惠卫.1 x幼儿照护-2024欧洲杯竞猜官方平台

工学问答 2850

"for changing manners and altering customs, there is nothing better than music. "who said that?

the story of the chinese music scale is concerned about which emperor in china.

in chinese legend whose name means "the ruler of music".

chinese musical scale is a ____scale

chinese musical system is thought to be __

youban means ___

"dayinxisheng "belongs to whose philosophical view towards music?

"lofty mountains and flowing water" was a very famous guqin piece.

sanban means "come loose" or "not hold together".

"yaosheng" means fixed tone

which dynasty set up yuefu?

where was the birth place of kunqu opera?

what kind of work song is sung as sailing a boat and catching fish?

folk song of ethnic han can be ided into

where does the minor “riddle song” come from ?

people from which province call the folk song as a tune of mountain climbing?

when pear garden(liyuan) was established as the institution to manage singing and performance in china?

“xintianyou” is the appellation of folk song by shanxi people

chuanjiang boat man work song is one of representative tracks of fishing-boat work song

jaine flower is the first chinese folk song spread to the overseas

the earliest history of traditional chinese opera could be traced back to the “jiaodi opera” in the ( )

zaju of song dynasty included ( ), zaju opera and sanduan

four masters of yuan verse included ( ), wang shifu, ma zhiyuan and bai pu.

the representative works of wang shifu was ( )

the male character type in chinese opera can be ided into the young man’s role, the old man’s role and ( )

four famous dans in peking opera contained mei lanfang, shang xiaoyun, ( ) and xun huisheng.

music of kunqu opera belongs to ( )

“clown” in peking opera can be female or male.

“shuimo tune” of kunqu opera was improved by liang chenyu

a story of the washing girl was created by wei liangfu

what was the earliest musical instrument in china?

the “bosom friend” story of yu boya and zhong ziqi has been widely spreading in china. which qin music was played by yu boya for zhong ziqi?

how many strings in guqin?

which musical instrument belongs to imported instrument?

which are common huqin musical instruments in china?

which are plucked string musical instruments?

which folk song types belong to the traditional stringed and woodwind instruments?

according to the making materials, musical instruments were ided into metal, stone, earth, leather, silk, wood, pao and bamboo in ancient china.

chinese musical instruments can be ided into blow woodwind, bow string, plucked string and percussion.

jiangnan sizhu is popular in shanghai, jiangsu, and zhejiang province.

fengyang flower-drum dance comes from( )

yulan flower-drum dance comes from( )

which province doesn’t belong to the popular area of er ren zhuan?

er ren zhuan is also called as( )

the accompaniment of musical instruments of er ren zhuan includes suona and ( )

er ren zhuan has three forms: ( )

yangge has two forms:( ).

the accompaniment of musical instruments of yangge includes gongs, drums and suona horns

tea-picking opera comes from tea-picking activities and folk songs

performers of er ren zhuan should be equipped with four techniques, namely singing, reading, action and percussion

the earliest chinese narrative singing art could be traced back to?

when was the earliest tanci appeared?

which artists are the representatives of jingyun dagu?

which chinese folk art are popular in north china?

which art categories belong to chinese narrative singing?

which are accompaniments of musical instruments in jingyun dagu?

which are the representatives of suzhou tanci?

chinese narrative singing is the integrated performance art integrating with narration and figure shaping.

jingyun dagu is popular in south china.

performance art of suzhou tanci can be ided into single, double and three people.

muqam belongs to which minority?

what’s the favorite song genre of the tibet nationality?

which is the traditional dance form of the miao nationality?

which is the special folk song genre of the miao nationality?

which is the special song form of the dong nationality?

which musical instruments belong to the mongolian nationality?

which instruments belong to uyghur nationality?

khoomei is the special throat pronunciation mode of the mongolian nationality.

duixie is the traditional dance form of the dong nationality.

south muqam is composed of 12 songs, dances and music, thus it is called as “twelve-muqam”.

how many movements do the yellow river cantata have?

who founded the shanghai conservatory of music?

which period of china was the music piece “the east is red” written?

who was the composer of the yellow river cantata?

who was the composer of the school song" a farewell song"?

which musician promoted the status of erhu from accompaniment to solo?

which of the following musicians belong to the representative of school music songs?

the chinese famous song er quan ying yue was composed by liu tianhua.

li shutong is known as the father of modern chinese music.

in china, shen xingong was the first person who opened the music class in school.

the silk road was formed in ( )

the silk road can be ided into ( ), middle road and north road.

the collard seduction songs were created by ( )

the earliest album in china can be traced back to ( )

in 1902, shen xingong, the representative of school music and songs started his study in ( )

the corydon piccolo is the famous piano work written by ( )

the silk road connected china with its neighbor country ( )

wang guangqi is the founder of chinese ethnomusicology.

