
物流习题 6903

the tea ceremony presents people’s inner spiritual qualities, such as humility, restraint, simplicity and so on.

nowadays, drinking tea has become part of chinese people’s daily life and tea houses can be seen everywhere.

pigs are usually used as sacrifice for ancestors or gods.

chinese people are descendants of yandi and huangdi.

chinese people always have tangyuan during dragon boat festival.

which of the following is not a subsistence crop?

what is the meaning of “耕耘”?

where can we find the earliest cultivation of millet and rice?

in the 9th century b.c., chuting was struck with a severe natural disaster and five gods dressed in _____ robes came to help them.

which of the following descriptions about leizu are correct according to the lecture?

lei is the bottom part for digging, and si is the handle.

primitively, slash and burn technology brought only poor harvests, which urged emperor yan to improve sowing and planting methods.

the shadoof applies the lever principle.

gao zhuan tong che was depicted by liu yuxi in his notes of water drawing machine.

push sickle, which first appeared in song and yuan dynasties, is one of the most important winnowing tools in ancient time.

who wrote waterwheel poem?

which of the following is not a threshing tool?

which of the following correctly express the right time in which the farm tools were developed?

what do people call chain pump in chinese?

which of the following modern farm tools are developed based on push sickle?

both the alternating fields method and pit fields method are invented in the tang dynasty.

the alternating fields method and pit fields method are two key farming techniques in maintaining a drought-proof agriculture in ancient china.

the ever increasing population in south china put great pressure on food and land, which was one of the reasons why terraces came into being.

rainfall and mountain springs were important sources of water in the mountainous areas.

shelf fields are artificial fields floating on the surface of water.

________ invented the alternating fields method.

which of the following is not included among the contribution of terraces?

concerning the alternating fields method, which of the following are true?

terraces can be found in __________.

which of the following statements are right?

dayu proposed the concept of jiuzhou.

dayu was the first person to build water engineering projects in the world.

the grand c has been listed as world heritage by unesco in 2014.

feishayan helps to prevent water running out of the water channel.

when li bing built yuzui isle, he used zhulong and macha, a highly effective yet low-cost method, to prevent dirt and stones being washed away by fast running water.

which of the following statements is true about dayu?

dujiangyan is located in the city of _____.

water engineering projects are crucial in agricultural development because __________.

the grand c was the example of _______.

the three key components of dujiangyan are __________.

the 24 solar terms was listed as intangible cultural heritage by unesco.

the 24 solar terms is based on the lunar calender.

it is vital for farmers to prevent and clear the pests since the awakening of insects.

dragon is regarded as the deity in charge of fire.

the son of heaven refers to the emperor in ancient china.

how many solar terms are there in each season?

on which solar term was the jitian ritual held in the ming and qing dynasties?

which of the following activities should be done on the dragon head raising festival?

which of the following is one of the three wheels moved on grain buds?

who are supposed to be the gods of summer?

the altar of god was a spot for worshiping the tribe ancestors and gods by the emperors in the tang dynasty.

yu wenyong initiated a reform to confiscate the land of 40,000 temples.

wang anshi, once the prime minister during the reign of shenzong in the song dynasty, enforced the farm-loan system to encourage agricultural production.

when jun tian zhi (均田制) was practiced in bei wei (北魏), women were allowed to get land, too.

when jun tian zhi (均田制) was practiced in the tang dynasty, everyone was given the same amount of land.

which of the following is not included among the main types of agricultural taxes in ancient china?

labor tax is the form of agricultural tax in the ______.

the land policies of __________ are discussed in detail in this section.

jun tian zhi (均田制) is characterized as _________.

concerning liang shui fa (两税法), which of the following are true?

as was recorded, after coming into china, potato immediately became a delicacy of the imperial family and later a staple for common folks.

when zhang qian was sent on his first expedition westward, the emperor of china was hanjing di.

zhang qian was captured several times during his first expedition to the western regions.

in memory of zheng he’s contribution, july 11 was regarded as the “sailing day” by the chinese government in 2005.

in the 18th century, the east india gotheborg had travelled to china three times.

when did the overland and maritime silk routes reach their “golden age”?

what’s the possible greatest contribution made by zhang qian on his first expedition to the west regions?

“seres” in greek means _________.

besides silks, what were the goods dispatched by the maritime trade between china and foreign countries?

during yongle da di’s reign, what american plants were introduced into china through south-east asian countries?

