which have a contrasting components are antonyms.

what is communicated of the feelings and attitudes of the speaker or writer is the________ meaning of language.

what is communicated through association with another sense of the same expression is the _______ meaning of language.

the theory of meaning which relates the maning of a word to the thing it refers to is known as ___________.

"buy" and "purchase" are two words which differ mainly in _______ in terms of synonymy.

"politician" and "stateman" are two words which differ mainly in _______ in terms of synonymy.

synonyms are always different from each other in _________.

the semantic components of "boy" are __________.

in their book the meaning of meaning written in 1923, c.k.ogden and i.a.richards presented 16 major categories of meaning, with sub-categories all together, numbering _______.

the ______ refers to the abstract properties of an entity while the reference refers to the entity having all those abstract properties.

"cold" and "hot" are a pair of words in _______ antonymy.

"innocent" and "guilty" are a pair of words in ________ antonymy.

in the question "how old are you?", "old" serves as a ______ term, covering all the ages.

positional relations are also called _________.

relations of subsitutability are also called ___________.

positional relation are a manifestation of one aspect _______________ observed by f. de saussure.

positional relation, or ___________, refers to the sequential arrangement of words in a language.

relation of __________ refers to classes or sets of words substitutable for each other grammatically in sentences with the same structure.

relation of ________ means that words of different sets of clauses may permit, or require the occurrence of a word of another set or class to form a sentence or a particular part of a sentence.

on the level of syntax, we distinguish for any construction in a language its _________ and ________ properties.

the syntactic constructions can be ided into ______________.

several constituents can be joined together to form a _______.

ic ysis stands for __________ constituent ysis

a construction can be ysed by means of a _________ or bracketing.

immediate constituent refers to the constituents which are ______ below a constituent.

subject refers to one of the nouns in the ________ case.

simply speaking, the doer of an action in a sentence is its ______ subject.

_____ refers to what a sentence is about, or what is described in a sentence.

______ refers to the obligatory constituents other than the subject in a sentence structure.

a direct object is in its ______ case while an indirect object is in its dative case.

a class item cna perfrom several functions. a function can be fulfilled by several _______.

the categories of noun are mainly _______________.

the categories of verb are mainly __________.

category refers to the _______ properties of the general untis such as noun, verb, etc.

______ may be difined as the requirement that the forms of two or more words of specific word classes that stand in specific syntactic relationship with one another, shall also be characterized by the same paradigmatically marked category( or categories).

clauses can be classified into _________ and _______.

imperative can be classified into ________ and _________.

traditionally, non-simple sentence can be classifed into _______ and _______.

functionally, indicative can be classified into ______ and __________.

a construction with more than one word and lacking the subject-predicate structure is a ________.

_______ is the minimum part of language that expresses a complete thought.

the main categories for noun are mainly ________________.

the main categories of verb are mainly ________________.

the types of voice of verb are mainly _________.

there are two types of clauses, which are ______________.

______ refers to a single element of structure containing more than one word,lacking the subject-predicate structure typical of clauses.

a constituent with its own subject and predicate, if it is included in a larger sentence, is a _______.

______ refers to the defining properties of the general untis: noun, verb, etc.

in some inflecting lanuages, object is marked by case labels: the accusative case for direct object, and the ______ case for indirect object.

"what the sentence is about" refers to the ________ of the sentence, which is not always the grammatical subject.

the doer that performs an action in a sentence is _______ subject.

the constituents which are directly under the construction are its _________ constituents.

the sentence with more than one clauses which are of equivalent syntactic status is a ________ sentence.

in the study of language, there are some major principles which are mainly _______.

linguistics is a ________study of language.

in linguistics, language is a system of _____ vocal symboles used for human communication.

there is no ______ relationship between a linguitic form and its meaning.

language is arbitrary, which means that ___________.

language is creative by its ___________.

lanuage has two levels of structures, which are _______________.

language is arbitrary at all of its aspects.

