招录类问答 0533
下列数据中,对npn型三极管属于放大状态的是( )。
晶体三极管的电流是由( )组成。
在某放大电路中,测的三极管三个电极的静态电位分别为0 v,-10 v,-9.3 v,则这只三极管是( )。
当晶体管工作在放大区时,发射结电压和集电结电压应为( )。
工作在放大区域的某三极管,当ib从20μa增大到40μa时,ic从1ma变为2ma则它的β值约为( )。
对放大电路中的三极管进行测量,各极对地电压分别为ub=2.7v,ue=2v,uc=6v,则该管工作在( )。
某单管共射放大电路在处于放大状态时,三个电极a、b、c对地的电位分别是ua=2.3v,ub=3v,uc=0v,则此三极管一定是( )。
三极管的iceo大,说明该三极管的( ) 。
用直流电压表测得放大电路中某晶体管电极1、2、3的电位各为 v1=2v,v2=6v,v3=2.7v,则( )。
晶体管共发射极输出特性常用一组曲线表示,其中每一条曲线对应一个特定的( )。
某晶体管的发射极电流等于1 ma,基极电流等于20μa,则它的集电极电流等于( )。
三极管各个极的电位如下,处于放大状态的三极管是( )。
在本征半导体中掺入三价元素后的半导体称为( )。
n型半导体中少数载流子为 ()。
pn结反向电压的数值增大(小于击穿电压)则( )。
在本征半导体中加入( )元素可形成p型半导体。
甲类功放效率低是因为( )。
在ocl乙类功率放大电路中,若最大输出功率为1w,则电路中功率管的集电极最大功耗约为( )。
功率放大器相比电压放大器来说,需要考虑一些没有出现过的特殊问题,这些问题不包括( )。
为改善乙类互补对称功率放大电路中的交越失真现象,电路上应当( )。
带射极电阻re的共射放大电路,在并联交流旁路电容ce后其电压放大倍数( )。
下列各种基本放大器中可作为电流跟随器的是( )。
放大电路的三种组态( )。
晶体管构成的三种放大电路中,没有电压放大作用但有电流放大作用的是( )。
在单管共射固定式偏置放大电路中,为了使工作于截止状态的晶体三极管进入放大状态,可采用的办法是( )。
放大电路中,微变等效电路分析法( ) 。
可以放大电压,但不能放大电流的是( )组态放大电路。
在共射、共集和共基三种基本放大电路组态中,电压放大倍数小于1的是( )组态。
下列数据中,对npn型三极管属于放大状态的是( )。
晶体三极管的电流是由( )组成。
在某放大电路中,测的三极管三个电极的静态电位分别为0 v,-10 v,-9.3 v,则这只三极管是( )。
三极管的iceo大,说明该三极管的( ) 。
集成电路互补输出级采用共集电极形式是为了( )。
集成运放电路采用直接耦合方式是因为( )。
集成运放制造工艺使得同类半导体管的( )。
集成运放的输入级采用差动放大电路是因为可以( )。
为增大电压放大倍数,集成运放中间级多采用( )。
在差分放大电路中,用恒流源代替差分管的公共射极电阻 re是为了_______。
当集成运放线性工作时,有两条分析依据,分别是( )
kcmr越大,说明电路( )。
只有直接耦合多级放大电路中的晶体管参数才会收受到温度的影响。( )
阻容耦合多级放大电路各级的q点相互独立,直接耦合多级放大电路各级的q点相互影响。( )
处于线性工作状态下的集成运放,反相输入端可按"虚地"来处理。( )
反相比例运算电路属于电压串联负反馈,同相比例运算电路属于电压并联负反馈。( )
在反相求和电路中,集成运放的反相输入端为虚地点,流过反馈电阻的电流基本上等于各输入电流之代数和。( )
在差动放大电路中,若vs1=18mv,vs2=10mv,则输入差模电压vsd =______mv
制作频率为20hz~20khz的音频信号发生电路,应选用( )
制作频率为2 mhz~20mhz的接收机的本机振荡器,应选用( )
制作频率非常稳定的测试用信号源,应选用( )
为了抑制1000hz以下的信号应选用( )滤波器
有用信号的频率为某一固定频率应选用( )滤波器
希望抑制50hz交流电源的干扰应选用( )滤波器
迟滞比较器有2个门限电压,在输入电压从足够低逐渐增大到足够高的过程中,其输出状态将发生( )次跃变。
rc桥式正弦波振荡电路的持续稳定振荡的条件可以描述为( )
rc桥式正弦波振荡电路的起振条件可以描述为( )
rc桥式正弦波振荡电路一般用于产生( )频率范围内的正弦波信号
只要满足正弦波振荡的相位平衡条件,电路就一定振荡。( )
