
大学网课答案 9133




【单选题】下面()是数据的表现形式。 1、文字 2、数字 3、图片 4、音视频





【单选题】下面哪一项不是大数据的特点( )。


【单选题】文字、图形、图像、声音、学生的档案记录、货物的运输情况等,这些都是( )

【单选题】数据库系统的核心是( )

【单选题】数据库主数据文件的扩展名为( )

【单选题】数据库系统是由若干部分组成的。下列不属于数据库系统组成部分的是( )

【单选题】下列四项中,不属于数据库系统特点的是( )

【单选题】数据库(db)、数据库系统(dbs)和数据库管理系统(dbms)之间的关系是( )




【单选题】下面哪一项不是大数据的特点( )。


【单选题】关系数据模型的三个组成部分中不包括( )






【单选题】现实世界中事物在某一方面的特性在信息世界中称为 ( )



【单选题】若一个关系模式r中,属性u的任何一个真子集的值给定以后都不能完全确定一行元组,则称该关系模式为(a )。




【填空题】实体完整性是指_____ 。







【填空题】假设存在关系:r(学号,姓名,性别,班级,班主任,课程号,课程名,学时数,成绩),其中主码是:学号 课程号。a该关系中的基本函数依赖有_____ b完全函数依赖有______c部分函数依赖有__________ d传递函数依赖有_____________






【单选题】sql的中文含义是( )

【单选题】下列( )不是sql语言的特点。

【单选题】sql语言具有两种使用方式,分别称为交互式sql和( )。




【单选题】sql语言中,( )表示逻辑数据类型。


【多选题】下列sql常用数据类型中,较适合存储健康体检数据库中,年龄值的数据类型为( )



【单选题】下列sql语句中,修改基本表结构用的语句是( )。

【单选题】sql中,alter table实现( )功能。


【单选题】在体检登记checklistlist中,为保健号增加主键约束使用的语句为( ):

【单选题】若要撤销健康体检数据库中,已经存在的表s,可用( )


【单选题】在sql的select语句中,能实现投影操作的是( )。

【单选题】在sql的select语句中,能实现选择操作的是( )。

【单选题】查询语句中,用于限定查询条件的保留字是( )。



【单选题】sql查询结果进行分组的使用的子句是( )。

【单选题】sql语言中用于表示排序的关键字是( )。

【单选题】在一般项目体检表generalitem(cno char(6),gtjrq date,gheight numeric(4,1),gweight numeric(4,1),gbmi numeric(3,1),gblood char(15),gsummary text,dno char(4))中,分组统计各个医生体检的人数,(注: cno 保健号,dno医生工号)并按人数降序排列出来。正确的select语句是( )。

【单选题】在一般项目体检表generalitem(cno char(6),gtjrq date,gheight numeric(4,1),gweight numeric(4,1),gbmi numeric(3,1),gblood char(15),gsummary text,dno char(4))中,分组统计2018年上半年各个医生体检的人数,







【单选题】如下几个表所示学生、课程、必修课和选课关系,用sql语言实现下列操作。 将“选课”表中的1002号课的所有成绩提高10分,正确的sql语句是:

【单选题】已知有: 学生表student(s# char(8), sname char(10), ssex char(2), sage integer, d# char(2), sclass char(6))中,若要在学生表中追加一个元组“学号为98030101的男同学张三,年龄为20,所属系别03,所在班级980301”,则可用:

【单选题】若用如下的sql语句创建一个表sc: create table sc (s# char(6) not null,c# char(3) not null,score integer, note char(20)); 向sc表中插入如下行时,()行可以入。

【单选题】insert into goods(name,storage,price) values (’keyboard’,3000,90.00)的作用是()

【单选题】如下几个表所示学生、课程、必修课和选课关系,用sql语言实现下列操作。 从“课程”表中将2003号课去掉,正确的sql语句是()