morpheme is the allest unit of language.

which of the following are among jakobson’s framework of language function?

halliday’s meta-functions of language are mainly _________.

by informative function of language, we mean that language enables us /html> d code.

emotive function of language mainly enables us ________.

ideational function of language enables us _________.

for jakobson, language is above all, for ____________.

jakobson proposes that there are six primary elements of communication, which are addresser, addressee, message, _______, contact and code.

indulging in language for its own sake is the _________ function of language. ontact and code.

conveying message and information is the ________ function of language. tml> ontact and code.

saussure’s _______ linguistics is the study of language through the course of its history.

the grammarians in the 18th century tried to lay down rules for the correct use of language, which is a _______ study.

the linguists try to discover and record the rules to which the members of a language community actually conform. it is a _________ study.

a language user’s underlying knowledge about the system of rules is called his linguistic _________.

the linguist’s proper object is the _______ of each community, the lexicon, grammar, and phonology implanted in each inidual by his upbringing in society.

saussure’s distinction of langue and parole emphasizes more on the ______ feature of language.

chomsky’s distinction of competence and performance takes a _______ view on language study.

modern linguistics is mostly prescriptive, but sometimes descriptive.

a scientific study of language is based on what the linguist thinks.

in the study of linguistics, hypotheses formed should be based on language facts and checked against the observed facts.

a diachronic study of language is the description of language at some point in time.

modern linguistics regards the speech as primary, not the written language.

the distinction between competence and performance was proposed by f. de saussure.

language is arbitrary on all the aspects.

all the language now have both spoken and written form.

chomsky defines _________ as the ideal user’s knowledgy of the rules of his language.

_______ refers to the lexicon, grammar, and phonology implanted in each inidual by his upbringing in society and on the basis of which he speaks and understands his language.

_________ is one of the design features of human language which refers to the phenomenon that language consists of two levels: a lower level of meaningless inidual sounds and a higher level of meaningful units.

language is a system of a_________ vocal symbols used for human communication.

the discipline that studies the rules governing the formation of words into permissible sentences in languages is called ________.

_______ refers to the realization of langue in actual use.

findings in linguistic studies can often be applied to the settlement of some practical problems. the study of such applications is generally known as ________ linguistics.

linguistics is generally defined as a _______ study of language.

_________ is the study of language in terms of the internal structure of words.

what are the design features of human language? illustrate them with examples.

_________ phonetics is the study of the production of speech sounds.

phonetics studies how speech sounds are produced, ________, and perveived.

________ is the study of the sound patterns and sound systems of languages.

in actual speech, one sound is one _______.

when the vocal folds are apart, the airstream can go through freely, and the ________ sounds are produced.

consonants, based on whether the vocal cords are vibrating in their production, can be classified into ________ consonannts and voiceless consonants.

in phonetics, [p], [b] and [m] are called _________ sounds based on their place of articulation.

the sound [k] is a voiceless _________ stop.

the sound [i:] is a high front tense _______ vowel.

the sound [u:] is a high ______ tense rounded vowel.

the sound [a:] is a ______ back tense unrounded vowel.

the sound [e] is a middle central ______ unrounded vowel.

the sound [i] is a high ______ lax unrounded vowel.

the process of coarticulation in which the first sound get influenced by the second is called ______ coarticulation.

the sound [p] is _________ when it appears elsewhere except for behind [s].

