
驾校问答 8386

第一个提出“社会学”概念并创立社会学的人是( )

社会学产生的直接根源和关键因素是( )

结构功能主义的主要人物是( )

“社会学旨在理解和洞察人类行为的社会意义”,这一说法属于以下哪一流派的 观点( )

强调“身临其境、融入社会、打成一片”的社会学研究资料的收集方法是( )

下列选项中不属于工具型角色的是( )

科尔伯格把儿童道德发展的过程分为( )

在社会化的所有场所中,最重要、最为直接、最为持久的是( )

年轻一代用新知识、新观念影响前辈的过程,被称为( )

个体进入学龄期后,( )成为社会化的主要执行者。

一个人同时担当了几种角色,对个人的期待发生了矛盾而难以协调,这种现象称为( )

根据人们获得社会角色的方式不同可以将社会角色划分为( )

本土方的创始人是( )

以下活动属于社会互动的是( )

人与人或群体与群体之间为了某种目标或价值观念而互相斗争的方式与过程被称为( )

家庭在社会中发挥着重要的作用,家庭的主要功能不包括( )

一切家庭形式中最稳定的形式是( )

性别角色社会化的主要机制不包括( )

以下哪一点不是当代社会婚姻家庭变迁的特征( )

“性别角色差异对于社会的稳定和整合有积极功能”,这一观点属于( )

构成群体的最低限度的人数是( )

家庭、邻里、伙伴群体都属于( )

组织与初级群体最显著的区别是( )

下列不属于正式组织的是( )

科层制最大的优点在于( )

以下不属于人际网络的是( )

“学习成绩随着宿舍室友平均成绩而提高”体现了一种( )

社会资本的主要测量方法不包括( )

将社会资本定义为“能够协助人们有效诉求和达成集体共享目标的社会网络、社会规范、社会信任”的社会学家是( )

黄光国的三类华人关系不包含以下哪一项( )

社会分层的核心在于确定社会成员的( )

“社会存续需要分层”这一观点是社会分层理论流派中的( )

职位升迁属于社会流动中的( )

王某原是某机械厂厂长,后调到同级的公司当经理,王某完成的社会流动是( )

冲突论的社会分层理论的代表人物是( )

社会变迁的根本原因是( )

按照社会变迁的发展方向,社会变迁可以分为( )

文化模式、政治体制等一些方面发生的变化属于( )

社会是从简单到复杂,由低级到高级的直线式发展”。这是社会变迁哪种理论的观点( )

在许多发达,出现了大城市居民向小城镇或农村迁移的现象,这种现象被称为( )

以下不属于马尔萨斯人口论的观点是( )

人口问题的实质是人口再生产与( )不相适应

“人们进入老年后的生活方式代表着以往的生活的继续”属于哪一理论的观点( )

在老龄化理论中,角色脱离理论的内涵不包括( )

就养老内容而言,老年人在家务和照料等方面获得的社会支持属于养老支持中的( )

























































1. these days, a problem for many (parent/parents) is deciding how to control internet addiction.

1. many (teenager/teenagers) cannot control the amount of (time/times) they spend (play/playing) online.

1. various (study/studies) show that a significant number of young (person/ people), especially boys are neglecting their schoolwork because they ( prefer/prefers) playing games.

1. in china, the government is using a special (program/programs) to limit the time that students of school (age/ages) spend on (game/gaming).

(player/players) are required to log on with their id card numbers.

1. after three (hour/hours), the program tells them to stop (play/playing) and get some (exercise/exercises).

1. if a player (quit/quits), he will (keep/keeping) his points for that game.

if he (continue/continues) playing, he will (lose/losing) some or all of his points.

1. bar graphs usually show some type of information______ _____ ______ other information. in relation to who shows how much increase less who a decrease scores much around approximately about

1. for example, a graph about television may show how _____television is watched, measured in average hours, and the groups of people _____ it. in relation to who shows how much increase less who a decrease scores much around approximately about

1. it is important to describe the overall trend, or main idea, that the graph_____. in relation to who shows how much increase less who a decrease scores much around approximately about

1. in model 1, the overall trend is that the students ____watch ____television have higher test scores. in relation to who shows how much increase less who a decrease scores much around approximately about

1. you also need to describe the data from the graph in more detail. you need to describe the way in which the bars on the graph ____and decrease. in relation to who shows how much increase less who a decrease scores much around approximately about

1. in model 1, there is a ____in the test _____from 80% to 65% as students watch ____ television. in relation to who shows how much increase less who a decrease scores much around approximately about

1. it can be difficult to see the exact numbers on the graph. to describe these inexact figures, you may use words like ___, around and ____. in relation to who shows how much increase less who a decrease scores much around approximately about

draft a presentation of this table and try to follow the logic of questions.