【单选题】分析和表达用户需求常用的方法是( )。

【单选题】“三分技术,七分管理,_______ ”是数据库设计的特点之一。

【单选题】数据流程图是用于描述结构化方法中( )阶段的工具。


【单选题】概念结构设计是整个数据库设计的关键,它通过对用户需求进行综合、归纳与抽象,形成一个独立于具体dbms的( )。


【单选题】在e-r模型向关系模型转换时,m:n的联系转换为关系模式时,其关键字是( )。

【判断题】实体只能是具体的人或物( )。

【单选题】下列属于逻辑结构设计阶段任务的是( ) 

【单选题】在关系数据库设计中,设计关系模式是数据库设计中(  )阶段的任务


【判断题】数据库的逻辑设计的基本方法是将e-r图转换成指定rdbms中的关系模式,此外还包 括关系的规范化以及性能调整,最后是约束条件设置。


【单选题】以下( )不属于实现数据库系统安全性的主要技术及方法。

























【单选题】michel has a(an) ______________ with dr. spenser. on january 15th according to the passage.

【单选题】please________ us 24 hours in advance if you can’t keep your appointment.

【单选题】the patient has already ________ his appointment because of the storm.

【单选题】michel eventually saw dr. spenser because the receptionist ________ him ________.

【单选题】once you ________ your appointment, you need to make it on time.

【单选题】if you don’t hear the message clearly, you can press 2 and ___________it.

【单选题】when you make an appointment with the doctor, you need to offer the following except _________.

【单选题】since you have a chest_____________, you need some antibiotics.

【单选题】in this sentence, “mr. mason. hold one moment while i grab your chart, please.” “grab” means _________.

【单选题】i need to see the doctor because my cough is getting ________ than last week.

【单选题】a “walk-in clinic” might be a clinic which accepts patients ___________.

【单选题】in the dialogue, the phrase “running behind schedule” can be mean “_________”.

【单选题】it is very important that you________ to one of the following options.

【单选题】the patient is at work now. if he wants to see the doctor on time, he needs to get away from the _______ right now.

【单选题】doctor spenser is _________tomorrow. do you think it can wait until wednesday?

【单选题】actually, we had a cancellation for 2:00pm today

【单选题】i was really hoping to get in today or tomorrow in case i need some antibiotics.

【单选题】i think i might have a chest infection or something.

【单选题】please remember all the deductibles (免赔额)and co-payments(共同费用) are due at the time of the service.

【单选题】we look forward to seeing you soon.

【单选题】i want to make a(n) ______ for ent department.

【单选题】it is the receptionist’s duty to welcome clients and greet them .

【单选题】if you visit a hospital, you will surely find medical sitting at counters, ready to answer queries of people visiting the hospital.

【单选题】i have something with my knees. i must see a doctor

【单选题】please ________ over there to make a registration.

【单选题】since you had a temperature and felt pain all over, you’d better go to the ________.

【单选题】having answered the phone calls, the receptionists then schedule _________ with doctors.

【单选题】you have to open a _______ record for registration.

【单选题】the word “urgent” in this sentence “it’s urgent. can the doctor see me right away, please?” means _________.

【单选题】please remember to give the doctor your ______ card.

【单选题】a receptionist needs to answer phone calls, note down specific information or record as voice messages and ensure that no calls go __________.

【单选题】if you want to go to the fifth floor, the easiest way is to take the _________.

【单选题】the registration ______ is five yuan.

【单选题】the word “queries” in this phrase “answer queries of patients” means _________.

【单选题】can you guide guests about general _______ of rooms?

【单选题】turn left and go along the corridor until you see it sign-posted to the right.

【单选题】i think you skip two blanks, your insurance company and your allergies.

【单选题】if you want to see the expert consultant, you’d better book an appointment in advance.

【单选题】we need to get some of your information, like your name, address, health information, what types of medications you are on, and insurance, etc.

【单选题】since yesterday afternoon, i’ve had a temperature, and i feel pain all over.

【单选题】the word “daunting” in the sentence “finding his way inside a large hospital can be daunting for a patient” means _____ .

【单选题】the pediatric department is _____ your left side.

【单选题】the word “facilities” in the sentence “it’s your duty to help them find the departments and other facilities they want to go to” means _____ .

【单选题】the department of _____ is a department where the disorders and diseases in the mouth are treated.

【单选题】if you want to go to the ent department, you need to take _____ right turn.

