
工学题库 0240

【单选题】_____created the world famous athens school.

【单选题】socrates’ theory is mainly organized by whom?

【单选题】ion as a poet, what did he sing when he won the laurel?

【单选题】socrates said that when the inspiration came, the poets will sink into ____.

【单选题】in ion socrates stressed that the inspiration of the poets comes from the ____.

【单选题】_____ said “i am the midwive of philosophy”.

【单选题】who was the first to pick out eidos?

【单选题】what is subject matter of ion?

【单选题】three sages of ancient greece are plato,_____and aristotle.

【单选题】plato use the _____ to explain the relationship between art and idea.

【单选题】aristotle’s poetics was valued in the history of western literary critici from _____century in france.

【单选题】until aristotle, the concept of _____ has been adressed explicitly.

【单选题】in aristotle’s view, the core of art is _____.

【单选题】in aristotle’s words, who is more to the truth than historian?

【单选题】_____ is called a encyclopedia of character in greek.

【单选题】compared with plato, the biggest character of aristotle is_____.

【单选题】aristotle thinks types differ from one another in three ways: the means, objects and _____.

【单选题】aristotle’s poetics maining discussed about _____ and epic.

【单选题】in the poetics, _____ is the goal of the tragedy.

【单选题】aristotle set up his own schools called _____.

【单选题】in_____,samuel started compiling a dictionary of the engish language.

【单选题】what’s the attitude on shakespeare by samuel johnson?

【单选题】how to treat the relationship between johson and classical philosophy.

【单选题】which work of sumel that even plexander praised it.

【单选题】johson considered the shortcoming of shakespeare is losing of_____.

【单选题】in_____ jhnson finally published essays of shakespeare’s plays.

【单选题】samuel johnson was known in review of _____.

【单选题】characteristics of johson’s theory on shakespeare is_____.

【单选题】_____ is a friend and biographyer for samuel.

【单选题】which work is written by samuel?

【单选题】how does wordsworth think about the relationship between poetic language and prose language?

【单选题】wordsworth compares poetry to_____ when he talked about the function of poetry.

【单选题】wordsworth gained his reputation among chinese scholars by “poetry is the nature explession of _____”.

【单选题】in the mirror and the lamp, wordsworth is concluded as a representative of _____ theories.

【单选题】which book is the representative work of english romantic movement?

【单选题】there are two themes of poetry in wordsworth’s view_____ and the feeling of the common people.

【单选题】in what year that wordsworth published his preface to lyrical ballads.

【单选题】wordsworth’s philosophical views almost come from _____.

【单选题】wordsworth, coleridgo and southey are called _____.

【单选题】which work was published by wordsworth’s widow after his death.

【单选题】from the aspect of words, it emphasized words____.

【单选题】which work is not written by taine.

【单选题】taine’s theory enlightened people to pay close attention to _____ factors of art in his time.

【单选题】the 3 aspects by taine are the race, the _____ and the epoch.

【单选题】taine believed that literary studies should be based on the ____ vision.

【单选题】which is not the origin of taine’s theory in a literary perspective?

【单选题】taine is called as “critics of _____”.

【单选题】in taine’s first aspect, which country makes philosophers.

【单选题】which method in 19th century made a great influence on taine’s theory?

【单选题】in the race,circumstance,and epoch,which is the acquired momentum.

【单选题】in taine’s view, race is closely related to _____.

【单选题】taine’s theory of surroundings,shows that he thinks the world_____.

【单选题】wilde produced _____ social comedies in the early 1890s.

【单选题】in the novel,dorian gray’s life can be summarized as _____.

【单选题】the novel we learned in this class presents wilder’s views of _____.

【单选题】the novel tells us that we should find the balance of beauty and _____.

【单选题】which drama is created by oscar wilde?

【单选题】wilde’s last work is _____.

【单选题】in wilde’s novel,how does he think the relationship between art and life?

【单选题】which work is written by wilde in prison?

【单选题】oscar wilde is called “prince of _____”.

【单选题】in the class, the preface we read is written for which book?

【单选题】who is called as “the father of psychoanolysis” _____.

【单选题】freud mainly yzes through _____ and talks about human mind.

