
中级会计习题 1418

which event marks the end of the wars of the roses?

who defeated the spanish armada in 1588?

who was the first monarch to declare him/her supreme head of the church of england?

who was the best poet that synthesized the ideas and tendencies of the english renaissance?

in 1501, henry and elizabeth’s elder son arthur, having married catherine of aragon, died of an unknown ailment at the age of 15, leaving their younger son henry, duke of york, as the heir.

his desire to provide england with a male heir also resulted in his break with the pope (who would not allow an annulment of his first marriage with the widowed catherine of aragon) and the roman catholic church, leading to the english reformation.

over 800 monasteries were dissolved, demolished for building materials, confiscated, sold off or reclaimed as anglican churches.

henry had to take drastic actions, which are urging the english parliament to enact a series of acts between 1532 and 1534 breaking ties with rome, and declaring the king supreme head of the church of england.

the economically and militarily weaker england foiled the invasion or perhaps more exactly, bad luck, bad tactics and bad weather destroyed the armada.

yet the tudor legacy of meagre public revenue and endemic corruption in the central bureaucracy was ultimately ameliorated by the events of the civil war and interregnum.

henry viii achieved many of his political aims through the work of his chief ministers, so who were the most famous figures in his administration?

who were the children of henry viii?

which tudor monarch supported protestanti?

who were the writers of the tudor period?

henry tudor, the last lancastrian male, defeated the plantagenet king richard iii in the battle of bosworth field on 22 august. with his accession to the throne as henry viii, the wars of the roses came to an end.

henry viii is remembered for his six marriages in an attempt to produce a healthy son.

edward vi was a fervent catholic and carried out a series of reforms.

in order to guarantee a protestant succession, edward vi allowed lady jane grey, granddaughter of henry viii’s sister mary and an overt protestant, to become the queen.

mary i was the first queen regnant of england (a queen reigning in her own right rather than through marriage) if we exclude the disputed reigns of jane and the empress matilda.

in 1554, mary married philip, king of spain, who as a foreigner and a catholic was welcome in england.

elizabeth i was one of england’s greatest monarchs and the first monarch whose name has become a synonym for the era she dominated—the elizabethan era.

elizabeth i managed to balance the interests of the puritans and catholics and resolved the religious issue by the elizabethan religious settlement, which re-established the protestant church of england and made her its supreme governor.

henry vii was the first monarch to declare him supreme head of the church of england.

henry viii achieved many of his political aims through the work of his chief ministers.

in the summer of 1485, henry tudor, the last lancastrian male, landed in england from his exile in france and defeated the plantagenet king richard iii in the on 22 august.

henry viii was also known as the “ ” by expanding naval forces and modernizing naval administration.

mary i was a devoted catholic and also nicknamed “ ” for her persecution of over 280 protestants in a vain attempt to turn the clock back and restore roman catholici in england.

elizabeth remained the “ ” all through her life to consolidate the general policy of balancing the continental powers.

the population growth in the tudor period did not so dangerously exceed the capacity of available resources, particularly food supplies, as to precipitate a .

in 1600, the queen chartered the to share in the east indian spice trade, which had been a monopoly of spain and portugal until the defeat of the armada.

the and the flowering of literature, especially in the fields of poetry and drama, reached their apogee in the elizabethan era, adding another dimension to the “gold” of the period.

has exerted greater influence on english literature and european drama than any other single writer and his history plays, comedies, and tragedies set a standard never again equaled.

the defeat of the in 1588 is popularly viewed as one of the greatest victories in english history.

was the hub of the tudor political system and the main permanent institution of government (as opposed to the intermittent parliament).

look at the painting of jane’s execution and answer the following questions. how does the artist want us to feel about jane's execution?

how does he try to make us feel this way?

do you think that mary was justified in executing jane? explain your answer.

in which country was james i called james vi?

whose quarrels with parliament and the authoritarian rule provoked the english civil war from 1642 to 1651?

who established the royal society for the study of science and the royal observatory at greenwich?

what happened after the attempt in parliament to exclude james ii from the throne?

which may not be the cause of the british civil war?

what happened after the cromwell’s death?

which is not part of the bill of rights?

which may not be the cause of scientific development after the civil war?

which is the first real colony?

which is the milton’s work?

which happened in the reign of charles ii?

who were involved in the “great rebellion”?

who were the members of the royal society?

which documents limited royal power?

who were not the catholic?

on the death of elizabeth i in 1603, her closest male protestant relative, james vi, king of scotland (1567-1625), succeeded to the throne as james i of england.