【单选题】the ent department is _____ the corridor.

【单选题】the _____ is a place where patients pay money.

【单选题】the patient can _____ the nurses for help if he is lost in the hospital.

【单选题】could you tell me _____?

【单选题】if you _____ the waiting area, you would go too far.

【单选题】then you can see the waiting area, which is _____ the central injection room.

【单选题】ent department is not far. you won’t _____ it.

【单选题】the easiest way to go there is to _____ the elevator.

【单选题】if there is something wrong with your _____ , you need to see a dermatologist.

【单选题】“ent” in the passage stands for________.

【单选题】you'd better walk down the corridor _____ you see the waiting area.

【单选题】the dermatology department is ______ the waiting area.

【单选题】keep _______ straight and then turn left.

【单选题】if the patient has a fever and a headache, he is supposed to go to the ______.

【单选题】can you tell me ___________?

【单选题】an emergency caller should keeping the patient_____ until the ambulance arrive.

【单选题】the______ is responsible for taking the emergency calls and sending out paramedics.

【单选题】all the following information should be told the emergency call-takers except your______.

【单选题】the word 〝approach" in the sentence 〝...allow responders to make the best decision on how to approach the situation〞 means______.

【单选题】the______ that you offer will help determine the response of the units responding to the call.

【单选题】the more_____ the questions are asked, the better the emergency is responded to.

【单选题】there are usually two dispatchers to_____ every medical call

【单选题】we may call you for more information to_____ your admission faster on the day you arrive.

【单选题】the other dispatcher is_____ while one dispatcher is asking very specific questions.

【单选题】the phrase 〝 do not hang up〞 in the dialogue means 〝______〞.

【单选题】all these things are supposed to bring to the hospital for a maternity patient except______.

【单选题】〝the a la carte service〞 means〝______〞

【单选题】the nurse arranged a temporary bed for the man to accompany his wife, but there will be a(n)______ for it.

【单选题】my wife will be admitted to the hospital for_____ in a few days.

【单选题】the nurse may call the patient for more information to______ her time of admission on the day she arrives.

【单选题】simply ask your food service representative or call the hospitality center.

【单选题】what is the major cross street?

【单选题】for maternity patients, the labor bag is necessary to bring to the hospital.

【单选题】the nurse helped the patient finish the admitting procedure.

【单选题】when you stay in hospital, you're bring toiletries, robe, slippers,etc.

【单选题】sometimes it is very _________ to find the right dose of a sensitive medication.

【单选题】dosage is affected by _________.

【单选题】usually your ________ will remove the medication from your blood.

【单选题】if you __________ , there may not be enough drug in your body to work properly.

【单选题】any prescription or instructions state ________ and how often of a medication should be given.

【单选题】calculating the correct dosage for some medications should only be done by _________.

【单选题】only that dose stated in the ________ should be taken.

【单选题】high level of the drug can _________ if you take a dose too soon.

【单选题】the nurse needs to give the patient _______ first before she give the intravenous injection of penicillin.

【单选题】are you ________ penicillin?

【单选题】after the skin test, you will have to wait about _______ to see how your skin reacts.

【单选题】if the patients find any _______ please let the nurse know, after the skin test.

【单选题】to have a skin test can be _________, but not very painful.

【单选题】nearly all the kids ________ to get injection.

【单选题】we should take the medicine according to _________.

【单选题】the doctor has prescribed him penicillin.

【单选题】your son has got acute pneumonia.

【单选题】for example, thyroid medications and blood thinners require frequent blood tests to find if the right dose is being given.

【单选题】timing is also important in medication administration.

【单选题】for example, thyroid medications and blood thinners require frequent blood tests to find if the right dose is being given.

【单选题】these patients are taken to the recovery room after ________.

【单选题】the nurses ________ the patient's condition continuously.

【单选题】observation during the initial care period is_________ to a patient's well-being and recovery.

【单选题】recovery nurses ________________ monitoring patients and documenting symptoms(症状) and overall progress.

【单选题】a recovery nurse will ______ the patient's progress, communicating any potential problems to physicians and surgeons.

【单选题】vital signs include ________ of the patient.