患者女,43岁,患肺结核2年,现使用链霉素抗结核治疗,用药期间应注意( )。

最容易引起听神经损害的抗结核药物是( )。

患者,男,46岁,患肺结核。出院时护上对其进饮食指导,正确的是( )。

患者,男,50岁。重症肺炎并发感染性休克入院。护士配合抢救时实施静脉输液的过程中错误的是 ( )。

治疔支原体肺炎的首选抗生素是( )。

大咳血病人发生窒息时,首要的护理措施是( )。

哮喘的典型症状是( )。

突然发作的吸气性呼吸困难,临床上最常见于( )。

患者男性,36岁,平素健康。淋雨后发热,咳嗽、咳痰2天,右上腹痛伴气急、恶心一天。 除考虑急腹症外,重点鉴别的疾病是 ( )。


控制心绞痛发作的首选药物是( )。

患者,女性,67岁。2小时前晚餐后突感胸骨后剧烈压榨样疼痛,伴大汗、呕吐,急诊入院。查hr 130次/分,律不齐,bp165/100mmg,心电图示v1-v3导联st段呈弓背向上抬高。最可能的诊断是( )。

急性心肌梗死发生心律失常的处理,下列哪组不正确( )。

患者男,41岁。近期出现头晕、乏力,连续3天血压(140~150)/(90-96)mmhg。患者的血压属于( )。

原发性高血压不常受累的靶器官是 ( )。

患者,女性,54岁。因近日睡眠不好、头晕、有时步态不稳而就诊,发现血压高。既往曾有过高血压情况,医生主张非药物治疗,非药物治疗措施不包括( )。

心源性呼吸困难最严重的为( )。

急性心肌梗死患者发病后24小时内的主要死亡原因是( )。

左心衰竭最典型的表现为( )。


上消化道出血最常见的原因是( )。

上消化道出血特征性的表现为( )。

肝硬化失代偿期患者最常见的并发症是( )。

某患者因急性胰腺炎拟行急诊手术,护理措施不妥的是( )。

患者男,56岁,肝硬化腹水,在放腹水的过程中突然出现昏迷,首先采取的措施是( )。

最能提示急性胰腺炎后不良的一项是( )。

关于水肿型胰腺炎,最不可能出现哪项( )。

出血性胰腺炎的最常见的并发症是( )。

十二指肠溃疡疼痛的特点是( )。


慢性肾炎患者24h尿蛋白定量一般为( )。

慢性肾炎患者饮食指导,不妥的是( )。

慢性肾小球肾炎的饮食原则为( )。

对慢性肾炎患者进行健康指导,不恰当的是( )

慢性肾炎必有的表现是( )。

患者,女,32岁。以慢性肾小球肾炎收入院。查体:眼睑及双下肢轻度水肿,血压155/100mmhg。护士应重点关注其( )。

患者,男,40岁。慢性肾炎入院,全身明显水肿,尿常规结果示尿蛋白( ),血肌酐正常,血浆白蛋白18g/l,护士建议其饮食是( )。

患者,男,35岁。原发性肾病综合征病史3年。本次因尿蛋白( ),全身水肿3周,测血压160/100mmhg。护士对患者进行健康指导,以下说法不正确的是( )。

对肾盂肾炎患者进行健康教育,不妥的做法是( )。




非重型再生障碍性贫血的特点是( )。

为防止急性白血病患者继续感染,错误的护理措施是( )。



在缺铁性贫血的相应化验中唯一数值增高的指标是( )。

对白血病患者进行健康教育的内容中,哪项错误( )。

急性白血病化疗诱导缓解后发生头痛、呕吐、视力障碍甚至瘫痪,是因为( )。

白血病护理措施( )。

引起甲亢的主要原因是( )。

不属于甲亢的临床表现是( )。

甲亢患者不常出现的表现是( )。

糖尿病酮症酸中毒患者,第一日补液量约为( )。

患者,女,在数天劳累后,逐渐出现心悸胸闷,怕热多开,多食消瘦,腹泻,每天大便4-6次,双目炯炯有神,情绪易激动,既往体健。该患者最可能的原因是 ( ) 。

患者,女,28岁。诊断为甲状腺功能亢进,需口服甲硫氧嘧啶治疗,患者询问护士该药物的主要作用是什么,护士的回答正确的是( )。

患者,女,45岁,患甲状腺功能亢进伴突眼1年。近2个月,突眼恶化,结膜充血、水肿明显。下列健康指导哪项不正确( )。

患者,女,67岁,患2型糖尿病21年。社区护士入户体检时发现下肢水肿,遂到门诊查尿蛋白( ),尿糖(+++),血糖13.1mmol/l,血尿素氮和肌酐尚正常,提示患者可能已合并 ( )。