charles ii’ quarrels with parliament and the authoritarian rule provoked the english civil war from 1642 to 1660. he was tried, convicted, and executed for high treason in january 1649.

charles ii’ quarrels with parliament and the authoritarian rule provoked the english civil war from 1642 to 1660. he was tried, convicted, and executed for high treason in january 1649.

glorious revolution, also called revolution of 1688, or bloodless revolution, in english history, refers to the events of 1688–89 that resulted in the deposition of james ii and the accession of his daughter mary ii and her huand, william iii, prince of orange and stadholder of the netherlands.

the bill of rights that william iii and mary ii accepted upon ascension strengthened the sovereign’s power, and undermined parliament’s claim to control taxation and legislation.

the english civil war, also called the “great rebellion” or “english revolution”, was a series of armed conflicts and political machinations between royalists and parliamentarians over principally the manner of its government.

the english civil war, also called the “great rebellion” or “english revolution”, was a series of armed conflicts and political machinations between royalists and parliamentarians over principally the manner of its government.

richard cromwell, the son of thomas cromwell, is one of the most controversial figures in the history of the british isles, considered a regicidal dictator by some historians but a hero of liberty by others.

in poetry the restoration is distinguished by the work of john bunyan who is seen as dominating the literary life of restoration england to such a point that the period came to be known in literary circles as the age of bunyan.

edmond halley (1656-1742) emerged from scholarly near-reclusiveness at trinity college, cambridge, in the 1690s, to become master of the royal mint, and president of the royal society in 1703. his mathematical principles of natural philosophy (1687), set science on its modern course.

charles ii, the eldest surviving son of charles i and henrietta maria of france, was restored to the throne in 1660 on the death of and the collapse of the english commonwealth after years of exile in the continent.

the years of charles ii’s reign are known in english history as the .

senior figures in the whig party invited james ii’s protestant son-in-law and nephew william of orange, to land an invasion army from the netherlands in the (1688-1689).

the that william iii and mary ii accepted limited the sovereign’s power, and reaffirmed parliament’s claim to control taxation and legislation.

the republic’s existence was initially declared through “an act declaring england to be a commonwealth”, adopted by the (nicknamed this because the army had purged the existing parliament of all members sympathetic to the king) on 19 may 1649.

mathematical principles of natural philosophy (1687) written by set science on its modern course.

the great plagueof 1665-1660 decimating approximately 100,000 of the population and the in 1666 burning 450 acres of the capital.

charles dissolved parliament three times between 1625 and 1629. in 1629, he diissed parliament again, resolved to rule alone and started his “ ”.

during the early stuart period, the size of the puritan population continued to grow. both king james i and king charles i saw them as a threat to the established church. persecution led to some leaving britain to found new colonies in america.

who is the first monarch of the house of hanover ascending the british throne in august 1714?

george iii features all of the following information except:

who is regarded as britain’s first de facto prime minister?

william’s reign saw several reforms, except:

who is the last british monarch of the house of hanover, also known as “the grandmother of europe”?

which of the following statements is true about the parliament in the georgian era?

“the government and the merchants became partners with the goal of increasing political power and private wealth, to the exclusion of other empires.” what does this refer to?

when did the american revolution start?

when did the british army surrender at yorktown, virginia ollunder a combined siege by the french and continental armies under washington?

the age of johnson (1745-1790) was characterized by the literary circle which included the following writers, except:

who succeeded the throne from his father?

what are the titles of queen victoria?

which of the following battles took place during the reign of george iii?

who were great literary masters of the hanoverian period?

on 11 june 1727, george i died on a trip. he was buried in england, and was succeeded by george ii.

george iii was born in britain, spoke english as his first language, and never visited hanover.

william iv was the last king of britain’s house of hanover.

victorian era was a period of industrial, cultural, political, scientific, and military peak within the united kingdom, and was marked by a great expansion of the british empire.

the hanoverians ruled as constitutional monarchs directly through appointed prime ministers who gathered and managed parliament.

throughout the georgian period the political rights of ordinary men and women were extremely developed.

the georgian era was moreover a time of british expansion throughout the world. the british won all the wars.

mercantili was the basic policy imposed by britain on its colonies.

the first continental congress convened in philadelphia in may and voted to form a continental army with washington as its commander in chief.

to overturn a tory or a whig cabinet only a few votes were necessary, and to influence such votes london was flooded with pamphlets.

many of britain’s american colonies were lost in the .

victoria and prince albert of saxe-coburg and gotha had nine children who married into royal and noble families across the continent, tying them together and earning victoria the sobriquet of the “ ”.

victoria’s reign of 63 years and seven months is known as the . it was a period of industrial, cultural, political, scientific, and military peak within the united kingdom, and was marked by a great expansion of the british empire.

victory over napoleon at the battle of trafalgar (1805) and the (1815) under admiral lord nelson and the duke of wellington brought a sense of triumphali and political reaction.

the second continental congress convened in philadelphia in may andvoted to form a continental army with washington as its commander in chief. on july 4, the continental congress voted to adopt the .

the american colonies enabled britain to deal with the (1789-1799) with more unity and better organization than would otherwise have been the case.

