
初级会计答案 3704








克里姆林宫里的 教堂是俄国沙皇举行加冕礼之地

克里姆林宫的 教堂是用来进行皇族子孙洗礼和结婚之用

瓦西里升天教堂是为纪念 战胜喀山汗国而修建的

美术馆是1961年为了纪念 诞辰162周年举行开馆仪式

莫斯科地铁系统全称以 名字命名



俄罗斯“白宫”是 所在地








滴血教堂是沙皇 为纪念父皇而修建。

彼得堡始建于 年


“青铜骑士”雕塑是为纪念 而建

冬宫前的亚历山大柱是为纪念 年 亚历山大一世率军战胜拿破仑而建






人的本质属性是( )。

人生观的核心是( )。

人生目的在人生实践中具有重要作用,对这句话理解错误的有( )。

对人生态度正确的理解是( )。

学生应该有端正的人生态度,反对以下( )态度。

理想信念是人( )的核心。

信念同理想一样,也是人类特有的一种( )。

理想信念的作用主要表现在:提供人生的前进动力、提高人生的精神境界和( )。

实现民族的伟大复兴,必须毫不动摇地坚持( )的领导。

马克思主义为人们( )提供了科学的立场、观点和方法。

( )把“仁”、“义”视为最高的道德理想。

在当代,兴国强国就是要实现( )。

关于确立总体安全观错误的观念是( )。

民族精神的核心是( )。

( )是本民族大多数成员所认同的价值取向、思维方式、道德规范、精神气质的总和。

爱国、敬业、诚信、友善是( )的价值准则。

当前,我国正处在全面建成小康社会的( )。

( )的价值取向取决定了未来整个社会的价值取向。

富强、民主、文明、和谐是( )的价值目标。

核心价值观是实现民族伟大复兴的梦的( )支撑。

道德属于上层建筑的范畴,是一种特殊的( )。

孔子强调“己所不欲,勿施于人”,“己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人”。这体现了传统美德中的( )原则。

大学生应当在网络生活中培养( ),做到自律而“不逾矩”,促进网络生活的健康与和谐。

平强调让创新创造的血液在全社会自由流动,让自主发展的精神在全体中蔚然成风。这种氛围对大学生( )是非常有利的。

( )是指道德通过评价等方式,指导和纠正人们的行为和实践活动,协调社会关系和人际关系的功效与能力。

法律是由( )制定或认可的。

依法治国首先是( )治国。

法治思维与人治思维的区别集中体现在多个方面, 人治思维的本质是人高于法或权大于法,它主张凭借个人尤其是掌权者来治国平天下, 而法治思维以( )为治国理政的基本依据。

关于特色法律体系的特征说法错误的是( )。

( )是维护个人合法权益的根本保障。

西蒙认为管理就是执行计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制。( )

管理者就是要事事亲力亲为,对所有事情了如指掌。( )

法约尔提出了管理的五个职能,即计划、组织、指挥、协调、控制。( )

有了计划、并将计划有效落实到组织内部各个层面,而且有效调动了组织成员的积极性,管理工作就是完成得很好。 ( )

根据明茨伯格的“十角色理论”,管理者在人际关系方面扮演的主要角色有( )。

管理者是通过协同他人的努力来使组织活动更加有效并实现组织目标的一群人。( )

“亲贤臣,远小人,此先汉所以兴隆也;亲小人,远贤臣,此后汉之所以倾颓也”告诉我们要以人为本。( )

色诺芬把人分为三等,一等是治国贤哲,用其智慧来管理,二等是卫国武士,以其勇猛来保为,三等是民间艺工,通过其劳动给创造财富。( )

科学管理之父是( )。

法约尔的一般管理理论认为管理包括( )。

决策的构成要素( )。

决策的影响因素不包括( )。

以下哪项不属于确定型决策的方法( )。

只要参与决策的人足够多就一定能做出完全理性决策。( )

在理性限制情况下,决策则只要获得满足特定标准的方案即可,而不是去追求最优解。 ( )

决策能确定组织的活动方向、内容及方式,因此,决策能替代计划。( )

计划的职能就是确定具体的组织目标和实现目标的具体方案。( )

按照期限来划分,计划可以分为( )。

企业战略是属于企业长期计划的一种。( )