【单选题】in the class about libido,freud talked _____tiers in people’s mind.

【单选题】freud provided a new research method, what is it?

【单选题】the oedipus complex describes a child’s sexual desire for his _____.

【单选题】according to the exmple we talked about interpretation of preams, which animal be used to suggest sexual repression.

【单选题】in freud’s view, literature had its origin in _____ of human .

【单选题】does freud believe that a person’s development is determined by genetic factors.

【单选题】freud called a force can promote ego to transform into other forms as_____.

【单选题】freud ided human development into _____stages.

【单选题】eliot considered tradtion a _____ awareness.

【单选题】eliot thinks that the most attractive part in one’s work should be _____.

【单选题】what does eliot think of about “personality”.

【单选题】eliot thinks that emotions in poems should be _____.

【单选题】the sentence”involves a perception, not only the pastness of the past,but of its presence” guide us to have a_____sense.

【单选题】in eliot’s view, he suggested poets were like _____.

【单选题】which year that eliot acquired the nobel prize.

【单选题】how style we can see in eliot’s theories?

【单选题】in eliot’s view, how do poets transform his emotion into literary works.

【单选题】which work is created by eliot?

【单选题】empson’s critici mainly focused on the interpretation of _____.

【单选题】which tepe happen when the author discovers his idea in the act of writing.

【单选题】there are how many tupes of ambiguity summary by empson?

【单选题】ambiguity tells us to explain the ____of language.

【单选题】we can called the first type of ambiguity as _____.

【单选题】for which type that empson talked about the double entendre?

【单选题】empson’s ambiguity discussed the _____ of literary creation.

【单选题】how many times did empson come to china?

【单选题】empson initally found his talents in which subject?

【单选题】empson’s writing has a _____ style.

【单选题】in epic and novel,bakhtin thinks that _____can link the contemporary reality.

【单选题】in the rabelais and his world, bakhtin defined carnival ad a _____.

【单选题】who has a similar identity to bakhtin?

【单选题】bakhtin was exiled into siberia in the _____.

【单选题】bakhtin’s achievement can be included into 3 points: theory of _____, theory of dialogue, theory of carnivalization.

【单选题】according to bakhtin,_____is the only into an incomplete state.

【单选题】in which year that bakhtin’s first major work published.

【单选题】whose novels were selected to explain bakhtin’s theories?

【单选题】in which work, bakhtin firstly put forward the theory of polyphony.

【单选题】in bakhtin’s view on literary style, he ided it into two styles _____and novels.

【单选题】the mimetic theory first appeared in _____.

【单选题】in the pragmatic theory,poetry’s affects in audiences only as a means end of ____

【单选题】which theory concluded those objective perspectives in western literar theory well.

【单选题】the classical model of rhetoric to discuss poetry was ____.

【单选题】_____is generally considered the main aesthetic model of the western world.

【单选题】abrams is a famous literary critic for _____ literature.

【单选题】in the mirror and the lamp, abrams put forward the four factors of literture: universe, _____, artist and audience.

【单选题】the expressive theory stresses the effect of _____.

【单选题】abrams thinks that post-renaissance critics is primarily oriented,not from work to universe,but from work to _____.

【单选题】in abrams’s words, the relationship of art works and universe was concluded as the _____theory.

【单选题】content and _____are the two sides of concept.

【单选题】in against interoretation, interpretation is the revenge of the _____ upon art.

【单选题】how interpretation did sontag against?

【单选题】sontag opposed that modern takes too much interpretation attention on the ____and significance.

【单选题】which work is sontag’s last novel?

【单选题】the “new sensibility” stresses art brings the most _____feeling to people.

【单选题】how do we understand the relationship between against interpretation and the hermeneutics?

【单选题】a mental representation of the meaning or significance of something is called as_____.

【单选题】sontag ided the article into _____sections.

【单选题】sontag thinks that _____is the highest,most liberating value in art, and in critici today.

【单选题】jauss and ____ established the knonstanz school.

【单选题】jauss’s theory is interested more in_____.

【单选题】jauss put forward a method for reconstruction of literary history is reconstructing the _____posion.

【单选题】a key word about how history affects the way we read a book can be called_____.

