
电气工程答案 9568























































著名战略管理学家迈克尔·波特(michael e.porter)于1985年提出价值链(value chain)理论包括哪几个层面?
















洞察客户可以从( )等方面入手



19世纪90年代电子玩具开始受到追捧,乐高也开始走下坡路,而在2004年,努德斯托普接手以后提倡回归公司( )的核心理念,乐高也迎来了自己的重生与崛起。

精神卫生研究院(national institute of mental health )大脑研究和行为实验室主任麦克林(paul maclean )认为影响人们行为反应的有:









商业模式就是商业价值的( )的方式




























当今世界范围内法律的类型,可分为 。

现代法和国际法是从 发展起来的。

欧洲的超法是从 开始出现、发展起来的。




1951年签定的《巴黎条约》创立了 。

英国是在 的成员国扩充中加入当时的共同体(联盟)的。

现在(英国退欧之前)的欧洲联盟共有 个成员国。




欧洲联盟的行政机构是 。

欧洲联盟目前的立法权是由 共同拥有的。

在欧洲联盟的下列机构中,直接代表和反映、表达联盟本身利益和诉求的是 。


在欧洲联盟专属权能的领域,辅助性原则(the principle of subsidiarity)并不适用。


欧盟法律体系中的“第二位法律渊源”,包括 。

欧盟的不作为之诉(actions for failure to act),是针对 提起的。


欧盟通过先行裁决(preliminary rulings)做出的判决,可以在欧盟和其成员国的任何、任何机构中被援引,作为其做出裁判或行政决定的依据。


目前的欧盟(court of justice of the european union是由两个部分组成的,它们是





《里斯本条约》生效之后,作为一个整体,欧洲联盟是一个( )的实体。



《欧洲联盟基本权利》(charter of fundamental rights of the european union 2016)目前尚不属于欧洲联盟第一位的法律渊源即基础条约的组成部分。





what are two religions whose traditions have had an enormous influence on the development of the most basic and lasting principles of chinese culture?

what’s the difference between myth and legend?

what isn’t the most significant themes appearing throughout much of chinese mythology?

ancient chinese mythology underwent the far-flung years of oral circulation until the chinese characters were invented to provide a more permanent way of recording.

the most obvious features of chinese mythology are that mythical stories are entwined with history.

perhaps, to one prevailing characteristic: china's mythical stories, either those created by the primitive people or those written by later scholars, are full of human feelings.

what is the position of dragon in the zodiac?

how old is the ben ming nian?

what’s not the popular way to avoid miserable events?

as long as people know a person's probable age and his symbolic animal, people can infer his exact age and year of birth.

snake has no toe but its tongue has one tip in odd number.

although it seems that people in their ben ming nian are surrounded by crisis, there are no effective ways to diminish the negative impacts.

the expression “filial piety” most probably means being ____.

what does li refer to according to confucius except ____ in social life?

through burial and ancestral worship rituals, people can learn that they should be grateful to their parents for giving them lives.

confucius regards “heaven” as nature and believes that nature is not a lifeless mechani separate from human.

confucius' equation of lord with the creation of life is an innovative idea in his time.

who is known as the reputed author of the tao te ching?

in the original taoist texts, wuwei is often associated with_____and its yielding nature.

taoist philosophy has not recognized that the universe already works harmoniously according to its own ways.

taoi believes that,as a person exerts their will against or upon the world they disrupt the harmony that already exists.

according to taoi a person should not exert agency and will upon the world.

the formation of the ( ) is an important turning-point in chinese character history because it lays a foundation for the square shape of chinese characters.

( ) has the title of “sage of character-creation”?

pictophonetic characters account for over ( ) of all chinese characters.

chinese characters are usually round outside and square inside, which is rooted in ancient chinese belief that the earth was square and the heaven was spherical.

after a long period of development, chinese language finally became a unique character system that embodies sound, image, idea, and rhyme at the same time.

chinese characters are generally classified into three categories and they are pictographic characters, ideographic characters and associative characters.

