
保险习题 4509

quand il fait beau, prends ton manteau ; quand il pleut, prends-le si tu veux.

osez d'abord, dosez après.

ils espèrent gagner de l'argent dans l'argentine.

je hais les haies/ qui sont des murs./ je hais les haies/ et les mûriers/ qui font la haie/ le long des murs.

chic, choc, chouette, dimanche.

dès ( ), chen duxiu a lancé à ( ) la revue « ( ) » qui contient erses prises de position ( ) avec la tradition. 写数字,答案与答案之间用西文分号区分,注意大小写,不要加多余空格。

les valeurs confucéennes sont confrontées aux valeurs occidentales: la servilité à ( ), la routine au ( ), la réserve au ( ), l'isolationnie à ( ), le formalie au ( ), l'imagination à ( ).

parmi les personnages suivants lequel n’est pas un penseur socialiste français ?

quel événement signifie-t-il le développement du socialie en france au 19ème siècle ?

quel penseur français était-il considéré par marx et engels comme une figure du socialie critico-utopique ?

d’après karl marx, quel ouvrage de pierre-joseph proudhon était aussi important que l’ouvrage de sieyès ?

en quelle année, la ministre française de l’education nationale à l’époque a-t-ell lancé une réforme éducative niveau de collège pour assurer l’enseignement des valeurs républicaines en france ?

l’emc est un sigle pour désigner

l’emc est dispensé au collège par un professeur

l’emc a pour but d’assurer un enseignement

la conférence de paix de paris aboutit au traité de versailles qui livre au japon les concessions allemandes du shandong.

la capitale chinoise, beijing, d'une superficie de près de 17000 mètres carrés, est entourée par la province du hebei ainsi que la municipalité de tianjin.

historiquement, beijing est proche des frontières de la chine impériale, ce qui lui permet d’avoir une importance sur le plan économique.

le 4 mai 1919, quelque 3 000 étudiants se réunissent pour manifester devant la porte tian'anmen, en proclamant: « le territoire de la chine peut être conquis, mais il ne peut être donné ! les chinois peuvent être tués, mais ils ne veulent pas être soumis ! notre pays risque sa perte ! citoyens, mobilisez-vous ! ».

la manifestation étudiante du 4 mai 1919 entraîne une vague de réactions patriotiques à travers la chine : les marchands décrètent le des produits japonais et une grève générale à shanghai aboutit à paralyser toute l'économie chinoise.

entrée en guerre auprès des alliés en 1917, la chine espère, en cas de victoire contre l'autriche impériale, récupérer la souveraineté sur la partie du territoire du shandong sous son contrôle depuis 1898.

le gouvernement chinois à l’époque, dominé par la faction de duan qirui, est fortement soupçonné de corruption pour avoir reçu un prêt du japon par un traité secret conclu en 1916.

l'importance politique de beijing accroît lorsque les mongols fondent la dynastie des yuan et la prennent comme capitale, sous le nom de dadu.

l’empereur hongwu est l'initiateur de la construction de la cité interdite à beijing.

la cité interdite qui s’étend sur une superficie de 72 hectares, fait partie des palais les plus anciens et mieux conservés de chine.

qui a fait créer l'arsenal de hanyang?

la révolte dans une caserne de wuchang a déclenché

la ville de wuhan est créée par la fusion de 3 disctricts:

la province du hubei est située en chine centrale.

où alexis de tocqueville est-il envoyé en 1830 ?

« l’ancien régime et la révolution » a été publié

relevez parmi les propositions suivantes celle qui vous paraît fausse

是隐喻吗? le poète pense : tandis qu’auprès de moi les petits sont joyeux comme des oiseaux sur les grèves, mon cœur gronde et bouillonne, et je sens lentement, couvercle soulevé par un flot écumant. s’entrouvrir mon front plein de rêves.

是隐喻吗? clodomir lisse sa moustache de maïs avec le crochet de son index.

是隐喻吗? tels que la haute mer contre les durs rivages, a la grande tuerie ils se sont tous rués.

是隐喻吗?une moitié de l’aviron est d’ébène, l’autre moitié, sous la lame, est d’argent.

是隐喻吗? et des rires s’élevèrent, pareils au clapotement des flots.

是隐喻吗? les claviers résonnaient ainsi que des cigales.

是隐喻吗?l’homme n’est qu’un roseau, le plus faible de la nature…

是隐喻吗?lieth, de même qu’une araignée au centre de sa toile, observait toutes les physionomies.

是隐喻吗?et la sainte-chapelle a l’air de s’envoler.