患者,男,35岁,诊断患有甲亢。应用甲巯咪唑治疗1个月后症状好转,但甲状腺肿与突眼加重。此时应遵医嘱指导患者采取适宜的治疗措施是( )。


类风湿关节炎是指( )。

与类风湿关节炎病情活动性无关的是( )。

以四肢大关节游走性肿痛为特点的关节炎是( )。

类风湿关节炎最常累及的关节是( )。

患者,女,36岁。诊断为类风湿关节炎,患者的实验室检查中提示病情活动的重要指标是( )。

患者,女.32岁。因双肘、胸、手指近端指间关节肿痛2年,加重2周,诊断为类风湿关节炎,医嘱给予、布洛芬和青霉胺等药物治疗。现患者诉恶心。反酸和胃部不适。护土向患者解释引起此症状的原因最可能是( )。

患者,女,46岁。诊断为类风湿关节炎3年,最近晨僵大于1小时,两手指在掌指关节处向尺侧偏斜,关节活动障碍,查c 反应蛋白升高,说明目目前患者疾病处在( )。

患者,女,46岁。已诊断类风湿关节炎8年收住入院,最近,晨僵大于1小时,两手指关节活动障碍,关节疼痛,c反应蛋白升高。 下列关节功能锻炼的指导中错误的是 ( )。

患者,女,50岁。诊断为类风湿关节炎,两年前出现双腕、双手关节、双膝关节肿痛,伴晨僵,时间约20分钟,影响行动。关节x线检查:双手骨质疏松,腕关节间隙变窄。下列关节护理措施为( ) 。


【单选题】柏拉图的理念体系主要体现在他的( )著作中。

【单选题】从认识论的角度看,柏拉图的两个世界,一个是可感的对象,另一个是( )

【单选题】为解决知识问题,柏拉图还提出了比回忆说更加精致的( )学说论证。

【多选题】柏拉图的主要哲学思想有( )

【多选题】柏拉图曾通过( )两种方式来说明理念是如何派生事物的。

【多选题】柏拉图曾经通过一系列的比喻来论证两个世界的学说,其中最著名的是( )

【多选题】在柏拉图看来,灵魂是由不同的部分和要素构成的,同时他坚信灵魂不朽,并且为此进行了理论上的论证,主要有哪些论证?( )




【单选题】关于庄子的记载主要是在司马迁《史记》中的( )文章?

【单选题】以下典故是关于庄子和他朋友惠子的是( )

【单选题】“故凫胫虽短,续之则忧;鹤胫虽长,断之则悲。”这句话是为了说明( )的观点。

【单选题】庄子名周,是( )时期的道家代表人物。

【单选题】成语“庄周梦蝶”出自( )

【多选题】庄子认为精神自由有两个层次,分别是( )

【多选题】以下理论属于庄子的是( )

【多选题】老子、庄子关于“道”的哲学的核心观点是( )

【填空题】庄子的思想主要体现在他的著作( )。

【填空题】在战乱频繁民生多艰的社会背景下,庄子为实现心灵的自由,在儒家的积极入世和佛教的消极避世之外,提出了第三种选择是( )。

【单选题】王阳明认为,天下第一等事是( )

【单选题】王阳明是古代( )代表人物。

【单选题】在王阳明心学中,关于主意与工夫的关系描述错误的是( )。

【单选题】王阳明是明朝中期儒学的代表人物,他把理学发展到一个新的阶段,号称( )

【多选题】王阳明所谓的在“事上磨炼”,是( )

【多选题】关于良知,王阳明认为( )。

【填空题】王阳明认为,德性修养的根本原则是( )

【填空题】王阳明说:“惟天下之( ),然后能立天下之大本。”