( ) is about the buddhist monk -- tang seng's pilgrimage to india to obtain buddhist scriptures.

dream of the red chamber, also called the story of the stone, was composed by ( ) during the qing dynasty.

liu bei "borrows" jing province – borrowing without returning (刘备借荆州—有借无还). this proverb describes the situation of a person who borrows something without the intention of returning it.

water margin is the first long vernacular novel that describes peasant uprising in china.

dream of the red chamber is remarkable only for its huge cast of characters and psychological scope.

the ____ dynasty (960–1279) was the first government to issue paper currency.

on the basis of printing using carved blocks in the tang dynasty, ( ) of the northern song dynasty invented movable type printing in the 1040s, which ushered in a major revolution in the history of printing.

the concept of the four great inventions originated from the east, and is adapted from the european intellectual and rhetorical commonplace of the three great inventions.

the four great inventions in ancient china are compass, gunpowder, papermaking and printing.

bi sheng’s printing consisted of four processes: making the types, composing the text, printing and retrieving the movable types.

in ancient, the silk road started from the capital- ( )

the most significant commodities carried along the silk road was not silk, but ( )

the greatest years of the silk road lie in the ( ) dynasty.

zhang qian of the han dynasty is the first diplomat who led a diplomatic mission to xiyu(ancient xinjiang).

in the early 15th century,the chinese seafarer zheng he commanded six major maritime expeditions to southeast asia, india, and as far as arabia and the east coast of africa.

the decline of the land silk route also owes much to the development of the maritime silk route. it was becoming rather easier and safer to transport goods by water than by land.

the chinese people knew very early to use______to prepare strongly fragrant dishes.

thus every dish on the chinese dinner table looks like a piece of_____ , good-looking and delicious.

_____is a cantonese term for all hearty dishes.

generally speaking, the chinese cooking,lays emphasis on the complete presence of color, aroma and taste.

taste refers to the fragrant and appetizing ell of the dishes, served on the table before eating.

there is a wide variety of chinese foods, each with quite different flavors.

_____ was respected as a “tea sage”.

fine water for the tea must be sweet,_____, clean and flowing.

green tea should be matched with_____ tea ware.

appraisement of tea leaf is based on four principles: appearance of the infused leaf, color of the liquid, aroma and taste.

there is an old saying goes: “a full cup of tea is offensive to the guests, while a full glass of wine shows respect to them.”

tea ceremony collectively represents the spirit of the way of tea with four basic principles: thrifty, harmony, respect and beauty.

the “three letters” in chinese traditional wedding include the_____, gift letter and wedding letter.

once both birthdays match, the_____ will then arrange for the matchmaker to present betrothal gifts.

feng shui, literally ―wind and water, dates from china’s_____.

the matchmaker plays an important role in chinese traditional marriage culture.

the “six etiquettes” are proposal, birthday matching, presenting betrothal gifts, presenting wedding gifts, picking a wedding date and wedding ceremony.

fengshui was once an important part of traditional chinese culture and emphasizes the harmonious coexistence of humans and their environment.

the dragon boat festival is said to memorize the patriotic poet_____who committed in miluo river.

people can enjoy the moon while eating_____ in the mid-autumn festival.

festivals are an opportunity for celebration and relaxation.

the most prominent activity of the lantern festival is the display of all types of beautiful lanterns.

the dragon boat festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons.

_______appears in the han dynasty on the basis of the official script for convenience, featuring letters that are joined in a rapid flowing style.

_________is a unique pigment used for chinese traditional painting and calligraphy.

paper was invented by cai lun in the_______.

the seal script adopted by the first emperor of the qin dynasty with the purpose of standarizing the script.

chinese characters evolved from pictures and signs and chinese art of calligraphy developed naturally from its unique writing system.

the seal script originates from the warring state period and prevailing in the han dynasty.

_______used in chinese landscape painting often puzzles the western eyes.

the pine, for example, represents _____and morality.

the brushwork in _____ paintings is fine and visually complex.

zhongguohua(traditional chinese painting), guohua in short, refers to paintings drawn on silk and paper by writing brush that was soaked with black ink or colored pigments.

landscape painting which reached maturity during the warring states period, flourished against a confucian background, illustrating moralistic themes.