辩论的构成要素包括论点,论据和( )

辩题总体上可以分为政策性辩题和( )



辩论主要从以下五个方面进行评定:内容,( ),应答,语言和举止。

请就辩题does wechat make us feel lonely or keep us connected?进行辩论练习。

--- ___________________? --- yes,please. i’d like one single room with garden view for two nights.

internal calls

i’d like my suit presented.

---what kind of ticket in this early flight would you like to buy? --- .

baggage allowance

may i see your disembarkation card, please?

when you ask the customers about their choices of drinks, you can say “ what would you like to have?”.

do you have any dietary ?

i’m sorry your air conditioner doesn’t work, i will call the to fix it for you.

here is your room key. i’ll ring for a to help you with the luggage.

you should be at the airport two hours before of your flight.

all passengers shall be requested to proceed to gate 8 after passing the transit counter.

i’m going to baggage to pick up my luggage from the flight 119.

welcome to america. your papers are all in order. please bring your baggage here for .

if you want to book a hotel room, you always need to make reservations first.

complimentary breakfast at the hotel means the traditional american breakfast.

if you want to have breakfast at your hotel room, you need to call room service department.

based on the language techniques learnt from the chapter, if you want to keep the conversation going, you could end your response with an inquiry or a question.

if the ground staff cannot find your lost luggage, you can say, “ i’d like to ask for compensation for my lost luggage.”.

it’s acceptable to bring some fresh fruits, vegetables or meats to another country, as long as you don’t sell them in that country.

if you are in-transit passenger, you need to ask the counter staff, “will my bags be transferred or do i have to check them again?”

according to the language techniques learnt from the chapter, if you want to keep the conversation going, you’d better end your response with only one word.

writing:if a customer is complaining to you that his room is not very clean when he checks in, as a hotel manager, how are you going to respond to that? write down the appropriate response. (如果顾客向你抱怨在他登记入住时房间不是很干净,作为酒店经理,你打算如何应对?写下合适的回答。)

which kind of chart uses circle and sector to represent the proportion between the whole and the parts, usually in the form of percentages?

when yzing pie charts, we should pay special attention to the information expressed by ________ in the charts.

what's the chinese meaning of "market shares"?

what's the chinese meaning of "domestic brands"?

this chart describes the ______ (持续增长) of online shopping between 2009 and 2014.

we can use the following expressions except _______ to indicate that we want to summarize our presentation.

the two pie charts ________ the change in proportion of people all over the world consuming luxury goods in 2000 and 2010.

this pie chart shows the ________ of market shares for each of the art phone manufacturers in 2011.

foreign cellphone makers, such as samsung, apple and nokia, ________ the market.

more and more power plants in china will switch to consuming ________ energy.

nuclear power plants will experience a steady rise. it’s estimated that this type of power plants will ________ 23% of the market by 2025.

the pie chart is one of the common chart types. it uses circles and sectors to represent the proportion between the whole and the parts. it is generally presented in the form of percentages.

when yzing pie charts, we first need to observe how many pie charts there are and what the relationship between them is.

when describing the pie charts, we don’t have to pay attention to the information expressed by the title, legend and text in the charts.

when describing the pie chart, we should highlight the key points, point out the trend, and select representative objects for comparison or explanation.

at the end of the presentation, the main problems that the charts demonstrate should be emphasized again and appropriate comments should be made.

writing:describe the figures in the pie chart of “information source”.

--- would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight? --- ____________. (which of the following responses is not polite?)

--- _________________________? --- it is the best movie i've ever seen.

if you want to express disagreement, which of the following is the politest?

when is not appropriate for you to interrupt the speaker during a meeting?

i was __________ if you’d like to go to the movies with me.

i just saw a _________ movie last night. it almost frightened me to death.

--- _____________________________ --- certainly, thank you for the invitation.

--- what’s _______ at the cinema tonight? --- titanic.