, who carried the arts of critici and conversation to new heights, both typified and helped to form mid-18th-century views of life, literature, and conduct.

the expansion of empire brought fame to stateen and explorers such as clive of india and captain , and sowed the seeds of the worldwide british empire of the victorian and edwardian eras which were to follow.

in modern britain, the cabinet heads government with parliamentary majority support. this has something to do with george i and george ii, can you explain why? william pitt the younger addressing the commons on the outbreak of the war with france (1793); painting by anton hickel.

















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胃癌术后( )是 导致治疗失败的常见原因之一。









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english is an ytic language whereas chinese is a synthetic language.

english features hypotaxis whereas chinese features parataxis.

english is like a bamboo whose stems build upon one another, whereas chinese is like a tree whose branches are all intertwined.

english is more dynamic than chinese.

chinese tends to use more verbs than english.

chinese tends to use non-animate subjects.

english tends to use more passive voice than chinese.

generally speaking, english has long and complicated sentences while chinese has short and simple ones.

according to nida, translation means the equivalence in meaning between source language and receptor language.

the first stage of translation in the history of china is the translation of western literary works.

the dinner cost us five dollars a head. which is the most appropriate translation for the word "head" in this sentence?

these were all labeled as good eggs. which is the most appropriate translation for "good" in this sentence?

nasser was a good chess player. which is the most appropriate translation for "good" in this sentence?

which is the most appropraite translation for "to die a martyr"?

which is the most appropriate translation for "to give up the ghost"?

which is the most appropriate translation for "去极乐世界"?

which is the most appropriate translation for "he was lying on his back”?

let’s discuss the question under five heads. which is the most appropriate translation for "head" in this sentence?

which is the most appropriate translation for "a dear john letter"?

he has a weakness for oking. which is the most appropriate translation for "weakness" in this sentence?

the purpose of adding words in the process of translation is to add more meanings to the original sentence.

one type of addition--sementic completion--is out of the need of making the meaning complete or achieving rhetorical effect.

"it is the same old story of not being grateful for what we have until we lose it, of not being conscious of health until we are ill." in this sentence, “health” can be translated into "健康之宝贵”.

"a timely treatment would have saved the child." this sentence can be translated into "由于得到了及时的治疗,那个孩子得救了。”

omission in content can only be applied to the translation of those unimportant or unnecessary words in the original sentence, for the purpose of improving the readability of translation.

"在工作中,我们必须避免犯不必要的错误。" this sentence can be translated into "we must avoid making unnecessary mistakes in our work."

"有生命就有希望。" this sentence can be translated into "there is life, there is hope."

"the skyscrapers are also lavish consumers and wasters of electric power." in this sentence, the words "consumer" and "waster" can be translated into "消费者” and “浪费者”.

english nouns are frequently converted into chinese verbs in translation.

"some of my ctes are very good singers." the word "singer" in this sentence can be translated into "歌手”.

"这件事你不用操心。"can be translated into "this you don’t need to worry about."

"我忽然闪过一个古怪的念头。"can be translated into "i suddenly dawned upon a singular notion."

"他们扛着锄头下地了。"can be translated into "they left for the field, shouldering hoes."

"the river is very wide. one cannot see the opposite bank." can be translated into "那条河很宽。一个人看不到对岸。"

"战士无所畏惧地奋勇向前。他的脚步很坚定。" can be translated into "fighters march forward fearlessly, with firm steps."

" solution to the problem was ultimately found. " can be translated into "问题的解决方法终于找到了。"

"he reminded me of what i should otherwise have forgotten. " can be translated into " 他提醒了我,要不然我就会把这事忘了。"

"the book is beyond the kowledge of a five-year-old child." can be translated into "这本书超出了五岁孩子的知识。"

"he has not a little experience in teaching." can be translated into "他只有一点儿教学经验。”

“请勿大声喧哗。”can be translated into "please don't make noise".

an idiom is a short sentence that people often quote, which gives advice or tells you something about life.

whenever the original idioms are related to certain social and cultural knowledge, literal translation cannot be used.

when there are idioms in the target language with the same meaning and similar images, it is the best option for us to borrow these idioms in translation.

when there are idioms in the target language with the same meaning yet different images, borrowing cannot be used.

when translating chinese idioms which are related to classical allusions that are unfamiliar to the target readers, we can use liberal translation to improve the readability for the target readers.

slang refers to informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions.

slangs can be ided into three main categories: 1. euphemi 2. swearword 3. idiom

"she is five months gone" is a euphemi for "she is dead for five months".

we can translate the sentence "what is the geography of the house?" into "这个房子在什么地理位置?”

when translating swearwords, we need to pay attention to the emotion and tone of the original and avoid literal translation.