是隐喻吗?cet homme, un véritable tonneau, pèse 150 kilos.

qui est l’auteur de cette phrase « la philosophie est la science qui nous apprend à vivre. » ?

les articles de la ddhc sont adoptés

que pense karl marx de la ddhc ?

justifiez s'il s'agit de la litote: on dit de certaines gens qu’ils ont la main lourde ; cet homme ne l’avait pas légère.

litote ou non? une dame d’un certain âge entre dans la salle.

les asperges ne sont pas bon marché. la litote ou non?

maradona, une légende s’éteint. la litote ou non?

le journaliste a interviewé le représentant de ces demandeurs d’emploi. la litote ou non?

elle ne m’est pas indifférente. la litote ou non?

les regards que m. bourais envoyait à l’oiseau manquaient de tendresse. la litote ou non?

je regrette que votre travail laisse à désirer. la litote ou non?

la crise de l’industrie du disque touche autant les producteurs indépendants que les cinq géants du secteur. les artistes aux exigences princières sont remerciés si les chiffres de vente ne compensent pas les coûts. la litote ou non?

la veuve tribou : elle n’est cependant pas tout à fait dépourvue de charmes ni d’économies.

qui est l’élève du philosophe rationaliste alain ?

l’un des principaux ouvrages de simone de beauvoir, que l’on voit comme sa déclaration du féminie, lequel?

en 1954, simone de beauvoir obtient le prix goncourt pour quel ouvrage ?

simone weil trouve que ( ) sont de vrais phisolophes.

pour simone weil, le droit est né de quoi?

lors du 75ème anniversaire de la libération du camp d’auschwitz-birkenau, emmanuel macron a prononcé un discours au sujet de

lesquelles des femmes intellectuelles sont mentionnées dans le cours ?

henri bergson a reçu le prix nobel de ( ) en 1927.

d’après bergson, l’intuition est réglée sur ( )

trouvez les ouvrages de bergson.

qui est-ce qui est mentionné dans la séance sur le philosophe ?

anyang est étroitement liée à

relevez l’élément qui donne l’effet de la personnification. la porte de l’auberge sourit terriblement.

relevez l’élément qui donne l’effet de la personnification. quel est le père du privilège ? le hasard. et quel est son fils ? l’abus. (hugo)

对编写好的程序进行求解的方法不是( )。

下列文件类型是lingo程序的模型文件的是( )。

lingo程序中,定义5个元素的基本s,下列写法不可行的是( )。

lingo程序中,限制一维数组变量y取整数,下列写确的是( )。

最优值是指( )。

下列规划问题的最优值是( )。

对于产大于销的不平衡模型,lingo程序的段如下 sets: s1/1..3/:a;!定义产地; s2/1..4/:b;!定义销地; ss(s1,s2):x,c;!定义运量和单价; endsets 对产量约束的书写正确的是( )。

对于工厂到仓库,再从仓库到顾客的中转运输问题,下列说法错误的是( )。

下列说确的是( )。

关于库存说法错误的是( )。

对于合理下料方式的确定,下列说法错误的是( )。

下料模式太多的大型下料问题中,下列方法中不适合的是( )。

甲、乙、丙、丁四人将有一份中文说明书译成英、日、德、俄四种文字。他们将中文说明书翻译成不同语种的说明书所需时间分别为2 15 13 4;10 4 14 15;9 14 16 13;7 8 11 9,则所需总时间最少为( )。

4个人做4份工作,一个人只能做一份工作,一个工作只需要一个人去做,工作效率分别为4 5 5 1;2 2 4 6;4 2 3 3;5 0 2 1,则最高(大)效率为( )。

在最优生产计划下,如果影子价格小于市场价格时( )。

约束右端项在敏感性分析允许范围变化时,不变的是( )。

如果希望不等式保持大于等于,则极小化( )。

当同一级别的目标的重要性不一样时,我们可以( )。

关于多目标规划问题的说法错误的是( )。

lingo软件中,初始段的关键词是( )。

利用lingo软件可有效寻找全局最优解的处理方法是( )。

多元线性回归的模型假设中,要求各自变量( )。

多元线性回归的sas程序中用于指定回归模型的语句是( )。

聚类分析中,聚类的根据是( )。

聚类分析的sas程序中,计算伪f和伪t方统计量的命令是( )。

判别准则是用于衡量新样品与各已知组别接近程度的方法准则,( )是基于一定的判别准则计算出的,用于衡量新样品与各已知组别接近程度的函数式或描述指标。

在判别分析的sas程序中,( )是指定待作出判别的数据集名,其中的变量名须与data数据集中的变量名一致。

在实际工作中,主成分个数的多少通常以能够反映原来变量( )以上的信息量为依据。

主成分分析是根据( )确定选取的主成分个数。

因子分析基本思想是根据相关性大小把原始变量分组,使得同组内的变量之间相关性______,不同组的变量间的相关性______。( )

因子旋转是为了加大各( )的差异,以便对公共因子的意义作出更明确的解释。

以下哪个是宽平稳时间序列不满足的性质( )。

以下哪些说法是错误的( )。

关于纯随机性的说法以下哪个是错误的( )。

以下哪些做法不恰当( )。

ma模型具有以下哪个统计性质( )。

以下哪种说法错误( )。

在sas的输出结果中,autocorrelation check of residuals中的p值大于0.05可以得到什么结论( )。

identify语句执行后,sas软件不能输出以下哪个信息( )。































































































































































literature will help us to locate a sense of identification with the people from a different space and time.

robert frost argues that all of literature, quality literature especially, resolves around two central issues: who are we and how shall we live?

transcendentalists always depicted the beautiful natural scenes in their literary creations.

the history of american literature can be roughly ided into seven periods.

the literary arena after the civil war was dominated mainly by some realists and naturalists.

after american revolution, america got its political and literary independence successfully.

in the early stage, american literature consists of two parts: the_______ tradition of the native americans and the recording of the experiences of colonial expansion.

