
编辑出版答案 6556























自 2013年起,经常转移由顺差转为逆差,说明随着居民收入提高,境内对境外的捐赠增多。()

(多选)汇率制度具体包括的内容有( )

(多选)imf2009年汇率制度的4大类,10小类当中名实相符类型有( )

在全球国际储备中,比重最大的是外汇储备( )

在现行国际货币体系中,一国货币充当储备货币时出现的清偿力与信心之间的矛盾被称为特里芬难题( )

欧洲货币又称为( )

(多选)以下对外汇市场特点的叙述中正确的有( )

如果你是一个进口商,3个月后会收入一笔英镑款项,为了规避汇率风险,你会买入三个月远期英镑。( )

假设远期外汇的成交日为5.5号(星期五),那么期限为一个月的远期外汇的交割日为( )

(多选)进行远期外汇交易的主要动机有( )

即期外汇交易的标准交割日为成交后的第一个营业日。( )

(多选)被报价币的远期汇率与即期汇率的关系为( )

银行购买外汇的现汇价差一般要大于期汇价差( )

绝对购买力平价理论认为两种货币间的汇率决定于( )

巨无霸指数是相对购买力平价理论的一种运用( )

某保险公司把被保险人分为三类:“谨慎的”“一般的”“冒失的”.统计资料表明,上述三种人在一年内发生事故的概率依次为0.05,0.15,0.3;如果“谨慎的”被保险人占20%, “一般的”占50%, “冒失的”占30%,求(1)被保险人一年内出事故的概率。(2)现知某被保险人出了事故,则他是“谨慎的”的概率。

x服从二项分布b(10,0.1),则( )

已知p(ab)= 0,则a是不可能事件( )

设随机变量x的分布函数为f(x),则f(x)≥0( )

已知随机变量x,y的协方差cov(x,y)=0,则x,y不相关( )

最大似然估计一定是矩估计( )

1.设事件a、b相互独立,则( )

1.设a,b为两个互不相容事件,则下列各式错误的是(   ) (a)p(ab)=p(a)p(b) (b)p(a∪b)=p(a) p(b) (c)p(ab)=0 (d)p(b-a)=p(b)

下列( )不是工业分析的特点

在仲裁分析时常采用( )方法

工业分析中所用方法,按分析原理可分为( )


工业分析有指导和促进生产的作用,常被誉为工业生产的( )


允差是某分析方法所允许的平行测定间的( )



在一定范围内为获得最佳秩序,对活动或其结果规定共同的和重复使用的规则、导则或特殊文件称为( )

对某一商品煤进行采样时,以下三者所代表的煤样关系正确的是( )

商品煤样采样时常用的工具为( )

在煤堆中采样时应先除去( )米的表面层再采样

试样的制备一般经过( )工序。


煤的灰分低于( )时不要进行检查性灼烧

煤的灰分表示符号为( )




煤中氮元素测定时分解试样过程中氮转变为( )


煤中碳和氢测定时是将碳和氢转变成( )

碳氢测定仪包括( )系统


单位质量的煤样在充有过量氧气的氧弹内燃烧,其产物为氧气、氮气、二氧化碳、硝酸和硫酸、液态水和固态灰时放出的热量称为( )

氧弹量热仪测定煤的发热量时用( )校正仪器


自袋、桶内采取细粒状物料样品时,应使用( )

当散装物料少于2.5t时,采样单元为( )个


一般取得的固体样品可以保存( )月

制备固体样品时一般包括( )操作

有效磷是指水溶性磷和( )之和

磷肥中有效磷及全磷的分析结果一律规定用( )表示。

磷肥中游离酸的测定方法是( )。



甲醛法测定氨态氮时最后的滴定方法属于( )方法

蒸馏后滴定法测定有机氮消解样品时用的催化剂是( )

氮肥中氮的存在形式有( )。



钾肥的含钾量常用( )表示

四苯硼酸钾沉淀的颜色为( )色

四苯硼酸钠容量法测定钾肥含量时为消除铵离子干扰常加入( )





在用蒸馏滴定法测定尿素含量时要加入( )防止爆沸


一个单片机的组成中,不是必须包含的模块是( )

一个字节能表示的压缩bcd码十进制数是( )位

计算机中的有符号整数编码方式是( )

1)下面选项中,数字字符’0’-‘9’的ascii编码(8位二进制表示时)的规律的是( )