然而在短促的过去的回顾中却有一盏明灯,照彻了我的灵魂的黑暗,使我的生存有一点光彩。这盏灯就是友情。(《朋友》) which rhetorical device is used in this example?

how soon hath time, the subtle thief of youth, stolen on his wing my three and twentieth year! which rhetorical device is used in this example?

a woman should some day write the complete philosophy of clothes. no matter how young, it is one of the things she wholly comprehends. which rhetorical device is used in this example?

a rhetorical device is a technique that an author or speaker uses to convey to the listener or reader a meaning with the goal of persuading them towards considering a topic from a different perspective.

although similes and metaphors are similar, metaphors explicitly use connecting words while similes don’t.

onomatopoeia is a word that phonetically imitates, resembles or suggests the sound that it describes.

antonomasia is a kind of metonomy in which an epithet or phrase takes the place of a proper name.

___________is the related attribution of human form and characteristics to abstract concepts such as nations, emotions and natural forces like seasons and the weather.

_________ is a rhetorical device, literary technique, or event in which what appears, on the surface, to be the case, differs radically from what is actually the case.

a_______ is a form of word play that exploits multiple meanings of a term, or of similar-sounding words, for an intended humorous or rhetorical effect.

"europe is alive and kicking" which rhetorical device is used in this news headline?

"soccer kicks off with violence" which rhetorical device is used in this news headline?

_________ are the short and dynamic expressions which are preferred by journalists for their rich meaning and concise wording.

________is the most common punctuation in headlines.

in english news headlines, function words such as articles, linking verbs, auxiliary verbs and conjunctions are often omitted.

three kinds of verb tenses are frequently used in english news headlines: present tense, future tense and present perfect tense.

passive voice is used more widely than active voice in english news headlines.

english news headlines are usually multi-deck, while chinese news headlines are often single-deck.

english headlines are usually a skeleton of the news, keeping only the most essential information, while chinese headlines tend to be a mini-story in capsule form.

原文:济公劫富济贫。 译文:jigong, robin hood in china, robbed the rich and helped the poor. which translation skill is used in the above example?

原文:九寨沟 译文:jiuzhaigou (nine stockades valley) which translation skill is used in the above example?

原文:老弱病残孕者专座 译文:priority seats/courtesy seats which translation skill is used in the above example?

原文:前方修路 译文:road work ahead which translation skill is used in the above example?

前方有学校 school ahead which type does the above public sign belong to?

chinese tourist texts are more flowery than english texts.

english tourist texts tend to integrate human emotions with scenic descriptions, while chinese texts are fact-based.

the quotations in chinese tourist texts are often maintained in english translations.

informatory public signs offer information of locations or provide services, etc., to the public.

cautionary public signs warn the public of important issues or dangers.

which of the following is not mentioned as a type of business english?

which is the correct translation for cod?

which of the following is the corresponding abbreviation for "进出口银行”?

which is the correct meaning of status quo?

which is the special technical meaning of the word collection?

business english is concerned with such economic affairs within or outside a country as international trade, international marketing, economics, finance, accounting, law, administration, and so on.

the two essential components of business english are english language and translation knowledge.

when translating synonyms or near-synonyms in business english, the translator always needs to convey the subtle differences between these synonymous words to ensure the exactness in meaning.

in general, business translation should stick to the principles of faithfulness, idiomaticness, and consistency.

the two main types of equivalence in business translation are equivalence in style and equivalence in meaning.

*we know eggsactly how to sell eggs. in this advertisement, the english word "eggsactly" is a(n) _____________.

the following monosyllable verbs are frequently used in english advertisements except__________.

*flowers by medfield speak from the heart. which rhetorical device is adopted in this advertisement?

*make your every hello a real good-buy. which rhetorical device is adopted in this advertisement?