按企业内部的层次划分,企业战略可以分为( )。

工作越专门化,效率越高。( )

分别建立工程、财会、生产、人事和市场部门属于职能部门化。( )

顾客部门化各部门的管理人员往往只注意本部门的产品,对整体组织欠关心。( )

下列关于行政责任与行政职能、职责和职权的关系表述中不符合规定的是( )。

指挥链又称指挥系统,是与直线职权联系在一起的。( )

在管理过程中,只有各层级管理者才是控制的主体。( )

管理幅度、管理层次与组织规模存在着相互制约的关系。也就是说,当组织规模一定时,管理幅度与管理层次成正比关系。( )

当领导的管理能力较强,下属的工作能力也较高时,则( )。

过去企业内部各分厂(车间)之间是“无偿”提供零部件或半成品,现在企业内部管理体制改革,各分厂实行独立核算,各分厂(车间)之间零部件半成品的转移按内部结转价格核算,这体现的组织管理思想是( )。

比较严峻的外部环境在一定程度上会助长( )。

有效领导需要具备的相关特质包括:( )。

领导特质理论能从根本上解决领导的有效性问题。( )

领导权变理论认为:不存在一种“普适”的领导方式,领导的有效性受到领导者所处的客观环境等多种因素的影响。( )

费德勒模型指出影响领导有效性的环境因素包括( )。

领导生命周期理论认为当下属处于不成熟阶段时,应采取( )领导风格

根据路径―目标理论,可分为下列哪几种领导方式( )。

领导行为理论认为领导的作用是通过领导者的特定行为表现出来的,主张评判领导者好坏的标准应是其外在的领导行为,而不是其内在的素质条件。( )

有效领导的关键在于提高非权力性的影响。( )

领导理论研究的核心是影响领导有效性的因素以及如何提高领导的有效性。( )

下面哪一项不属于领导的作用:( )。

控制是通过监控组织各方面的活动在运行的过程中出现的一些偏差,然后及时纠正,以保证组织实际运行状况与计划要求保持一个动态的适应,从而确保组织目标得以实现的管理职能。( )

计划和控制的关系是密不可分的,常常又相互交织在一起,互相依赖。( )

控制标准是计划目标的细化。( )

控制职能包括哪些基本要素( )。

按照控制时点的不同,控制可以分为哪几种类型( )。

先导控制是对输入环节的控制,即控制输入的资源和指令质量,也称作事先控制或前馈控制。( )

盈亏平衡分析是在财务成本与生产控制当中采用的一种基本技术。( )

盈亏平衡分析模式图的前提假设是( )。

以下关于全面质量管理说法错误的是( )。

准时生产制的核心是( )。

以下哪个不是早期激励理论的研究范畴( )。

以下哪个选项是马斯洛需要理论中的最高层次需要( )

下列关于马斯洛需要理论错误的是( )

下列关于公平理论错误的是( )

激励理论认为人们对于工作的态度取决于( )。

管理沟通具有( )作用。

下列关于沟通网络特点说法错误的是( )。

冲突的类型包括( )。

冲突形成的直接原因是( )。

谈判的基本要素包括( )。

管理者对组织的成败负有直接的责任,组织效果和效率的差别取决于管理者的决策与行动,最高管理者是组织的中流砥柱。以上观点属于( )。

一般环境因素是企业无法改变的,企业应该采取的态度是主动适应。( )

当前组织所面临的最重要特点之一就是全球化。在全球化背景下,管理者的眼光不能仅仅停留在某一狭小的地域或者,而应该时刻关注全球环境的变化。( )

全球化管理者应具备的能力包括( )。

下列各项中属于企业社会责任的有( )。

变革过程给员工带来的压力只会导致工作效率的下降,因此应该想尽一切办法根除之。( )

组织变革的根本目的是( )。

在环境以及管理主体多样性的条件下,不可能寻找到一种管理模式是永远有效的,不存在“最佳的”管理模式,只有特定管理环境之下最适用的管理方式。这体现了组织变革管理的( )观点。

下列不属于影响决策理性的因素是( )。

组织变革内容决定着组织变革活动的性质和规模,是选择组织变革策略所需要考虑的关键问题。( )










who are suitable to take the course?

how many subject areas are included in this course?

who usually conducts a swot analysis for a business?

which of the following swot elements are internal factors for a business?

which of the following could be a strength for a business?

which of the following should be asked when you try to identify the strengths of your company?

which of the following could be a weakness for a business?

which of the following is true about weaknesses?

which of the following could be an opportunity for a business?

a new vocational training project can be considered as a/an ______ for an employee.

which of the following could be a threat for a business?

