
中国大学答案 5471


在信用证业务中,银行的责任是( )。

信用证上如未明确付款人,则制作汇票时,受票人应为( )。

根据国际商会《跟单信用统一惯例》的规定,如果信用上未注明“不可撤消”的字样,该信用证应视为( )。

在合同规定的有效期,( )负有开立信用证的义务。

在交易金额较大,对开证行的资信有不了解时,为保证货款的及时收回,买方最好选择( )。

信用证保兑行的付款是( )。

在信用证业务的有关当事人之间,一定存在契约关系的有( )。



液压传动 严格的传动比。

液压传动中最重要的参数是()和()。 a、压力和流量b、压力和负载c、压力和速度d、流量和速度



液压传动系统的组成( )、( )、( )、( )、( )。

1、液压传动系统中的液压动力元件有( );液压执行元件有( );液压辅助元件有( )。(各举一例)



液压泵的容积效率主要与 有关。

液压系统中的压力取决于( ),执行元件的运动速度取决于( )

( ) 是通过改变斜盘倾角来实现变量。

液压泵的实际流量比理论流量( );而液压马达实际流量比理论流量( )

使闭死容积由大变少时与( ) 腔相通,闭死容积由小变大时与 ( )腔相通。

常见的变量泵有( )、( )、( )

( )和( )是通过改变转子和定子的偏心距来实现变量


外啮合齿轮泵的排量与齿数 的平方成正比,与模数的一次方成正比

为了消除齿轮泵的困油现象,通常在两侧盖板上开 ( )。

定量泵是指泵的( )为定值,不可调。

液压传动装置由( )、( )、( )和( )四部分组成,其中( )和( )为能量转换装置。

液压泵的实际流量比理论流量( );而液压马达实际流量比理论流量( ) 。

斜盘式轴向柱塞泵构成吸、压油密闭工作腔的三对运动摩擦副为( )、( ) 、( )。

外啮合齿轮泵位于轮齿逐渐脱开啮合的一侧是( )腔,位于轮齿逐渐进入啮合的一侧是( ) 腔。

为了消除齿轮泵的困油现象,通常在两侧盖板上开 ( )

齿轮泵产生泄漏的间隙为( )间隙和( )间隙,此外还存在( ) 间隙,其中( )泄漏占总泄漏量的80%~85%。

判断题,只需填写“对”或者“错”即可 液压缸活塞运动速度只取决于输入流量的大小,与压力无关。

判断题,只需填写“对”或者“错”即可 流量可改变的液压泵称为变量泵。

判断题,只需填写“对”或者“错”即可 定量泵是指输出流量不随泵的输出压力改变的泵。

液压马达的排量决定于( )。

双伸出杠液压缸,采用活塞杠固定安装,工作台的移动范围为缸筒有效行程的( );采用缸筒固定安置,工作台的移动范围为活塞有效行程的( )。

已知单活塞杠液压缸的活塞直径d为活塞直径d的两倍,差动连接的快进速度等于非差动连接前进速度的( );差动连接的快进速度等于快退速度的( )。

已知单活塞杆液压缸两腔有效面积a1=2a2,液压泵供油流量为q,如果将液压缸差动连接,活塞实现差动快进,那么进入大腔的流量是( ),如果不差动连接,则小腔的排油流量是( )。

液压缸的种类繁多,( )可作双作用液压缸

下列液压马达中,( )为高速马达




液压缸的种类繁多,( )只能作单作用液压缸。列举一个

判断题,只需填写“对”或者“错”即可 液压马达与液压泵从能量转换观点上看是互逆的,因此所有的液压泵均可以用来做马达使用。

判断题,只需填写“对”或者“错”即可 增速缸和增压缸都是柱塞缸与活塞缸组成的复合形式的执行元件。

名词解释: 差动连接

填空题,每空一分 活塞缸按其结构不同可分为()和()两种,其固定方式有()固定和()固定两种。

判断题,只需填写“对”或者“错”即可 液压缸的差动连接可提高执行元件的运动速度。

判断题,只需填写“对”或者“错”即可 液压缸差动连接时,液压缸产生的作用力比非差动连接时的作用力大。

选择题,只需填写a或b或c即可 当工作行程较长时.采用()缸较合适。 a、单活塞b、双活塞杆c、柱塞

如图3-4所示两个结构和尺寸均相同相互串联的液压缸,无杆腔面积a1=1×10-2m2,有杆腔面积a2=0.8×10-2m2,输入油压力p=0.9mpa,输入流量q1=12l/nin。不计损失和泄漏,试求: 1) 两缸承受相同负载时(f1=f2),负载和速度各为多少? 2) 缸1不受负载时(f1=0),缸2能承受多少负载? 3) 缸2不受负载时(f2=0),缸1能承受多少负载?