*原文:ugly is only skin-deep. —大众汽车广告 译文:其貌不扬 which translation skill is adopted in this example?

advertising in broad sense includes profitable commercial advertising as well as non-profitable public interest advertising, proclamations and notices, etc.

the famous american marketing association defines advertising as “the personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media”.

in english advertising, more passive sentences are used instead of active ones.

imperative sentences, which extend requests or orders, are frequently used in advertisements.

literal translation is the most important and widely used skill in advertisement translation.

which of the following does not belong to esp?

the technical meaning of the word "film" is ______.

the word "conrod(连杆)" is formed by means of _______.

the word "sonar(声纳)" is formed by means of_________.

conditional clauses can be led by the following conjunctions except_______.

in a broad sense, est covers anything related to science and technology, both in written and spoken forms.

semi-technical words in est refer to words which can be used both in ordinary english and in est writings.

the principles for est translation can be summed up as clarity, correctness and conciseness.

although all petroleum is composed essentially of a number of hydrocarbons, they are present in varying proportions in each deposit and the properties of each deposit have to be evaluated. in this example, the word "deposit" can be translated into "矿床”.

to achieve coherence, the translator can make use of four-character phrases in est translation to make the translated texts more idiomatic.

the special meaning of the word "schedule" in legal english is __________.

the special meaning of the word "recital" in legal english is _________.

the meaning of the sentence pattern "subject to" is ___________.

the meaning of the sentence pattern "save for/that" is __________.

“合营企业的一切活动应遵守法律、法令和有关条例规定。” in this example,“遵守”can be translated into _______.

legal english is english used only in law.

"the concerned party shall inform each of the non-concerned parties in the notification provided for in article 6.1 hereof, that the proposed transfer referred to in said article may result in the exercise of the full tag-along right provided for in this article 7. " in this example, the word "said" is an archai, meaning "上述的”.

in fact, the word “shall” ranks first among the model verbs which appear in legal english in frequency.

"the execution and implementation of the agreement does not and will not result in a breach, termination or amendment of any term or condition of any other contract or deed to which such party is a party and that the agreement is not contrary to any term of any such contracts or deeds;" in this example, "breach, termination or amendment” should be translated into “违反、终止或修改”.

legal english is characterized by its high frequency of active sentences.

which of the following is the most appropriate translation of "了结尘缘"?

"he has not a little experience in teaching." the appropriate translation of this sentence should be____________.

which of the following is the appropriate translation of "a fly in the ointment"?

which of the following is the appropriate translation of "四面楚歌"?

"然而睁开眼睛,我只是一个人,四周就只有滴滴的雨声。" in this sentence, the word “滴滴”can be translated into ________.

which of the following is not a frequently used verb tense in english news headlines?

“slow lane is safest on currency issue” in this english news headline, which rhetorical device is adopted?

the word "dallymony" is formed by means of __________.

"严禁超车: overtaking prohibited" which category does this public sign belong to?

which of the following is not a syntactic feature of english advertising?

which of the following is not a feature of the chinese language in general?

which of the following is a feature of the english language in general?

which of the following is the most appropriate translation of "return to dust"?

which of the following is not a euphemi for pregnancy?

which of the following is not a euphemi for "going to the toilet"?

"how soon hath time, the subtle thief of youth, stolen on his wing my three and twentieth year!" which rhetorical device is used in this example?

which of the following is the onomatopoeia for the sound of wind?

"florida freeze to increase area produce prices" which tense is used in this news headline?

which of the following is not a lexical feature of english news?

which of the following is the correct translation of "status quo" in business english?

which of the following is not appropriate wording for business english?

which of the following verbs is not appropriate for advertisements?

which of the following is not a syntactic feature of english advertisements?

"soap dries your skin, but dove creams your skin while you wash." which rhetorical device is used in this advertisement?

english is an ytic language whereas chinese is a synthetic language.

english tends to employ more nouns, adjectives, prepositions, adverbs, etc., than chinese, while chinese tends to use more verbs than english.

liberal translation gives up or changes the original image or vehicle, and/or breaks through the word order, or the structure of the language in the original text and reorganizes the language so that the essence or deep meaning of the source language is expressed in the target language.

semantic completion is to add words out of the need of syntactic structure in translation.