________, thomas paine and thomas jefferson were largely influenced by the enlightenment and political writings after american revolution.

_______, as a very important thought in the colonial period, influences the development of american literature and contribute to the shaping of its style and the national character.

the origin of american literature is humble due to its lack of _______, since the early stage of it is occupied by letters, sermons, diaries, ship logs, travel journals and reports to the financial supporters etc.

walden is a novel written by famous american transcendentalist, henry david thoreau,in 1854.

the prefix “ trans” indicates a kind of change.

transcendentali has three major concepts: oversoul, nature and knowledge.

in the 19th century, the interests of philosophical movement focus on the physical world.

thoreau was not escaping from society, as some chinese poets like tao yuanming did. instead, he was doing a social practice to explore other possible ways of life.

in western culture, there has always been a conflict between anthropocentri and ecocentri. the latter is a human centered system while the former is nature-centered.

transcendentali indicates is from the physical world to the______ world, from the reliance on reason to the reliance on intuition, and from the mind to the heart.

transcendentali shares some of the features of romantici: the importance of ______, the exultation of inidual over society, the new and thrilling delight in nature etc.

the iniduals can communicate with the ________l when they immerse themselves in nature and reach a state of perfection.

the ecological thought revealed by thoreau is that the relationship between man and nature should shift from the “i” vs. “you” conflict to the ______ of “part and whole”

imagi flourished in britain and the united states in the late 20th century.

imagi originated from the philosophy of t. e. hume, who insisted on the reformation of contemporary poetry through free verse and through the removal of all unnecessary verbiages from poems.

magi as a poetic movement was launched in england. its development can be ided into three phases.

williams carlos’ definition of the image was “that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time.”

williams wrote poems that captured ordinary moments and ordinary objects, such as the red wheelbarrow.

imagi refers to a revolutionary movement of poetry, which favored precise images, clear and sharp language and________.

pound’s definition of the image was “that which presents an intellectual and emotional___________ in an instant of time.”

williams presents a leisurely and fresh picture of an/a ______scene of american country life in his poem the red wheel barrow.

chinese poets instill_______ in their poetry, whereas the imagists, as they advocated, try to avoid emotional attachment.

in "a station of the metro", pound uses a _______ to construct the poem: he compares “faces” to “petals” and “crowd” to “a wet black bough”.

gary snyder is one of the lost generation.

snyder redefines the ways in which nature is popularly perceived.

in snyder’s philosophy of nature, wildness is the ongoing process of the evolution of nature.

deeper approach comes from a more sensitive openness to ourselves and nonhuman life around us.

according to warwick fox, there is a bifurcation in reality between the human and the non-human realms.

snyder points out that “nature is ultimately in no way endangered; ______is.”

snyder proposes three categories: ______the wild, and wilderness.

in pine tree tops “what do we know.” is a________ question.

in pine tree tops we can perceive only through our ______senses.

the attraction of the snyder’s poem is it leads to______ and mystical feelings.

ralph waldo emerson and _________ are the most important transcendentalist representatives.

thoreau quotes harivansa "an abode without birds is like a meat without seasoning." in the text because _____

walden is structured on the_____, although it covers thoreau’s experiences over the course of two years.

the 18th century is known as the age of_______

which of the following statements is a typical feature of imagi?

in "a station of the metro", according to pound, what does the “petals” imply?

snyder proposes three categories of nature: nature, the wild, and .

deep ecology is an ecological and environmental philosophy that promotes the ________of living beings regardless of their utility to humans and reconstructs human society according to such ideas.

which if the following factors has shed influence on imagi?

the difference between imagist poetry and ancient chinese poetry lies in______.

chinese philosopher, zhuang tzu, conceived a similar idea of nature to thoreau.

influenced by the complaint about the shabby states of his cabin by most people, thoreau wanted to buy hollowell farm.

walden is largely a narrative novel that tells of how thoreau worked to produce the essentials of food and shelter.

imagi insisted on the reformation of contemporary poetry through free verse and through the removal of all unnecessary verbiages from poems.

the similarities between imagist poetry and ancient chinese poetry lie in picture-like characters, using of images, short and concise, abundant connotation.

william carlos williams puts an unusual pause between the word "wheel" and "barrow”, which has the effect of combining the images.