溢流节流阀是由 和节流阀组合而成。

溢流阀为( )压力控制,阀口常( ),先导阀弹簧腔的泄漏油与阀的出口相通。

定值减压阀为( )压力控制,阀口常( ),先导阀弹簧腔的泄漏油必须( )。

调速阀是由( )和节流阀( ) 而成。

旁通型调速阀是由( )和节流阀( )而成

一水平放置的双伸出杆液压缸,采用三位四通电磁换向阀,要求阀处于中位时,液压泵卸荷,且液压缸浮动,其中位机能应选用( );要求阀处于中位时,液压泵卸荷,且液压缸闭锁不动,其中位机能应选用( )。


有两个调整压力分别为5mpa和10mpa的溢流阀并联在液压泵的出口,泵的出口压力为( )mpa。

有两个调整压力分别为5mpa和10mpa的溢流阀串联在液压泵的出口,泵的出口压力为( )mpa。只需要填写数值即可

有两个调整压力分别为5mpa和10mpa内控外泄式顺序阀串联在液泵的出口,泵的出口压力为( )mpa。只需要填写数值即可

调速阀是由( )组合而成的。

选择题:只需要填写选项即可 为平衡重力负载,使运动部件不会因自重而自行下落,在恒重力负载情况下,采用( )顺序阀作平衡阀。 答案选项:(a)内控内泄式 (b)内控外泄式 (c)外控内泄式 d)外控外泄式

选择题:只需要填写选项即可 为平衡重力负载,使运动部件不会因自重而自行下落,在变重力负载情况下,采用( )顺序阀作限速锁。 答案选项:(a)内控内泄式 (b)内控外泄式 (c)外控内泄式 d)外控外泄式

填空题: 顺序阀在系统中作卸荷阀用时,应选用( )型,作背压阀时,应选用( )型。

填空题每空2分 为保证负载变化时,节流阀的前后压力差不变,是通过节流阀的流量基本不变,往往将节流阀与( )串联组成调速阀,或将节流阀与( )并联组成旁通型调速阀。

判断题:只需要填写对或者错即可 三位四通电液换向阀的液动滑阀为弹簧对中型,其先导电磁换向阀中位必须是y型机能,而液动滑阀为液压对中型,其先导电磁换向阀中位必须是p型机能。


选择题,只需填写选项即可 当控制阀的开口一定,阀的进、出口压力差δp<(3~5)ⅹ105pa时,随着压力差δp变小,通过节流阀的流量( );通过调速阀的流量( )。 (a) 增加 (b)减少 (c)基本不变 (d)无法判断

选择题,只需填写选项即可 当控制阀的开口一定,阀的进、出口压力差δp>(3~5)ⅹ105pa时,随着压力差δp增加,压力差的变化对节流阀流量变化的影响( );对调速阀流量变化的影响( )。 (a) 越大 (b)越小 (c)基本不变 (d)无法判断

选择题,只需填写选项即可 当控制阀的开口一定,阀的进、出口压力相等时,通过节流阀的流量为( );通过调速阀的流量为( )。 (a) 0 (b)某调定值 (c)某变值 (d)无法判断



为了便于检修,蓄能器与管路之间应安装( )

为了防止液压泵停车或泄载时蓄能器内的压力油倒流,蓄能器与液压泵之间应安装 ( )。

应根据其技术特点、过滤精度、使用压力及通油能力来选择 。

简答题: 蓄能器的七个作用

简答题: 液压介质的污染有哪五类

简答题: 选择过滤器时考虑哪些因素

简答题: 油箱的功能有哪些


在变量泵—变量马达调速回路中,为了在低速时有较大的输出转矩、在高速时能提供较大功率,往往在低速段,先将 ( ) 调至最大,用( ) 调速;在高速段,( )为最大,用( )调速。