______ could be a threat for simon, who has worked in the company for 30 years after graduating from high school.

1. according to maslow’s theory, the needs of ________ are the most basic needs of human being.

2. when all of the physiological needs are met, people tend to become concerned with ________.

3. “catherine is well recognized by her peers for being creative and has recently promoted to a higher position, and she feels satisfied with her responsibility and role.” this example shows that catherine has well fulfilled her ________ needs.

4. the order of maslow’s hierarchy of needs, from bottom to top is: ________.

5. which of the following can possibly satisfy the needs of safety, according to maslow’s theory?

6. what should a company do if it wants to motivate employees by meeting their esteem needs?

7. which of the following statements is true in maslow’s motivation theory.

8. which of the following is not the satisfaction of self-actualization needs in terms of management?

9. one employee becomes depressed and lonely, and feels isolated from group activities and social events. according to maslow, which category of needs has not been fulfilled?

10. esteem needs, displayed at the ________ layer in maslow's hierarchy, are the need for appreciation and respect.

1. which of the following is the purpose of 360-degree performance appraisal?

2. which statement is true about 360-degree performance appraisal?

3. _______ is the process of using multiple sources of appraisal to gain a comprehensive perspective on one’s performance.

4. which of the following method is often used in 360-degree performance appraisal?

5. which is the most important component in 360-degree performance appraisal?

6. _______ is an important part of the performance appraisal process where the employees themselves give the feedback or their views and points regarding their performance.

7. ________ forms the traditional part of the 360 degree appraisal where the employees’ responsibilities and actual performance is rated by the immediate higher level supervisor.

8. the subordinate appraisal is an evaluation tool whereby employees assess the performance of ______.

10. which of the following is advantage of 360-degree performance appraisal?

1. which of the following is not the goal of the s-t-p process?

2. which statement is not true about the benefits of the s-t-p process?

3. which of the following approach belongs to market segmentation?

4. a company usually ides a market into all groups of consumers based on _______.

5. with _______, marketers may have a greater understanding of the marketplace as they gain knowledge of differing consumer needs within the same market.

6. _______ is the second step in the s-t-p process.

7. in order to select target markets, a company needs to _______.

8. positioning is about how a company wants its product to be _______ by the target market against main compes.

9. the goal of positioning is to create a clear and positive image about _______.

10. if a company positions a product by use or application, the company would _______ in its marketing activities.

1. the 4ps model is a flexible concept, so when planning marketing activities, marketers can _______.

2. to differentiate a product in the market, a company needs to _______.

3. to build up sales and market share, a company may use _______.

4. promotional activities that aim to differentiate product would focus on _______.

5. a unique selling proposition is a feature of a product that ______.

6. during the process of developing a marketing mix, marketers need to test the overall offer after drafting it by _______.

7. in the pricing process, in order to understand environmental factors, a company needs to _______.

8. which of the following is not included in a promotional mix?

9. a company provides its product to customers with and without intermediaries. this kind of distribution channel is called _______.

10. which of the following is correct about distributors?

1. according to the aida model, ______.

2. to maintain customer interest, marketing messages need to ______.

3. applying the aida model in the planning of marketing activities is about _______.

4. _______ is the first step in the aida buyer’s journey.

5. which of the following is not what marketers at the attention stage should focus on?

6. helping consumers develop interest is about _______.

7. marketing activities at the desire stage aim to _______.

8. which of the following is not a way to stimulate customer desire for a product?

9. which is of the following is false about testimonials?

10. a call to action is an instruction to the audience to _______.

1.two dimensions in the bcg matrix reveal likely _________of the business portfolio in terms of cash needed to support that unit and cash generated by it.

2. in the example of kfc, what makes kfc china a star in those four profit centers?

3. cash cow product lines earn a lot in terms of sales, and the revenue earned mostly is spent on other operational features of the company or invested in other product category, because of ___________.