for snyder, environmental circles is between those who operate from a human-centered resource management mentality and those whose values reflect an awareness of the integrity of the whole of nature.

the term “deep ecology” was fist coined by the norwegian philosopher arne naess in 1973 article “the shallow and the deep, long-range ecology movements”.

for snyder, “civilization is separated from nature... our body is a vertebrate mammal being.”

in the second phase of imagi, pound replaced amy lowell and under his guidance were published several anthologies, entitled some imagist poets.

transcendentali indicates is from the physical world to the spiritual world, from the reliance on reason to the reliance on______, and from the mind to the heart.

the origin of anthropocentri is______.

snyder proposes three categories:,______ the wild, and wilderness.

the second category is the wild, which is the ______ process of nature.

in "a station of the metro", ezra pound uses ________, comparing “crowd” to “a wet black bough” and “faces” to “petals”.

the definition of the image is “that which presents an intellectual and emotional_______ in an instant of time.”

the term “_________” was fist coined by the norwegian philosopher arne naess in 1973 article “the shallow and the deep, long-range ecology movements”.

according to transcendentalists, the iniduals can communicate with the ______ when they immerse themselves in nature and reach a state of perfection.

transcendentali was originally philosophical movement in ________.

transcendentalists place emphasis on the importance of the oversoul, the inidual and ______. the most important representatives are ralph waldo emerson and henry david thoreau.

puritans are groups of reformed or calvinist christians in england,believing that the church of england had betrayed the spirit of the reformation.

in order to escape english persecution, puritans emigrated to plymouth, america directly.

for puritans, god’s choice to save people is unconditionally grounded on foreseen virtue, merit, or faith in those people.

according to the puritan definition of good writing, whatever the style or genre, certain themes remained constant.

the puritans had already drawn lines of distinction between the secular and religious spheres.

to puritans,_____is a matter of primary importance.

puritans hold several distinct doctrines:______, original sin and total depravity, and limited atonement.

the puritan definition of good writing emphasizes the importance of worshipping ______ .

scholars have long pointed out the link between puritani and capitali: both rest on ambition,_________, and an intense striving for success.

puritans tended to feel that earthly success was a sign of______.

the story is “rip van winkle”, written by washington irving, who is generally regarded as the first internationally recognized american author.

rip van winkle enjoyed great popularity among the villagers and his families.

in order to escape his nagging wife, rip van winkle took his gun and his dog wolf with him to enter the forests in the catskills.

when rip returned to the village, he found everything kept the same.

for plato, art or poetry not only means a copy, but also represents reality.

rip van winkle is borrowed from a______ legend.

after rip entered the forest, he met a group of strange people, who were actually the _____of his ancestors.

irving attached a note by knickerbocker, because he wanted to emphasize the______of the story.

according to plato, the only true reality is the unchanging world of the_____ , created by god.

the whole story reflects the psychological truth of the american people before and after the______ .

“a pair of silk stockings”, written by the famous american female writer kate chopin and published in 1897.

chopin are good at exploring some taboos, like miscegenation, orce and female sexuality.

when this story was published, women in the united states had already got much independence financially and socially.

a pair of silk stocking existed in little mrs. sommers’ purchasing list all the time.

after purchasing the stockings, boots and gloves, mrs. sommers had a feeling of guilty.

kate chopin is generally regarded as the pioneering writer of ______in american literature.

the major conflict in chopin’s works is between a women’s need for _____ and the dependence on her huand.

in western literature, snake represents some special_____.

the basic idea of consumeri is the equation of personal happiness with ______and the purchase of material possessions.

in the restaurant, after mrs. sommers tipped the waiter, he treated her as a______.

one major theme of the waste land is about peace between people.

the waste land has been called “one of the most important poems of the 19th century”.

t.s. eliot’s poem is hard to read only because the poet uses a lot of obscure allusions.

a classicist as t.s. eliot advocated himself to be, his poems are actually modern.

in section three “the fire sermon”, you watch as a dead sailor named phlebas decays at the bottom of the ocean.

the general structure of the waste land is built by tracing from death to .

modern existence, with its emphasis on ______ , is a breeding ground for isolation and loneliness.

to t.s. eliot, the second world war not only destroyed people’s home, but also their_______ .

the whole structure of the waste land is in________ .

arthur miller likes to present the conflicts in the american upper-class family.

arthur miller does not seem to partake the great suffering and great strength that conjures up the inidual defeat in his works.

willy loman is an ordinary person, so his inidual failure can’t evoke audience’s pity.

willy loman commits just because he got fired by the company.

from the fluidity of time and space, we get to know that willy loman used to be a successful ______ when he was young.

willy loman’s tragedy reveals the disillusionment of ________.

