
小语种习题 0156

【多选题】li lei is going abroad and looking forward to_______.

【多选题】han meimei is going abroad and is worried that_______.

【判断题】to form a general understanding of a culture from books and films might be helpful, but could also lead to misunderstanding or culture shock.

【单选题】it's widely accepted that culture is like________

【单选题】buildings are part of_____ culture.

【多选题】which of the following items belong to culture?

【判断题】culture is inborn and cannot be taught.

【多选题】a cultural difference could be a difference in______

【判断题】the phrase“intercultural communication” broadly refers to communication between people with different cultural backgrounds.

【判断题】the technical talk between a female engineer and a male engineer is intercultural communication.

【判断题】the contact between a chinese buddhist and an indian buddhist might not be considered as intercultural communication.

【单选题】li lei angered professor white by saying "you are______."

【多选题】in english culture, "old" often comes with such connotations as________.

【多选题】in chinese culture, elderly people are considered________.

【单选题】which of the following items is not a major stumbling block in intercultural communication?

【判断题】the "ok" gesture means "ok" worldwide.

【判断题】a stereotype is a fixed, over-generalized belief about a particular group or class of people.

【判断题】being sensitive and thoughtful is the best way to prepare us to cope with high anxiety in intercultural communication.

【判断题】americans prefer hot water to cold water even in winter.

【判断题】ukrainians and russians don't like cold water in winter as they think cold water make them sick.

【单选题】how many phases does culture shock have?

【判断题】culture shock is an experience a person may have when one moves to a cultural environment which is defferent from one's own.

【单选题】it's widely accepted that culture is like________.

【单选题】education falls into_____ culture.

【单选题】which of the following statements is not true?

【单选题】which of the following items is not a major stumbling block in intercultural communication?

【单选题】the contact between a white american girl and an asian-american girl might be considered as _________ communication.

【多选题】which of the following items belong to culture?

【多选题】a cultural difference could be a difference in______.

【多选题】in english culture, "old" often comes with such connotations as________.

【判断题】culture is not inborn and is learned in one's life.

【判断题】the iceberg model of culture is developed by american anthropologist edward t. hall

【判断题】being sensitive and thoughtful is the best way to prepare us to cope with high anxiety in intercultural communication.

【判断题】a stereotype is a fixed, over-generalized belief about a particular group or class of people.

【判断题】intercultural communication equals to communication between people coming from different countires.

【简答题】in what ways has traditional chinese culture been influenced by foreign cultures? give some examples to illustrate.

【简答题】in your opinion, what makes intercultural communication difficult?

【单选题】what does han meimei call her neighbor jennifer in the story?

【单选题】richard would like meimei to call him______.

【单选题】in english culture, ___________ are commonly preferred to address people in daily life.

【多选题】which of the following titles are customarily used together with a person's surname in addressing?

【判断题】it's appropriate to call a british man alan jones, who is a manager, manager jones.

【判断题】if you don't know whether a woman you are talking to is married or not, you can use "ms. " to address her.

【判断题】"sister" and "brother" are usually used to address one's siblings in english-speaking countries.

【多选题】in the story, monica said she would love to have dinner with li lei because_____

【判断题】in china, the question "have you eaten?" is a typical way of greeting others.

【判断题】in britain, the question "have you eaten?" would be regarded as an invitation to a meal.

【多选题】which of the following expressions can be used to greet someone you haven't seen in a while?

【判断题】“how are you ?” is a formal and polite way of greeting in english.

【判断题】chinese people usually greet others by commenting on the weather.

【判断题】it's natural for american people to greet by commenting on the other's looks or possessions.

【单选题】which of the followings is an effective way of keeping a conversation going?

【多选题】which are safe and easy questions to ask to start a conversation with anyone?

【多选题】which are the topics you should be careful about when conversing with a westerner?

【判断题】saying "i don't mean to be rude, but..." before asking an awkard or personal question makes that question less offensive.

【单选题】han meimei refused rachel's offer of drink because_____.