只要电路引入了正反馈,就一定会产生正弦波振荡。( )
凡是振荡电路中的集成运放均工作在线性区。( )
非正弦波振荡电路与正弦波振荡电路的振荡条件完全相同。( )
在rc桥式正弦波振荡电路中,若rc串并联选频网络中的电阻均为r,电容均为c,则其振荡频率f0=1/rc。( )
当集成运放工作在非线性区时,输出电压不是高电平,就是低电平。( )
一般情况下,在电压比较器中,集成运放不是工作在开环状态,就是引入了正反馈。( )
在输入电压从足够低逐渐增大到足够高的过程中,单限比较器和迟滞比较器的输出电压均只跃变一次。( )
单门限比较器比迟滞比较器灵敏度高,而迟滞比较器比单限比较器抗干扰能力强。( )
制作频率为20hz~20khz的音频信号发生电路,应选用( )
希望抑制50hz交流电源的干扰应选用( )滤波器
迟滞比较器有2个门限电压,在输入电压从足够低逐渐增大到足够高的过程中,其输出状态将发生( )次跃变。
rc桥式正弦波振荡电路的持续稳定振荡的条件可以描述为( )
并联反馈的反馈量以( )形式馈入输入回路。
串联负反馈可使( )提高。
若想提高放大电路放大倍数的稳定性应引入( )
深度串联电流负反馈放大器,相当于一个( )
要求输入电阻ri大,输出电流稳定,应选用( )
深度负反馈时,放大器增益只取决于( )
某放大器的信号源的内阻很大,为稳定输出电压,应引入( )
共模抑制比kcmr越大,说明差分放大电路( )。
集成电路互补输出级采用共集电极形式是为了( )。
集成运放电路采用直接耦合方式是因为( )。
为增大电压放大倍数,集成运放中间级多采用( )。
在差分放大电路中,用恒流源代替差分管的公共射极电阻 re是为了_______。
甲类功放效率低是因为( )。
当集成运放线性工作时,有两条分析依据,分别是( )
为改善乙类互补对称功率放大电路中的交越失真现象,电路上应当( )。
带射极电阻re的共射放大电路,在并联交流旁路电容ce后其电压放大倍数( )。
下列各种基本放大器中可作为电流跟随器的是( )。
晶体管构成的三种放大电路中,没有电压放大作用但有电流放大作用的是( )。
下列数据中,对npn型三极管属于放大状态的是( )。
工作在放大区域的某三极管,当ib从20μa增大到40μa时,ic从1ma变为2ma则它的β值约为( )。
某单管共射放大电路在处于放大状态时,三个电极a、b、c对地的电位分别是ua=2.3v,ub=3v,uc=0v,则此三极管一定是( )。
三极管各个极的电位如下,处于放大状态的三极管是( )。
电路如图所示。已知bjt的b=100,则静态时,vceq » ________,bjt工作在 _________。
电路如图所示,若vi是有效值为30v的正弦波电压,rl = 100w,忽略二极管的正向压降,那么下列各型的二极管中,可用的是 。
放大电路如图所示,已知io=1ma, rc1=rc2=10kw,bjt的β=100,那么双端输出时的差模增益avd约为__________。
图示功率放大电路中,忽略三极管的饱和压降,电源电压为vcc =12v,负载电阻rl=8ω,则负载电阻可能获得的最大功率约为________。
只要满足正弦波振荡的相位平衡条件,电路就一定振荡。( )
只要电路引入了正反馈,就一定会产生正弦波振荡。( )
当集成运放工作在非线性区时,输出电压不是高电平,就是低电平。( )
一般情况下,在电压比较器中,集成运放不是工作在开环状态,就是引入了正反馈。( )
单门限比较器比迟滞比较器灵敏度高,而迟滞比较器比单限比较器抗干扰能力强。( )
处于线性工作状态下的集成运放,反相输入端可按"虚地"来处理。( )
as medical knowledge ________, people’s beliefs change.
she fell against our coffee table and got a large ________ on her forehead.
he wishes the government would be more ________ to detail in their response.
grandma protested, but he ________ her and rudely pushed her aside.
the police have ________ an investigation into the incident.