_______ is the hero in arthur miller’s world-famous play death of a salean, which has been taken as a fable on american dream.

arthur miller is an expressionist, whose plays feature the fluidity of time and ______ .

we can learn from invisible man that raci is a devastating force, possessing the power to render black americans virtually invisible.

the book invisible man presents a story of an unnamed young black man from the south who has fully understood raci in the world.

in the novel invisible man, the young black narrator is invisible within the larger culture because of his race.

invisible man has been praised for its innovative style and unique treatment of controversial subject matter.

jazz is tied to the yearning for liberation and self-expression of people who live in africa.

according to invisible man, ______ is a devastating force, possessing the power to render black americans virtually invisible.

the opening lines of invisible man introduce the protagonist, the invisible man and the theme of .

the protagonist of invisible man encounters many people and situations that slowly force him to face the truth about raci and his own lack of ______.

ralph ellison uses jazz as a ______, especially that of the role of a soloist who is bound within the traditions and forms of a group performance.

as an important part of black culture, ________ in invisible man is the call of black tradition and is the narrator’s subconscious spiritual return.

1)the puritans entered in conflict with the english monarchs, because________ (exclude wrong option)

2) scholars have long pointed out the link between puritani and capitali: both rest on________ , hard work, and an intense striving for success.

3)the story is “rip van winkle” is first published in 1819, included in irving’s collection titled________ .

4)rip van winkle story reflects the psychological truth of the american people before and after the ________ .

5)a pair of silk stocking existed in little mrs. sommers’ ________ .

6)in the waste land, the great despair of modern existence doesn’t just come from a sense of meaninglessness, but from a very deep________ .

7) modern existence, with its emphasis on_______ , is a breeding ground for isolation and loneliness.

8) t.s. eliot’s poem is hard to read because the poet_______.

9) arthur miller’s_______ is hailed as the most famous three tragedies in the history of american drama along with eugene o'neill's long day’s journey into night and tennessee williams’s a streetcar named desire.

10)as an expressionist, arthur miller’s plays feature_______.

1) in order to escape english persecution, puritans emigrated to plymouth, america directly.

2) washington irving is regarded as the first internationally recognized american author.

3) a literary text like “rip van winkle” is fictional, metaphorical and formalized, the truth or reality it reveals is thus complex and single-layered.

4)chopin are good at exploring some taboos, like miscegenation, orce and female sexuality.

5)at last, mrs. sommers gave up her silk stocking.

6) a classicist as t.s. eliot advocated himself to be, his poems are actually modern.

7) the book invisible man presents a story of an unnamed young black man from the south who has fully understand raci in the world.

7) the book invisible man presents a story of an unnamed young black man from the south who has fully understand raci in the world.

9) the opening lines of invisible man introduces the protagonist, the invisible man and the theme of invisibility.

10) we can learn from invisible man that sexi is a devastating force, possessing the power to render black americans virtually invisible.

1)to puritans, _______ is a matter of primary importance.

2)washington irving attached a note by knickerbocker, because he wanted to emphasize the_______ of the story.

3)this feeling of strangeness and confusion climbs up to a climax when rip begins to wonder about his _______.

4)the major conflict in chopin’s works is between a women’s need for her_______ and the dependence on her huand

5)_______ is a behavior of displaying social identity.

6)to t.s. eliot, the second world war not only destroyed people’s home, but also their _______.

7)willy loman’s tragedy reveals the disillusionment of_______.

8)according to invisible man, _______ is a devastating force, possessing the power to render black americans virtually invisible.

9)the whole structure of the waste land is in _______ .

10)the protagonist of invisible man encounters many people and situations that slowly force him to face the truth about raci and his own lack of _______ .

the birth-mark was first published in the pioneer in march 1843.

this "singular mark" wears "a tint of deeper crimson," bearing similarity to the human hand."

michel foucault elaborated on the gaze to illustrate a particular dynamic in power relations and disciplinary mechanis in his an analysis of “the look”.

for michel foucault, ever-visible inmate is always “a subject in communication, never the object of information”.

the birth-mark indicates the power _____ of huand and wife.

according to the oxford dictionary, gaze embodies certain aspects of the _____ between observer and observed.”

other people’s look sheds a clear impact on the formation of our _____ .

foucault illustrated the function of prison as an _____ of power.

aylmer’s desired intention has manifested itself: to remove the _____ on georgiana’s face.

a day’s wait was written by ernest hemingway who didn’t participate in the two world wars.

among one of the finest writers of the 20th century, hemingway was awarded the nobel prize for literature in 1954.

the dialogue between the father and son in the story revealed a close relationship between them and both of them are quite good at expressing feelings.

the misunderstanding firstly arose when the doctor came and took the boy’s temperature.

hemingway’ s writing style is known as the iceberg theory or iceberg principle.

a day’s wait adopts the first-person _______.

the first is literal misunderstanding, namely the misunderstanding of the _____ of temperature.

the second level of misunderstanding lay on the ______ of effective communication.

the “it” which little boy talked about in the story is actually ______.

dionysus is the god of the sun, of rational thinking and order, and appeals to logic, prudence and purity, while apollo is the god of wine and dance, of irrationality and chaos, and appeals to emotions and instincts.