在下 面几种调速回路中( )中的溢流阀是稳压阀。

容积调速回路中,( )的调速方式为恒转矩调节;( )的调节为恒功率调节。

在定量泵节流调速阀回路中,调速阀可以安放在回路的( ),

在定量泵节流调速阀回路中,旁通型调速回路只能安放在回路的( )。

在下 面几种调速回路中,( )中的溢流阀是安全阀。

在下列调速回路中,( )为流量适应回路,( )为功率适应回路。


同步回路的功用是使相同尺寸的执行元件在运动上同步,同步运动分为速度同步和位置 同步两大类。

容积调速回路是通过改变( )来实现调速的。

选择题: 差压式变量泵和( )组成的容积节流调速回路与限压式变量泵和( )组成的调速回路相比较,回路效率更高。 (a)节流阀 (b)调速阀 (c)旁通型调速阀

选择题: 在调速阀旁路节流调速回路中,调速阀的节流开口一定,当负载从f1降到f2时,若考虑泵内泄漏变化因素时液压缸的运动速度v( );若不考虑泵内泄漏变化的因素时,缸运动速度v可视为( )。 (a)增加 (b)减少 (c)不变 (d)无法判断 (a;c)

选择题 在定量泵-变量马达的容积调速回路中,如果液压马达所驱动的负载转矩变小,若不考虑泄漏的影响,试判断马达转速( );泵的输出功率( )。 (a)增大 (b)减小 (c)基本不变 (d)无法判断

选择题 在限压式变量泵与调速阀组成的容积节流调速回路中,若负载从f1降到f2而调速阀开口不变时,泵的工作压力( );若负载保持定值而调速阀开口变小时,泵工作压力( )。 (a) 增加 (b)减小 (c)不变

选择题: .在差压式变量泵和节流阀组成的容积节流调速回路中,如果将负载阻力减小,其他条件保持不变,泵的出口压力将( ),节流阀两端压差将( )。 (a) 增加 (b)减小 (c)不变

判断题,只需要填写对或者错即可 变量泵容积调速回路的速度刚性受负载变化影响的原因与定量泵节流调速回路有根本的不同,负载转矩增大泵和马达的泄漏增加,致使马达转速下降。

判断题,只需要填写对或者错即可 采用调速阀的定量泵节流调速回路,无论负载如何变化始终能保证执行元件运动速度稳定。

判断题,只需要填写对或者错即可 旁通型调速阀(溢流节流阀)只能安装在执行元件的进油路上,而调速阀还可安装在执行元件的回油路和旁油路上。

中位能实现双向锁紧且液压泵卸荷的三位四通换向阀其中位机能是( )。

将发动机输入的机械能转换为液体的压力能的液压元件是(    )。

顺序阀是(    )控制阀。 

当温度升高时,油液的粘度(    )

在液压系统中,(   )可作背压阀。 

对节流口流量稳定性没有影响作用的是( )

选择题 要实现快速运动可采用(   )回路。  a、差动连接      b、调速阀调速       c、大流量泵供油

选择题 为使减压回路可靠地工作,其最高调整压力应(   )系统压力。  a、大于          b、小于             c、等于 

选择题 顺序阀在系统中作背压阀时,应选用(     )型。  a、内控内泄式          b、内控外泄式 c、外控内泄式          d、外控外泄式

选择题: 没有泄漏的情况下,泵在单位时间内所输出的油液体积称为(   )。  a、实际流量      b、公称流量         c、理论流量 

选择阀类零件时,可允许其最大流量超过额定流量的( )。

液压缸运动速度的大小取决于(   )。 

能形成差动连接的液压缸是(     )。   

.液压泵单位时间内排出油液的体积称为泵的流量。泵在额定转速和额定压力下的输出流量称为( )。

在没有泄漏的情况下,根据泵的几何尺寸计算而得到的流量称为( ),它等于排量和转速的乘积。

用同样定量泵,节流阀,溢流阀和液压缸组成下列几种节流调速回路,( 回油节流调速回路)能够承受负值负载,( 旁路节流调速回路)的速度刚性最差,而回路效率最高。

一般具有较大空间可以存放油箱的系统,都采用( )回路

简答题: 简述液压系统设计步骤



选用过滤器应考虑( )、( )、( )和其它功能,它在系统中可安装在( )、( )、( )和单独的过滤系统中。

两个液压马达主轴刚性连接在一起组成双速换接回路,两马达串联时,其转速为( );两马达并联时,其转速为( ),而输出转矩( )。串联和并联两种情况下回路的输出功率( ) 。