【单选题】in jauss’s view on rewriting the literary history, how many topics did he talk?

【单选题】in jauss’s theory,horizon of change should be understanded with aesthetic distance and _____.

【单选题】the theory by jauss and iser is the first time _____ are seen as core in literary research.

【单选题】which work is the origin of proposing reception aesthetics.

【单选题】_____is the most essential concept of jauss’s theory.

【单选题】jauss and iser were called as the binary star of _____.

【单选题】we orientals are often ignorant of the west, what is the reason?

【单选题】generally speaking,edward said was regaraded as a theoretician of _____.

【单选题】though said talks about the culture, he quoted a variety of ____.

【单选题】the third definition of orientali by said is _____.

【单选题】the theory of said has its origins in theory of _____and theory of antonio gramsci.

【单选题】edward said gained his worldwide reputation in _____university as well.

【单选题】in the western tradition,the orientals characters are always _____.

【单选题】said’s perspective focuses on the identity of his own ,so he hardly mentioned ____in orientali

【单选题】which book is not written by said?

【单选题】how many meanings did said put forward of orientati in his book.











【多选题】10-2-1) 关于耦合因数k,以下说确的是:

【多选题】10-2-2) 下列关于同名端的说法,正确的是:



【填空题】10-1-5)图10.5示电路中,,开路电压为 v。



【填空题】10-2-4)图10.4示电路中为直流电压源。a,b,c,d是耦合电感的四个端子,c端接电压表的正极,当开关s打开瞬间,电压表正偏转,则端子 与 是同名端。

【简答题】10-3-2)图10.7示电路中ω, ω,ω,ω,。试求:(1)开关k打开和闭合时的电流;(2)k闭合时的电路复功率。





【单选题】11-1-1)对称三相电路三角形负载的线电流与相电流的相位差为:( )

【单选题】11-1-3)对称三相电路中,电路有功功率p等于:( )


【单选题】11-1-5)图11.2示电路中,有效值为220v的三相对称电源接成星形时误将c相电源接反,则有:( )

【单选题】11-1-4)图11.1示的二瓦计法的接法:( )



【单选题】11-2-2)图11.3示对称三相电路中,已知线电压,三相功率,,则,为 ω。



【填空题】13-2-4)图13.4示为滤波电路,已知基波频率/s,。如果要使得输出电压中不含基波分量,而四次谐波分量能全部传送,则 h, h。

【填空题】13-2-2)图13.2示电路中,已知各电源的电压为: ,,。 则电压为 v。

【填空题】13-2-1)在非正弦周期电流电路的计算中,对于直流分量,求解时应把电容等效看作 。(短路?开路?)






【填空题】14-2-1)已知函数,则其象函数为 。

【填空题】14-2-1)已知函数,则其象函数为 。


【简答题】14-3-7)已知电路响应变量的转移函数为下列情形时,试求对应变量的冲激响应. (1); (2); (3)







【判断题】所有四端网络均为二端口网络。( )

【简答题】图16.7示电路中, 已知二端口电路的参数矩阵为: 试求电压转移函数。









【填空题】1.同发电机分类:按其原动机的不同可分为为水轮发电机、汽轮发电机、风力发电机和柴油发电机等,船上广泛使用的就是( )。

【填空题】2.同步电动机在工作时,当向定子的三相对称电枢绕组中通入三相对称电压时,在绕组中就产生一个( )。


【单选题】同步发电机并车时,有电压相等、频率相等、初相位相同、相序一致四个条件。其 中任一个条件不满足,待并机则出现________________ 。



【单选题】同步发电机并车时,若满足电压相等、频率相等、相序一致但初相位不同。则当初 相位差为_____时,冲击电流最大。


【单选题】在船舶直流电站发电机并联运行中,为避免待并机因逆电流并车失败,常将待并 机的电压调得比电网电压--。



【单选题】将同步发电机投入并联运行时,最理想的合闸要求是当接通电网的瞬时,该发电 机的_____为零。



【单选题】在航行期间,同步发电机并车时,不必检测的条件是:待并机与运行机的 _______




【单选题】同步发电机并车时,必须满足电压相等、频率相等,初相位相同、相序一致的条件。 若其中任一条件不满足,定会出现_____。


【单选题】同步发电机控制屏上有那么多仪表,在同步发电机与电网并车,合闸时主要观察 的仪表是_____。

【单选题】同步发电机控制屏上有那么多仪表,在同步发电机与电网并车,合闸时主要观察 的仪表是--。

【单选题】why is brainstorming important?