it is essential that we ________ this thorny problem.
we cannot succeed in this ________ alone, but we can lead it.
young people are the most ________ to advertisements.
neon lights ________ in the deepening mists.
correct ideas are not ________ in the mind.
it serves you right. as a man sows, so does he ________.
they went for a ________ along the waterfront.
the music faded down and a special news ________ began.
the volume of scheduled flights is ________ the air traffic control system.
be sure not to let your social activities get ________ the way of your studies.
my sister ________ her stereo in her bedroom.
please do not hesitate ________ contact me if you have any questions.
he told us that when the new car is launched ________ the market, he would marry her.
she was relieved to see his face ________ with a boyish grin.
to understand an interview, we should identify the following aspects except for:
from paragraph 1, we can get the information except for
in paras.6-13, three methods of animal protection are mentioned, which of the following is not correct?
which of the following is not one of the differences between human beings and chimpanzees?
which of the following is not one of similarities between human beings and chimpanzees?
in an academic cover letter, you need to demonstrate the following aspects except for
there are usually four parts in a job application letter. they are
the major sections in a job application letter are
in the body section of a job application,you can do the following things.
an application letter should be concise. to achieve conciseness, we can
in jane’s chimpanzee project, which of the following is not mentioned?
goodall is now a 76-year-old grandmother, but time has done nothing to ______ her energy.
we need to know the _____ time the incident occurred.
it was found at the ___ spot where she had left it.
with the development of modern technology, _____ phone has become quite popular all over the world due to their outstanding functions.
what makes one person more intelligent than another? what makes one person a genius, like the ____ albert einstein, and another person a fool?
the reconstruction of _____ species from fossil bones was often undertaken by museum workers.
we humans are ______, but we’re not as different as we used to think.
a nurse moved to the life support machine and ____ a switch.
remembering and using people’s names when talking to them will ____ in personal relationships.
the us achieved its predominance after world warⅱbecause it had made____ efforts towards this goal.
the long-term sound and steady growth of china-u.s. relations serves the _____ interests of both countries.
more ______ urban growth would help reducing surplus labor in agriculture as well, thus raising rural per capita income and therefore the capacity to consume on the countryside.
it is potentially a very lucrative(能营利的)market and those who ____ might well make a fortune.
joy hated to have to choose between retirement and continuing working. she wanted to do both so she could live in _____ .
i chose physics thanks to this book. without ____ , this book had a big influence in my life.
the number of employees is being ____ in order to reduce costs.
we should cut down _______ water consumption.
this aesthetic(美感) is just the surface of apple’s deeper design principle: that ___________-edge technology should be easy to use.
studies show that if a working environment is clean, organized and pleasant, employee ____ increases.
i’ve been in the fortunate position of watching a lot of people ____ career transitions during the past several years, myself included.
i would be very grateful if you could ____ 15 minutes to fill in this form.
these little changes will really add up over time, and you’ll ____ with major changes in your life after a year or two.
mary has created a step by step plan of weight loss, which includes ______ nutrition guidelines based on body type, killer exercises and tough motivation.
he ______________ in real estate.
in an election, every candidate will get plenty of opportunity to ________ to the voters.
both of her parents are musicians. music is________.
________, wilma rudolph was a master at track and field.
most officers and men_________ throughout the action.
the golfer is pictured on many of the front pages, kissing his trophy as he holds it_________ .
sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to___________.
she has _________ as a leader in the community.
______ developments in science and technology, man has become more capable of conquering nature.
the argument is full of fundamental________.
sound was becoming more and more______ through the use of hearing aids.
it is important to understand the powerful economic and social forces________ behind our own actions.
he knew much about pictures and fine furniture, and was an ________ gardener.
the rest of the world struggles on with its ________problems---- poverty and debt.
much ________ the success of the collaboration between the group of seven governments and brazil.
and all our hopes and dreams are________ if only we believe.
he's so calm when he answers questions in interviews. i wish i could be that________ .
the well- _________soldiers carried out their orders without question.
the audience watched as the story _______before their eyes.
she hesitated for ________ a second before responding.
the new president reversed many of the policies of his________.
there are usually four parts in a job application letter. they are
an application letter should be concise. to achieve conciseness, we can
in the body section of a job application,you can do the following things
in an academic cover letter, you need to demonstrate the following aspects except for
from paragraph 1, we can get the information except for
which of the following is not one of similarities between human beings and chimpanzees?
they went for a ________ along the waterfront.
the long-term sound and steady growth of china-u.s. relations serves the _____ interests of both countries.
it serves you right. as a man sows, so does he ________.
please do not hesitate ________ contact me if you have any questions.
young people are the most ________ to advertisements.
he wishes the government would be more ________ to detail in their response.
neon lights ________ in the deepening mists.
my sister ________ her stereo in her bedroom.
the rest of the world struggles on with its ________problems---- poverty and debt.
the music faded down and a special news ________ began.
we cannot succeed in this ________ alone, but we can lead it.