在气动系统中,气缸工作、管道输送空气等均视为( );气动系统的快速充气、排气过程可视为( )。

气动三大件中的分水滤气器的作用是滤去空气中的( )、( )并将空气中( )的分离出来。

选择题 流量连续性方程是( )在流体力学中的表达形式,而伯努力方程是( )在流体力学中的表达形式。 (a)能量守恒定律 (b)动量定理 (c)质量守恒定律 (d)其他

选择题 液体流经薄壁小孔的流量与孔口面积的( )和小孔前后压力差的( )成正比。 (a)一次方 (b)1/2次方 (c)二次方 (d)三次方

流经固定平行平板缝隙的流量与缝隙值的( )和缝隙前后压力差的( )成正比。 (a)一次方 (b)1/2次方 (c)二次方 (d)三次方

请结合自身的兴趣或经验,选择一项具体的教育问题,按以下提纲撰写一个份研究方案。要求内容结构完整,字数不限。 写作提纲: 题目 (2分) 一、研究问题与假设 (2分) 二、研究目的与意义 (2分) 三、研究对象与内容 (2分) 四、研究思路与方法 (2分)



最早的装饰纹样,大都是    与    的有机统一。

装饰设计在功能上有     ,生产上有     ,文化上有      。


青铜器图案的表现主题以   为主,其风格以表现沉重、神秘、凶猛、威严为主,体现一种狰狞、拙朴的美。

秦汉装饰艺术主要体现在汉代的             ,可以看出当时的艺术表现手法比前期大大加强。

考古发现表明,在彩陶纹饰中,简单的    要远远早于具象的写实性图形,数量也难以计数,且远为精美。




下列选项中不属于日本友禅纹样图案的是( )。


装饰艺术的构成类型有 、 和 。

下面不属于建筑学母体的罗马柱式是( )。


古希腊瓶画的发展经了 、 、 三个阶段。






一件完整,优秀的装饰作品,就是素材的    ,    ,    ,设计的过程。



    ,    ,    ,多角度的素材收集可以为装饰设计提供充分完整的形象依据。



秦汉时期纹样中的四灵纹(既四神纹),四灵纹具体指    ,    ,    ,    。

下列选项中不属于四大年画之乡的是( )。


剪纸有两种基本的类型: 和 。









平面构成的三大要素是    、    、    。



画里的“岁寒三友”是指    、    、    。 


2. 速写和素描没有什么关系。

视觉三大构成指    、    、    。



的瓷都是指    、唐三彩国内著名的城市是     



创作目标是指在创作初期对作品的三个思考:包括:    ,      ,      ,



    及    是艺术作品创作前期重要的阶段。

制作实施阶段是作品的完成实施过程,需经历    、    、    、等阶段。 



简洁化的方法:    与    。

下列选项中不属于对称图形的是( )。


发射对称有两种基本的类型: 和 。

下列选项中不属于变形的方法的是( )。

局部夸张是将对象最具个性的方面进行明显夸大,强调特点, 突出主题,使表现对象的形状、结构等发生变化。

适形夸张有两种基本的外形类别: 和 。

下列选项中不属于形象对比的类型是( )。


调和的三种方法分别是: 、 和 。


点、线、面的装饰表现技法中,点的大小可以表达   ,点的排列可成  或灰面,丰富画面表现力。




红色 蓝色=绿色

草间弥生的作品主要以    为主进行创作。



凡高画了大量的    题材作品。

平面表现技法中    方法是最基础,必须掌握的。


在平涂的技法中,最常用的是    颜料?

下列选项中属于平面表现技法的    。


在喷绘的技法中,常用的方法有    种?

下列选项中属于材料表现技法的    。


扎染工艺分为    和    两部分。

下列选项中属于材料表现技法的    。


沥粉贴金工艺中沥粉的调配方法需要    和    调配。

how many countries are there in the u.k.

which country is the largest part of great britain?

what is the capital of wales?

which of the following places of interests is not located in london?

the usa is country bordered on the east by the pacific ocean and to the west by the atlantic ocean.

there are totally 50 states in america.

new england in america is the first region where europeans settled.

the state of california is located in the northeast of the country.

the majority of the people of the u.k. is ____________.