【单选题】since there is no ________ of complications(并发症), he is prepared to return to a hospital room.

【单选题】please turn to your _____. i need to give this injection into your hip.

【单选题】it’s better to call for help if you need to get out of bed while the medicine is ________.

【单选题】just try to relax. if you are ______, the pain will be worse.

【单选题】you can _____________ a pleasant image and bring the picture alive or you can do deep breathing.

【单选题】the word “take” in the sentence “if you can’t take the pain any more” means _______ .

【单选题】surgical patients need to be under careful watch of highly skilled personnel-_______.

【单选题】the vital signs include all the following except _________ .

【单选题】the majority of the recovery room nurse's time is spent at the ________ rendering direct patient care.

【单选题】you’d better not get another dose because ___________ is very strong.

【单选题】since there is no evidence of complications, the patient is prepared to return to a hospital room.

【单选题】the patient has fully recovered from the anesthesia .

【单选题】do you feel you need the pain shot the doctor ordered?

【单选题】these patients are taken to the recovery room after surgery.

【单选题】to__________ our body, we need to do more exercise.

【单选题】rehabilitation is one thing that helps you gain your self-confidence to overcome any _______ or minor illness.

【单选题】the injuries that rehabilitation can help people recover from are mentioned in the passage except _______ .

【单选题】his _______ of motion was restricted after his recovery from the leg fracture.

【单选题】the purpose of this therapy is to help the patient ___________ as soon as possible.

【单选题】the word “amputation” means _________.

【单选题】the word “regular” in the sentence “he leads a regular life after recovery from a serious illness” is similar in meaning to_________.

【单选题】my doctor told me that i must rest for several weeks before i ______ my work.

【单选题】a ______ refers to an injury caused by heat, fire or radiation, etc.

【单选题】rehabilitation can work properly in the following thing except _________.

【单选题】in the sentence “you are going to be discharged tomorrow”, the underlined part means _________.

【单选题】-may i as you a few questions about exercises? -__________. go ahead, please.

【单选题】in order to recover from the knee surgery soon, the nurse suggested that the patient should _________ his knee by an exercising program.

【单选题】you should _________ with the doctor to make sure that things are healing properly.

【单选题】patients with lung cancer must give _____ oking and drinking.

【单选题】you have to re-strengthen your muscles around the knee.

【单选题】the western food is simple but highly nutritious.

【单选题】don’t stimulate the incision when you have a swimming.

【单选题】you can go to a physical therapist to start your exercise program.

【单选题】acupuncture(针灸)has therapeutic effect for treating pain.

【单选题】the doctor should teach the diabetes patient to blood levels, make good food choices, develop and maintain an exercise program, and take medication.

【单选题】is your appetite?

【单选题】have you had these symptoms?

【单选题】it is important for diabetes patient to have a well-balanced and take more exercise.

【单选题】smoking may also the risk of eye, kidney and nerve problems.

【单选题】do cereals contain high percentage of sugar__________?

【单选题】diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use .

【单选题】_______ and lack of exercise appear to play roles in causing diabetes.

【单选题】the unit of heat energy commonly used in physics is the________.

【单选题】recently the patient said he had been feeling very and passing a lot of water and the doctor thought he had diabetes.

【单选题】these are the ways which can lower your blood glucose (sugar) except .

【单选题】regular exercise can help reduce your risk for many diseases except ________.

【单选题】the word “subside” in the sentence “they would often subside a little, but they have never healed completely” means ____________.

【单选题】we would like to take your urine and blood _______to check their sugar contents

【单选题】the doctor gave the patient the _______ for both his diet and the therapy.

【单选题】the patient complained , “i feel tired, and i itch all over.”

【单选题】you should have your urine tested regularly.

【单选题】excessive alcohol can increase your blood glucose to dangerous levels.

【单选题】the nurse noticed the patient has several boils on her body.

【单选题】smoking while having diabetes also increases your risk of getting complications.

【单选题】good morning. _______ i help you?

【单选题】what's the ________ for a double room?

【单选题】excuse me, sir. you need to ________ the form. 

【单选题】do you want to pay _____ cash or _____ credit card. 

【单选题】the bellman will show you _______ your room. 