同一种弹性材料的应力-应变曲线的形状是否受结构尺寸变化的影响? 组合后的应力-应变曲线的形状是否受结构尺寸变化的影响?
缓冲衬垫设计后需要进行哪些校核? 各项校核的目的是什么?
which of the following prefix means half?
which of the following prefix means difficult or painful?
which of the following suffix means record or picture?
which of the following suffix means excision?
which of the following means surgical repair of the esophagus?
which of the following means rupture of the liver?
which of the following means the layer above the dermis?
which of the following means inflammation of the kidney?
which of the following suffix means instrument for viewing the stomach?
which of the following means heart pain?
the chin is below the nose so the chin is __________to the nose
the knee is near to the body trunk compared with feet, so the knee is ___________ to feet.
the nose is in front of ears so the nose is _________to ears.
the skin is the covering of body while bone is buried inside so the skin is _______to bone
___________means “bottom or lower part of an organ.”
__________means “the body lying horizontally and facing downward.”
which of the following means fat cell_________
which of the following means study of tissue____________
which of the following means above stomach____________
what does postnasal mean?
which of the following means within the skin?
which of the following means skin disease?
which of the following means abnormal condition of excessive sweat?
which of the following means black tumor?
which of the following means softening of nails?
collagen fibers are the major components of the ____.
special cells, ____, in the epidermis produce the black pigment that gives color to the skin and protects against damage from the ultraviolet rays of the sun.
adipose tissue mainly exists in ______.
which of the following is not the accessory structure of the skin?
___ protrudes into the hair bulb and provides nutrients for the growing hair.
which of the following valve guards the atrioventricular orifice between the right atrium and the right ventricle?
which of the heart chamber receives blood returning from the pulmonary veins?
which of the following statement is not true?
________ are allest blood vessels, which provide sites of exchange of substances between the blood and the body cells
which of the following is the innermost layer of the heart wall?
which of the following means heart muscle disease?
which of the following means hardening of the vessel?
which of the following means suturing of an artery?
which of the following means process of recording a vein?
which of the following means inflammation of a valve?
which of the following means inflammation of vertebrae?
which of the following means disease of tendon and muscle?
which of the following means surgical repair of bone?
which of the following means bone and cartilage tumor?
which of the following means incision into the joint?
which of the following is not the facial bone?
which of the following is not the bone in the axial skeleton?
which of the following is not in upper extremities.
pectoral girdle includes two bones clavicle and ___________
which bone is on the little finger side of the forearm?
which of the following means nose inflammation?
1. which of the following means paralysis of the voice box?
which of the following means insufficient oxygen in the blood?
which of the following means abnormal condition of nose fungus?
which of the following means normal breathing?
____ in the nasal cavity can increase the air turbulence.
____ serve(s) as a food and air passageway.
____ is the location of the vocal cords.
____ covers the larynx and trachea during swallowing, which provides protection against food and liquid being inhaled into the lungs.
each bronchiole terminates in a all group of air sacs, called ___.
the roof of the mouth is known as the ________.
the crown of the tooth is covered by a layer of ____, the hardest substance in the body.
the ileum connects to the colon through a sphincter called the ____ valve.
which of the following teeth do not belong to cutting teeth?
when the bile leaves the liver through left and right hepatic duct, it enters ______.
which of the following means the study of the mouth?
which of the following means the inflammation of the tongue?
which of the following means suturing the lip?
which of the following means condition of common bile duct stone?
which of the following means abnormal appetite?
which of following means rapid bleeding from bladder?
which of following means excision of a kidney?
which of following means kidney disease?
which of following means x-ray record of the renal pelvis?
which of following means frequent nighttime urination?
renal _____is the place, where the renal artery carries the blood into the kidney and the renal vein carries the blood out of the kidney.
the renal ___ is the blood-filtering portion of the nephron.
the filtering unit of the nephron, which is composed of a tangled cluster of blood capillaries is _____.
which of the following is not the stage of urine formation?
the male urethra is not only the outlet for urine but also the passageway for ___.
which of following means excision of the uterus?
which of following means milk discharge?
which of following means surgical repair of breast?
which of following means no menstrual flow?
which of following means blood in fallopian tube?
which layer of the uterus contracts to expel the baby from the mother’s body?