__________ has the oldest black community in britain.

the united states has a large population of 323 million, which makes it the __________ populous nation in the world.

_____________ are the largest ethnic minority in the united states.

the language of english was brought by the normans to england during the 11th century.

the major isions are normally classified as english english, welsh english and scottish english in britain.

the english and welsh are both celtic language.

in the united states, spanish is the most common language in the country after english.

received pronunciation refers to a way of pronouncing standard english that is used by two percent of the _________ population.

which of the following is not american english?

which word is spelt in the american way?

which of the followings is not a commonly found mistake when chinese speak english?

which city is the largest financial centre in the u.k. after london?

what is the capital of wales?

which minority is regared as the “model minority” in america?

which of the following expression is typical british english?

the two main islands of the british isles are great britain and ireland.

new york is the capital of the united states.

the state of california is located in the northeast of the country.

chinese is the fourth most-spoken language in the usa.

english and welsh are both celtic languages.

there are ____________ countries in the u.k..

the capital of england is _________________.

the largest city in the u.s. is ________________.

in the united states, _________ is the most common language in the country after english.

what is the american english for the word autumn?

___________ tribes were ancestors of the highland scots, the irish and the welsh.

which of the followings were not brought the romans?

william i of england is a/an______.

recorded history of britain started from the time when the celts settled on the island.

the process of creating a single, unified kingdom of england could be said to have been achieved by_____________.

what is the nickname of queen mary i?

after henry viii,who succeeded his throne?

the reign of elizabeth i is called the ________ age.

during the second british emipre, ______________ were transported to australia continuously.

which of the following reasons is not accounting for the fall of the british empire?

at the peak of its power, the phrase "the empire on which the sun never sets" was often used to describe the british empire.

the earliest identified people lived in america is ____________.

it was believed that america was first discovered by ____________.

in 1620, the pilgrim fathers sailed for virginia on a ship called __________.

by 1733, english settlers had occupied _____ colonies along the atlantic coast.

the british government began to increase the economic exploitation of the colonies to ______________.

the event that triggered the war of independence is __________________.

after the civil war, ___________ , which had ided the country from its beginning, was abolished.

which of the following document is the one issued to free the slaves in america?

the british government began to increase the economic exploitation of the colonies to ______________.

the pilgrims signed an agreement called the _____________ in their journey to america, which incorporated the spirit of obedience to the common good.

the celtic tribes were ancestors of __________.

in history, which monarchs are given the title “the great?”

which of the following statements about the british empire are true?

which of the following statements about the american civil war are true?

the british empire established many private companies to administer colonies and oversea trade, the most famous one is east india company in india.

by 1733, english settlers had occupied 12 colonies along the atlantic coast.

british history before 55 bc is basically undocumented.

during the war, the fundamental documents of the us,____________________, was drafted and issued in 1776.

after the civil war, ___________ , which had ided the country from its beginning, was abolished, and slaves became free men since then .

theoretically, the prime minster of the u.k. is chosen by the ___________.

the term for the prime minster in the u.k. is _______ years.

which two parties are the current major parties in britain?

which of the followings is not a prime minster of the conservative party?

which document outlines the basic political structure of the nation and settles the fundamental principles of the u.s.?

today any citizen who is at least ______ years old can vote.

__________________ is designed to ide the governmental power horizontally, i.e. separating power among the executive, legislative and judicial branches in the government of each level.

the bicameral congress of the us is made up of the ____________ and the house of representatives.

the symbol of the democratic party is a/an _______________.

the republican party in america is considered ____________ or “conservative”

which day is the election day in the us?

ethos, ________ and pathos is the winning formula in campaign speeches.

to become a member of the two major parties in america, one needs to ______________.

if a bill is vetoed by the president, the congress can override the veto by_______________.

the current monarch and head of state of the u.k. is _________.

which two parties are the current major parties in britain?

the bicameral congress of the us is made up of the ____________ and the ____________.

which two parties are the current major parties in the u.s.?

the presidential election in us is a direct election.

there is no nationwide system of government-owned medical facilities open to the general public but there are local government-owned medical facilities open to the general public.

the american government consists of three parts, or branches: the ___________, the legislative and the judicial.

which industry did the industrial revolution start from ?

the first industrial revolution originated from _______.