“shanshui” means mountains and rivers, which stand for nature.

the music of beijing opera is mainly_________ music and percussion instruments that provide a strong rhythmical accompaniment.

player can make fire spray out of their mouths when they act as _________.

chinese opera is the traditional form of chinese theatre, which combines dialogue, music, vocal performance, dance kungfu and acrobatics.

chinese operas evoled from folk songs, dances, talking, antimasque, and especially distinctive dialectical music.

beijing opera is a form of traditional chinese theater that combines music,vocal performance mime, dance and acrobatics.

the chinese tunic suit is a style of _____ attire known in china as the zhongshan suit since it’s designed by dr. sun yat-sen.

originated from the _____ethnic dress, the modern cheongsam has the elements of frog, front, embroidery and opening.

based on historical discoveries, chinese clothing dates back to the later era of paleolithic times.

the main types of traditional chinese clothing, besides their wide cut and voluminous sleeves(长卷袖), were a design utilizing mainly straight lines, and a loose fit forming natural folds.

in the tang dynasty, blue official costumes were for the fifth or higher rank official.

the most important feature of ancient architecture is the emphasis on the______.

the practice of making houses face______is one of the most striking features.

_____ roofs symbolize bamboo shafts, which in turn represent youth and longevity.

as a big country, the architectural styles of different regions and nationalities in china may vary in characteristics and functions.

chinese buddhist architecture only consists of pagodas.

chinese structure is based on the principle of balance and symmetry.

_____is an important buddhist architecture.

_____are not only for transportation, but also can be used to adorn environment and landscape.

______can be built in anywhere of the gardens, its main use is for people to rest, taking shelter from rain.

the earliest references to gardens in china are found in shang and zhou dynasties.

the song and yuan dynasties are the stage of maturity.

ming dynasty and qing dynasty are the peak time of classical gardening.

_______is a centuries-old mind and body practice in china.

the formal history of tcm starts about______ years ago.

______is a vital energy that flows through the body, performing multiple functions in maintaining health.

tcm includes many different practices, including acupuncture, moxibustion, chinese herbal medicine, tuina, dietary therapy, taichi and qigong.

chinese people knew how to safeguard their health with medical science and drugs long ago.

tcm refers to traditional chinese medical service.

_____is the oldest football game in the world.

the earliest football club was founded and named______.

_______is on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

chinese people regard sport as the essential method for fit-keeping as well as for entertainment.

chinese kung fu, which is also known as martial arts is a series of fighting styles.

most southern lions look quite fierce.

______is the oldest football game in the world.

the dragon boat festival is said to memorize the patriotic poet_____who committed in miluo river.

in ancient, the silk road started from the capital- ______.

_______used in chinese landscape painting often puzzles the western eyes.

_______roofs symbolize bamboo shafts, which in turn represent youth and longevity.

_____has the title of “sage of character-creation”?

chinese characters are usually round outside and square inside, which is rooted in ancient chinese belief that the earth was_____ and the heaven was_____ .

_____is about the buddhist monk --- tang seng's pilgrimage to india to obtain buddhist scriptures.

dream of the red chamber, also called the story of the stone, was composed by_____during the qing dynasty.

_____was respected as a “tea sage”.

fine water for the tea must be sweet, ______ , clean and flowing.

the chinese people knew very early to use______ to prepare strongly fragrant dishes.

every dish on the chinese dinner table looks like a piece of______ , good-looking and delicious.

who is known as the reputed author of the tao te ching?

in the original taoist texts, wuwei is often associated with_____ and its yielding nature.

people can enjoy the moon while eating______in the mid-autumn festival.

the brushwork in _____ paintings is fine and visually complex.

the chinese tunic suit is a style of _____ attire known in china as the zhongshan suit since it’s designed by dr. sun yat-sen.

originated from the _____ethnic dress, the modern cheongsam has the elements of frog, front, embroidery and opening.