【填空题】知行在本体上本是合一的,知行之不合一,只为有( )隔了。

【填空题】从一定意义上,工夫可以理解为( )的具体形式。

【单选题】在帕斯卡尔( )岁时完成了思想巨著《思想录》。

【单选题】在帕斯卡尔短短的一生中有( )皈依。

【单选题】《思想录》与其说是一本书,更贴切地说应该是帕斯卡尔写的有关( )方面的一些笔记。

【单选题】帕斯卡尔把“火之夜”发生的事情,记下来的东西叫做( )。

【单选题】后人为纪念帕斯卡尔,以他的名字来命名( )的单位,“帕斯卡”,简称“帕”。

【单选题】帕斯卡尔是( )思想家。

【填空题】关于圆锥曲线,帕斯卡尔有一个重要的结论,即( )被保留下来。

【填空题】帕斯卡尔的主要著作《思想录》,为哲学和方面的探讨提供了丰富的源泉,成为( )的明证。

【填空题】17世纪的欧洲,在笛卡尔的理性主义思潮外,帕斯卡尔以《思想录》另辟蹊径,反复阐述了人在( )两个极限之间的对立悖反。

【填空题】整个《思想录》指出人用( )的方式来逃避自身的脆弱、可悲和虚无,而这样的逃避方式,又加深了人的愚昧和可悲。

【单选题】斯宾诺莎认为神是( )

【单选题】斯宾诺莎认为思想和广延是( )

【单选题】在身体和心灵的关系问题上,斯宾诺莎认为,人的身体和心灵彼此独立,又先定地协调一致,这就是斯宾诺莎的( )。

【单选题】斯宾诺莎的最重要著作是( )

【单选题】提出“我思故我在”的命题,被称为近代哲学之父的哲学家是( )

【多选题】以下是斯宾诺莎的著作的是( )

【多选题】在斯宾诺莎的学中,他认为( )是人类心灵的两大基本要素。

【多选题】近代西方哲学公认的三大理性主义者( )

【填空题】斯宾诺莎是西方近代哲学( )重要代表人物。

【填空题】在斯宾诺莎哲学中,用( )消解了笛卡尔哲学中万能的上帝,从而将理性主义贯彻到底。

【单选题】康德的三大批判不包括哪一项?( )

【单选题】下列关于康德的说法,错误的是( )

【单选题】关于康德哲学,下列选项正确的是( )。

【单选题】在启蒙运动中进一步提出“思想自由”的思想家主要是( )

【多选题】下列关于康德思想的表述,正确的是( )

【多选题】下列关于康德的描述中,正确的是( )

【多选题】被并列称为三大“永不休止的哲学奠基人”的是( )

【填空题】学术界通常都以( )年为界限,把康德哲学思想的发展划分为“前批判时期”和“批判时期”。



【单选题】马克思一生最重要的两大理论发现是( )

【单选题】整个马克思主义学说的理论基础是( )

【单选题】马克思主义最重要的理论品质是( )

【多选题】马克思和恩格斯合著的著作有( )

【多选题】1999年9月,英国广播公司(bbc)又以同一命题评选“千年第一思想家”,马克思位居第一,这说明下列哪些观点是正确的( )

【多选题】马克思主义理论体系不可分割的三个主要组成部分是( )

【多选题】马克思主义吸收人类在19世纪所创造的思想文化成果,这些优秀成果包括( )


【填空题】马克思在《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》中指出哲学家们只是用不同的方式解释世界,而问题在于( )。

【填空题】马克思主义最崇高的社会理想是( )。

【单选题】第一位将尼采思想引介到国内的学者是( )。

【单选题】( )将尼采称为“最后一个形而上学家”。

【单选题】尼采是( )哲学家。

【单选题】提出“上帝死了”与“重估一切价值”口号的著名哲学家是( )

【单选题】郭沫若在留学日本期间曾受到泛神论哲学思想的影响。其中,对他影响最大的哲学家是( )

【多选题】属于尼采著作的是( )。

【多选题】以下哪些说法体现尼采早期的哲学思想( )。


【填空题】1908年第一届尼采研究会的发起人是_______ 。

【填空题】如果说古希腊神话中的日神阿波罗象征着梦幻和生存的欢愉,那么,酒神狄奥尼索斯所象征的则是( )和( ) 。

【单选题】以下是葛梯尔著作的是( )

【单选题】葛梯尔是当代( )著名哲学家。

【单选题】图1所示的电力设备是( )。

【单选题】图2所示的电力设备是( )。

【单选题】现代电气设备的造价及运行可靠性在很大程度上取决于设备的( )。

【单选题】( )是电力系统的基本元件,其性能的好坏直接影响到系统的安全可靠运行。

【单选题】以下不是绝缘结构的作用( )。

【单选题】以下不是引起绝缘老化的具体原因( )。

【单选题】电气设备故障的主要原因( )

【单选题】现行绝缘预防性试验项目,以下不进行直流耐压试验的设备( )。

【单选题】现行绝缘预防性试验项目,以下不进行绝缘油试验的设备( )。

【单选题】( )是状态维修的基础和根据。

【单选题】以下不是状态监测系统所特有的关键技术( )。

【单选题】绝缘材料包括( )


