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力学题库 5584

根据最高的有关司法解释,合伙企业向提讼时,应以( )为原告。

下列有关商业银行破产清算的表述中,正确的选项是( )。

质量管理是多方面、多范围的活动,它涉及 ( )活动。

甲企业租用乙公司的一台吊车,与其破产案件受理前5个月擅自变卖。在甲企业被宣告破产后,下列选项中,乙公司保护其正当权益的方式是( )。


(2005,1)根据我国《民法通则》规定,全民所有制企业法人以( )承担民事责任。


下列关于有因行为和无因行为的说法,正确的是( )。

【真题试题】 (2007年多项选择第57题) 企业“五五”普法的对象是企业内部广大干部职工,其中,重点提高的对象是( )。

诱骗投资者买卖证券、期货合约罪的犯罪主体是( )。

某股份有限公司的股东大会在出现下列何种情形时应当在2个月内召开临时股东大会( )。

有独立请求权第三人在参加诉讼中通常是将原诉的原告和被告一起作为被告,而自己处于原告的地位。 ( )

根据企业破产法律制度的规定;债务人或者管理人应当向和债权人会议提交重整计划草案的期限是( )


污染物分析的内容不包括( )。

建设项目( )是对环境影响评价中提出的预防和减轻不良环境影响对策和措施的具体落实和检查。

确定环境噪声污染防治对策的一般原则有( )。

废水的二级处理过程中,活性污泥法按其负荷类型可分为( )。

下列清洁生产分析指标中,( )在清洁生产审核中是非常重要的两类指标。

某企业年烧柴油300 t,重油150 t,柴油燃烧排放系数10万m3(标)/t,重油燃烧排放系数13万m3(标)/t,废气年排放量为( )万m3。

不同的工程项目,具有不同的工程防渗要求。渗滤液收集导排系统主要由设置在底部防渗层上的( )组成。

对于一般性建设项目的环境影响评价工作,( )直接影响到该项目投入生产后,资源能源利用效率和废弃物产生。

污染物排放总量控制建议的指标应包括( )。

按照拟建项目的“活动”对环境要素的作用属性,环境影响划分不包括( )。

在建设项目环评中常需要考虑的准稳态是( )状况。

建设项目竣工环境保护验收时,对连续生产稳定、污染物排放稳定的建设项目,废气的采样和测试一般不少于( )次。

大气湍流扩散参数的测量方法有( )。

对于一级评价项目大气污染源调查包括以下( )。

a variety of mental disorders like ___________ can cause insomnia.

factors that may lead to the diagnosis of insomnia include

the worst type of insomnia is

there are relatively few ganglion cells in the periphery of the retina.

shortly after her admission into the hospital she had a massive brain hemorrhage and died.

___________is the most common cause of vision loss in people over age 40 and is the principal cause of blindness.

there may be correlations between cataract risk and diet type. the risk decreases in the following order: ___________.

eye care practitioners recommend wearing sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat to reduce___________

it is usually used for diagnostic optometry of clinical ophthalmology since it is simple, fast and does not need to have pupils dilated.


___________ can cause transient ischemic attacks or mini-stokes.

chronic dementia is caused by___________

in the terminal stage of alzheimer’s disease, patients may die of ___________.

citing the fear of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, commonly known as mad-cow disease, japan has also limited imports of u. s. beef.

postherpetic neuralgia (phn)is a refractory and painful disease, which causes severe suffering of the patients in psychology and physiology.

it concluded that mobiles should be rated as "possibly carcinogenic" because of a possible link with a type of brain cancer - glioma.

it is feasible to treat severe xerophthalmia by the free grafting of sublingual gland.

the results show that the therapeutic effects are better, especially human hepatitis and hepatomegaly have been covered quickly.

dementia, also called brain syndrome, is a loss of mental ability characterized by a decrease in intellectual ability, loss of memory, impaired judgment, personality change, and disorientation.

hospice care can be offered in hospitals, medical centers, and special facilities, but most frequently it is offered in the patient’s home.

should a lab be so fortunate as to discover a molecule that cures a disease in a lab rat, the next step is to test its toxicity and efficacy in more lab animals.

as a whole, the incidence of dyssomnia in female stroke patients is higher than male.

megalocardia can be detected by physical examination and by a chest radiograph.

the menstrual disturbances mainly manifested dyenorrhea, excessive bleeding and delayed menstrual cycles.

in liquid-based cytology, samples are taken in the usual way but a brush-like device rather than a spatula.

millions of babies and children could soon be protected against the deadly disease----pneumonia.

the researchers noted that cognitive issues identified during the prospective study appear to be associated with hypoxia rather than with the quality and duration of sleep.

doctors may also look at psychiatric causes like depression and bipolar disorder as well as lifestyle factors that contribute to the condition.

hormonal imbalance can lead to dearth of sleep specially, in women specially, during the menopause season.