________ is the largest financial center just next to new york.

the ________ economy has for a long time been the largest and most important economy in the world.

the united states was the world’s largest manufacturer, and its manufacturing output was greater than that of the manufacturing output of china, india, and brazil combined in 2008.

the u.s. is the world’s greatest power is the world’s greatest debtor.

silicon valley is home to the following companies except_____.

the first light bulb that could glow for over 1,500 hours was invented in 1879 in the u.k.

america’s high-tech industry ranks first in the world and plays an important role in the country’s economic growth.

steve jobs has been named the second greatest innovator of all time, behind thomas edison, in the 2012, for his contribution in the introduction of _______.

british companies are active in all major fields of the manufacturing industry, particularly performing well in the following fields except ____________.

the united states is the ______ largest national economy in the world.

“jenny” was an early abbreviation of the word “________”

which of the following banks are british banks?

which of the following brand names are american?

the industrial revolution started from the textile industry in england.

america’s high-tech industry ranks first in the world and plays an important role in the country’s economic growth.

the is an executive branch agency, responsible for the nation’s civilian space program and aeronautics and aerospace research.

__________has been the u.s. largest food and agricultural state for nearly 50 years. (a state of the country)

_______________ is the largest stock exchange in the world by value of its listed companies’ securities

the national currency of the uk is the ____________.

which of the following is not a film company in the u.s.?

_____________ is a neighborhood in the central region of los angeles, california. it is notable for its place as the home of the u.s. film industry.

as the movie industry moved into the new millennium, ______ films gained an increasing popularity such as avatar.

now there is a collection of free-to-air, free-to-view and subscription services over a variety of distribution media in the u.k..

british television differs from the american television in that programs do not generally have a long ‘season’ run of around 20 weeks.

_____________________ are the most prestigious awards given in the british television industry.

which social media is the most popular in the u.s.? - 未答

for most british people, most days begin with a look at the morning newspaper and a cup of coffee.  -

the daily telegraph, a centre-right broadsheet paper, is the highest-selling of the "quality" newspapers.

__________ is a native american musical and verse form, and it is a combination of african work songs, field hollers and shouts.

the beatles, who helped to secure a major place for its country in the development of pop and rock music, is an american band.

scottish folk music includes many kinds of songs, including ballads and laments, sung by a single singer with accompaniment by _________, fiddles or harps.

the melding of rhythm and blues with country and western music in the mid-1950s gave birth to __________.

though originally a kind of dance music, _________ has been a major part of popular music, and has also become a major element of western classical music.

which of the following newspapers in the u.s. is the one that first exposed the watergate scandal in 1972? - 未答

the walt disney’s studio is a famous u.s. company, specializing in ___________. - 未答复

__________ is a typical reality tv show in america.

which of the following reason accounts for the success of hollywood ? - 未答复

which of the following companies are american film companies?

__________ are typical sit-coms in america.

which of the following female singers are american

the united states has the world’s largest music market. - 未

britain has had an impact on popular music disproportionate to its size, due to its linguistic and cultural links with many countries.

the times is the oldest weekly newspaper in the country.

newspapers are referred to as the p__________.

___________ , which is a house not joined to another house, is the most popular type for british. - 未答

the typical english food includes the followings except __________.

nowadays, a typical english breakfast consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, mushrooms and baked beans all washed down with a cup of coffee.

in recent years, the religious share of christians is increasing. - 未答复

henry viii carried out a religious reform in england. he had the bible translated to english , and the people who believed in this new religion were called protestants .

the three largest religious groups by world population are islam, ____________ and buddhi.

in england, a dark haired person is asked to enter through the front door at midnight with salt, coal, and bread in his possession. and they believe coal suggests __________ in the new year.

which of the following christmas event is not typical british?

easter sunday falls on the second sunday of march.

when is the independent day of the u.s.?

every easter sunday, the president of the united states holds an annual easter egg hunt on the white house lawn for young children.

martin luther king jr. is most well-known for his ___________, and the martin luther king day is to memorize him.

the traditional easter gift to children in the u.k. is a ____________.

easter is the oldest and the most important christian festival, the celebration of the ________ of jesus christ.

which of the followings is considered bad luck in britain?

one may be called by typical affectionate names by the english people, such as________.

the two largest religious groups by world population are___________.

for british, if you are a guest, it is polite to wait until your host starts eating or indicates you should do so.