"在工作中,我们必须避免犯不必要的错误。" this sentence can be translated into "we must avoid making unnecessary mistakes in our work."

a buzzword is a word or expression that has become fashionable in a particular field and is being used a lot by the media.

english is inclined to use more syntactic passive and less notional passive.

an idiom is a short sentence that people often quote, which gives advice or tells you something about life.

although similes and metaphors are similar, similes explicitly use connecting words while metaphors don’t.

personification is a rhetorical device, literary technique, or event in which what appears, on the surface, to be the case, differs radically from what is actually the case.

nonce words are the short and dynamic expressions which are preferred by journalists for their rich meaning and concise wording.

chinese tourist texts tend to integrate human emotions with scenic descriptions, while english texts are fact-based, separating humans with the objective world.

the quotations in chinese tourist texts are often omitted when translated into english.

in business english several synonyms or near-synonyms are often used together to make the meaning complete and unambiguous.

est has a distinctive impersonal style due to its frequent use of active voice.

the word "infomercial" is formed by the blending of the two words "information commercial", meaning “专题广告片“.

english tourist texts feature rhythmical prose style with paralleli and ornateness, while chinese texts are characterized by simple sentence structure, concise diction, and direct description.

"实行三包" should be translated literally into "three guarantees".

since hypotheses are often put forward in scientific writings, conditional clauses are in wide use in est.

similar to business english, a large number of synonyms or near-synonyms are used in legal english.

the translation of legal texts should be succinct and avoid redundant expressions.

the preference of english for nominalization can be easily observed in legal texts.

est refers to scientific english for experts and professionals only.

the principles for est translation can be summed up as clarity, coherence and conciseness.

which of the following is the most appropriate translation of "了结尘缘"?

"he has not a little experience in teaching." the appropriate translation of this sentence should be____________.

which of the following is the appropriate translation of "a fly in the ointment"?

which of the following is the appropriate translation of "四面楚歌"?

"然而睁开眼睛,我只是一个人,四周就只有滴滴的雨声。" in this sentence, the word “滴滴”can be translated into ________.

which of the following is not a frequently used verb tense in english news headlines?

“slow lane is safest on currency issue” in this english news headline, which rhetorical device is adopted?

the word "dallymony" is formed by means of __________.

"严禁超车: overtaking prohibited" which category does this public sign belong to?

which of the following is not a syntactic feature of english advertising?

which of the following is not a feature of the chinese language in general?

which of the following is a feature of the english language in general?

which of the following is the most appropriate translation of "return to dust"?

which of the following is not a euphemi for pregnancy?

which of the following is not a euphemi for "going to the toilet"?

"how soon hath time, the subtle thief of youth, stolen on his wing my three and twentieth year!" which rhetorical device is used in this example?

which of the following is the onomatopoeia for the sound of wind?

"florida freeze to increase area produce prices" which tense is used in this news headline?

which of the following is not a lexical feature of english news?

which of the following is the correct translation of "status quo" in business english?

which of the following is not appropriate wording for business english?

which of the following verbs is not appropriate for advertisements?

which of the following is not a syntactic feature of english advertisements?

"soap dries your skin, but dove creams your skin while you wash." which rhetorical device is used in this advertisement?

english is an ytic language whereas chinese is a synthetic language.

english tends to employ more nouns, adjectives, prepositions, adverbs, etc., than chinese, while chinese tends to use more verbs than english.

liberal translation gives up or changes the original image or vehicle, and/or breaks through the word order, or the structure of the language in the original text and reorganizes the language so that the essence or deep meaning of the source language is expressed in the target language.

semantic completion is to add words out of the need of syntactic structure in translation.

"在工作中,我们必须避免犯不必要的错误。" this sentence can be translated into "we must avoid making unnecessary mistakes in our work."

a buzzword is a word or expression that has become fashionable in a particular field and is being used a lot by the media.

english is inclined to use more syntactic passive and less notional passive.

an idiom is a short sentence that people often quote, which gives advice or tells you something about life.

although similes and metaphors are similar, similes explicitly use connecting words while metaphors don’t.

personification is a rhetorical device, literary technique, or event in which what appears, on the surface, to be the case, differs radically from what is actually the case.

nonce words are the short and dynamic expressions which are preferred by journalists for their rich meaning and concise wording.

chinese tourist texts tend to integrate human emotions with scenic descriptions, while english texts are fact-based, separating humans with the objective world.

the quotations in chinese tourist texts are often omitted when translated into english.

in business english several synonyms or near-synonyms are often used together to make the meaning complete and unambiguous.

est has a distinctive impersonal style due to its frequent use of active voice.

the word "infomercial" is formed by the blending of the two words "information commercial", meaning “专题广告片“.

english tourist texts feature rhythmical prose style with paralleli and ornateness, while chinese texts are characterized by simple sentence structure, concise diction, and direct description.

"实行三包" should be translated literally into "three guarantees".

since hypotheses are often put forward in scientific writings, conditional clauses are in wide use in est.

similar to business english, a large number of synonyms or near-synonyms are used in legal english.

the translation of legal texts should be succinct and avoid redundant expressions.

the preference of english for nominalization can be easily observed in legal texts.

est refers to scientific english for experts and professionals only.

the principles for est translation can be summed up as clarity, coherence and conciseness.