______is a vital energy that flows through the body, performing multiple functions in the maintaining health.

on the basis of printing using carved blocks in the tang dynasty, ____of the northern song dynasty invented movable type printing in the 1040s, which ushered in a major revolution in the history of printing.

the ____ dynasty (960–1279) was the first government to issue paper currency.

the practice of making houses face______is one of the most striking features.

the “three letters” in chinese traditional wedding include the_____, gift letter and wedding letter.

the most important feature of ancient architecture is the emphasis on the_______ .

_____is on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

feng shui, literally--wind and water, dates from china’s_______ .

ancient chinese mythology underwent the far-flung years of oral circulation until the chinese characters were invented to provide a more permanent way of recording.

every obvious features of chinese mythology are that mythical stories are entwined with history.

confucius regards “heaven” as nature and believes that nature is not a lifeless mechani separate from human.

confucius’ equation of lord with the creation of life is an innovative idea in his time.

the formation of the clerical script is an important turning-point in chinese character history because it lays a foundation for the square shape of chinese characters.

after a long period of development, chinese language finally became a unique character system that embodies sound, image, idea, and rhyme at the same time.

in the early 15th century,the chinese seafarer zheng he commanded six major maritime expeditions to southeast asia, india, and as far as arabia and the east coast of africa.

the decline of the land silk route also owes much to the development of the maritime silk route. it was becoming rather easier and safer to transport goods by water than by land.

generally speaking, the chinese cooking,lays emphasis on the complete presence of color, aroma and taste.

there is a wide variety of chinese foods, each with quite different flavors.

there is an old saying goes: “a full cup of tea is offensive to the guests, while a full glass of wine shows respect to them.”

tea ceremony collectively represents the spirit of the way of tea with four basic principles: thrifty, harmony, respect and beauty.

the “six etiquettes” are proposal, birthday matching, presenting betrothal gifts, presenting wedding gifts, picking a wedding date and wedding ceremony.

fengshui was once an important part of traditional chinese culture and emphasizes the harmonious coexistence of humans and their environment.

the seal script originates from the warring state period and prevailing in the han dynasty.

chinese characters evolved from pictures and signs and chinese art of calligraphy developed naturally from its unique writing system.

the main types of traditional chinese clothing, besides their wide cut and voluminous sleeves(长卷袖), were a design utilizing mainly straight lines, and a loose fit forming natural folds.

in the tang dynasty, blue official costumes were for the fifth or higher rank official.

tcm refers to traditional chinese medical service.

tcm includes many different practices, including acupuncture, moxibustion, chinese herbal medicine, tuina, dietary therapy, taichi and qigong.























the basics of the common characteristics of microorganis is ( ).

the founder of bacterial staining and solid medium applications is ( ).

the first infectious disease that has been eradicated is ( ).

the scientist who first isolated m. tuberculosis, v. cholera and bacillus anthracis is ( ).

liszt's successful invention of surgical sterilization was inspired by ( ).

it is ( ) to indicate that microorganis are infectious diseases.

the development period in the history of microbiology is at the stage of ( ).

the scientist who discovered penicillin is ( ).

there have been three major pandemics in human history, of which the ( ) is commonly known as the "black death".

( ) is usually expressed in units of microbial size.

which of the following are the research results of pasteur? ( )

which of the following are microorganis that belong to prokaryotic cells? ( )

which of the following microorganis are not prokaryotic microorganis? ( ).

microorganis are the general and common name of microscopic organis invisible to the naked eye, and have no taxonomic significance.

microorganis that survive in extreme environments can also survive under ordinary conditions.

microorganis have the characteristics of all size, simple structure, single cell, rapid propagation, large number and direct contact with the external environment. these characteristics make microorganis prone to mutation.

the second "gold rush" in the history of microbiology is to find the metabolites of various effective microorganis.

pasteurization was established in the course of addressing "wine disease".

fleming's discovery of penicillin ushered in a new era of antibiotics.

the methods of preserving foods such as salting, sugar pickling, oking and air drying, which have been folk commonly used for a long time, actually prevent food spoilage by inhibiting microbial growth.

which of the following does not belong to the special structure of bacteria? ( )

the reproduction of bacteria first started in which of the following periods? ( )

which of the following is the place of energy metaboli in bacterial cell? ( )

which of the following is the characteristic that distinguishes eukaryotes from prokaryotes? ( )

the main component of the bacterial cell wall is ( ).