【单选题】han meimei asked for only one slice of pizza because______.

【判断题】in china, usually the host will not take the guest's "no" for an answer while an american host certainly will.

【单选题】meimei said "where, where" in the story because______.

【单选题】jack was _______ meimei's reply "where, where"

【多选题】american people usually _____ other's praise on them.

【判断题】chinese people are often suspected of “fishing for compliments”.

【判断题】in america, it is common for a man to informally give a woman compliments on her looks or clothing.

【判断题】out of politeness, chinese tend to accpet others' compliments and they feel comfortable doing that.

【判断题】the best compliments are those that point out someone’s physical traits rather than personal qualities.

【判断题】" have you eaten?" functions the same in english as in chinese.

【判断题】people hug when they first meet each other in english-speaking culture.

【判断题】"what's up ?" can be used to greet each other in english.

【多选题】what are some features of high context cultures?

【多选题】what are some features of low context cultures?

【单选题】which of the followings is an effective way of keeping a conversation going?

【单选题】in english-speaking countries, for a man called andrew lewis, the inappropriate form of address is ______.

【单选题】______ is not one of the many social social functions which compliments have.

【多选题】which of the following titles are customarily used together with a person's surname in addressing?

【多选题】which of the following expressions can be used to greet someone you haven't seen in a while?

【多选题】which are the topics you should be careful about when conversing with a westerner?

【多选题】what are some features of high context cultures?

【填空题】chinese people are often suspected of _______________ which means they try to make people say something nice about them.

【判断题】it's appropriate to call a british man alan jones, who is a manager, manager jones.

【判断题】chinese people usually greet others by commenting on the weather.

【判断题】“how are you ?” is a formal and polite way of greeting in english.

【判断题】out of politeness, chinese tend to accpet others' compliments and they feel comfortable doing that.

【判断题】people hug when they first meet each other in english-speaking culture.

【判断题】"what's up ?" can be used to greet each other in english.

【简答题】explain why the typical chinese way of greeting "have you eaten yet" is improper to westerners?

【单选题】which word best describes li lei's reaction when he saw the green cap?

【判断题】li lei probably will wear the cap in the future because his friends told him he shouldn't feel weird.

【判断题】in china, giving a man a green cap indicates that the man is cheating on his wife.

【单选题】what's the connotation of "east wind" in english?

【多选题】which of the following chinese terms don't have counterparts in english?

【简答题】what's the connotation of "dragon" in english?

【简答题】what does the phrase "to start a family" mean in english?

【填空题】"______" is a better option than "dog shit" when we refer to the excretion of dogs.

【判断题】in the story, the sign written by li lei was considered as improper by english people.

【判断题】four-letter words like some s-words and f-words are improper in most conversations.

【多选题】what are some common areas of verbal taboo in english and chinese.

【多选题】what are some euphemis for " pregnant"?

【简答题】give an euphemi for the word "poor".

【简答题】what does " have an intimacy' or "have an affair " mean?

【填空题】the english idiom "________________" means the lovers will be together.

【填空题】the english idiom "________________" refers to a man who is good at pleasing women.

【填空题】the english idiom "________________" refers to someone who can do a lot of things.

【单选题】which of the following statements is not true?

【单选题】which of the following idioms comes from roman mythology?

【简答题】put the english proverb " like father, like son." into chinese.

【简答题】put the chinese idiom " 挥金如土" into english.

【判断题】"feel in the pink" means you are in good health in english.

【判断题】red is a lucky colour in all cultures.

【判断题】in peru, china and america, yellow has the same connotation.

【判断题】the sapir-whorf hypothesis states that the way people think is strongly affected by their native languages.

【判断题】followers of chomsky are against the sapir-whorf hypothesis on language and thoughts.

【单选题】what's the connotation of "east wind" in english?

【单选题】how do you put "副教授” into english?

【单选题】which of the following idioms comes from roman mythology?

【单选题】which of the following idioms comes from the bible?

【多选题】which of the following chinese terms don't have counterparts in english?