下面选项中,字母字符’a’-‘z’,’a’-‘z’的ascii编码(8位二进制表示时)的规律的是( )



二进制数1100 0011 1010 转换为十六进制数是( )

按照补码规则表示出 59和-27后,将他们按二进制相加后,计算得到的8位二进制数结果(注意是先转换成反码或补码,再相加)为( )。


在单片机程序运行中,下列哪种情况下堆栈区会起到重要作用( )

mcs51单片机内部有r0-r7为一组的通用寄存器,共( )组

取指操作后,pc的值是( )

mcs51单片机工作时,以下哪些周期概念是与之时序相关的( )

单片机片外总线结构由以下几部分组成( )



at89c55型号单片机的片内rom存储器的容量是( )kb。

两个8位无符号整数相乘后,其结果应当为( )位二进制数,mcs51单片机中乘法指令运算结果使用累加器a和( )寄存器共同存放该结果的。

当累加器a中的数据为0011001时,状态寄存器psw中,标志位p位为( )

mcs51单片机内部ram中,位地址是40h的位,其所在的字节地址是( )

已知某存储空间地址范围从4000h到7fffh,那么其存储容量是( )

mcs51单片机外扩存储器芯片时,4个i/o口中作为数据总线的是( )

设置堆栈指针sp = 30h后,进行一系列的堆栈操作。当进栈数据全部弹出后,sp应指向( )

若某存储器芯片地址线为10根,数据线为8根,那么它的存储容量为( )

51单片机应用系统中时钟电路晶体振荡器频率为24mhz,则cpu工作时的机器周期是( )

下列概念叙述正确的是( )

判断是否有进位时用psw 的( )标志位。

判断是否有溢出时用psw 的( )标志位。

80c51单片机的引脚可以分位以下四类:( ) 、( ) 、并行i/o引脚和控制线引脚

80c51单片机的时钟电路包括两部分内容,即芯片内的高增益反相放大器和芯片外跨接的( )和微调电容。

通常单片机有两种复位操作,即 ( ) 和 按键手动复位 。

51单片机复位后,pc的值为( )。

单片机程序存储器的寻址范围由pc的位数决定,80c51单片机的寻址范围是( )。

c51程序中,用于进行绝对地址访问的头文件名称是( )

c51语言中用于定义变量别名的宏定义是( )

c51中与mcs-51硬件资源无关的关键字是( )。

将一个变量v的值扩大一倍,最通用的方法是 ( )。

使用_nop_()函数时,必须包含的库文件是( )。

“文件包含”预处理语句的使用形式中,当#include后面的文件名用“”括起时寻找被包含的文件的方式为( )

c51中为无符号整型数据(unsigned int)分配( )个字节的存储空间。

关于c51中中断响应函数的定义规定中,正确的是( )

c51中要对单片机片外ram空间某端口读写访问时,可以通过以下几种方式实现( )

c51程序中#define 宏定义语句末尾一定要使用分号才能正确编译通过。


c51编程语言中,为了适应单片机编程开发,增加了针对16位特殊功能寄存器的两种数据类型是( ).

c51编程语言中,定义在位寻址区上的变量时,对位寻址区的存储类型描述符是( )

c语言编程对常量与变量的命名规范是:常量名用 ( ) 字母,变量名用 ( ) 字母。

c语言中,使用关键字( ) 来声明变量、函数为外部变量、外部函数。

定时器使用中,用于定义定时器的工作方式的寄存器是( )

串行口工作在方式0时,其属于( )通信方式


mcs51单片机多个中断源同时触发时,其响应中断的原则包括以下哪些( )




c51程序中,表明函数是中断服务函数的关键字是( )

mcs51单片机定时器工作在方式2时,其特点是( )

napoleon was confident of a quick victory because his soldiers were well trained, efficient and well equipped.