___ athletics is a sport based on the skills of running, jumping, throwing and walking.

___ the results of track events are usually measured by time while the results of field events are judged by distance.

what are the significance and function of track and field in promoting national fitness?

what are the reasons for the constant breaking of the world record for athletics, the scientific training method of athletes, or the more advanced sports equipment?

how to prepare for a marathon competition?

球门线___ 边线___ 中线___ 中圈___ a. touchline b. center circle c. halfway line d. goal line

球门球___ 任意球___ 角球___ 点球___ a. corner kick b. penalty kick c. goal kick d. free kick

加时赛___ 伤停补时___ 金球制___ 点球决胜___ a. extra time b. golden goal c. stoppage time d.penalty shoot-out

___ according to historical materials, the very earliest form of football was "cuju" dating back to the 2nd and 3rd centuries bc in china.

___ for futsal games, each team consists of 5 players, not including the goalkeeper.

___ the basic compulsory equipment of a player comprises a jersey or shirt without sleeves, shorts, stockings, shinguards, and footwear.




___ according to historical materials, the very earliest form of football was "cuju" dating back to the 2nd and 3rd centuries bc in china.

___ for futsal games, each team consists of 5 players, not including the goalkeeper.

___the basic compulsory equipment of a player comprises a jersey or shirt without sleeves, shorts, stockings, shinguards, and footwear.

do you think it is necessary for the chinese football association to pay a high price for famous foreign coaches?

do you think china should naturalize some players to help to enhance the football level?

do you think it is necessary for the chinese football association to pay a high price for famous foreign coaches?

do you think china should naturalize some players to help to enhance the football level?




___ the game of basketball was invented in 1891 by a canadian american athlete in springfield, massachusetts, usa.

___ a one-point shot can be earned when shooting from the foul line after a foul is made.

there are many superstars in nba. what benefits do you think they can bring to their teams?

what contribution did yao ming make to the development of basketball in china?

to win a basketball match, which is more important, inidual ability or team work?





___ during the game, each team may request a maximum of two time-outs and six substitutions per set.

___the libero wears a different colored uniform from the rest of the team and can not substitute any players.

what contribution have lang ping made to the chinese women's volleyball team?

what is the spirit of the chinese women's volleyball team? what can we learn from them?

volleyball is one of the three big balls, but why is it not as popular as football and basketball?




___the events of table tennis competitions include singles, doubles and team competitions.

___ a table tennis match consists of the best of three games or the best of five games.

do you think china will forever be the best in the field of table tennis?

does height make a difference in table tennis players' performance? what qualities should an excellent table tennis player have?




how do we view the relationship between lin dan and li zongwei?

lin dan was once a soldier before. how does this military experience influence his professional career?

why do people of all ages like to play badminton?




___ during a tie-break, players change ends after every 5 points.

what's the similarity between tennis and table tennis?

how do the different court surfaces at the majors affect the players?

why do many tennis players yell when they hit the ball?

下列关于发酵工程的说法,错误的是 ( )

通气搅拌技术的建立是发酵技术进步的 ( )

下列不属于发酵工程应用的是 ( )

按微生物发酵产品的性质,现代发酵工业涉及的范围包括 ( )

典型的发酵过程包括以下哪几个基本组成部分 ( )

微生物发酵工程的特点包括许多方面,其中( )和( )是重要的特点。

下列关于果酒制作过程中的叙述,正确的是( )

在家庭中用鲜葡萄制作果酒时,正确的操作是( )

绍兴酒必须是用( )之水酿造的,在绍兴地区生产的黄酒。

黄酒按含糖量可分为干型、半干型、半甜型、甜型,其代表酒种对应顺序正确的是 ( )

工业化大规模生产啤酒就是采用( )方式进行的。

被广泛采用的酒花制品是。 ( )

1900年俄国人在创建的第一个啤酒厂是现在( )的前身。

以下哪个产区是法国的葡萄酒产酒产区? ( )


下列白酒中,属于米香型白酒的是 ( )

高温大曲酿造的酒其香型是 ( )

标准酒度的表示方法为( )。

下面哪种酒不是蒸馏酒。 ( )

下列酒中以甘蔗或糖蜜为原料的蒸馏酒是 ( )

黄酒就是黄颜色的酒。( )

啤酒酵母一般不产孢子或产孢子能力很弱。( )

葡萄酒酿造时必须添加酵母菌才能发酵。( )



x.o.是白兰地的品牌名。( )