【多选题】what are some euphemis for " pregnant"?

【多选题】what are some common areas of verbal taboo in english and chinese?

【填空题】the english idiom "________________" refers to someone who can do a lot of things.

【判断题】in peru, china and america, yellow has the same connotation.

【判断题】"feel in the pink" means you are in good health in english.

【判断题】four-letter words like some s-words and f-words are improper in most conversations.

【简答题】what's the connotation of "dragon" in english?

【简答题】what's the connotation of "intellectural" in english?

【简答题】put "speak of the devil, and he appears. " into chinese.

【简答题】put "great minds think alike. " into chinese.

【单选题】in _____, if it's not something urgent, it's ok to be late for an hour or two.

【判断题】as guests, the chinese usually appear exactly at the meal time.

【判断题】british people normally turn up at a party exactly at the appointed time or a couple of minutes late.

【判断题】the amount of information conveyed by language in face-to-face communication is much more that conveyed by body language.

【判断题】there are differences in nonverbal expression of the same meaning or feeling across cultures.

【判断题】in a monochronic time culture, people can schedule several activities at the same time.

【判断题】china is a present-oriented culture from the perspective of time orientation.

【判断题】jessica from the u.s. hugged li lei because she thought li lei was adorable.

【判断题】people in different cultures have different preferences for physical distance.

【判断题】french people generally have less physical contacts than british people.

【判断题】personal space is the physical space immediately surrounding someone.

【判断题】according to hall, a typical "intimate distance" in america is 45-80 centimetres.

【判断题】gender is a factor which determines personal space. in chinese culture, the distance between women is shorter than that between men.

【判断题】china belongs to "touch culture" when it comes to whether we have a lot of body touch.

【填空题】in india, waggling one's head from side to side actually means ______ (yes/no).

【判断题】the same gesture may has different meanings in different cultures.

【判断题】in british culture, crossing one's index finger and middle finger is a gesture of showing love.

【判断题】in china, people often fall into chairs, put their feet on their feet on the desks as they think it is a casual posture.

【判断题】in japan, when men bow each other, they usually do it at a bigger angle than japanese women.

【判断题】“thumbs up”is a rude gesture in australia.

【判断题】the chinese and japanese find blowing your nose in public or on the dinner table extremely rude.

【判断题】a japanese executive is likely to interpret a ile as a sign of lack of seriousness.

【判断题】being able to control emotions is one of the characters of noble men in chinese concepts.

【判断题】japanese believe that the more eye contact, the higher the level of respect.

【判断题】different cultures might share different facial expressions.

【判断题】american boys and girls hold hands whenever they are hanging out.

【判断题】the gesture of ok has the same meaning in different cultures.

【多选题】what are those basic human concerns?

【判断题】the value orientation method has been used widely in cross-cultural situations, including in higher education, health services, and conflict resolution.

【判断题】in face-to-face communication, it is asserted that about 70% of message is conveyed by nonverbal means.

【判断题】american boys and girls hold hands whenever they are hanging out.

【判断题】china is a present-oriented culture from the perspective of time orientation.

【判断题】in a monochronic time culture, people can schedule several activities at the same time.

【判断题】according to hall, a typical "intimate distance" in america is 45-80 centimetres.

【判断题】personal space is the physical space immediately surrounding someone.

【判断题】generally speaking, extroverts prefer more personal space than introverts.

【判断题】arabs belong to "touch culture".

【判断题】“thumbs up”is a rude gesture in australia.

【判断题】in china, people often fall into chairs, put their feet on their feet on the desks as they think it is a casual posture.

【判断题】japanese believe that the more eye contact, the higher the level of respect.

【判断题】being able to control emotions is one of the characters of noble men in chinese concepts.

【判断题】british people normally turn up at a party exactly at the appointed time or a couple of minutes late.

【判断题】much of our nonverbal behaviors tend to be elusive, spontaneous and frequently goes beyond our awareness.

【判断题】latin american, african and arab cultures are m-time cultures.