“the icy defender” refers to the cold russian winter.

the text is ided into five parts.

both napoleon and hitler were confident of a quick victory.

napoleon launched his attack in the winter of 1812.

in face of napoleon’s offensive, the russians surrendered after fierce resistance.

when napoleon’s army was retreating from moscow, it suffered heavy losses.

hitler attack the soviet union in the summer of 1941.

in face of the german invasion, stalin was fully prepared for the attack and immediately gave his people tactical instruction.

both napoleon and hitler underestimated the severity of the russian winter and thus failed in their invasions.

for the local people, the consequences of the disaster have been _______.

the next decade may prove to be a ______ turning point in chinese history.

the rebels were attacked and forced to ______ .

hundreds of people were______ homeless by the earthquake.

tom has to work day and night since he became a team leader. now, his hard work _____ on his stomach.

before you do anything, you must ________ the danger that may arise.

the enemy, ________, soon surrendered.

we must not ________ the enemy. they are equipped with the most advanced weapons.

in january 1944, the long _______ of leningrad was lifted.

he makes rude jokes that are ______ to women.

the talks might ____ for weeks before any concrete result is announced.

we have planned an exciting publicity ____ with our advertisers.

__________ both napoleon and hitler, the many victories they enjoyed led them to believe that nothing could stand in their way.

she said there was a _________ need for up-to-date and reliable equipment.

the two parties were still too much apart to form a(n) _________.

money will be _________ to the accomplishment of our objectives.

they tend to ________ stimulating or intellectually challenging activities.

the________ of inflation has been the government's overriding economic priority for nearly 15 years.

there is no magic wand to suddenly eliminate water scarcity. but there are concrete ways to ________water shortages.

traffic in the region had been ____________ by a strike.

he appears to be a(n)________, helpless leader.

in most countries the income of the rich is increasing ___________those at the bottom.

they should get systematical training first, so as to be ______ and experienced.

most americans tend to ______ the impact of us politics on the global economy.

most of the _______ land campaigns of wwi occurred on the continent of europe.

this information is only ______ data and will need further ysis.

during the japanese ________of china, millions of innocent chinese people were killed by japanese soldiers.

___________technological products, renovation is crucial.

what is the writer's job according to what he says at the beginning of the text?

which one is not included in the tips given by the author?

when the author mentions the suggestion "never stop learning", he uses the example of_________

when the author mentions the suggestion " prepare to win.", he uses the example of _______

the writer has interviewed many applicants for jobs, so he has abundant experience in how to get the job you want.

the young applicant was ill prepared for the job he was applying and therefore would not get the job he wanted.

it's polite for the interviewees to use the mobile phones during the interview.

the author gives four tips on how to get hired.

we should dress casually for an interview.

the senior detective ________the young suspect about the murder case.

she received an increase in pay and it has ________in her attitude towards work.

mr smith has always wanted his children to become warm-hearted human beings who reached out __________to those in need.

saleen often try to learn the needs of the _______buyer to make themselves more persuasive.

in my senior year in university, i ______ running a all business and earned a few thousand dollars.

to my mind, it is very important to ______ your letter and resume with a phone call when you apply for any job.

i’m hoping to buy an apartment __________________$ 12,000.

the book is _______ for the use of beginners.

i really got to go now. _____, don’t forget to pay a visit to your mother tomorrow. she is expecting you.

____________, the project manager has made every endeavor to go after the best engineer for the work of cleaning up the river before the deadline set by the mayor.

the government has _________to forbid the employment of children under the age of 16.

go to the library to find all ________ information about the company and, if you can, on the person who will interview you.

in a job interview, you should make every ___________ to show that you know something about the structure of the company.

the diamond ring_____in the sunlight.

the world economic forum is a non-governmental organization headquartered in new york.

the meeting of world economic forum is held annually in the swiss town of davos.

all the members of brics are industrialized countries.

alex mandl believes that the national identity makes no difference for him.

davoan are members of world economic forum, mostly business elite.

world economic forum are attended by business leaders of the world on business matters.

brics countries comprise nearly half of the world's population, 1/4 of the world's landmass.

ten of thirty fastest growing urban areas are located in india.

the rise of developing countries in global trade was taken place in the 1990s.

klaus schwab argues that _____a global outlook does not mean erasing national identity.

she seems to have______ without trace. no one can find her.

teachers try hard to come up with ways to______ their students’ learning.

this new technology allows natural gas to______ diesel fuel used in bus engines.

he ______ his wife over how to decorate their new flat.

over a glass of wine, the _______ young man talked his ambitious plan to build his own brand.

the past twenty years __________ the fast growth of the internet.

full-time employees are ________ to receive health insurance.

china has _______ usa as the world’s leading car market.

your education can be greatly _____________ when you have an experienced person to lead you.