___ of the uterus communicates with vagina and the cavity of the uterine body.
what structure in the uterine tubes has the function of providing site for the fertilization?
below the center of the breast there is a ring of pigmented skin, called ___.
___ can store milk during nursing.
which of the following means headache?
poliomyelitis possibly means?
the word radiculoneurocele possibly means?
which of the following means recording the ultrasonic echoes of the brain?
encephalosclerosis possibly means?
the ___ lobe of the cerebrum controls visual information.
the ___ lobe of the cerebrum receives and interprets nerve impulses from sensory receptors and interprets language.
which part of brain is located beneath the posterior part of the cerebrum and maintain the balance and equilibrium
____________receive information from another cell and tranit the message to the cell body
____________carry messages from sensory receptors to the cns, central nervous system
which of the following shows the study of female?
which of the following means yellow skin?
which of the following means abnormal condition of hair fungus?
which of the following means excision of wrinkles?
which of the following means abnormal condition of porous bones?
which of the following means tendon pain?
which of the following means difficult movement?
what is the general medical term for hardening of the arteries?
which of the following means inflammation of all the sinuses?
which of the following refers to the instrument to measure the breathing?
which of the following terms means toward the side with respect to the imaginary midline?
this oily substance, ____, lubricates the skin surface.
which of the following is not facial bone?
the basal layer also contains special cells called_______, which produce black pigment that gives color to the skin.
which of the following terms means lying horizontally with face upward?
which of the following valve guards the atrioventricular orifice between the left atrium and the left ventricle?
which of the following statement is not true?
which bone is located on the upper sides of cranium and roof of skull.
which of the following is commonly referred to as adam’s apple.
the name for muscle tissue found in the walls of hollow or tube-shaped organs is_____.
which of the following means difficult digestion?
which of the following terms means dilated ureter?
which of the following terms means rapid blood flow from uterus?
which of the following terms means excision of the testes?
which of the following terms means inflammation of the gray matter of spinal cord?
the ______ sphincter opens and closes to control the passage of food into the all intestine.
27. _____ is the final stage of urine production occurring when the special cells of the renal tubules secrete ammonia, uric acid, and other waste substances directly into the renal tubule.
the distal end of each uterine tube expands as it curves around the ovary, forming the _______, where fertilization usually occurs.
______ is the innermost membrane layer of meninges and is applied directly to the surface of the brain.
each nephron is composed of a filtering unit consisting of a tangled cluster of blood capillaries called a glomerulus and a surrounding thin-walled saclike structure called a glomerular or________.
the epithelial tissue can provide support and protection to the body.
the deepest layer in the dermis is called basal layer.
bat-shaped bone that forms part of the base of the skull, floor, and sides of eye orbit is sphenoid bone.
pulmonary valve is a semilunar valve.
arteries carry blood back to the heart.
uvula can help the production of speech.
an afferent arteriole carries blood into the glomerulus.
cervical mucus can block the spread of bacteria from the vagina into the uterus.
inside the mammary glands, there are lobules, which contain lactiferous ducts that produce milk.
parietal lobe of the cerebrum can control motor function, personality, and speech.
the________ is the white half-moon shaped part at the nail base.
the vertebral or spinal column can be ided into five sections: cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, __________ vertebrae, sacrum and coccyx.
the wall of the heart is composed of three distinct layers: an outer epicardium, a middle_________, and an inner endocardium.
the maximum pressure achieved during ventricular contraction is called the ________ pressure.
in lungs, each bronchiole terminates in a all group of air sacs, called _______.
the _____ of the all intestine extends from the pyloric sphincter to the jejunum.
saliva contains the digestive enzyme, _____, which begins the digestion of carbohydrates.
each renal pyramid opens into a _____ ,which is continuous with the renal pelvis.
the organ of the female reproductive system, _____, functions to receive, retain, and nourish a fertilized ovum.
nervous tissue consists of two basic types of cells: _____ and neuroglial cells.