_______ is the allest unit of language which distinguishes meaning.

______ refer to the different forms of the same phoneme in different phonetic environment.

the two sounds which can occur in the same phonetic environment, and one's substitution for the other will produce a new meaning are said to be in ___________ distribution.

as for assimilation there are two types: _______ assimilation and progressive assililation.

a ________ features is always a binary feature, by which we can ide a gourp of sounds into two groups, one with the feature, and the other without.

as for a syllable, nucleus is essential while ________ and coda are optional.

as for suprasegmental features, there are mainly have three-stress, tone and _________.

suprasegments refer to the linguistic units which are bigger than the segment, such as _____, words, phrase, clause, sentence and even passage or text.

maximal onset principle states that when there is a choice as to where to place a consonant, we prefer to put it into the ______ rather than the coda.

on the coda, there are at most ____ consonants in a cluster, such as in sixths.

of all the speech organs, the _______ is/are the most flexible.

the sounds produced without the vocal cords vibrating are ____ sounds.

since /p/ and /b/ are phonetically similar, occur in the same environments and they can distinguish meaning, they are said to be ___________.

the sound /f/ is _________________.

the different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments are called the ____ of that phoneme.

in linguistic evolution, speech is prior to writing.

a phone is a phonetic unit that distinguishes meaning.

articulatory phonetics tries to describe the physical properties of the stream of sounds which a speaker issues with the help of a machine called spectrograph.

vibration of the vocal cords results in a quality of speech sounds called voicing.

english consonants can be classified in terms of place of articulation and the part of the tongue that is raised the highest.

according to the manner of articulation, some of the types into which the consonants can be classified are stops, fricatives, bilabial and alveolar.

vowel sounds can be differentiated by a number of factors: the position of tongue in the mouth, the openness of the mouth, the shape of the lips, and the length of the vowels.

according to the shape of the lips, vowels can be classified into close vowels, semi-close vowels, semi-open vowels and open vowels.

any sound produced by a human being is a phoneme.

phonology is concerned with how the sounds can be classified into different categories.

when two different forms are identical in every way except for one sound segment which occurs in the same place in the strings, the two words are said to form a phonemic contrast.

english consonants can be classified in terms of manner of articulation or in terms of p_______ of articulation.

when the obstruction created by the speech organs is total or complete, the speech sound produced with the obstruction audibly released and the air passing out again is called a s________.

s_________ features are the phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments. they include stress, tone, intonation, etc.

the transcription of speech sounds with letter-symbols only is called broad transcription while the transcription with letter-symbols together with the diacritics is called n_________ transcription.

p___________ is a discipline which studies the system of sounds of a particular language and how sounds are combined into meaningful units to effect linguistic communication.

the articulatory apparatus of a human being are contained in three important cavities: the pharyngeal cavity, the o_______ cavity and the nasal cavity.

a_______ phonetics studies how speech sounds are perceived by the hearer.

word may be used as a specific item(boy and boys are two words).

lexical words refer to those words which mainly work for referring to substance, action and quality.

particles include at least _____________________.

linguists hold that auxiliaries may function for __________, which is different from verbs.

which of the following are pre-determiners?

in the word "friendships", there are ______ morphemes.

in the word "booklet", "let" is a _________________.

in the word "teachers", "teacher" is a _________.

in the word "children", "child" is a _____________.

compounds can be further ided into two kinds: _____________________.

a single phoneme can never be a morpheme itself.

two sounds which are in complementary distribution are said to be the allopones of the same phoneme.

with "transfer" and "resister", we have the word "transistor", which is a process of _________.

we have "copter" from "helicoper", which is a process of _________.

_________ is made up form the first letters of the name of an organizatioin.

we have "lase" from "laser" by deleting an imagined inflectional suffix. it is the process of _______ in word formation.

in all the borrowed words, "酒吧" is a __________, with part of its from is native in chinese, while the rest if borrowed from english culture.

the semantic change of "pile" undergoes a process of ____________, from "heap of stone" to "anything in a heap".

the morpheme “vision” in the common word “television” is a (n) ______.

the compound word “bookstore” is the place where books are sold. this indicates that the meaning of a compound __________.

_______ are those that cannot be used independently but have to be combined with other morphemes, either free or bound, to form a word.