with nietzsche’s help, eugene o’neill is able to see eben, the opponent of the dionysian ideal.

nietzsche’s aesthetic usage of the concept about the dichotomy between apollo and dionysus was first appeared in his book the birth of tragedy published in 1872.

in desire under the elms, eugene o’neil has made the anti-dionysian force approximate to puritan ______.

the power of _____ is released when eben made love to abbie on the sofa in his mother’s parlor.

desire under the elms evolved from o’neill’s perspective that men who are forced to serve alien gods are doomed to ..

dominant in the heart of the play are the two powerful forces moving through the land, a power that lies in the stones and a power that dwells in the _____ .

the term initiation novel first appeared in american in the late 18century.

initiation novel often tend to use the third person narrative.

amir didn’t forget his past and guilt even after twenty years of being away from afghanistan.

initiation novel is a kind of novel related to the_____ of a youth.

initiation novel usually has a similar plot pattern, “departure — ordeal — transformation —_______.”

initiation novel often tend to use the _____ person narrative, as in jane eyre and moby dick.

through a long and dangerous journey of escape, amir has obtained a deep understanding of life and death, which drives him out of _____ .

in the end of the story, we know that hassan is baba’s illegitimate son, so baba’s love for hassan is out of_____ .

alice walker is a feminist african american writer who actively participated in the civil rights movement of the 1960s.

in the story everyday use: for your grandmama, dee is homely, introverted, less gifted intellectually and is always intimidated by dee.

mrs. johnson decides that maggie’s practical approach to heritage is worse than dee’s superficial, impersonal concept of heritage.

dee seeks her cultural heritage without understanding the heritage itself.

in the story everyday use: for your grandmama, mama is an inheritor. dee is a defender. maggie is a betrayer.

dee adopted this name to show her _______to the oppressive social and economic culture.

mama and maggie symbolize the connection between generations and the that ______passed between them.

in everyday use: for your grandmama, why did mother promise to give the quilts to maggie not dee?

dominant in the heart of the play desire under the elms are the two powerful forces moving through the land, a power that lies in the____ and a power that dwells in the soil.

why did amir refused to help hassan when he was bullied and raped by assef?

initiation novel usually has a similar plot pattern, it is________ .

in a day’s wait, the second level of misunderstanding lay on the ______ .

initiation novel often tend to use the_____ person narrative, as in jane eyre and moby dick.

in everyday use: for your grandmama, mama is a defender. dee is a betrayer. maggie is an inheritor.

mrs. johnson decides that maggie’s practical approach to heritage is worse than dee’s superficial, impersonal concept of heritage.

initiation novel often tend to use the third person narrative.

with nietzsche’s help, eugene o’neill is able to see cabot as an opponent of the dionysian ideal.

initiation novel is a kind of novel related to the growth of elder.

michel foucault elaborated on the gaze to illustrate a particular dynamic in power relations and disciplinary mechanis in his an analysis of “the look”.

in a day’s wait, the dialogue between the father and son revealed a close relationship between them and both of them are quite good at expressing feelings.

the “it” which little boy in a day’s wait talked about is actually death.

amir didn’t forget his past and guilt even after twenty years of being away from afghanistan.

_______ novel usually has a similar plot pattern, “departure — ordeal — transformation — maturity.”

desire under the elms evolved from eugene o’neill’s perspective that men who are forced to serve alien gods are doomed to______.

is the god of wine and dance, of irrationality and chaos, and appeals to emotions and instincts.

the birth-mark indicates the power _____ of huand and wife

aylmer’s desired intention has manifested itself: to remove the _____ on georgiana’s face.

in a day’s wait, the son take the ______as centigrade wrongly.

initiation novel is a kind of novel related to the______ of a youth.

1)“young goodman brown” is a novel written by the american dark romantic writer nathanial hawthorne, published in 1835.

3) the id operates according to the principle of pleasure.

4) in the story, the village is a place of light and order, both physically and spiritually.

5) in the end, brown’s id finally gives up to his superego.

3) the impulsive______ can be compared to a prisoner since it’s always about some basic human instincts.

4) brown’s journey in the forest is a physical one as well as a _______ one.

“the road not taken” written by robert frost, who has won four pulitzer prizes and is known as the official poet laureate of american literature.

the poem is narrated by the first person “i”, which reads very naturally and conversationally.

when we may encounter many “roads” in reality, we could make a perfect choice to take all the interests into account.

psychologist carl jung firstly proposed the word “archetype” in his idea of “collective unconscious”.

as for archetypal images, “water” as an image commonly stands for mystery of creation, birth-death-resurrection or the unconsciousness in literature.

as one of frost’s most popular works, “the road not taken” has won chanting praise for its optimistic_____.

the theme of this poem is about _____ and encourages people to live their iniduali to the fullest.

the second stanza of the poem goes deep into the narrator’s psychological _______.

the interpretation of the long and ambiguous sigh in last stanza conveys is a kind of nostalgic _____and regret.

the “______” pattern also reflect in “the road not taken”---a traveler made a choice between two roads in the wood, went through an adventure about whether it was a good or bad one and recollected in an old age with an initiated sigh.