【判断题】after registration, the receptionist should wish the guest an enjoyable stay at the hotel. 

【判断题】hotel receptionists need good computer skills and math skills, as well as the ability to provide good customer service.

【单选题】"walk-in guest" means

【单选题】“how many people there will be in your party?" the word "party" refers to

【单选题】id card is ____

【单选题】"double room " is

【单选题】the word "deposit" in our book refers to

【单选题】the ____ desk is straight ahead

【单选题】so you've got altogether three ___ of luggage

【单选题】it's very kind ___ you to help me

【单选题】could you ___ some scenic spots to see here?

【单选题】____ does it take to get to the great wall?

【单选题】would you like me to take a ___ ?


【单选题】may i know who's ___, please?

【单选题】thank you for ____

【单选题】we are look forward to ___ you

【单选题】1. going about to look at places of interest

【单选题】2. bell captain the supervisor of bellboys in a hotel

【单选题】3. lifting device consisting of a platform or cage that is raised and lowered mechanically in order to move from one floor to another in a building

【单选题】4. valuables something of value

【单选题】5. something designed and created to serve a particular function and to afford a particular convenience or service

【判断题】(1)how many pieces of luggage do you have? 您有多少件行李?

【判断题】(2)let me help you with your luggage. 让我帮您提行李。

【判断题】(3)is this everything, sir? 这些就是所有东西吗?

【判断题】(4)the reception desk is straight ahead. after you, please. 前台就在前面,您先请。

【判断题】(5)mind the steps. 小心台阶。

【判断题】(1)would you give me some features of your baggage? 请告诉我一些您的行李的特征。

【判断题】(2)could you describe your bag? 请描述一下你的包。

【判断题】(3)is there a name tag attached to it, sir? 上面有没有贴上姓名的标签?

【判断题】(4)your bags are on the way now. 您的行李正给您送去。

【判断题】(5)we’re very sorry for the delay. 对于行李延误我们十分抱歉。

【单选题】(1)shall/may i show you to your room?

【单选题】(2) please take this lift on the left to the 11th floor.

【单选题】(3)here we are, room 1212.

【单选题】(4) may i have your room card, please?

【单选题】(5)the floor attendant will meet you there and show you to room 1601


【判断题】the hotel cashier can cash the traveler's checks for the foreign guests

【单选题】what is the operator's working responsibilities?

【单选题】good morning. _______ i help you?

【单选题】i would like to _________ a room, please.

【单选题】it’s very kind __________ you to help me.

【单选题】what’s the ________ for a double room?

【单选题】excuse me, sir. you need to ________ the form.

【单选题】i would like to book a double room ________ bath.

【单选题】we are looking forward to __________ you.

【单选题】i'm afraid we are fully booked _______ the 5th.

【单选题】do you want to pay _____ cash or _____ credit card.

【单选题】the porter will show you _______ your room.

【单选题】1. in order to allocate and supervise the work of the staff, ____ is appointed and is entirely responsible for the administration of this department, who ranks as one of the executive staff on a par with the head chef or the food and beverage manager.

【单选题】___ have to be informed of which rooms are due to be vacated (空出)or rent. their duties include making or changing beds,dusting furniture,cleaning floors and carpets,washing bathrooms and so on.

【单选题】there is a linen-room(布草房) under the control of a ____, who is directly responsible to the head housekeeper.

【单选题】with regard to the cleaning of public areas, it is the____’s job, which includes the cleaning of all public rooms, lounges (休息室), corridors, halls, public toilets and the various offices of the hotel.

【判断题】the front office receptionist’s duty is to sell accommodation, but without the housekeeping staff, there would be no accommodation fit to sell.

【判断题】to see the cleanliness and good order of all rooms in the hotel is the main function of the housekeeping staff. they are housekeepers,chambermaids (room maids),pa cleaners,linen keepers (linen room attendants),housemen,maintenance staff and so on.

【判断题】without the housekeeping department, a hotel cannot operate.

【判断题】the main duty of the housekeeping department staff is to see to the cleanliness and good order of all rooms and public area in the hotel.

【判断题】the housekeeping department is not the backbone of a hotel.