---what do you think of the film we saw last night? --- ____________________.

which of the following statements means that you totally agree with someone?

i’m sorry to __________ you, but i’m afraid we are running out of time.

i don't quite _______ you. what exactly do you mean?

let’s call the meeting to__________.

shall we move on to the next _________ on the agenda?

in order to keep the conversation going, we should ask each other as many questions as possible.

when designing the plots, we can create some problems, obstacles or conflicts to enrich the plot.

when allocating the roles, we should make sure each students has equal opportunities to speak.

in order to draw the audience’s attention, we should make up a lot of funny lines.

it’s not polite to interrupt the speakers at the meeting, so we shouldn’t do it.






if you didn’t understand the question master’s questions, what could you say?

another expression of a sustainable life is ________.

match the phrase with its chinese meaning observation and hands on

if someone who is not a good swimmer asks “can i still join the tour? “, how will you respond?

if someone who is interested in the tour asks “ when can i go snorkelling?”, how will you respond?

match the words or expression with its chinese meaning snorkel

so you will not be _______ if you take part in this kind of course.

——how much does this program cost? ——it won’t ______you much.

i believe that will make you so ________.

there are ______ kinds of activities, i am sure you will enjoy them.

you can choose a time that is ______ for you.

when answering the questions of the customer, you only need to read out the answer.

when answering the questions of the customer, you can comment on the customer’s personal life.

when answering the questions of the customer, you are trying to help your customer. you are providing service and being helpful.

if the customer is not a good swimmer, you can still recommend snorkeling to him.

if you didn’t understand the question master’s question, you can simply say “ i don’t know.”

--- ? --- it depends. if it’s affordable, i prefer to live by myself.

match the phrase with its chinese meaning trail system

match the phrase with its chinese meaning the sewer and trash disposal are also paid by landlord.

to thank a customer, you should say:

if you haven’t listened clearly or understood, you could say following expressions in a polite way except ___________________________.

match the words or expression with its chinese meaning depts

when preparing the interview part, the first step is:

the condo is __________ in vila martinique at east lake shores.

the kitchen is equipped _______ electric range, oven and refrigerator.

which phrase is not proper for expressing”在这种情况下”?

choose the correct sentence:

to apologize to a customer, you should say:

if you don't know how to help a customer, you should:

customer service is important:

ups means united parcel service.

in order to listen attentively while interviewing, it is rather important to present the questions .

when we meet some difficult words to pronounce, we need to read them several time during our preparation process to ensure fluency.

we could always find out all 5ws information (what, who, where, whose, which, why) when we read the poster.

to express ourselves naturally, we should pay attention to our gestures and body languages.

when the customer seems interested in the house rented, the price is always their first consideration.

if a customer feels the house rent is a little high, you could give some reasons to show the house is worth it.

1. which of the following statements is not true about constructive speech?

2. which of the following words or phrases belong to signpost words?

which of the following words or phrases belong to the domain of fuzzy language?

3. which of the following statements is not true about communication skills?

7. “if you apply for college english band 4, you have to practice using english. if you apply for a driving licence, you have to practice using a car.” in this statement, paralleli is used.

3. 总结陈词中需重申本方观点和定义,并对辩论过程中,本方出现的漏洞进行____________,针对对方漏洞进一步_____________,总结陈词贵在灵活。

5. 一名优秀的辩者需具备的素养有:学习能力、听说能力、_____________、____________。

when you ask the customers about their choices of drinks, you can say “ what______would you like to have?”

do you have any dietary____________?

i’m sorry your air conditioner doesn’t work, i will call the __________ to fix it for you.

here is your room key. i’ll ring for a___________to help you with the luggage.

you should be at the airport two hours before_______ of your flight.

the condo is __________ in vila martinique at east lake shores.

the kitchen is equipped _______ electric range, oven and refrigerator.

if you don't know how to help a customer, you should:

——how much is this course? ——it won’t ______you much.

i believe that you will not feel ________.

we offer ______ kinds of activities, i am sure you will enjoy them.

which of the group has the same vowels.

complete the statement with the most suitable words or phrases. “but _______, we are better at ____________ practical things, which is also highly _________ by employers. and i think we can gain more working experience in a company before __________ our own business.

complete the idioms with the right words. a friend in need is a friend ___________. seeing is _________. mend the ___________ when the weather’s better. enough is _________.

in the following statement, what kind of rhetorical devices is applied? “if you apply for college english band 4, you have to practice using english. if you apply for a driving licence, you have to practice using a car.”

--- ______________________________ --- certainly, thank you for the invitation.

--- _________________________? --- it is the best movie i've ever seen.

shall we move on to the next _________ on the agenda?

when we meet some difficult words to pronounce, we need to read them several times during our preparation process to ensure fluency.

if the customer feels the price is a little high, you could give some reasons to show the product is worth it.



when answering the questions of the customer, you are trying to help your customer. you are providing service and being helpful.

if you didn’t understand the question master’s question, you can simply say “ sorry, i don’t know.”

when designing the plots, we can create some problems, obstacles or conflicts to enrich the plot.

it’s not polite to interrupt the speakers at the meeting, so we shouldn’t do it.