the selection of a gene delivery system depends on _________.

two years later, the patient developed chest pain; pericardial effusion was detected, leading to a diagnosis of myxedema caused by hypothyroidi.

combination of posteroventral pallidotomy (pvp) and thalamotomy is advisable for pd patients with intractable tremor. (d)


why are some patients reluctant to take antidepressants?

what is the advantage of the use of newer antidepressant?

the virus triggered myocarditis, a serious inflammation of the heart muscle.

factors that may suppress erythropoiesis include chronic debilitating diseases and endocrine disorders (such as hypothyroidi or hyperestrogeni).

the key points to decrease the morbidity and mortality of pancreaticoduodenectomy are delicate operative maneuver and effective perioperative treatment.

campylobacter bacteria are a major cause of foodborne diarrheal illness in humans and are the most common bacteria that cause gastroenteritis worldwide.

unlike the other three types of leukemia, some patients with cll may have disease that does not progress for a long time.

the mysterious condition, called transverse myelitis, left john unable to walk for months.

they cause gastritis, and are also the most common cause of stomach ulcers.

if the extraclasts form the predominant components, the sediment is a “calclithite” and is a type of terrigenous rock.

diabetic women had more cases of breast cancer, leukemia or cancer of the womb.

further reductions in mortality will be attributed to our ability to identify, manage, and treat patients with risk factors for cardiovascular complications.

all patients had presented to respiratory teams with an exudative pleural effusion and had initial nondiagnostic thoracentesis.

the menstrual disturbances mainly manifested dyenorrhea, excessive bleeding and delayed menstrual cycles.

spinal cavernous angioma is a rare type of intraspinal vascular malformation, often lead to severe damage of the spinal cord.

another diagnostic method is auscultation and olfaction.

the dorsal spinal cord commissural neurons form several ascending somatosensory pathways.

there was no significant difference on operation related index and radical index between laparoscope group and open group.

infection of the hip joint is most common in the neonate.


guaranteed issue and partial community rating will require insurers to offer the same premium to all applicants _________________________________________.


in the example in paragraph two, iniduals in the comparison group who accepted counselling and testing at the first follow-up visit self-reported a _____________________ reduction in unprotected sexual intercourse.

what is the aim of vct in prevention?

specific vct services are targeted on _____________________________.

chondroma of soft parts also affects the hands, but it is usually well circumscribed and has more well developed chondroid differentiation.

most people obtain an adequate amount of vitamin d through exposure of the skin to the sunlight, so there is no need for estimated requirements for vitamin d.

chronic endometritis is one of common gynecological diseases.

what is not the possible cause of obesity according to the author?

morbidly obese people have a bmi of more than _____.

what is the impact of obesity towards economy?

influenza is characterized by fever, myalgia, headache, pharyngitis, cough and prostration.

the etiology of delayed diabetic wound healing is multifactorial in which vasculopathy and neuropathy are major contributors.

studies have found a lower risk of prostate cancer in men who grow bald earlier in life and baldness is often caused by androgen activity

diabetic women had more cases of breast cancer, leukemia or cancer of the womb.

currently, transplants and dialysis are the only ways to treat kidney failure.

in liquid-based cytology, samples are taken in the usual way but a brush-like device rather than a spatula.

shortly after her admission into the hospital she had a massive brain hemorrhage and died.

millions of babies and children could soon be protected against the deadly disease----pneumonia.

megalocardia can be detected by physical examination and by a chest radiograph.

they cause gastritis, and are also the most common cause of stomach ulcers.

all patients had presented to respiratory teams with an exudative pleural effusion and had initial nondiagnostic thoracentesis.

it is really just fibrinous pericarditis with hemorrhage.

there was no significant difference on operation related index and radical index between laparoscope group and open group.

when a polysaccharide is composed of two or more different monosaccharide units, it is a heteroglycan.

instead, the team plans to use less invasive techniques, such as thermography and endoscopy to examine the sarcophagus.

every winter some old people die from hypothermia.

an adipocyte is an animal tissue cell specialized for the synthesis and storage of fat.

the dorsal spinal cord commissural neurons form several ascending somatosensory pathways.