the unique component in the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria is ( ).

the mycoplaa is ( ).

prokaryote with filaments is ( ).

the flagellum of bacteria is ( ).

the function of bacterial spore is ( ).

the three basic forms of most bacterial are ( ).

which of the following is the main mode of bacteria reproduction? ( ).

the reagents used in bacterial gram staining are ( ).

the specific structures of bacterial cells are ( ).

which of the following are the functions of bacterial capsules? ( )

the flagellum consists of the basal body, the hook and the filament.

the formation of bacterial spores is a way of bacterial reproduction.

nitrogen fixation is the role of heterocysts of cyanobacteria.

the sexual reproduction of yeast produces ( ).

( ) is produced by the asexual reproduction of mucor.

( ) is produced by the asexual reproduction of aspergillus.

which of the following is the function of vacuoles in yeast cells? ( ).

fungal characteristics include ( ).

which of the following belong to the cell structure of yeast? ( )

which of the following are the specialized form of vegetative mycelium without extension function? ( )

microalgae and protozoa are eukaryotes.

some fungal cells contain chlorophyll for photosynthesis.

both mold and actinomycetes are filamentous fungi.

four basidiospora can be produced on each basidiomycete cell.

what information can be encoded by most viruses? ( )

which of the following viruses has a helical capsid? ( )

the genome of a virus must be: ( )

which of the following can be determined by the specific binding of virus protein to the cell receptor? ( )

in which of the following way is a non-enveloped virus released, in general? ( )

which of the following proteins are mainly encoded by viral late genes? ( )

pfu is: ( )

when does a phage begin to assemble in large quantities? ( )

what is a prophage? ( )

what is a viroid? ( )

which of the following characteristics do viruses have? ( )

which of the following are examples of the cytopathic effects of viral infection? ( )

temperate phages exist in three states, including: ( )

all the enveloped viruses have an icosahedral symmetry.

virus replication only occurs in living cells, so the process of virus replication is regulated by host cells.

when animal viruses infect animal cells, they usually leave their capsid outside the cells.

for most microorganis, which type of substance is the most suitable carbon source?( )

which of the following substances can be used as a growth factor ( ).

the nutritional type of cyanobacteria and algae is ( ).

chemolithoautotroph can be used____as electron donors. ( )

the main difference between the medium of autotrophic and heterotrophic microorgani is ( ).

which mode of transportation changes the structure of the material when the transported material enters the cell ? ( )

what is the way in which nutrients such as glucose and fructose enter the cell membrane of prokaryotes? ( )

the ph value suitable for yeast growth is ( ).

the medium made up of natural organic matter with unclear or unstable chemical composition is called ( ).

which medium is suitable for the observation of bacterial motility ( ).

the principle of configuring medium is ( ) .

which of the following substances are growth factors required for the growth of microorganis?( )

which of the following are the characteristics of active transportation?( )

gelatin medium is used to identify intestinal bacteria.

which of the following types of fermentation is carried out through the hmp route ( ).

what type of bacteria is nitrosating bacteria and how to obtain energy ( ).

how do most microorganis in nature producing energy ( ).

which of the following microorganis can produce photosynthesis of oxygen ( ).

which of the following types of fermentation is carried out through the emp route ( ).

which of the following is the product of the ed pathway ( ).

there are many ways to regulate microbial metaboli, the most important of which is to regulate metabolic flow.

the principle of ultraviolet sterilization is ( ).

what is the most commonly used disinfection and sterilization method for air disinfection in burn wards ( ).

which of the following anabolic products of bacteria can be used for the typing of certain bacteria in epidemiological investigations ( ).

the most accurate way to count living microorganis is ( ).

which of the following preservation methods will reduce the water activity of the food ( ).

what determines the biomass of the culture during continuous cultivation?

microorganis whose optimal growth temperature is lower than 20 ℃ are called ( ).

the chemical reagent that can cause microbial death is ().

the process conditions for pasteurization are ( ).

which of the following does not belong to the propagation mode of bacterial iniduals ( ) .