运营战略属于企业战略中的哪一层次?( )

维达公司的一间造纸工厂一月生产2000万卷纸,劳动成本是16万元,材料成本是50万元,管理费用是32万元,试求多要素生产率。( )

以下哪个选项不属于运营资源的5p要素?( )

以下哪些选项是企业在制定运营目标时需要权衡分析的?( )

生产率是指对资源的使用效率,是一个相对指标。以下哪些生产率的比较方式是有意义的?( )

运营战略是属于职能战略的一种。( )

订单赢得要素(order winners)是指潜在的顾客认为一个组织的产品或服务值得购买所必须具备的因素。( )

运营战略决策是指将运营系统内的各要素发挥其最大效用或优势的一种决策方式。( )

运营资源有五部分组成,分别是人力资源、工厂、部件、 和计划控制系统。















ipd的核心理念包括产品开发是投资行为、基于()的创新、 ()的异步开发模式和复用策略、技术开发与产品开发分离等。




某公司在某一计划期的前期期末存货为100件(无变动), 本期产量为500件,本期产品的需求量为450件,则该产品本期的期末存货为(),本期的平均存货为()







化合物 的合成路线是( )。

下列反应的产物是( )。

下列反应的产物正确的是( )。

下列反应的产物正确的是( )。

下列反应的产物是( )。

热气球飞行主要靠( )原理

火箭飞行主要靠( )原理

同等条件下,飞行距离最远的飞行器是( )

以下多旋翼中间的共轴双桨和四周的四旋翼提供( )

多旋翼“刷锅”其实指的以一个目标为中心点,飞行器围着它转圈拍摄。如果做顺时针刷锅,机头方向始终指向圆的切线方向,那么以手遥控器为例,下面( )操作可能是正确的

直升机的升力主要由( )控制

多旋翼在悬停下主要受到( )

多旋翼可靠性高主要是因为( )

相比固定翼,多旋翼易用性更佳是因为( )

多旋翼勤务性高是因为( )


多旋翼的控制系统可以比作人的哪种器官( )

以下机架材料中密度最小的是( )

以下关于轴距的定义正确的是( )

表示材料或结构在外力作用下抵抗破坏的能力的物理量为( )

涵道提高升力主要靠( )原理

电池内阻会随着电池状态和使用寿命变化而变化,主要原因有( )

锂离子电池应用越来越广泛,主要原因有( )

遥控器与接收机之间通过无线电波进行连接通讯,常用的无线电频率包括( )

若遥控器模式采用手,则左边的操纵杆控制多旋翼( )

自驾仪的主要功能有( )

下面对多旋翼上传感器具有较大干扰的是( )

环形结构的缺点是( )

字型的优点是( )

共轴双桨形式的优点是( )

人们选择共轴双桨形式最大的原因是( )

多旋翼的机动性与下列因素有关( )

对于重心与桨盘位置关系,以下说确的是( )

空气阻力产生原因包括( )

多旋翼气动设计的目的包括( )

多旋翼气动设计应该注意( )

多旋翼飞行器常用的电机为( )

不考虑动力系统动态特性时,电机模型中可忽略的有( )

电调输入电流与电机电流的比值是( )

如何能增加电池放电时间( )

一般情况下,我们希望悬停油门大致为( )

已知一架多旋翼飞行器始终处于悬停状态,如果空气密度增大,那么悬停时间将会( )(假设飞行器的总重量保持不变)

已知一架多旋翼飞行器始终处于悬停状态,如果将螺旋桨直径稍稍增大,而不改变其他动力系统参数,电调油门将会( )(假设飞行器的总重量保持不变)

kv值较大的电机更适合搭配什么样的螺旋桨( )


下面那些方法可以提高多旋翼飞行器的悬停时间( )

下面哪种不是姿态表示方法?( )

欧拉转动中,将地球固联坐标系绕固定点转动( )次可以使它与机体坐标系的三轴指向一致。

实际应用中,机体的角速度可以由( )近似得到。

四元数的概念是( )引入的

滚转角的定义域为( )


四元数的基本运算法则中,描述正确的是?( )

下列关于三种姿态表示方法的转换关系中,表述正确的是?( )

在三种姿态表示方法的转换关系中,会出现奇异问题的是( )

关于三种姿态表示方法的表述中正确的是?( )


在原理上,下列哪种传感器能够得到稳定的多旋翼无人机速度( )

判断系统 的可观性( )