“the cask of amontillado” is a gothic story written by edgar allan poe in 1946.

gothic architecture features pointed arches and vaults, flying buttresses, narrow spires, stained glass windows and so on.

early gothic novelists tended to set their novels in remote times like the middle ages and in remote places like italy or the middle east.

the general development of gothic fiction in britain and america can be roughly ided into four stages.

edgar allan poe’s work shows the close connection between gothic fiction and detective fiction.

______of gothic architecture was meant to suggest heavenward aspiration.

as a result of an upshot of interest in the middle ages, gothic architecture experienced a ______ in the late eighteenth century.

as for characters in gothic novels, ______ often appear in such stories, which means double living and can be in the form of twins or huand and wife.

in all the mentresor’s plan,______is the lure he will use to tempt fortunato.

mentresor’s _____ is “no one attacks me with impunity”, which foreshadows fortunato’s death.

“bildungsroman”is a literary genre that focuses on the psychological and moral growth of a protagonist from hood to death.

holden’s sister is the only person who trusts and supports him unconditionally.

the story of the catcher in the rye is told in chronological sequence, and describes the protagonist attempts at transforming from childhood to hood.

emma by jane austen (1815), jane eyre by charlotte brontë (1847), the adventures of huckleberry finn by mark twain (1884) all belong to bildungsroman.

the word “phony people”, is holden’s catch-all for describing the loyalty, sincerity, kindness, and integrity that he encounters in the world around him.

“bildungsroman”, a literary genre that focuses on the psychological and moral growth of a protagonist from ____ to hood.

bildungsroman also frequently features ______characters who act as antagonists toward the main character, presenting models of maturity.

“catcher in the rye”, is the core _____ repeated to convey holden’s will to guard children fall out of innocence into knowledge.

the presence of the ______ mirrors the central conflict in the book: holden’s need for isolation as a way of self-protection versus his need for building connections with others.

the typical bildungsroman leaves little room for ______ .

camus introduces his philosophy of the absurd, in which he argues that man's quest for meaning and truth is a futile endeavor.

the theatre of the absurd was born as a movement from the disillusionment and skeptici surrounding world war i.

the plays of the theatre of the absurd focus on logical acts, realistic occurrences, or traditional character development.

_____ basically indicates that the universe lacks meaning but man has the ability to make choices and therefore develop meaning for one’s life.

black _______has been applied in waiting for godot, which is the very essence of the absurd theatre.

setting and passage of time of the ______ play is unclear whereas those of the traditional plays are always clearly presented to the audience.

the ______ of absurd plays is often redundant, full of clichés and meaningless babbles or is repetitive.

when young goodman brown attended the witch’s sabbath, he was surprised to find______.

freud’s theory of personality is structured into three parts, the id, ego, and______ .

early gothic novelists tended to set their novels______ like the middle ages and in remote places like italy or the middle east.

the interpretation of sigh in the “the road not taken” is kind of_____ and_____.

the presence of the _____ mirrors the central conflict in the book: holden’s need for isolation as a way of self-protection versus his need for building connections with others.

the word “phony people”, is holden’s catch-all for describing the_____ that he encounters in the world around him.

setting and passage of______in the absurd play is unclear whereas those of the traditional plays are always clearly presented to the audience.

the______ of absurd plays is often redundant, full of clichés and meaningless babbles or is repetitive.

“young goodman brown” took place in puritan new england, specifically in salem, massachusetts.

the superego in freud’s theory of personality incorporates the values and morals of society which are learned from one's parents and others.

the superego always negotiates between the id and ego to reach a peaceful balance.

gothic architecture features pointed arches and vaults, flying buttresses, narrow spires, stained glass windows and so on.

5)the purpose of literature in the latter half of the 18th century is to amuse people.

psychologist freud firstly proposed the word “archetype” in his idea of “collective unconscious”.

bildungsroman also frequently features youth characters who act as antagonists toward the main character, presenting models of maturity.

bildungsroman also frequently features youth characters who act as antagonists toward the main character, presenting models of maturity.

the theatre of the absurd was born as a movement from the disillusionment and skeptici surrounding world war il.

samuel beckett introduces his philosophy of the absurd, in which he argues that man's quest for meaning and truth is a futile endeavor.

1)“young goodman brown” was written by the american dark romanticist _____.

hawthorne has realized that the dangers of an overactive suppression of id and the consequent development of a tyrannous superego could cause an ______ of the mind and heart.

as for characters in gothic novels, ______ often appear in such stories, which means double living and can be in the form of twins or huand and wife.

the dominant colors of gothic story is red for blood, death; and black for fear and _______.

the second stanza of “the road not taken”goes deep into the narrator’s psychological _______.

the story of the catcher in the rye is told in______ , and describes the protagonist attempts at transforming from childhood to hood.