the family unit is generally considered the extended family, and it is typically big in america.

the majority of americans identify themselves as christians, while close to one third claim no religious affiliation.

the official birthday of queen elizabeth ii is marked each year by a military parade and march-past, known as trooping the colour.

thanksgiving dinner almost always includes some of the foods served at the first feast: roast turkey, cranberry sauce, potatoes, pumpkin pie.

which of the following sports did not begin in britain?

beginning in at least the 1960s, the uk had a reputation worldwide for football __________, which means disorderly, aggressive and often violent behaviour of spectators at sporting events.

the world's most famous tennis tournament is held in ____________ , u.k..

beer bars, sometimes called taverns in the u.k., are not allowed to sell _______.

in the u.k., it is customary to tip your waiter/waitress at the end of the meal, which is approx ________, though sometimes this is included in the bill.

in the uk, the term pub is more commonly used, and bars is more commonly used in the us.

___________is the most popular destination for uk residents for their holiday.

__________ are the most popular months for holidays in british people.

sundays used to be the one day of the week for ‘worship and rest’, but now people tend to spend their time shopping, gardening or diy.

the ______________ in london is one of the world’s largest and most important museums of human history and culture.

the fisherman’s wharf is located in __________ in the u.s.

the statue of liberty, a woman holding a torch and a book set on liberty island, is located at the entrance to____________.

the wedding of charles, prince of wales and lady diana spencer was held in the _____________.

to tip a barman or barmaid, it is customary to tell him to __________.

which sport is the most popular sport in america?

which of the following sports began in britain?

which of the following sports belong to the extreme sport?

the tower of london, officially her majesty’s royal palace and fortress of the tower of london, was used as a prison in the past.

beers are served in " halves " for a large glass and " pints " for a aller one.

the owner of a bar is called a landlord instead of a manager in the u.s..

rugby used to be only played by the rich upper classes, but now it is popular all over the country in the u.k..

the word ________ is short for public house.

the elizabeth tower, which is often referred to by the name of its main bell as ________, is an iconic landmark of london and the united kingdom.

during the middle age, schools in england were established to teach ___________ to the sons of the aristocracy.

education in great britain is compulsory for all children between the ages of 5 and 15.

education in the united states is mainly provided by the public sector, with control and funding coming from three levels: federal, state, and local.

which university is the oldest one in the u.s.?

all british universities are partially funded by central government grants.

some of the world’s most famous and powerful men today are graduates of yale, such as george w. bush and john kerry.

the american universities select applicants for their undergraduate programmes based mainly on the following criteria except ______:

the application fee is less for the u.s university than a u.k. university.

comparatively speaking, the u.s. education is more idealistic. they adopt liberal education that requires students to think independently and promote general education.

how many years does it usually take for a student to do a master degree in the u.s.?

how many years does it take for a student to do a bachelor degree in the u.k.?

the american universities usually select applicants for their graduate programmes mainly based on the following criteria except ______:

which university is the oldest one in the u.k.?

elementary and secondary educationin the us, the basis of public education, are compulsory and are ided into _____ grades.

when the british pupils finish their secondary education at the age of 16, they are required to take a national exam called ___________ .

which subjects must the british pupils study ?

which of the following universities are located in the us?

the american universities select applicants for their undergraduate programmes based mainly on the following criteria ______:

the are two parallel school systems in britain are_______ and ________.

the scoring system is much looser in the uk than in the u.s..

students need to buy insurance by themselves once enrolled in british universities and it is a compulsory requirement for every student.

in undergraduate study, it is more difficult to apply for scholarship in uk than in the us.

massachusetts institute of technology (mit) is a private research university located in cambridge, u.k..

geoffrey chaucer was an alumnus of oxford university.

there are two parallel school systems in britain for primary and secondary education.

_________________ is the capital city of scotland.

the direct cause for the reformation was king henry viii's effort to ___________. - 未答复

generally speaking, the british parliament operates on a ____________ system. - 未答复

the state of __________ is the largest in area of all the u.s. states.

abraham lincoln issued the _________ to grant freedom to all slaves.

the terms for a senator and representative are __________ and ___________ years respectively

in the u.k. the legal age to purchase alcohol is _______.

the fisherman’s wharf is located in __________ in the u.s.

the statue of liberty, a woman holding a torch and a book set on liberty island, is located at the entrance to _________________.

in england, a dark haired person is asked to enter through the front door at midnight with salt, coal, and bread in his possession. and they believe bread suggests __________ in the new year.

which of the following christmas event is not typical british?

the thanksgiving day is an important public holiday, celebrated on the __________ november in the united states.

which of the following is not a film companies in the u.s.?

which of the following reasons accounts for the success of hollywood ?

the walt disney’s studio is a famous u.s. company, specializing in ___________.

which of the following newspapers in the u.s. is the one that first exposed the watergate scandal in 1972?