【单选题】which of the following word do not belong to the category of gender?

【多选题】which of the following words can be categorized into sex?

【多选题】which of the followings are the roots of gender differences?

【填空题】_____ is determined by genetics and biology; while _______ is produced by society. (sex / gender)

【判断题】meimei and rachel thought jack was not happy because he refused to talk to them.

【判断题】girls normally like to talk about every little thing in their lives.

【判断题】men don't like to talk about everyting, and they tend to talk to solve problems.

【单选题】which of the following is not the style of masculine speaking?

【多选题】from the video clip, when do women keep silent?

【多选题】which of the followings are considered the style of feminine speaking?

【填空题】_____ (report / rapport) talk is the typical monologic style of males, which focuses on accomplishing goals. ______ (report / rapport) talk is considered the typical conversational style of females, which seeks to establish connection with others.

【单选题】when han meimei told his boyfriend in china that "i was not feeling good", which response did she prefer to hear?

【单选题】when han meimei told his boyfriend in china that the course was so difficult that she felt stressed, which response did she prefer to hear?

【单选题】when han meimei told his boyfriend in china that she felt so lonely in america, which response did she prefer to hear?

【单选题】in masculine culture, what do feedback as nodding, “um”, “uh huh” and “yes” mean when listening to others?

【多选题】from the video clip, which of the followings are examples of common problems in communication between men and women?

【多选题】what are the principles for effective cross-gender communication?

【简答题】among the principles listed, which one has been mentioned repetitively?

【多选题】please choose the correct statements about hofstede’s cultural dimensions.

【判断题】the theory proposed six dimensions along which cultural values could be yzed: iniduali-collectivi; uncertainty avoidance; power distance, masculinity-femininity, long-term orientation, and indulgence versus self-restraint.

【单选题】which of the following is not the style of masculine speaking?

【单选题】in masculine culture, what do feedback as nodding, “um”, “uh huh” and “yes” mean when listening to others?

【多选题】which of the following words can be categorized into sex?

【多选题】which of the followings are the roots of gender differences?

【多选题】which of the followings are considered the style of feminine speaking?

【填空题】in his book titled men are from ____(mars; venus), women are from _______(mars; venus), john gray, the author, puts men and women in different worlds, explains some common conflicts, and offers advice on how to counteract differences.

【填空题】_____ is determined by genetics and biology; while______is produced by society. (sex / gender)

【填空题】______talk is the typical monologic style of males, which focuses on accomplishing goals. (report / rapport)

【填空题】______talk is considered the typical conversational style of females, which seeks to establish connection with others. (report / rapport)

【判断题】a lady might be faminine, masculine or a combination of both.

【判断题】in feminine culture, communication is probably the primary way to express and expand closeness.

【判断题】sex and gender are synonymous.

【判断题】masculine socialization stresses doing things and regards action as the primary way to create and express closeness.

【判断题】the first and last principle for effective cross-gender communication is suspending judgement.

【单选题】the black forest cherry cake is a traditional food in_______.

【单选题】ugali is just like maize flour that is grinded and is made as palm. it's a traditional food in_____.

【单选题】______ is regarded as the national food in thailand.

【单选题】_______is the main part of iranians’ breakfast.

【单选题】kingsday, which is the king's birthday, is a very traditional holiday in______.

【单选题】the place in the picture is in ______.

【单选题】the place in the picture is in ______.

【单选题】the place in the picture is in ______.

【单选题】the place in the picture is in ______.