求矩阵的奇异值( )

求矩阵的特征根( )

无偏估计的意思是( )

系统初值的选取对卡尔曼滤波器的结果( )影响

卡尔曼滤波过程中的卡尔曼增益矩阵与噪声方差阵( )

卡尔曼滤波过程中的卡尔曼增益矩阵与系统方差阵( )

在经典离散卡尔曼滤波器的推导过程中,假设( )

卡尔曼滤波估计的特点有( )

加速度计测量的是( )

加速度计受振动噪声影响( )

在地磁场中,磁场南极位置在( )

在俯仰角和滚转角很小的情况下,多旋翼姿态角变化率与角速度( )

当摄像机平动时,图像上的光流在foe点处( )

下面哪些传感器能够提供位置信息( )

下面哪些传感器能够提供姿态角信息( )

电子罗盘里面包括( )

一般情况下,偏航角可以由( )提供

下面哪些是运动捕捉系统( )

对于下图中小球的哪个位置是稳定的( )

约束函数称为( )

六旋翼飞行器当全姿态不可控时,可以通过放弃( )控制的方式来实现降级安全着陆

分析系统可控性之前,需要首先确定系统的( )

如果可微函数在时有界,并且一致连续,那么当时,下列哪些条件一定成立( )

对于经典的四旋翼构型,下列情况下四旋翼还能通过一定的手段让其在空中飞行(不计较飞行性能)的是( )

下列哪些情况会让多旋翼飞行器的动力单元失效( )

多旋翼飞行器的一个动力单元有下列哪些部分组成( )

下列哪些名词可以用来形容多旋翼系统的可控程度( )

已知,则以为系数矩阵的线性时不变系统( )

多旋翼的底层控制可以分为几个层次( )

多旋翼是( )系统

多旋翼采用内外环控制,需要( )

加性分解与叠加原理的关系是( )

控制分配产生的是( )

基于自驾仪的控制分配采用( )

字型四旋翼和x字型四旋翼的控制分配( )

多旋翼的原始模型可以解耦为多个线性模型,分别为( )

姿态控制的目标是( )

多旋翼飞行控制系统具有( )特点

一个飞行控制系统(fcs)或者自动驾驶仪除了需要底层控制模块,还需要什么( )

如果把多旋翼看作质点,则其质点模型应该为( )

在路径规划算法的设计中为什么要考虑饱和?( )

对势场力进行饱和处理时为什么要采用保方向饱和函数?( )

如果采用人工势场法的思想来实现多旋翼的避障,则障碍物的势场应该怎么分配( )

根据自动控制器的控制程度,可将半自主控制模式分为( )

半自主控制模式下的多旋翼总是在哪两个控制方式之间切换?( )

传统的人工势场法有哪些缺点?( )

在多旋翼的路径规划中要考虑的两个最重要的约束是什么( )

路径规划一般包括( )

以下哪一个设备出现故障会导致多旋翼无法准确测量飞行高度( )

以下哪一个设备出现故障会导致多旋翼无法准确测量水平位置( )

以下哪一个设备出现故障会导致多旋翼无法准确测量机头指向( )

当gps不健康时,则多旋翼无法实现以下哪个功能( )

当气压计不健康时,则多旋翼只可能实现以下哪个功能( )

遥控器上的飞行模式开关可以使多旋翼从哪些模式之间切换( )

以下哪些事件发生时,多旋翼会从返航模式直接切换到自动着陆模式( )

以下哪些事件发生时,多旋翼会从定点模式直接切换到自动着陆模式( )

以下哪些事件的发生是多旋翼返航的必要条件( )

当以下哪些事件发生时,多旋翼会从定点模式进入定高模式( )

2015年9月24日,在第四届卫星导航与位置服务年会暨卫星导航定位展上,具有星基增强的( )级精度北斗接收机首次亮相

( )公布了含有54亿个晶体管的光流芯片,它可以用于模式识别、音频处理和运动控制。

rtklib开源项目是由( )主持开发

在( )年的国际消费类电子产品展览会上,英特尔把realsense技术也应用到了多旋翼身上,用于感知周围环境,进而供多旋翼进行自主避障

快速且准确的获取自身( )十分重要。这是因为速度反馈能有效提高多旋翼控制的稳定性(提高阻尼),从而达到更好的悬停和操控效果.

多信息源定位可以采用的信号有( )

深度相机一般由( )组成

避障技术包括( )

在2015年航天局无人机系统交通管理大会上,( )递交了。

失效种类的不同会带来不同的后果,进而产生不同的风险,包括( )