____________ is a native american musical and verse form, and it is a combination of african work songs, field hollers and shouts.

which social media is the most popular media in the u.s.?

the american universities usually select applicants for their graduate programmes mainly based on the following criteria except ______.

the american universities select applicants for their undergraduate programmes based mainly on the following criteria except ______.

which university is the oldest one in the u.k.?

which university is the oldest one in the u.s.?

elementary and secondary education, the basis of public education, are compulsory and ided into _____ grades in america.

during the middle ages, schools in england were established to teach ___________ to the sons of the aristocracy.

which industry did the industrial revolution start from ?

“jenny” was an early abbreviation of the word “________” .

the first industrial revolution origined in _________.

british recorded history began with _____.

in the 18th century, there appeared ____ in england, which owed a great deal to the invention of machines.

_____ is a symbol of american theatre and world-class entertainment.

the world-famous havard university is in _____.

hawaii is in the _____ ocean.

the great salt lake lies in northern _____.

the world-known colorado valley lies in northern _____, which is cut by the colorado river.

the first thirteen states of the us mainly located _____ seaboard.

the characteristic of the dominant american culture is .

the constitution of the united states .

which of the following countries belong to the u.k.?

which city does not belong to the south of america?

which of the following people are considered to be the ancestors of the british people?

which of the statements about english is not true?

which of the following statements about received pronunciation are true?

the celtic tribes were ancestors of __________.

in history, which monarchs are given the title “the great?”

the major isions of english in britain are normally classified as:____________

which of the following about christopher columbus are true?

which of the following statements about the war of independence are true?

which of the following statements about the american civil war are true?

which two parties are the current major parties in britain?

people in different parts of britain like to use the name england to refer to their country. - 未答复

the members of the house of commons in the u.k. are appointed rather than elected. - 未答复

britiain was the first industrialized nation in the world. - 未答复

there are totally 50 states in the u.s. - 未答

the u.s. congress consists of two houses: the house of commons and the house of lords.

rugby used to be only played by the rich upper classes, but now it is popular all over the country in the u.k..

hamburgers and hot dogs are foods that are commonly identified as american.

the majority of americans identify themselves as christians, while close to one third claim no religious affiliation.

easter sunday falls on the second sunday of march.

thanksgiving dinner almost always includes some of the foods served at the first feast: roast turkey, cranberry sauce, potatoes, pumpkin pie.

the beatles, who helped to secure a major place for its country in the development of pop and rock music, is an american band.

the daily telegraph, a centre-right broadsheet paper, is the highest-selling of the "quality" newspapers.

in britain, freedom of the press is protected, though there is still censorship of the press.

the times is the oldest weekly newspaper in the country.

british television differs from the american television in that programs do not generally have a long ‘season’ run of around 20 weeks.

now there is a collection of free-to-air, free-to-view and subscription services over a variety of distribution media in the u.k..

television broadcasting started in the united kingdom in 1936 as private service with advertising.

all british universities are partially funded by central government grants.

geoffrey chaucer was an alumnus of oxford university.

some of the world’s most famous and powerful men today are graduates of yale, such as george w. bush and john kerry.

massachusetts institute of technology (mit) is a private research university located in cambridge, u.k..

the application fee is less for the u.s university than a u.k. university.

comparatively speaking, the u.s. education is more idealistic than the uk's. they adopt liberal education that requires students to think independently and promote general education.

the united states is the world’s largest manufacturer, and its manufacturing output was greater than that of the manufacturing output of china, india, and brazil combined.

the u.s. is the world’s greatest power and the world’s greatest debtor.

there is no nationwide system of government-owned medical facilities open to the general public but there are local government-owned medical facilities open to the general public in the us.

the us is the third most populous country in the world after china and india.

in 1978,china and u.s.a. normalized their relationship.
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