【多选题】______ are some taboos in iran.

n输入逻辑函数的真值表上,输入部分共有2n行,分别表示了该逻辑函数全部的输入条件组合。( )

至少需要( )位二进制数,才能完整表示1位十进制数。

8421bcd码是一种有权值码,也是明码,编码方案是固定的。( )

用于化简逻辑相邻项的化简公式是( )。

“异或”和“同或”是同级运算,且运算优先级高于“与逻辑 ”。( )

普通ttl非门电路中,输入级二极管的作用在于( )。

ttl逻辑门工作时,如果某个输入端悬空,其工作情况等效于该端接入逻辑低电平。( )

逻辑门电路多余输入端的处理原则是在保证逻辑功能正确的前提下,给多余输入端接入确定电平。( )

cmos逻辑门的多余输入端不能悬空,必须根据逻辑要求进行相应处理。( )

当ttl与非门的输入端( )相当于输入为逻辑1 。

常用的逻辑函数化简公式包括( )。

一个逻辑函数的任意两个最小项之积必为1。( )

卡诺图上几何相邻的两个最小项一定互为逻辑相邻项。( )

一个逻辑函数的最简表达式是唯一的。( )

组合逻辑电路波形图的整体分析法过程类似于( )的整体分析法过程。

总体而言,组合逻辑电路的设计流程和分析流程互为逆过程。( )

要扩展得到16-4线优先编码器,需要( )片8-3线优先编码器。

要扩展得到5-32线译码器,需要( )片3-8线译码器。

使用4选1数据选择器扩展实现16选1数据选择器时,需要利用芯片控制端扩展得到2位高位输入地址。( )

应用二进制译码器、或者数据选择器,都可以方便地实现组合逻辑电路。( )

时序逻辑电路由组合逻辑器件和( )共同构成。

根据电路中触发器的工作时刻是否统一来划分,时序逻辑电路可以分为( )两类。

可以用米里型状态表表达一个莫尔型时序电路,不能用莫尔型状态表表达一个米里型时序电路。( )

同步rs触发器的输入激励信号r、s比输入时钟信号clk的信号优先级高。( )

与rs触发器类似,jk触发器同样不允许两个输入激励同时有效。( )

根据一个时序逻辑电路的状态图总结逻辑功能时,重点是总结该电路的状态迁移特点。( )

要实现六进制加法计数器,内部需要使用( )个触发器。

要实现一个7进制加法计数器,需要使用( )片10进制加法计数器。

应用一个大模数计数器,以清零法实现小模数计数器时,状态“全0”必然包含在设计目标的工作循环当中。( )

使用4位二进制同步加法计数器74ls161实现256进制加法计数器时,只能采用同步方式扩展,不能采用异步方式扩展。( )

施密特触发器具有波形整形,滤除干扰的作用。( )

多谐振荡器是一种自激振荡电路,没有输入激励信号。( )

( )常用于对脉冲波形的整形。

多谐振荡器没有稳态,而单稳态触发器只有一个稳态。( )

施密特触发器是( )的矩形波。

狭义的服装,是指穿在人体身上的各式各样的衣服。( )

广义的服装,是指覆盖包裹人体大多数部位的物体总称。( )

纺织制品是通过纺和织的工序,形成的人工制品,称为纺织品。( )

较晚发展起来的服装材料是哪个?( )

面料的特点是( )

新型服装面料的推陈出新,成为开拓国际化流行趋势的主要力量。( )

服装设计三要素( )

木质、贝壳、橡胶和骨质制品也是服装材料。( )

服装的的主要功能有( )

唐宋时期的主要服装材料包括( )两大类

以天然的或合成的高聚合物为原料,经过化学方法加工制造出来的纤维称为化学纤维。( )

以下属于天然纤维的是哪一个?( )

天丝是天然蚕丝( )

化学纤维分为人造纤维和合成纤维。( )

如下纤维的细度最小的是哪个?( )

以下属于棉纤维的外观性能的是( )

以下属于影响织物耐用性能的因素的有( )

湿和热是相关的,材料吸湿能力强,那么温度调节能力强。( )

耐化学品性是指纤维能被化学品改性的能力。( )

以下属于纤维弹性对服用性能的影响是( )

长丝纱线是从蚕茧上缫出的丝,是具有一定细度的双根长丝。( )

染色纱是在本白纱的基础上,对纱线进行染色,根据需要染成不同的颜色。( )

线密度通常情况下指的是一百米长的纱线在公定回潮率时的质量克数,它的单位为特克斯。( )