【单选题】which department is the backbone of a hotel?

【单选题】dnd 的意思是




【判断题】the housekeeping department is one of the busiest and the most important components in a hotel.

【判断题】room attedant 的意思是 客房服务员

【判断题】the quality of housekeeping department service has nothing with the occupancy rate.

【判断题】room attendant should avoid disturbing guests.

【判断题】很高兴为您服务 可以翻译成 i am always at your service.

【单选题】____is a kind of implement with the ooth base that can be heated to ooth clothes.

【单选题】____is a cleaning process for clothing using chemical agents other than water.

【单选题】____refers to the action of the thread going into and out of the cloth.

【单选题】____is a mark on something that is difficult to remove.

【单选题】____is a special service for customers who request their laundry to be returned in a short time.

【判断题】when we knock the door and enter the room, we can say : excuse me, have you got any laundry?

【判断题】when customers call for laundry service, we can say: i'll send the room attendant to pick up the laundry.

【判断题】when we want to know customers’ laundry requirements, we can say: please tell us or notify in the list whether you need your clothes ironed,washed,dry cleaned or mended and also what time you want to get them back.

【判断题】when customers want to get the laundry back as soon as possible, we can give suggestions like this: would you like express service?

【判断题】when the room attendant responds to the customers' laundry requests, we can say: we will do our best but i'm afraid we can not guarantee.



【单选题】what happened in the conversation?

【单选题】对话中的 safety box的意思是:


【判断题】emergency means a serious or dangerous event or situation which needs immediate action to deal with it.

【判断题】please come in the office and tell me how this thing had happened. this is a quick response by room attendant.

【判断题】the necklace is not found finally.

【判断题】the room attendant deals with the emergency in an approriate and efficent way.

【判断题】i understand how you feel and we’ll try our best to find it for you. 这句话的意思是:我对您的处境感同身受,我们将尽全力为您找到项链。

【单选题】when the guest asks if the hotel has baby-sitting service, we can say _____.

【单选题】when the guest asks about the qualifications of the babysitters in the hotel, we can say:

【单选题】when the guest asks about the charge standard of baby-sitting service, we can say:_____.

【单选题】when the guest asks about the announcements of baby-sitting service, we can say:____.

【单选题】when we are about to leave the room, we can say:____.

【判断题】there are mainly three service procedures in baby-sitting service.

【判断题】the first step of baby-sitting service is that the guest asks if the hotel has baby-sitting service and the room attendant responds to the guests warmly.

【判断题】the second step of baby-sitting service is that the room attendant introduces the qualifications of the babysitters and charge standard of baby-sitting service gently.

【判断题】the third step of baby-sitting service is thatthe room attendant reminds the guest to fill in the application form of baby-sitting service, brings the guest the application and leaves the room.

【判断题】the guest also needn't fill in the application form for baby-sitting service.

【单选题】____it means that something is fragile and easily broken.

【单选题】____refers to safety deposit box , a fireproof metal strongbox for storing valuables.

【单选题】____is a room where coats and other articles can be left momentarily.

【单选题】he is the ____, whose job is to connect or repair electrical wires or equipment.

【单选题】when customers want to deposit something, we can say : ____.

【判断题】there's are mainly three service procedures in maintenance and storage service in hotel.

【判断题】the first step of maintenance and storage service is that the room attendant responds to the guests warmly that the hotel provides maintenance and storage service .

【判断题】the second step of the maintenance and storage service is that the room attendant introduces the opening time and attentions of the depository and arranges the maintenance service for the guest immediately.

【判断题】the last step of the maintenance and storage service is that the maintenance staff fixes the broken equipment , leaves the room and wishes the guest a pleasant stay.

【判断题】when customers asks for maintenance service, we can say:the electrician is very busy now. i'm sorry.

【单选题】the word “reservation” equals to____

【单选题】sichuan cuisine is ___ and contains chili.

【单选题】the word “cuisine” means___


【单选题】how do you greet a guest at the restaurant, if it is in the evening?

【判断题】making a reservation in the restaurant will reduce the quality of service.