【单选题】( )是表征介质材料的介电性质或极化性质的物理参数,也是材料储电能力的表征。

【单选题】绝缘材料在某一强电场下发生破坏,失去绝缘性能变为导电状态,称为( )。

【单选题】电气强度的值越高越( )。

【单选题】绝缘材料的绝缘性能与温度有直接的关系,温度越高,绝缘材料的绝缘性能越( )。


【单选题】绝缘材料的作用是把电气设备中不同势的带电部分( )开来。

【单选题】以下绝缘油不具有的作用是( )。

【单选题】防止绝缘油的老化一般可采用( )。


【单选题】“您能给我一张名片吗?” 礼貌的表达是____。



【单选题】you could contact me _____ 89241355.

【单选题】kaden: good morning. kbs company. juliet speaking. _______. jew: good morning. my name is jew. could i speak to mr. smith?

【单选题】接线员:史密斯先生,我把jew的电话接过来,可以吗? smith: 好的。 receptionist: mr. smith, i’ll put jew _____, ok? smith: ok.

【排序题】when making a business call, the sequence order is _____.

【单选题】你现在说话方便吗?are you _____ to talk now?

【单选题】不好意思,待会打给我好吗?_____ i have other issues to deal with. would you please call me later? thank you.

【判断题】商务英语中,thanks 比thank you 更正式。

【单选题】in the following time periods, which one is convenient to hold a meeting?

【单选题】what are not essential for a meeting break?

【多选题】if you prepare a meeting, what are your considerations?

【填空题】大卫,会议室明天下午2:00至3:00可用吗? david, is the conference room _______ tomorrow from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m.?

【填空题】我会安排人去插好展示系统的。 i’ll get someone ________ for the presentation system.

【单选题】i really appreciate you all for _____ today. a. attend b. attending c. attended

【判断题】if you’re the chair of a meeting, you need to start the meeting on time.

【判断题】in the conference room, it’s good to place any kinds of flowers.




【填空题】我确信客户可以接受这个价格。i’m convinced that the customers could _____ the price.

【填空题】留意keep a _____ eye





【填空题】我能不能多休3天年假?这样一共就是6天假。 may i take 3 days ________ to make the retreat 6 days.


【多选题】what need your considerations when you book a hotel?

【填空题】“含早餐”的表达是breakfast _____.


【单选题】“speak of the devil”是什么意思?

【判断题】people with lesser authority should be introduced to those with higher authority.

【单选题】we couldn’t ask for a better day, could we? 是什么意思?

【多选题】what topics are acceptable for all talks?

【多选题】what is not a suitable time to start a all talk?

【判断题】compliments on clothing and hair are acceptable.

【判断题】negative comments about another person not involved in the conversation are ok.

【单选题】mike: would you be interested in joining me for dinner after work? mary: i’d love to, but _____ i have to work late tonight.

【填空题】rsvp的意思是______, if you please.

【判断题】if others say “drop in anytime” to you, it means you can visit them at any time without calling in advance.

【单选题】1. in this section, you have learned how to ____________.

【单选题】1. to inform the audience of the structure of your presentation, you should ___________.

【多选题】1. what is the purpose of greeting the audience in the very beginning of the presentation?

【多选题】1. a presentation can help you _______________.

【判断题】when introducing yourself, you should tell your audience about your name, title, responsibility and your salary.

【单选题】in this section, you have learned how to ____________.

【单选题】____________ presentation is to provide opportunities for the audience to gain knowledge, understanding, or skills.

【多选题】which sentence in the following can be used as a transition?

【判断题】deductive plan begins with the main idea or the general conclusion followed by supporting information.

【单选题】in this section, you have learned how to ____________.

【单选题】which sentence in the following is introducing the feature of a product?

【多选题】which sentence in the following is introducing the benefit of a product?

【填空题】you must admit this type of feature will ______________(对…有吸引力)the many microwave users in the west.

【判断题】in fab approach, a represents attention, requiring the presenter to draw the audience’s attention .

【单选题】in this section, you have learned how to ____________.

【单选题】which sentence in the following is signal to end a presentation?

【多选题】to end a presentation, you should______________.

【填空题】this notebook can protect user’s ______________(隐私)via advanced finger print validation system.

【判断题】the audience’s attention tends to peak at the end of a presentation because they anticipate moving on to the next activity.

【单选题】in this section, you have learned how to ____________.