以下属于定长制的指标的是( )和( )。

捻度是1000米长度内纱线的捻回数。( )

以下哪种纱线的装饰纱线已经脱离了主干,会在外面突出一个一个的小圈( )

花式纱线,是利用纱线的粗细不均,以及它的光滑和毛茸等特征形成特殊的外观。( )

在洗涤中,哪种情况易出现变形、收缩等现象( )

纱线捻向可以影响织物( )

纱线按纺纱工艺可以分为( )、( )。

以下属于非织造物的特点的是 ( )。

梭织物是指经纬两个系统的纱线在梭织机上按照一定的规律交织而成的织物。( )

斜纹组织经过变化后可以形成( )图案。

客观评价是指通过仪器测量有关织物的物理机械性质来表示织物风格特性及程度。( )

视觉传达的风格感包括色彩、图案、组织纹理、光泽度、悬垂度等。( )

不同厚度的织物抗皱性为:厚重型织物>中厚型织物>轻薄型织物。( )

织物的形变形式有:急弹性形变,缓弹性形变和拉伸性形变。( )

纤维强度高,伸长度好的合成纤维面料易起毛起球,而天然纤维和人造纤维面料不易起毛起球。( )

( )织物的悬垂性差,( )的织物悬垂性好。

石棉、玻璃纤维属于易燃纤维,与火接触会很快燃烧。( )

平纹组织在所有组织里面是最简单的一个组织,它的完全循环数等于2,经向纬向都等于2,它的飞数是1。( )

根据织物结构,织物分为三大类,一类是( ),一类是( ),还有一类是( )。

棉平布中适合做夏季裙装的是( )

牛仔服装的制作需要打磨,形成牛仔的独特风格,包括( )等工艺,形成不同的视觉效果。

夏布是我国传统的纺织品之一,主要以苎麻为纤维材料,通过反复刮浆、浸泡、晒等,使它半脱胶成为长纤维。( )

麻织物的特点,即强力非常高,不耐皱褶,服装较贴体的情况下易受到损伤。( )

纱类织物有的采用平纹的有的采用纱罗组织,透气性好,轻薄凉爽,有飘逸感。品种有( )、( )、( )

绉缎,它有缎纹的特色,又有绉的效果,正面是起皱的,不是特别光滑,色彩比较光亮,面料较厚。( )

罗织物可以作为( )的材料。

天香绢是桑蚕丝为经纱,纬纱是人造丝交织而成的织物。( )

下列哪种属于夏季精纺毛织物?( )

涤纶仿丝绸织物,光泽明亮,轻薄滑爽,飘逸悬垂,具有耐磨抗皱、易洗、快干、免烫的特点。( )

非织造布常被用来制作辅料。( )

貂皮属于( )

草上霜属于( )

以下几种属于兽皮革的是( )

人造革的服用特点有( )

猪皮的表面特这个是粒面毛孔扁圆,较斜地伸入革内,毛孔几根排成一组,像鳞片或锯齿状,花纹特点如“水波纹”状。( )

按革的用途分: ( )

天然毛皮由( )和( )构成。

评估毛皮材料的品质指标包括( )

聚氯乙烯的简称pu。( )

合成革舒适性较好,吸湿、透气、柔软性好。( )

衬料是指用于面料和里料之间、附着或黏合在面料反面的材料。它是服装的骨骼和支撑,对服装有加固、造型、保暖、稳定结构和便于加工等作用。( )

黑炭衬是以马尾鬃作为纬纱、以棉纱或涤棉混纺纱作经纱织制而成的衬布。( )

里料的选择原则包括( )

拉链的种类按结构形态,拉链可分为( )

尼龙搭扣适合用在( )服装上。

旗袍上的紧口件可以选择( )

化学纤维类里料包括( )

粘合衬压烫工艺参数包括( )

马尾衬适用于( )

衬料的作用包括( )

麦尔登适合做大摆裙。( )

正装西装的面料选料包括( )

棉毛裤的常用选料是( )