_________ is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.

how many mormhemes are there in the word "international"?

words are the allest meaningful units of language.

just as a phoneme is the basic unit in the study of phonology, so is a morpheme the basic unit in the study of morphology.

morphology studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.

the allest meaningful units that can be used freely all by themselves are free morphemes.

inflectional morphemes manifest various grammatical relations or grammatical categories such as number, tense, degree, and case.

_______ understands language from a socially semiotic or interactional perspective.

___________ are the proneers of the study of language in a sociocultural context in england.

firth's theory of context of situation mainly includes _________.

in the framework of ethnography of communication, a speech community refers to a group of people who share not only the same rules of speaking, but at least one linguistic _________ as well.

speech acts are part of speech ______ which are, in turn, part of speech situations.

following sapir-whorf hypotheses, two points can be captured: linguistic ______ and linguistic relativity.

in the 1960s, athe resurrection of a dualistic view of linguistic inquiry came into bejing, along with the development of sociolinguistics as an opposition to the dominant theory of ________ linguistics.

which of the following are among the social factors that are believed to influence our language behavior in a social context.

iniduali in western culture emphasizes more on ___________________.

psycogically, people in culture shock often feel_________.

physically, people in culture shock are often ___________________.

collectivi in eatern culture emphasizes more on ________________.

culture shock can refer to the ________ you experience when you go into a culture different from your home culture.

属于传感器静态特性指标的是( )

一阶传感器选取小的时间常数,其目的是( )

半导体应变片的工作原理是基于( )

影响半导体应变片电阻变化的最主要原因是( )

应变式传感器信号调理电路采用半桥工作时,电压灵敏度是单臂工作时的( )

消除电容式寄生参量影响的方法,不包括( )

测量范围最小的电感位移传感器的类型为( )

电感式传感器采用差动结构后,下列说法错误的是( )

差动变压器,产生零点残余电压的原因,不包括( )

压电常数d16表示( )

固态图像传感器所用的敏感器件,不包括( )

若感应同步器的节距为2mm,将其分成200等份,则每等份对应的机械空间角为( )

热电阻与测量电桥连接时采用三线制是为了( )。

温度68°f等( )

减小热电偶动态误差的方法,错误说法的是( )




