4. the large profits earned from cash cows are used for ____________ on management to strengthen the future prospects.

6. due to the fact that products in dogs do not offer significant financial gain to the company, instead they consume cash investment, they are recognized as ____________.

8. products in question marks have the potential to grow and if investment is made properly, it could easily turn them into _________.

9. bcg matrix is one of the most popular corporate __________ tools and is critical to the growth and success of the company.

10. in the example of coca-cola, two question marks, minute maid and diet coke, have the possibility of turning into stars, if the company would take risk in _________ them considerably.

1. which of the following is true concerning the purpose of the five forces model?

2. if a brand has a large number of suppliers and sufficient storage of raw materials, ________ should not be set as the priority in determining its marketing strategy.

3. an industry with high barriers to enter, having many buyers and suppliers but few substitute products and compes, will be seen as not so competitive and thus, very attractive due to its _________.

4. a highly competitive market has the following features except_______.

5. supplier power is ________ if the buyer is not price sensitive and uneducated regarding the product. if the supplier’s product is highly differentiated, then supplier bargaining power is ________.

6. when buyers are able to join together to put pressure on a supplier, this is which of porter's five forces?

8. according to michael porter, what are the two main factors which can lead to a significant competitive advantage?

9. a low threat of new entrance can both make an industry ________ competitive and ________ profitable for existing compes.

10. if a company wants to use the five forces model to yze the threat of new entry, which of the following factors should be considered?

1. a competitive strategy may be defined as a long-term plan of action that a company devises towards achieving a _______ over its compes after examining the strengths and weaknesses of the latter and comparing them to its own.

2. which of the following statement is true about competitive strategy?

3. ______ is the strategy used by businesses to create a low cost of operation within their niche. the use of this strategy is primarily to gain an advantage over compes by reducing operation costs below that of others in the same industry.

4. what factors should be considered if a company plans to adopt cost leadership strategy?

5. a differentiation strategy focuses on providing a product or a service with _______ attributes, in comparison with the competition, to reach a broad market. in other words, it means to set the product or service apart from similar ones.

6. how can a company achieve differentiation?

7. cost fous means a company that reduces production costs relative to its compes and thus can charge lower prices for its products than other companies in the target _________.

8. when using the _____, there is a potential danger of a broad-market cost leader.

9. __________ strategy describes a situation wherein a company chooses to strategically differentiate itself from the competition within a narrow or niche market.

10. what is the advantage for a company to use differentiation focus strategy?

1. negotiations can take place _________________.

2. a negotiator will conduct accommodating strategy, _____________

3. in negotiations, using avoiding strategy shows negotiators’ ability to ___________.

4. in a competitive climate, people are more likely to ________________.

5. in negotiations, using collaborating strategy shows negotiators’ ability to ___________.

6. a risk of using accommodating strategy might be ___________.

7. in negotiations, using competing strategy shows negotiators’ ability to ___________.

8. which of the following statements is the feature of compromising?

9. things to consider before and during negotiations include justifying your position, _________________, keeping your emotions in check, and knowing when to walk away.

10. when___________, the objective is to find an expedient, mutually acceptable solution that partially satisfies both parties

1. which of the following descriptions is not true to zara?

2. as a successful case of scm, walmart has been developing a more highly structured and advanced supply chain management strategy by ________.

3. one of the benefits of time-based strategy is ________.

4.lean manufacturing is a management philosophy derived from the ________, focusing on eliminating waste, reducing errors, and shrinking inventory.

5. which of the following description of supply chain management is true?

1. a headhunter is a job recruiter who specializes in _______ highly skilled professionals with corporate clients. he or she might be an independent contractor or work through an agency where each agent specializes in particular areas of employment and possibly also in geographic areas.

2. why do employers use headhunters?

3. what is the advantage to recruit with a headhunter?

4. what is the first step for the headhunting process after headhunters are informed of the need of hiring?

5. headhunters are paid on ______, which means they aren’t paid unless and until a suitable candidate that they find is hired.

6. who should pay the headhunter?

7. what is the advantage for people to work with a specialist headhunter?

8. which of the following is the feature of an ineffective resume?

9. which of the following function is the most important function performed by a headhunter?

10. rejection isn’t ______. it simply means that you are not a fit for the positions they are currently working on.
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