通过对衣料的分析,一个方向采用股线,一个方向采用单纱,则用股线的方向一般为( )

盛夏服装可选用( )织物。

晚礼服的面料可以采用( )

以下属于厚重型风格的面料有( )

下列材料属于衬料的是( )

材料服装的网络信息来源包括( )

服装款式和风格的不同需要衣料有相应的刚柔性和悬垂性,而衣料的刚柔性直接影响衣料的悬垂性。( )


【单选题】下列说法错误的有( )





【多选题】在新型健康的概念中,包含了( )

【多选题】下列哪些是心理健康的表现( )

【多选题】在青年中期,我们的重要发展任务有( )

【多选题】培养健康的方式有( )































【单选题】学习舞蹈主要是训练我们的( )。

【单选题】发现“条件性反射作用”的实验是下列实验( )。

【单选题】和简单学习相比,( )焦虑水平可以促进复杂和困难内容的学习

【单选题】学到知识后的喜悦感和满足感属于( )

【多选题】下列属于经验的有( )?

【多选题】理智感是一种( )的主观体验

【填空题】学习是由( )引起的行为和行为潜能相对持久的变化。



【单选题】具有感染性的,比较平稳而相对持久的情绪状态是( )

【单选题】古语“漫卷诗书喜欲狂”、“怒发冲冠”、“哀民生之多艰”、“风生鹤唳,草木皆兵”分别表达了哪些情绪( )

【单选题】“笑一笑,十年少;愁一愁,白了头。”这句谚语告诉我们( )

【单选题】关于情绪的影响,以下说法不正确的是( )

【单选题】“人逢喜事精神爽”,这是受人的下列哪种情绪影响所致?( )

【单选题】下列选项中,哪项不属于心理过程?( )


【单选题】由于目的和愿望不能达到或目标一再受到阻碍逐渐积累而成的情绪体验是什么?( )





【单选题】心理学层面的社会交往包含了( )、认知、情感三个方面。


【单选题】由局部信息形成了整体印象,这是由于( )产生的认知偏差

【单选题】在交往过程中,亲密距离是多远?( )

【单选题】男性在与人沟通时倾向采用有逻辑顺序的沟通模式。我们把它称为( )


【多选题】下列说确的有( )







【填空题】爱情的三元素是什么:( )、( )、( )

【填空题】依恋的类型有:( )、( )、焦虑——矛盾型依恋


















【多选题】下列属于积极的自我暗示原则的是( )

【多选题】下列属于积极的自我暗示的是( )

【多选题】“我一直担心的事情真的发生了”蕴含的心理原理有( )

【多选题】下列属于积极体验的是( )





无菌操作时,下列哪项是错误的( )

病人如何才能解除隔离( )






病人的活动性义齿取下后,应浸泡在( )

尿潴留病人首次导尿,放出的尿量不应超过( )

保留灌肠时,灌入的药量应不超过( )


患者女,65岁,因患糖尿病需胰岛素治疗,护士指导患者进行胰岛素注射,错误的是( )

输液过程中不慎空气进入静脉,应让患者采取的是( )


每次吸痰的时间不应超过( )


广义的校雠学由( )开创。

刘向:“一人读书,校其上下,得其谬误为校”,“一人持本,一人读书,若冤家相对,曰雠”。下面说确的是( )。

文献学是以文献和文献的发展规律为研究对象的科学, 它的目的是为了更好的利用和保存文献资料。







以下内容属于编述的有( )。

别集的编纂包括( )。

以下属于地方志内容的有( )。

佛典包括( )。

学术翻译中汉译文献可分为三个时期( )。












《隋书·经籍志》的分类方法是( )。

目录的类型可以分为( )。




宋代的私刻本又称为( )。




两汉时期重要的校勘学者有( )。

清代校勘学者的主要特点有( )。

古书校勘所使用的资料来源有( )。

钟伯敬本 “水流松果之上”属于文献错讹的哪一种类型?

理校法常用来作为推理依据的有( )。



