【判断题】as a reservation clerk in a restaurant, you should be able to take notes quickly    

【判断题】we should make sure whether the guests have a reservation before they are led to a table.

【判断题】if you don’t know how many seats you should prepare, you ask the guest "how many people are there in your party?"

【判断题】我们坐在靠窗的位置,可以吗?可以表达为“ can we sit by the window?”

【单选题】can i have ____ orange juice?

【单选题】may ________ take ________ order now?

【单选题】—what would you like to ________? —i'd like some vegetables. 

【单选题】“点菜” means_____

【单选题】葡萄酒 means___

【判断题】as a waiter in a reataurant,you should have good communication skills.  

【判断题】the term “白酒” in chinese is the same as the “white wine”

【判断题】if a guest has finished his main course, you can recommend dessert to him or her

【判断题】if a guest orders coffee, we ask him "how would you like your coffee,with sugar or milk?"

【判断题】a steak can be done rare,medium or well done.

【单选题】what service can guests get if they want to have dinner in the room?

【判断题】guests don't have the choice to decide the type of breakfast.





【判断题】your hair is a little flat, so you might get a body perm to add a little volume. 你的发型有点平,你可以做个弹性烫,使头发看起来多点。

【单选题】what can you say when you provide catering service?

【判断题】set price is available for catering service.

【单选题】what can not be provided for a vegetarian?

【判断题】is it necessary to ask for the information of the attendees?


【名词解释】翻译: 会议服务

【单选题】how many ways are there to make room reservations?

【判断题】do you think we should be polite to treat our guests?







【单选题】真空中光速为3×108 m/s,波长为380 nm的紫光,其频率为()。











【填空题】已知一折射球面的半径为5.0 cm,其像方折射率为1.0,物方折射率为1.5,该球面的物方焦距为()cm。






【单选题】单色光从空气射入水中,则光的( )

【填空题】根据振动量的方向与波的传播方向之间的关系,波又可分为______ 和______。

【填空题】波长为λ1=380nm和λ2=760nm的光波的时间频率分别为______ 和______。

【判断题】电场强度矢量 e称为光矢量。这句话是否正确

【填空题】定态波的特点是______ 和______。


【计算题】某平面波实波函数为e(r,t)=acos[(3x 4y 5z)-15×108t],其中a是常数,x, y, z单位是米,t单位是秒,求该平面波的(1)波矢k的大小和方向;(2)波长l;(3)频率n;(4)波速v;(5)x, y, z方向的空间频率。


【计算题】一个三维平面波的实波函数为e(r,t)=acos[(2x-3y 4z)-5t],x, y, z以厘米(cm),时间以秒计(s)。(1)写出该平面波的复波函数和复振幅;(2)求波长及x, y, z方向的空间频率和空间周期。



【填空题】干涉的三个层次,分别为______、______ 和______。

【填空题】两列波的相干条件是______、______ 和______。




【计算题】两束同频率单色光发生干涉。(1)设e10‖e20,光强比i1‖i2分别为1, 5, 0.2,计算干射条纹的对比度。

【填空题】将同一波列分割为两束或多束光的方法主要有两种:______ 和______。







【判断题】“若两点源之间的距离d 不变,则将它俩由近移远,则相干性逐渐变好。”是否正确?




【简答题】已知入射角为i1, 折射角为i2,写出菲涅公式。


【判断题】“当入射角为布儒斯特角时,无p光反射。” 这句话是否正确?

【判断题】“光从光疏介质以接近正入射或掠角入射到光密介质时,反射光会产生π的位相突变。” 这句话是否正确?










【单选题】在迈克尔逊干涉仪的一条光路中,放置一折射率为n,厚度为的透明薄片d,放入后,这条光路的光程改变了( )










【简答题】衍射现象有哪些共同特征? 衍射现象的特点是什么?