导游在激发旅游者的兴趣时,要考虑对象,做到照顾一般、突出重点、以点带面、点面结合。( )


国庆期间,杭州某旅行社为散客定制了千岛湖二l3休闲游产品。从散客旅游产品类 型分,这一产品属于( )。

团体旅客要取消坐火车的计划,需要退票必须在开车前24小时办理退票手续。 ( )

导游语言的基本要求是( )。

下列属于我国古代旅游活动的有( )

地陪在接团前要做到的业务准备是( )。

导游人员在服务中不可过地使用敬语、谦语。 ( )

旅游者为争得旅游车较好的位置而发生矛盾,这是旅游者之间的事情,与导游人员无关。( )

导游与客人交往时,首要是要以诚待客。( )

航班规定在离站前钟停止办理登记手续。 ( )

一般人们将胆汁质的人称为( )的人。

现代导游服务类型可分为 ( )

以下不属于旅游“逗留”的行业的是( )。


委托有不同的形式,可以分为( )两大类。



目前我国证券市场采用的是( )模式。


从实践经验来看,人们通常用( )作为流动性的近似衡量标准。

按照( ),在一个有效的市场中,市场投资组合(即整个市场)为每位风险提供了最大的收益。

基金届满即为基金终止,对基金资产进行清产核资后的( )按投资者出资比例分配。

经理人员的素质是决定企业能否取得成功的一个重要因素。 ( )

保荐人(主承销商)对可转换公司债券上市后的持续督导期间为上市当年剩余时间及其后( )个完整会计年度。

下列关于交易席位转让的说法,正确的有( )。

证券经纪商是指接受客户委托、代客买卖证券并以此收取佣金的中间人。( )

证券交易所认为必要时,可以调整融资融券业务的( )。

高分子反应统计理论是研究 之间定量关系的有力工具。

对于ab型缩聚反应,其以反应程度p表达的等于 ;

根据相对分子质量数均分布函数求重量分布函数的公式为: 。

根据相对分子质量数均分布函数求重均相对分子质量的公式为: 。

a2-b(b¢)型缩聚反应体系内,分子p2n分布的表达式中有一项cnn为由于结构单元bb’的不对称性引入的组合因子,它等于 。

高分子反应统计理论中,对非线型缩聚物相对分子质量分布求解利用铆钉钢架模型,例如,对于aa-bb-cc型,有n个,l个和m个,其中k个b基和k'个c基分别与a基起作用,那么,权重因子的含义是: 。

利用非线型缩聚物的相对分子质量可以求凝胶点,说明凝胶化临界条件的本质是: 。

对于非线型缩聚反应,高分子反应统计理论利用了 作为凝胶消失的边界条件的原理,对于凝胶化范围或凝胶化区域进行讨论。

a3-b3型缩聚反应出现凝胶的配料比范围为: 。

对于aa-bb-cc型缩聚反应,其凝胶化的讨论中引入参数k, k值不同,则凝胶化区域不同,k是: 。

增长参数是指 。

加聚反应中,对于瞬间全部引发的活性聚合体系,其概率函数和gauss分布函数分别为 。

不断引发、增长、双基结合加聚反应,考虑和不考虑引发阶段引入的结构单元,其分子量分布图形分别为 。

对于不断引发、增长和单基终止的加聚反应体系,相对分子质量分布函数的一次矩数表达式为 。

单体终止的加聚反应体系的两种终止方式分别为: 。

我们对加聚反应的研究方法,保证了分子量分布函数的正确性,适用于任何复杂体系,具有普遍意义,这是因为 。

决定共聚物性能的结构因素有: 。

竞聚率的定义为: 。

在发展共聚理论过程中引入的四个假定是: 。

共聚物组成摩尔分数(重量分数)微分方程为: 。

在推导二元共聚物的组分方程时,次邻位效应是指: 。

确实存在三链节效应和四链节效应的二元共聚单体的特点是: 。

共聚物的a链段分布图以为纵坐标,l为横坐标,的含义为: 。

对于二元共聚反应体系,三元组浓度归一化的表达式为: 。

判断不同的多链节效应的方法有: 。

对于二元活性共聚物的反应体系,以二元组增长参数表征的相对分子质量分布函数表达式为: 。




利用阴离子聚合制备接枝共聚物的方法有 。


阳离子聚合是否为可控/活性聚合取决于 和 之间的相互作用力的大小。

能使异丁烯进行可控/活性阳离子聚合的引发体系有 。

基团转移聚合属于 聚合机理,可分为 三个基元反应。

基团转移聚合的引发剂为 类化合物。

典型的活性聚合具有以下特征:( )


以下哪种聚合方法可以使用水作为溶剂? a. 阴离子聚合 b. 阳离子聚合 c. 可控自由基聚合

引发环状烯烃进行开环聚合常使用( )。

降冰片烯聚合性很高,也容易导入各种取代基,常用于( )。

如下哪种单体可以通过开环聚合得到导电高分子聚乙炔( )。

在环烯烃的开环易位聚合过程中,活性中心为( )。

如下哪种元素不是常用开环易位聚合催化剂的组成( )。

grubbs催化剂是以过渡金属元素( )为中心的卡宾催化剂。

聚降冰片烯分子链中保留有五元环和( ),是性能特殊的橡胶,可吸收几倍自重的油类增塑剂。

名词解释 烯烃复分解反应

简答题 简述开环易位聚合反应机理。



下面哪些描述属于“观察-抽象-模拟” 这一过程?




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