in my personal role as a health leader, i am ______________ improving the health of women everywhere.

taking an engineer or scientist involved in product design and development is always _____________.

when he was depressed, he felt utterly _____from reality.

none of them, it seems have ever used a digital camera, ___________ own one.

which group benefited most from the gained free time?

the work-life debate means ____.

the time stress we feel arises from __________.

the three reasons why we feel so time-pressed today are: technology; the information explosion; rising prosperity.

according to richard tomkins, technology has made our life easier because machines have done work for us.

working fathers have more free time than working mothers.

the real problem is that we cram too much things into our time.

the more successful remedy is we need fewer desires.

the big city _____ the old woman from the countryside.

he ______ with rage.

responsibilities at home and work _____ his time.

the amount of information available has _____.

there can be no durable development and _____ without peace.

they tried to ___ the result of the football match.

they walked so fast that i could not _____ them.

people's concern over genetically modified food has ____ a global debate.

to illustrate my point, i have done a ___ ysis.

several people were injured in a bomb _______.

she ___ herself carefully in front of the mirror.

the ___ of organizing the campaign fell to me.

i can only pay a ___ of my bill.

war brings no ___ to the great mass of ordinary citizens.

the “grandest illusion” means that america is the strongest and invulnerable country.

the primarily use of the word “terrori” is to gain attention and to serve as a tool of propaganda

looking back a year later after the 9/11 attacks, the new yorkers carried on without any swagger and joy.

the newly terrorist attacks that happened around the world recall people’s memory about the scare of 9/11.

the world trade center symbolized the power and the invincibility of the usa.

the new yorkers started to taking actions when they realized that the twin towers were the targets of deliberate attacks.

the first reaction of politicians was talking about revenge and preparation for war.

as what the author present in unit 7, the three independent snapshots do not fully help to illustrate the influence of the terrorist attack.

the girl has the _______ that a prince will come and marry her.

the pills are______________ in sugar and easy for children to swallow.

should we____________those who have betrayed us? i think we’d better forgive but not forget.

the laundry business has been very profitable in the hands of old mark. but who knows what will happen after his son __________________.

some survivors were found to have suffered from psychiatric disorders ____________the earthquake.

a year later the snapshots reveal a city and a nation thinking back on fateful events of 9/11 while mourning those who _______________in the attacks.

two days of heavy snowfall caused ________ across the uk.

their ________turned significantly darker than those of members of the control group, who weren’t urged to think positive thoughts.

the book has been _________ because of its controversial statements about race.

___________ it, i think i shouldn’t have given up the contest so easily.

shall we all drive to the party________ so we don’t get lost?

she’s trying to _________ all memory of the incident.

it seems the wounds in people’s hearts have________________, but the memory will linger.

sherlock holmes ______ many cases by following the footprints left at the scene of the crime.

since he became one of the accountants of price waterhouse coopers, tom has to work day and night. now, his hard work _____ on his stomach.

failure to _______ the problem of unity in an organization may weaken its strength.

we must not ________ the enemy. they are equipped with the most advanced weapons.

she said there was a _________ need for up-to-date and reliable equipment.

teachers try hard to come up with ways to______ their students’ learning

this new technology allows natural gas to______ diesel fuel used in bus engines.

a sense of humor is an important ________ for any teacher.

professor lee's eyes _________ with enthusia as she talked about how her new teaching method worked in her college english class.

she received an increase in pay and it has ________in her attitude towards work.

i really got to go now. _____, don’t forget to pay a visit to your mother tomorrow. she is expecting you.

saleen often try to learn the needs of the _______buyer to make themselves more persuasive.

the senior detective _______ the young suspect about the robbery case.

he ______ with rage.

responsibilities at home and work _____ his time.

the amount of information available has _____.

what was jeff’s _____when you told him about the job?

should we ____________those who have betrayed us? i think we’d better forgive but not forget.

their ________turned significantly darker than those of members of the control group, who weren’t urged to think positive thoughts.

it seems the wounds in people’s hearts have________________, but the memory will linger.

she stood there motionless, her eyes filled with tears — whether of shame, frustration, or_______ it was difficult to tell.

the next decade may prove to be a ______ turning point in chinese history.

there can be no durable development and _____ without peace.

people’s concern over genetically modified food has _____ a global debate that shows no sign of ending soon.

several people were injured in a bomb _______.