【计算题】利用半波带法,求第10000个半波带对p点贡献的振幅与第一个半波带贡献在p点贡献的振幅之比。设波长为600nm,r=1m, r0=1m。



【单选题】费涅耳圆屏衍射屏后轴上的中心是( )

【计算题】钠黄光(l=589.3 nm)正入射照明一圆孔,探测器固定于轴上点距屏1.5m处。当圆孔直径从零逐渐增大时,所探测到的光强发生强弱交替变化。求前两个极大和前两个极小相应的圆孔直径。



【单选题】在夫琅禾费单缝衍射实验中,对于给定的入射单色光,当缝宽减小时,除亮条纹的中心不动外,各衍射条纹( )






【多选题】关于n个缝的夫琅禾费衍射与单缝夫琅禾费衍射(设缝宽相同),下列说确的是( )。





【单选题】含有蓝、绿、黄、红颜色的一束光照射到一衍射光栅上,偏离中心像最远的光是( ):

【单选题】波长为l=550nm的单色光垂直入射到光栅常数d=2×10-4cm的平面衍射光栅上,可观察到的光谱线的最大级次为( )。


【单选题】为提高光栅光谱的分辨本领,应当( )




【简答题】一闪耀光栅的闪耀角为30o,光栅常数为1.2mm,试求在i = qb和i = 0两种通常工作方式下,它在可见光区的闪耀波长各有几个?它们是多少?


【简答题】在晶体衍射中,l = 0.13mm的x射线的一级衍射极大相应的掠射角为22o,求晶面间距。






【简答题】一个顶角为60o的棱镜由某种玻璃制成,它的色散特性可用柯西公式中的常量a=1.416, b=1.72×10-10来表示。将棱镜的位置放置使得它对600nm的波长产生最小偏向角。计算这个棱镜的角色散率为多少?























































































【单选题】以 作韵尾的韵母叫前鼻音韵母

【单选题】以 作韵尾的韵母叫后鼻音韵母








【单选题】“啊”,在a o e i u 后读







【判断题】桌子 椅子 凳子,这几个词中的“子”,在发声时就是轻声。































































































【单选题】由于近轴光线和远轴光线的折射程度不同,导致平面物体经透镜后形成曲面状的像称为( )

【单选题】由于透镜的中心区域和边缘区域对光的折射能力不符合预定规律而造成的图像模糊现象称为( )。

【单选题】因光源的( )而导致图像模糊不清的现象称为色差。

【单选题】光学显微镜具有( )放大功能。

【单选题】成像物体上能分辨出来的两物点间的最小距离称为( )

【单选题】光学显微镜的极限分辨能力为( )。

【单选题】金相显微镜的物镜放大倍数为100倍时,其景深有可能是( )

【单选题】硬度最高的磨料是( )。

【单选题】取样后,对金相磨面方向没有要求的材料是( )。

【多选题】会导致景深变小的因素有( )。

【多选题】显微镜的有效放大倍数和下列哪些因素有关( )。





【单选题】质量吸收系数最大的物质是( )。

【单选题】x射线衍射时,首先出现的衍射峰必定是( )的晶面。

【单选题】在xrd上检测无择优取向的体心立方多晶粉末样品,第一个出现的衍射峰是( )

【单选题】对纯cu进行多晶体衍射实验时,下列能发生衍射的晶面是( )

【单选题】掠射角θ大于( )度时,衍射线形成背反射圆锥。

【单选题】采用θ-2θ联动进行连续扫描时,探测器的转速与试样的转速关系是( )。

【单选题】一般情况下,工业纯铁的(110)衍射峰强度比(200)的强度( )

【单选题】倒易矢量的长度等于正点阵中相应晶面的( )

【单选题】x射线特征谱的波长取决于( ).





【判断题】根据布拉格方程,λ一定时,d 减小,θ就要增大。说明衍射时首先出现的衍射峰必定是高指数晶面。


【单选题】电磁透镜的景深是指( )

【单选题】预先机械减薄薄膜样品时,要求减薄至( )

【单选题】单晶体电子衍射花样是( )。

【单选题】明场像的成像操作方法是( )。

【单选题】下列关于电子枪的描述,错误的是( )

【多选题】属于[101]晶带的晶面是( )

【多选题】电子花样的标定方法有( )









【单选题】扫描电镜的放大倍数范围大约是( )

【单选题】扫描电镜中分辨率最高的成像信号是( )

【单选题】二次电子像衬度最亮的区域是( )。

【单选题】能谱分析使用的物理信号是( )。






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