生产酱油选用大豆为原料是因为大豆富含 ( )

提供酱油中的鲜味成分的物质是 ( )

选育酱油生产菌株时,需要那种酶活最高 ( )

酱油目前生产的普遍方法为 ( )

食醋中的香气主要来源于以下哪种酯类物质 ( )

酿造食醋质量标准规定,总酸含量(以乙酸计)(g/100ml)应 ( )

食醋酿造的主要原料是 ( )

用于腐乳发酵的霉菌是 ( )

豆豉中所含的呈咸味成分是 ( )

对谷氨酸发酵的叙述正确的是 ( )

某药厂用谷氨酸棒状杆菌发酵生产谷氨酸,结果代谢产物没有谷氨酸而产生乳酸及琥珀酸,其原因可能是 ( )

下列可用于生产谷氨酸的菌种是 ( )

豆腐乳生产的凝固剂 ( )


在微生物发酵工程中利用乳酸杆菌生产乳酸的发酵属于( )。

能进行同型乳酸发酵的乳酸菌是( )。

柠檬酸发酵是( )。

与柠檬酸发酵有关的微生物是( )。

产生抗生素的主要微生物类群是( )。

抗生素的成分大多为( )

人类第一个基因工程药物是:( )

基因表达最常用的宿主菌是( )

以大肠杆菌为目的基因的表达体系,下列正确的是:( )


苏云金芽孢杆菌制剂的大规模工业生产法是( )。

苏云金芽孢杆菌对( )害虫有很好的作用。

在发酵好的液体发酵饲料微生物菌群中占据主导地位的是( )

我国推广最早、效果最稳定的一种高效微生物菌肥是( )。

列有关生物肥料的叙述不正确的是 ( )


污水处理中的厌氧处理主要用来处理的污水是( )。

活性污泥法处理污水的过程最类似于下面哪种微生物培养方式( )。

下列有机物中最难被微生物降解的是( )。

下列固体废物中堆肥原料进行堆肥化时,需做预处理的是: ( )

堆肥过程的实质是( )

面团发酵的温度最好控制在( )

适用于生物冶金的微生物类群主要是( )。

微生物在环境中对重金属作用的说法,哪项不对( )。

在微生物发酵工程中利用酵母生产酒精属于( )。

细菌的乙醇发酵走的代谢途径是( )

面包发酵的原料包括( )

常见的生物医学材料有( )

微生物燃料电池可以应用于( )

微生物技术采油技术特点包括 ( )





发酵是利用微生物生产有用代谢产物的一种生产方式,通常说的乳酸发酵属于( )

固体发酵与液体发酵相比,无菌程度通常要求 ( )

下列可用于生产谷氨酸的菌种是(  )

下列各类酒中,哪项是发酵酒 ( )

啤酒花中的哪种成分赋予了啤酒特有的苦味和防腐能力( )

绍兴黄酒有四大品种,其中( )属于属半干型黄酒,酒度为≥15.0%(v/v)

干型葡萄酒中的“干”字,应该解释为(  )

葡萄酒的颜色来源于(     ) 

白酒的传统蒸馏器具是( )

泸州老窖是哪种白酒香型的代表( )

提供酱油中的鲜味成分的物质是( )

食醋中的香气主要来源于以下哪种酯类物质 ( )

用于腐乳发酵的霉菌是( )

酸奶菌种常用( )

某些放线菌产生的抗生素,是它们的( )

人类第一个基因工程药物是:( )

bt杀虫剂属于(   )

下列不是微生物肥料优点的是 (   )

活菌制剂是一种活的微生物添加剂,具有防治疾病、促进生长的作用,又称为(  )

活性污泥处理污水起作用的主体是(  )

bod5指标是反映污水中污染物的浓度(  )

面团发酵的温度最好控制在( )

我国生物质资源分布最广的是( )

微生物在环境中对重金属作用的说法,哪项不对( )

随着人类人口的增长,能源日趋紧张,利用发酵工程生产的( )有可能成为新能源,能解决能源枯竭的问题。

下列需要利用发酵工程的是( )

葡萄酒的酿造过程中经常要添加so2,下面哪些是添加so2的作用( )

下列哪些属于乳酸发酵食品( )。

描述浓香型白酒的品评术语有(    )

参与食醋酿造的微生物类群有(    )。

微生物肥料按其作用机理可分为(    )、解钾菌类肥料等。

phas有良好的生物降解性,对环境无任何污染,目前主要应用于(    )。

微生物燃料电池可以应用于( )

微生物技术采油技术特点 ( )

下列哪些是微生物采油的本源微生物( )















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