【单选题】at what point in the writing process should we brainstorm?

【单选题】what are 6 types of brainstorming?

【单选题】in which situation would a t chart be the most effective form of brainstorming?

【单选题】outlining is ( ) in the writing process.

【单选题】among the following choices, which one can not be used as major supporting ideas?

【单选题】how is a major supporting idea different from a minor one?

【单选题】among the following choices, which one can not be used as minor supporting ideas?

【多选题】what are the three features of a thesis statement?

【判断题】the parallel structure is the most important thing in outline.

【判断题】an outline is thoughts, rather than a paragraph. so we can just write down ideas rather than supporting sentences.

【单选题】can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “my roommate said philosophy class is boring, and i felt the same too. all philosophy classes must be boring.”

【单选题】can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “even though it’s only the first day, i can tell this is going to be a boring course”.

【单选题】can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “traffic jam can be solved by traffic control in the downtown area.”

【单选题】which one is not one of the three appeals of an argument that aristotle postulated:

【单选题】what is the difference between the major and minor premises?

【单选题】syllogi is a kind of deductive reasoning.

【单选题】all fragile things are breakable things. some glasses are fragile things. therefore, ()

【单选题】can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “xiao ming always cheats in exams. xiao ming is your friend. you always cheat in exams.”

【单选题】can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “we have a new math teacher. and my math turns out to be a disaster this semester. the new math teacher is responsible for my poor performance. ”

【单选题】can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “we shouldn’t allow a liar like zhao zhi to represent us in this competition.

【多选题】how to convert logical syllogi into written argument ?

【多选题】what’s the structure of introduction?

【单选题】how is a point-by-point style argumentative essay different from a block style argumentative essay regarding how they disprove opposing points of view?

【单选题】what is one advantage of the block style of writing?

【单选题】what is a characteristic of point by point style writing?

【单选题】what are two ways that we can organize paragraphs according to this presentation?

【多选题】when looking at our writing, we should ask ourselves if we are ________ two things from a certain perspective or ________ one subject.

【单选题】which style of citation is the most specific and why?

【单选题】what are the two locations where citations can be found in a paper?

【单选题】which of the following is not a reason to provide proper citation?

【单选题】when making citations at the end of a text, which lines must be indented?

【单选题】which of these is an example of mla citation?

【单选题】what does procrastination mean?

【单选题】in which situations should we use citation?

【单选题】what are the two most commonly used citation styles?

【单选题】why is it better to use a strong verb than to use a noun?

【单选题】why should we be careful of the word be?

【单选题】what are three synonyms for the word “say” (use a thesaurus)?

【单选题】how do we tighten sentences?(排序) 1、reflect on the logical relationship among sentence and ideas. 2、look for words that don’t do their share of the work 3、use strong verbs 4、keep it clear and simple

【多选题】what are the three ways to create powerful descriptive language?

【多选题】when we say “sentence variety”, what can we vary?

【单选题】which one is more coherent?(仅填a或b即可)

【单选题】which lexical cohesion strategy has been used in the following paragraph? he fell asleep. what woke him was a loud crash.

【单选题】which lexical cohesion strategy has been used in the following paragraph? ‘now, what i want is, facts. teach these boys and girls nothing but facts. facts alone are wanted in life. plant nothing else, and root out everything else. you can only form the minds of reasoning animals upon facts: nothing else will ever be of any service to them. …stick to facts, sir!’

【单选题】which thematic progression pattern has been used in this paragraph? hemp’s environmental credentials are indisputable. it grows better in organic systems than in conventional ones. it others weeds and controls pests, clearing the land for other crops. it improves the structure of the soil, with strong roots to prevent erosion. if processed in the field, it returns nutrients to the land and purports to ‘clean up’ soil contaminated with heavy metals. it is one of a minority of textile-fibre crops that can be grown in temperate climates. so why, given its potential, is so little hemp used today? (new internationalist, june 1998, p. 14)

【单选题】which one is not a grammatical cohesion strategy?