1. in 2005, guqin was listed in unesco ″oral non-material cultural heritage of mankind″.

1. in 2001, kunqu opera was listed in unesco ″oral non-material cultural heritage of mankind″.


与顾客建立长期合作关系是( )的核心内容。


我们通常按( )把顾客分为消费者市场、生产者市场、中间商市场及非营利组织市场。

全面营销包括了( )等方面的内容

对于无赢利顾客和亏损顾客,企业可以采取的措施包括( )

以下对应正确的是( )。

营销观念的特点描述正确的是( )

市场增长率高,相对市场份额低的业务,即( )类业务。

企业通过建立或者收买与目前公司业务有关的业务来弥补战略计划缺口,这种弥补缺口的战略我们称之为( )

营销战略属于企业战略的哪个层次:( )

企业通过开发某种与现有产品、市场、技术毫无关系的新业务而进入新的经营领域,来寻求新的业务增长的战略是( )。

企业战略的特点:( )

企业战略包含的要素有:( )

弥补企业战略缺口的方法有:( )

企业可以通过( )来实现密集性增长。

从企业的营销角度看,经济方面最主要的环境因素是( )

根据相关环境和相关环境要素发展变化对相关企业发生作用的性质,我们可以把环境变化的趋势分为( )

随着it技术的发展,以下哪种调研方式会在市场调研中发挥更加重要的作用( )

根据波士顿矩阵法,以下哪种业务数量过多,说明企业产品组合和营销战略有严重问题,需要调整和解决( )

市场营销经济环境包括( )

企业对所面临的市场机会,必须慎重地评价其质量。而对所面临的主要威胁,有以下可能选择的对策( )

观察法的缺点主要有( )

德尔菲法是一种( )

消费者市场是( )为了生活消费而购买产品和服务的市场。

( )就是人们为了满足某种需要,而引起某种活动的欲望和意念。

( )是指消费者几乎不假思索而经常重复的购买行为。

所谓( ),是指那些直接或间接影响消费者的态度、意见和行为的群体。

理性购买行为大多是针对( )的商品。

在“——反应”模型中,以下哪些是可以看到的( )。

( )对购买行为起到了重要作用。

妻子对( )及地毯等商品的购买决策更有影响。

市场细分是指根据( )的不同特性,把市场分割为若干个消费者群的过程。

在以下( )方面,产业市场用户与消费者市场用户存在明显的差异,因此两个市场在细分变量选择上也存在很多不同之处。

目标市场营销是企业选择和针对一个或若干个目标市场,开发适销产品并制定相应的市场营销组合策略,力求更好地满足目标顾客的需要,其最高形式是( )。

新成立的企业初入市场,新产品投入市场,或产品进入新市场时,企业须从零开始,运用市场营销组合,使产品特色符合所选择的目标市场。这是市场定位的( )。

市场细分的作用具体表现在以下( )方面。

不同的目标市场覆盖模式需要相应的目标市场选择策略予以配合,可供企业选择的目标市场选择策略包括 ( )。

企业在市场定位过程中,确认本企业的竞争优势时需要弄清以下( )问题。

企业选择目标市场覆盖战略时需要全面考虑的因素有以下( )方面。

从系统科学的角度来分析,竞争作为一个大系统来看不包括( )

超越竞争是企业持续发展关键途径,不属于它与竞争的区别在于( )

欧莱雅集团旗下拥有“兰蔻”、“美宝莲”、“薇姿”等众多品牌的品牌定位策略属于( )