【单选题】agreement-based negotiation is also called ______________.

【多选题】if you give without getting something back, you reinforce the behavior of asking for the ______________(让步).


【填空题】if you give without getting something back, you reinforce the behavior of asking for the ______________(让步).

【判断题】an approach is a list of things to be done at the negotiation. it determines the order of discussion.

【单选题】in this section, you have learned how to ____________.

【单选题】questions like “what are the shared expectations?” and “what are the critical issues?” are related to the ____________ of the negotiation.

【多选题】on an agenda of a negotiation, you will see items like_________.

【填空题】lily here is going to take the ______________(会议记录) and joey gregg, our adviser, is here to advise us if we need him.

【判断题】it is polite to express your welcome to all the participants of the negotiation before you introduce the agenda.

【单选题】in this section, you have learned how to ____________.

【单选题】when conflict arises, normally there are two approaches of how to manage it:_________and __________. compared with the first one, the second is more set in a positive tone.

【多选题】which technique in the following will help to handle conflict more positively in a negotiation?

【填空题】we suggest a 30% reduction to the fee, together with a three weeks’______________(延长的期限)to the campaign.

【判断题】it is a waste of time to adjourn to think and reflect when negotiators are growing impatient and aggressive.

【单选题】in this section, you have learned how to ____________.

【单选题】the three principles that govern your bargain are: be prepared, think about the whole package, and be __________.

【多选题】there are some reasons that cause failure in a negotiation, such as other compes beat your price, ______, _____ or_____.

【填空题】the prices of our printers are very______________(有竞争力的)in the world market.

【判断题】a concessions list states issues where you can make concessions and grade the concessions from where you need the least in return to where you need the most.

【单选题】in this section, you have learned how to ____________.

【单选题】to close a negotiation effectively, participants usually go through three stages:summarizing, ___________and ending.

【多选题】to end the negotiation on a positive note, you may say the meeting is ______ .

【填空题】mr. baker's assistant telephoned to _________(确认)his appointment with the chairman.

【判断题】it is unnecessary to put into writing what two parties have agreed.

【单选题】in this section, you have learned how to ____________.

【单选题】which one in the following cannot be a good reason for making a complaint?

【填空题】the company denied it was using its dominant position in the market to _________(对…要价过高) customers.

【判断题】letters are considered as the most formal and official way of complaining and used when there is a serious dissatisfaction.

【单选题】in this section, you have learned how to ____________.

【多选题】you should write down any names, dates, _____________ and________to help you verify the facts of the complaint as well as let the customer know that you are listening with all your attention.

【填空题】we apologize for any _________(不便) caused during the repairs.

【判断题】it makes no difference if you ile when you are handling complaints on the phone.

【单选题】in this section, you have learned how to ____________.

【单选题】after receiving a complaint from a customer, employees should find ways to resolve it as soon as possible. the first step is to __________.

【多选题】there are many different types of solution which could make a disappointed customer happy, such as, to ___________,._________, fix problem of the product and improve service and apologize for the inconvenience.

【填空题】the owner of a clothes shop in calcutta recognized him and gave him a _________(折扣) on a t-shirt.

【判断题】if a customer has a minor problem with your product or service, you might want to consider offering discount for his/her next purchase. this helps to reduce the chance of losing a customer, and minimize the cost of solving the problem.

【单选题】the first thing in hunting a job is getting to know about ___________.

【单选题】usually, a job advertisement mainly consists of _____ parts.

【多选题】in what ways can we get the information of the vacant position?

【单选题】listing your working experience, you should start with ___________.

【多选题】when list your working experience, you should mainly use verbal phrases in ________ tense.

【多选题】in the part of qualifications, you should mention your qualities in which you are an expert or good, for example______

【单选题】______ is appropriate for most job interviews.

【多选题】how can you get information about a position?

【填空题】collecting some information about a position includes: the job title and _______________, qualifications, salary range and benefits, and ________________ opportunities.

【单选题】when being asked: “where do you want to be five years from now?” your answer should be _______.

【多选题】when being asked: “why should we hire you?” you should mention your _________.

【多选题】when talking about your weaknesses, which of the following statements is inappropriate? _______

【单选题】canadians, australians and many other westerners think ________ eye contact in communication carries the message of honesty, sincerity and frankness.

【填空题】the three most commonly used facial expressions are eye contact, _________, and eyebrow movements.

【填空题】in asia, africa and latin america, people tend to _______ too direct eye contact to show their respect.