对于任意两事件a和b, 与不等价的是


下图圆轴截面c左右两侧的扭矩mc-和mc 的 。

下图等直径圆轴,若截面b、a的相对扭转角φab=0,则外力偶m1和m2的关系为 。

下图圆轴中,m1=1kn·m,m2=0.6kn·m,m3=0.2kn·m,m4=0.2kn·m,将m1和 的作用位置互换后,可使轴内的最大扭矩最小。

一内外径之比d/d=0.8的空心圆轴,若外径d固定不变,壁厚增加1倍,则该轴的抗扭强度和抗扭刚度分别提高 。

根据圆轴扭转的平面假设,可以认为圆轴扭转时其横截面 。

圆轴横截面上某点剪应力τρ的大小与该点到圆心的距离ρ成正比,方向垂直于过该点的半径。这一结论是根据 推知的。

直径为d的实心圆轴,两端受扭转力矩作用,轴内最大剪应力为τ,若轴的直径改为d/2,则轴内最大剪应力变为 。

当实心圆轴的直径增加1倍,则其抗扭强度、抗扭刚度将分别提高到原来的 倍。

阶梯圆轴的最大切应力发生在 。

空心圆轴的外径为 d,内径为 d,。其抗扭截面系数为 。

扭转切应力公式 适用于 杆件。

单位长度的扭转角与 无关。

图示圆轴由钢管和铝套管牢固的结合在一起。扭转变形时,横截面上切应力分布如图 所示。

设受扭圆轴中的最大剪应力为τ,则最大正应力 。

一圆轴用碳钢制作,校核其扭转刚度时,发现单位长度扭转角超过了许用值。为保证此轴的扭转刚度,采用措施 最有效。

设钢、铝两根等直圆轴具有相等的最大扭矩和最大单位长度扭转角,则钢、铝的最大剪应力τs和τa的大小关系是 。

两端受扭转力矩作用的实心圆轴,,不发生屈服的最大许可载荷为m0,若将其横截面面积增加1倍,则最大许可载荷为 。

半径为r的圆轴,抗扭截面刚度为 。

设钢、铝两根等直圆轴具有相等的最大扭矩和最大剪应力,则钢、铝的最大单位长度扭转角θs和θa的大小关系是 。

汽车传动主轴所传递的功率不变,当轴的转速降低为原来的二分之一时,轴所受的外力偶的力偶矩较之转速降低前将 。

左端固定的等直圆杆ab在外力偶作用下发生扭转变形(如图所示),根据已知各处的外力偶矩大小,可知固定端截面a上的扭矩t大小和正负应为 。

某圆轴扭转时的扭矩图(如图所示)应是其下方的图 。

一传动轴上主动轮的外力偶矩为,从动轮的外力偶矩为、,而且。开始将主动轮安装在两从动轮中间,随后使主动轮和一从动轮位置调换,这样变动的结果会使传动轴内的最大扭矩 。

空心圆轴扭转时横截面上的切应力分布如下图所示,其中正确的分布是 。

实心圆轴受扭,当轴的直径d减小一半时,其扭转角则为原来轴扭转角的 。

圆轴受扭,如图所示,已知截面上a点的切应力为5mpa,则b点的切应力为 。

杆件扭转时,其平面假设的正确结果,只有通过 的扭转变形才能得到。

直径为d的实心圆轴,两端所受的外力偶的力偶矩为m,轴的横截面上最大剪应力是。若轴的直径变为0.5d,则轴的横截面上最大剪应力应是 。

空心圆轴的内径为d,外径为d,其内径和外径的比为,写出横截面的极惯性矩和抗扭截面系数的正确表达式应当是 。

一空心钢轴和一实心铝轴的外径相同,比较两者的抗扭截面系数,可知 。

直径为d的实心圆轴,两端受外力偶作用而产生扭转变形,横截面的最大许用载荷为t,若将轴的横截面面积增加一倍,则其最大许可载荷为 。

内径为d,外径为d的空心轴共有四根,其横截截面面积相等,扭转时两端的外力偶矩为m,其中内外径比值d/d=为 的轴的承载能力最大。

使一实心圆轴受扭转的外力偶的力偶矩为m,按强度条件设计的直径为d。当外力偶矩增大为2m时,直径应增大为 。

对于材料以及横截面面积均相同的空心圆轴和实心圆轴,前者的抗扭刚度一定 后者的抗扭刚度。

等截面圆轴扭转时的单位长度扭转角为,若圆轴的直径增大一倍,则单位长度扭转角将变为 。

直径和长度相同而材料不同的圆轴,在相同扭矩作用下,它们的 。

校核一低碳钢铰车主轴的扭转刚度时,发现单位长度扭转角超过了许用值,为了保证轴的扭转刚度,采取 的措施是最有效的。

用同一材料制成的空心圆轴和实心圆轴,若长度和横截面面积均相同,则扭转刚度较大的是 。

实心圆轴受扭,若将轴的直径减小一半,其他条件不变,则圆轴两端截面的相对扭转角是原来的 。

一圆轴用普通碳钢制成,受扭后发现单位长度扭转角超过了许用值,为提高刚度,拟采用适当措施,正确的是 。

单位长度扭转角与 无关。

















圆轴横截面上的扭矩为t,按强度条件算得直径为d,若该横截面上的扭矩变为0.5t,则按强度条件可算得相应的直径0.5d 。






















结合教材和实例谈谈你对任意性的理解。 你认为任意性作为语言符号系统最基本特征 的理由是什么?语言符号中有无其他违背任意性的现象,如果有,请说明。














什么是一词多义?请尽可能地描写普通话中 ”水“ 和 ”土“ 的义项(有多少个不同的意思)。简要说明为什么语言中会有一词多义现象。





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