中达公司一直生产肤爽牌浴液、肤爽牌洗发精、肤爽牌护手霜(适用于油性皮肤)三类产品。今年初,该企业扩大生产,增加了适于干性皮肤的浴液、护手霜,产品的品牌未变,但对包装策略做了调整,在原来所有产品均采用一种图案、颜色的个体包装的基础上,又推出了浴液、洗发精、护手霜的组合大包装。其运用的品牌策略是( )

迈克尔·波特教授的基本竞争力量的状况及其综合强度,共同决定着行业的竞争激烈程度,它主要有( )

我们依据竞争者不同的反应把竞争者归结为以下几种类型( )

品牌战略中的差异化战略成功的前提是( )

实施品牌战略的好处在于( )

构成产品最本质的核心部分是( )

宝洁公司有包含洗发水在内的六条产品线,共30个产品项目,该公司产品组合的长度是( )

下列哪一项不是产品组合决策( )

在普通牙膏中加入不同物质制成的各种功能的牙膏,这种新产品属于 ( )

产品是一个整体概念,它的内容有( )

以下属于产品组合的长度的有( )

当企业决定实施产品线现代化决策时,有两种方式可供决策( )

新产品构思的主要方法( )

经济学原理可知,如果其它因素保持不变,消费者对某一商品需求量的变化与这一商品价格变化的方向相反,如果商品的价格下跌,需求量就上升,而商品的价格上涨时,需求量就相应下降,这就是商品的( )

企业仅计算成本中的变动成本,不计算固定成本,而以预期的边际贡献适当补偿固定资本,这种定价方法被称为( )

企业在新产品投放市场的初期,将产品价格定得相对较低,以吸引大量购买者,获得较高的销售量和市场占有率,这被称为( )

一件毛衣定价99元而不是100元;一个面包定价4.8元而不是5元;一块香皂定价是3.98元而不是4元,这种定价方法被称为( )

企业在确定营销价格时,需要考虑的因素有( )

企业的定价方法大体可以分为以下几类( )

新产品的定价策略主要有( )

撇脂定价策略的主要缺点是( )

生产企业的商品经过中间环节,利用中间商销售给消费者的,称为 ( )

电子商务渠道冲突属于 ( )

在设计营销渠道时,使设计好的渠道实施的成本较低、较经济,这是遵循了( )原则

宝洁公司旗下拥有海飞丝、潘婷和飘柔等三大护发洗发系列,三大品牌之下又有各种功能的产品,如潘婷的卷发系列、直发系列以及护理系列等等。这是客户因素的 ( )

我们在树立通过高效价值网络向顾客传递价值的过程中,一般包括( )

垂直渠道冲突表现在( )

在制定一个可能的营销渠道方案前,我们会考虑下列哪些因素( )

合同式垂直营销系统的三种形式 ( )

最新的人员推销观念更强调( )和买者之间建立的关系。

在产品的成长期和竞争阶段,广告的目标是( )

作为传统的广告媒体,下列哪项是杂志的主要优点( )

实施销售促进方案的控制,主要体现在哪两个方面( )

为确保整合传播沟通过程的有效性,市场营销者必须做出的决策有( )

在产品生命周期的哪个阶段,产品广告的目标是强化顾客对产品品牌的情感,提醒顾客关注该品牌,促进产品的习惯性需求( )

广告的事后测定主要用来评估广告出现于媒体后所产生的实际效果,事后测定的主要方法有( )

在确定销售促进目标、选择销售促进工具后,就要制定销售促进的具体方案,主要包括以下哪几个方面的决策( )

在项目启动会上,通常由 介绍项目章程。


在拟定项目初步成本估算时,项目经理最初需要的资料是 。



第四节 具有某些特性的函数 课后练习



项目收尾阶段最后完成的是 。




土地勘测定界前期收集资料是很关键的工作,资料准备包括收集( )及控制点成果等,并整理、分析收集的资料。

单缝衍射, 己知: a=0.5mm, f=50cm 白光垂直照射,观察屏上x=1.5mm处为明条纹,则该明纹对应波长________;该条纹对应半波带数________。




土地权属来源情况、使用权类型调查的内容不包括( )。



what is non-degenerate and degenerate semiconductor.

what is donor and what is acceptor of a semiconductor.

please describe what will happen if the pn junction is applied with a forward bias.