【单选题】a gesture is the use of your_______________ to express an idea or feeling.

【单选题】generally speaking, when two people meet, _______________________.

【多选题】in _________, people shake hands with a bow.

【单选题】postures refer to _______________.

【单选题】when people _____________ while listening, it shows that they are listening with interest and attentiveness.

【单选题】inthailand, when people nod, they show_________.

to put it in a simple way, linguistics studies ________, meaning of linguistic units, and the use and interpretation of a sentence in different contexts.

to have a scientific language study, we must pursue brevity in yzing the data and in stating our findings, which can be summarized as the standard of ________.

parole refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.

the reason for frenchmen to use cheval and for english to use horse to refer to the same animal is inexplicable.

of speech and writing, modern linguistics regards writing as the primary medium of communication.

according to chomsky, competence is the actual realization of the performance in linguistic communication.

which of the following disciplines are related to applied linguistics?

unlike animal communication systems, human language is ________.

________ has been widely accepted as the forefather of modern linguistics.

by saying language is arbitrary, we mean that there is no logical connection between meaning and ________.

what kind of sounds can we make, when the vocal cords are vibrating?

which one is different from the others according to manners of articulation?

which of the following cannot be considered as a minimal pair?

the sound /z/ can be described with “voiced, ________, alveolar”.

in english, if three consonants cluster together at the beginning of a word, the combination could be the following except ________.

a phoneme in one language or one dialect may be an allophone in another language or dialect.

the speech sounds which are in complementary distribution are definitely allophones of the same phoneme.

broad transcription is intended to symbolize all the possible speech sounds, including the minute shades.

the initial sound of “peak” is aspirated while the second sound of “speak” is unaspirated. they are allophones.

phonetic similarity means that the allophones of a phoneme must bear some morphological resemblance.

the italicized word in the sentence “they are better fed, better housed, and better clothed than ever before” is a good example of ________.

we can classify morphemes into ________.

________ of the four words are good examples of compounding.

the word children contains _________ morphemes

the italicized word in sentence ________, the italicized part doesn't involve conversion.

most prefixes can occur as independent words.

such compounds as quick-frozen, far-fetched, fresh-baked, and long-awaited are created by “a./ad. v.-ed”.

in american english, compounds are not usually written solid as soon as they have gained some permanent status.

a compound can be formed by placing any lexical item in front of another.

syntax is the study of how words and phrases are properly formed out of elements of a language.

many syntactic theories have developed in response to generative syntax.

in the course of its development, generative grammar gradually shifted its focus from language itself to the native speaker’s knowledge of language.

in the generative tradition, language is usually understood to refer to the all the language structures that native speakers can generate.

according to chomsky, i-language refers to a set of sentences a native speaker can use.

the sub-component which includes the rules governing word formation is called ________.

________ is to syntax what phoneme to phonology and morpheme to morphology.

among the following categories, ________ are word categories.

in the category of cp, letter c stands for ____________.

the approach to semantic study that is more concerned with the relationship between linguistic expressions and the phenomena in the world to which they refer may be called ________.

the contextualist view of meaning is based on the presumption that one can derive meaning from observable contexts.

meaning can be studied as ________.

predication ysis is to break down predications into their constituents: ________ and ________.

the predication of the sentence “jack is happy” is said to consist of jack, the _________, and happy, the predicate.

the sense relations between words can be yzed in terms of truth conditions.

as for gradable antonyms, the denial of one is the assertion of the other.

a pair of complementary antonyms is characterized by the feature that the denial of one member implies the assertion of the other.

the concept of reference can be regarded as a connection between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.

according to the classic semantic triangle suggested by ogden and richards, the meaning of a word is the concept connecting the word with the real thing in the world. this concept is called reference or thought.

all the acts that belong to the same category act share the same purpose or the same illocutionary act, and they are the same in their strength or force.

conversation participants almost always observe the cp and the maxims of the cp.

a sentence is grammatical concept, and the meaning of a sentence is often studied as the abstract intrinsic property of the sentence itself in terms of a predication

utterance is based on sentence meaning; it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication or simply in a context.

the cooperative principle is proposed by ________.

the maxim of quantity requires: ________.

most of the violations of the maxims of the cp give rise to ________.

the significance of grice’s cp lies in that it explains how it is possible for the speaker to convey ________ is literally said.

the following is the clipped words except ________.

as a result of the norman conquest of 1066, vast quantities of ________ words were added to the english vocabulary.

morphological and syntactic changes in english language including the following except ________.