根据骨器官的形态,下列骨中属于扁骨的是( )
为了保护重要器官,一般位于体腔外周的骨其类型是( )
在骨器官结构中对骨的长粗起重要作用的是( )。
成年动物骨松质间隙内的骨髓是( )。
在面骨中,具有眶下孔的骨是( )
椎骨的一般构造包括( )
骨器官的结构包括( )。
胸廓由( )组成。
家畜的前脚骨包括( )。
依据解剖学结构,关节的基本结构由( )组成。
属于管状内脏器官的是( )。
母畜骨盆腔内的器官是( )。
山羊的恒齿共有( )枚。
下面列举的动物中,不具有犬齿的是( )。
下列舌中,具有味蕾的是( )。
消化道和呼吸道的共同通道是( )
牛的瘤胃位于腹腔的( )
猪胃黏膜分为( )。
下列动物中,结肠在肠系膜内盘曲成圆盘状旋袢的是( )。
有一种家畜的盲肠很发达,分盲肠底、盲肠体、盲肠尖三部分,这种家畜是( )。
不具有上切齿的动物是( )
舌中,具有味蕾的是( )。
升结肠盘曲成圆盘状的动物有( )。
家畜的泌尿系统由( )组成。
猪副性腺包括( )。
解剖学结构表明,右心室的血液冲开半月瓣进入( )
心脏中的二尖瓣位于( )。
依据解剖学结构,第二心音(舒张音)主要是由( )
窦房结( )。
冠状窦注入( )
关于卵圆窝,正确的是( )。
心血管系统由( )组成。
供给前肢营养的血管主干是( )
动物出生后脐静脉逐渐闭锁退化成一条韧带,它是( )。
牛静脉采血一般选取( )
关于心脏的外形,描述正确的是( )。
防止血液倒流的瓣膜是( )。
支配心脏的神经,包括( )。
进入心房的血管有( )。
淋巴系统的组成包括( )
根据骨的外形分类,鼻骨属于( )
肩关节属于( )。
羊的角突位于( )上
在牛的面骨中,具有面结节的骨是( )
棘突最发达的椎骨是( )。
肘关节的主要伸肌是( )。
构成颈静脉沟下缘的肌肉是( )
不具有子宫伪体的动物是( )。
在下列动物中不具有犬齿的动物是( )
牛的左肺分( )叶。
根据肾叶的联合程度不同,牛肾为( )。
公畜中副性腺特别发达的动物是( )。
具有法氏(腔上)囊的动物是( )
盲肠具有蚓突的动物是( )。
四叠体属于( )的一部分。
营养心脏的血管是( )。
属于体表淋巴结的是( )。
给牛作补鼻手术时常需麻醉( )。
角膜属于( )的一部分。
下列腺体中属于淋巴器官的是( )
在骨器官结构中对骨的长粗起重要作用的是( )。
下列舌中,具有味蕾的是( )。
下列动物中,结肠在肠系膜内盘曲成圆盘状旋袢的是( )。
有一种家畜的盲肠很发达,分盲肠底、盲肠体、盲肠尖三部分,这种家畜是( )。
营养心脏的血管是( )。
牛的瘤胃位于腹腔的( )
猪胃黏膜分为( )。
关于卵圆窝,正确的是( )。
依据解剖学结构,第二心音(舒张音)主要是由( )
母畜骨盆腔内的器官是( )。
动物出生后脐静脉逐渐闭锁退化成一条韧带,它是( )。
为了保护重要器官,一般位于体腔外周的骨其类型是( )
属于皮肤腺的腺体是( )
结肠旋袢盘曲成圆盘状的动物有( )。
不具有上切齿的动物是( )。
动物的脑干包括( )
主要由内分泌腺构成的器官是( )
依据解剖学结构,关节的基本结构由( )组成。
骨器官的结构包括( )。
淋巴系统的组成包括( )
防止血液倒流的瓣膜是( )。
舌中,具有味蕾的是( )。
心室肌收缩,血液射入( )
犬右肾在1-5腰椎横突下方,左侧在2-4腰椎下。( )
下列计算机控制系统中,属于单闭环控制系统的是( )
计算机监督控制系统中,scc计算机的作用是( )
计算机控制系统的“实时性”是指计算机控制系统应该在( )时间内对外来事件作出反应的特性。
在自动控制系统中,能够决定系统性能和应用范围的重要环节是( )
在下列计算机控制系统中,属于两级控制系统的是( )。
大系统理论代表控制理论向( )的发展方向。
下列计算机控制系统中,属于开环控制系统的是( )。
闭环控制系统是指( )
10.关于现场总线控制系统,下面说法中不正确的是( )