“bildungsroman”, a literary genre that focuses on the psychological and moral growth of a protagonist from______ to hood.

the dialogue of _____plays is often redundant, full of clichés and meaningless babbles or is repetitive.

black _____ has been applied in waiting for godot, which is the very essence of the absurd theatre.

washington irving attached a note by knickerbocker in rip van winkle, because _______.

scholars have long pointed out the link between puritani and capitali: both rest on ambition , _______, and an intense striving for success.

the birth-mark indicates the _______of huand and wife.

freud’s theory of personality is structured into three parts, the _______ , ego, and superego .

upward movement of gothic architecture suggests ______ .

the differences between imagist poem and ancient chinese poem lie in .

gary snyder proposes three categories of nature: nature, the wild, and .

the transcendentalist movement was a reaction against .

t.s. eliot’s poem is hard to read because the poet .

initiation novel usually has a similar plot pattern, it is .

in the birth-mark, aylmer finally gave up removing georgiana’s birth mark on the face out of a huand’s sense of duty.

washington irving is regarded as the first internationally recognized american author.

in order to escape his nagging wife, rip van winkle took his gun and his dog wolf with him to enter the forests in the catskills.

goodman brown left home to attend a witch’s sabbath in the forest, which will be performed between sunset and sunrise.

to t.s. eliot, the second world war not only destroyed people’s home, but also their mentality.

as an important part of black culture, popular songs in invisible man are the narrator’s subconscious spiritual return.

initiation novel often tends to use the third person narrative.

the plays of the theatre of the absurd focus on logical acts, realistic occurrences, or traditional character development.

in the waste land, the great despair of modern existence comes from a sense of meaninglessness and a sense of loneliness.

when rip begins to wonder about his ______ in the story, this feeling of strangeness and confusion climbs up to a climax .

rip van winkle story reflects the psychological truth of the american people before and after the________.

a day’s wait was written by _______ who won the nobel prize for literature in 1954.

psychologist carl jung firstly proposed the word ____ in his idea of “collective unconscious”.

the theme of the road not taken is about _____ and encourages people to live their iniduali to the fullest.

we can learn from invisible man that is a devastating force, possessing the power to render black americans virtually invisible.

in everyday use: for your grandmama, mama is a defender. dee is a betrayer. maggie is an .

“bildungsroman”, a literary genre that focuses on the psychological and moral growth of a protagonist from to hood.

is the god of wine and dance, of irrationality and chaos, and appeals to emotions and instincts.

in death of a salean, willy loman’s tragedy reveals the disillusionment of .






请例举几种粉体的粒径测量方式。 这些测量方法中,粉体的粒径是如何定义的? 并请论述粉体粒径测量过程中的数据有效性怎么衡量?







作业3.1 画出莫尔圆简图,标出最大主应力和最小主应力的位置点。

作业3.3 molerus按照粉体的摩擦行为将粉体分为哪几类?



料仓中粉体结拱、堵塞,装卸时发生的急冲、泛溢等现象都是因为粉体 而造成的。

粉体颗粒的球形度 1。

斯托克斯(strokes)直径可由 方法测得。

60目的颗粒粒径 200目的颗粒粒径。

安息角对粉体的流动性影响最大,安息角 ,粉体的流动性越好。

粉体在储存设备中的流型有 和中心(漏斗)流动两种。

粉体颗粒在运动、堆积或从料仓中排料时,由于粒径、颗粒密度、颗粒形状、颗粒的安息角等差异,粉体层的组成呈现不均质的现象,此现象被称为 。

三轴平均径是以颗粒的长度、宽度和高度定义的粒度平均值,算法包括算术平均径、 和调和平均径。

粉体力学中作用力的方向规定:切应力 为正。

颗粒的配位数与粉体的堆积空隙率的关系是:颗粒的配位数越大,堆积空隙率 。

分子间的范德华力来源包括取向力、 和色散力三种。

实际粉体粒度分布取决于其生成条件,常见的三种分布包括正态分布、对数正态分布和 。

粉体的 常用于表征粉体的可压缩性和流动性。



沉降法分为重力沉降和离心沉降,( )适合于小粒径的粉体粒径测量

炸药引爆物易做成( )形状

涂料易做成( )形状

洗涤剂易做成( )形状

铸造型砂易做成( )形状

磨料易做成( )形状

粉末的粒径为80~100目表示该粉末可通过( )目粗筛网

粉体的松动堆积密度和紧密堆积密度,( )比较大

粉体力学中作用力的方向规定:正应力中( )为正

仅在重力作用下,有粘结性细粉粒存在时,松装密度( )


内摩擦角( )壁面摩擦角

含液量对毛细管力的影响( )

对于干燥的粉体,( )占主导








粉体在储存设备中的流型有( )

堆积空隙率的影响因素有( )












































