the following are the methods for the addition of new words except ________.

the meaning of word accident has undergone the process of ________.

the word pioneer used to refer to a foot soldier who cleared the way for any army by falling trees, but now it refers to a person who goes before, preparing the way for others, as a scientist doing exploratory work. this process of change is called ________.

which of the following words are formed by clipping?

only words of the same parts of speech can be combined to form compounds.

all the former job titles with -man have been replaced by the new job titles with -person.

the change of grammar is caused by economy of memory.

someone who can speak many languages is called ________.

the social factors in sociolinguistic studies do include ________.

ethnic dialects are mainly spoken by a less privileged population, such as the ________.

code-switching can happen in ________.

from different perspectives, sociolinguistics may be classified into ________.

gender varieties arise because language, as a social phenomenon, is closely related to social attitudes.

macro-studies are to look at society as a whole and consider how language functions in it and how it reflects the social differentiations.

for a sociolinguist, code-switching means the switch made by a speaker or writer from one language or language variety to another.

greek does not belong to indo-european language family.

in sociolinguistics, code-switching is the use of more than one linguistic variety in a manner consistent with the syntax and phonology of each variety.

language is heavily tinted with its culture, and culture also affects its people’s language uses.

acculturation means a continuing process whereby an inidual acquires a personal identity and learns the norms, values, behavior, and social skills appropriate to his or her social position.

the appearance of loan words is one typical example of cultural diffusion.

language and culture are closely related to each other, and it is extremely difficult to separate the two.

the ignorance of cultural differences will not necessarily create barriers in learning the target language and in communication.

denotative meaning refers to the meaning that isn’t stated but implied; the implication of a word, apart from its primary meaning.

successful communication occurs when the listener can ________ from the speaker’s point of view.

in cross-cultural communication, ________ are key points to mutual understanding and can serve as the bridge that will help us transcend cultural barriers.

the common denial that birds are animals among very young children is a typical example of over-extension.

dyslexia refers to the abnormal difficulty in reading and spelling caused by a brain lesion.

many studies of children’s acquisition sequences and errors in various languages have revealed that children have some ________ for making sense of language information.

according to chomsky, human beings are not biologically programmed for language and the language develops in the child with extreme attention and efforts.

the innatists argue that children can discover the rules and principles underneath the language by trial and error.

the speech contains content words and lacks function elements can be called ________.

which of the following is the term meaning repetition of sounds, syllables, or phrases where the speaker cannot “release” the words?

interlanguage is defined as an abstract system of learners’ target language system.

the goal of contrastive ysis is to predict what areas will be easy to learn and what areas will be difficult to learn.

contrastive ysis involves describing the learners’ interlanguage, then comparing the two forms to locate miatches.

it is generally believed that people learn their first language consciously and acquire their second language naturally.

mistakes often occur when learners fail to perform their competence, suggesting failure in ________.

________ errors occur when the learner misuses an item because it shares features with an item in the native language.

*“i losed the game.” and “there are ten sheeps.” are illustrations of ________ and performance errors.

it is generally accepted that successful learners tend to use more strategies and use them more selectively and flexibly.

according to contrastive ysis, the greater the differences between l1 and l2, the more frequently the error will occur.

________ produce fast and fluent speech with good intonation and pronunciation but the content of their speech ranges from mildly inappropriate to complete nonsense, often as unintelligible.

________ is the study of language in relation to the mind.

the brain is ided into two roughly symmetrical halves, called ________, one on the right and one on the left.

which of the following parts of the brain accounts for the human distinctness in the animal world?

which of the following methods are used to examine the behavior associated with the brain?

left hemisphere is primarily responsible for language and there are specific language areas within the left hemisphere.

it has been proved that the right ear shows an advantage for the perception of linguistic signal.

most right-handed iniduals have language represented in the left hemisphere and left-handers have language localization in the right hemisphere.

in the priming experiment, both prime and target are stimuli.

the priming task tells us that aspects of phonology are automatically activated during word reading.

which event stands for the formal establishment of cognitive linguistics as a discipline?

in the metaphor “our car has broken down”, the source domain is?

which of the following views means that “the choice of the subject of a sentence depends on the degree of the prominence of each element in the context described by the sentence”?

cognitive linguistics is born on the basis of ________.

both ________ and ________ were written by george lakoff.

the essential feature of the traditional view of the category is the binary opposition.

in different cultures, the prototypes of the category “bird” may be different.

metaphors are culture-related.

the prototype category‘s philosophical roots are based on family similarity.