the three basis points of the microorgani growth temperature include ( ).

prophage means ( ).

the process in which the recipient bacteria takes up the free dna fragments of the donor bacteria and obtains some genetic characteristics of the donor bacteria is called ( ).

to test whether a certain chemical or drug has the risk of carcinogenic and teratogenic, which of the following test methods should be selected ( ).

what is the cause of the bacterial mutation ( ).

transformation of lysogenicity ( ).

hfr bacteria is ( ).

which of the following is wrong about the characteristics of l-type bacteria ( ).

which of the following does not belong to the method of gene transfer and recombination ( ).

which of the following options are not characteristic of phage ( ).

which of the following statements is correct ( ).

which of the following statements about gene mutations are correct ( ).

which of the following is correct about the characteristics of l-type bacteria ().

the fluctuation experiment is one of the classic experiments to prove that nucleic acid is the material basis of genetic variation.

the relationship between normal human flora and humans belongs to ( ).

the microorgani with the highest biomass in the soil is ( ).

most pathogenic microorganis parasitic on plants belong to ( ).

frankia is ( ).

the optimal growth temperature for obligate thermophilic bacteria is between ( ).

the characteristic of forming a symbiotic relationship between two microorganis is ( ).

rhizobium can symbiotic nitrogen fixation with which plant?( )

( ) is the home base of microbiological life.

in the soil environment, most bacteria are found in ( ).

the soil provides a good living microenvironment for microorganis, the reason is ( ).

the following ( ) process is beneficial to agricultural production.

which of the following is a symbiotic relationship. ( )

the essence of combined nitrogen fixation is symbiotic nitrogen fixation.

salt-tolerant microorganis require high salt conditions to survive.

soil is a good environment for microbes to live, but most of them are uncultivable.

who put forward the three domain theory in 1977?( )

the basic taxonomic unit in the classification of microorganis is ( ).

the latin name of “金黄色葡萄球菌” is( ).

dna hybridization rate ( ) is used as the standard basis for the definition of bacterial species.

which of the following data is the most reliable basis for distinguishing microbial species?( )

the important work currently used for prokaryote classification and identification is also the most authoritative work is ( ).

the representative strain that can represent the typical characteristics of a strain is called ( ).

which three domains are included in the three domains theory.( )

the so-called "model strain" usually refers to the most representative strain within a genus of bacteria.

the most fundamental characteristic of the characteristics of microorganis is ( ).

which of the following options is not pasteur’s research result ( ).

the characteristic component of the cell wall of gram-positive bacteria is ( ) .

the main mode of reproduction of bacteria is ( ).

the life history of saccharomyces cerevisiae is characterized by ( ).

which of the following specialized form of vegetative mycelium has the extended function ? ( )

which of the following viruses are not subviruses?( )

which of the following options is not a feature of active transportation?( )

the formula of ashby nitrogen-free medium:mannitol 1%, kh2po4 0.02%, mgso4·7h2o 0.02%, nacl 0.02%, caso4·2h2o 0.01%, caco3 0.5%,among them,mannitol is ( ) in this medium formula.

which of the following microorganis do not belong to the type of chemoautotrophic?( )

which of the following reactions are not required for biological nitrogen fixation?( )

three basis points of microbial growth temperature is not included ( ).

the principle of ultraviolet sterilization is ( ).

which of the following statement about gene mutation is not correct?( )

which of the following statement related to the characteristics of l-type bacteria is wrong ( ).

the relationship between normal flora of human intestinal tract and human is ( ).

which of the following staining solution are used in the bacterial gram staining method? ( )

which of the following options belong to the special structure of bacterial cells ( ) .

which of the followingis the function of the bacterial capsule?( )

the characteristics of fungi include ( ).

the principle for configuring the medium is( ).

from the element of the chemical composition of microbial cells, which of the following options is a trace element?( )

which of the following fermentation types is carried out through the emp pathway?( )

which of the following statement is not correct?( )

soil provides a good living microenvironment for microorganis, the reason is ( ).

microorganis are the general and common name of invisible microscopic organis, and have no taxonomic significance.