【单选题】what does “hyponymy” refers to?

【单选题】which thematic progression pattern has been used in this paragraph? the inventor of the diode valve was fleming. he made use of the fact, first noticed by edison, that an electric current could be made to flow across the empty space between the hot filament of an electric lamp and another metal electrode placed inside the evacuated bulb. this effect depends upon the thermionic emission of electrons from the heated metal filament. (w. p. jolly, (1972). electronics, p. 61)

【单选题】which lexical cohesion strategy has been used in the following paragraph? a big tree with a thick trunk and outspread branches was nearby, and taking care to leave not the slightest mark, he climbed up into the crotch, and stretching out on one of the broad limbs, after a fashion, rested…something was coming through the bush, slowly, carefully, the same winding way rainsford had come. he flattened himself down on the limb and through a screen of leaves, saw it was a man.

【单选题】which grammatical cohesion strategy has been used in the following paragraph? i see traces of the turtle soup, and vension, and gold spoon in this. yes, i do! cried mr. bounderby, shaking his head with obstinate cunning. ‘by the lord harry, i do.’

【多选题】what is the purpose of using cohesion strategies?

【单选题】which one is more formal? (请从a和b里选择即可)

【单选题】which ones have used nominalization?

【判断题】nominalization is to turn a verb or an adjective into a noun.





【单选题】学前儿童心理研究的最基本的方法是( )

【单选题】心理就是( )

【单选题】儿童常常表现出各种反抗行为或执拗现象,这是儿童心理发展中( )的一种现象。

【单选题】最近发展区存在于儿童心理发展的( )。

【单选题】用以控制幼儿情绪的“消退法”,其理论依据是( )。

【单选题】下面关于谈话法的表述,不正确的是( )

【单选题】心理学家盖塞尔的双生子爬梯实验,说明了( )对儿童学习技能的重要作用。

【单选题】下列哪一条,符合儿童动作发展的规律?( )

【单选题】在皮亚杰关于儿童思维发展的阶段理论中,2~7岁儿童的思维处于( )

【单选题】( )是儿童生长发育最迅速的时期,也是心理发展最迅速的时期。

【单选题】人生最早出现的认识过程是(  )。

【单选题】孩子看到桌上有个苹果时,下列所说的话中直接体现“知觉”活动的是(  )。

【单选题】幼儿期对颜色的辨别往往和掌握颜色的(  )结合起来。

【单选题】幼儿在认识“b”和“d”、“土”和“士”、“方”和“万”等形近符号时容易混淆这说明(  )。

【单选题】婴儿在地上捡起一些物体就会往嘴里送,这是孩子的(  )。

【单选题】幼儿对不同几何图形辨别的难度由易到难的是( )

【单选题】关于痛觉,下列说确的是( )

【单选题】下列关于幼儿的听觉偏好趋向的表述中,正确的是(  )。

【单选题】在以下几对方位概念中,儿童最先掌握的是( )。

【单选题】下列属于新生儿条件发射的是( )。

【单选题】人在高度集中自己的注意时,注意指向的范围就( )

【单选题】儿童从事一项活动能够善始善终,说明他的注意具有很好的(  )。

【单选题】当教室中一片喧哗时,教师突然放低声音或停止说话,会引起幼儿的注意。这是(  )。

【单选题】小班集体教学活动一般都安排15分钟左右,是因为幼儿有意注意时间一般是(  )。

【单选题】小朋友在活动室内进行活动时,突然窗外飞来一只小鸟,小朋友都兴奋地去看小鸟。小朋友这时的注意是(   )。

【单选题】在音乐课上,为了发展儿童的有意注意,最恰当的做法是(  )。

【单选题】幼儿园老师上音乐课时,一边弹琴,一边组织孩子们按音乐节奏做各种动作。老师的这种做法是(  )。

【单选题】两个客体不能同时处于同一位置,除非一个藏在另一个里面,婴儿掌握这条规律常在( )

【单选题】3-6岁儿童注意发展的特征,正确的是( )

【单选题】1-3岁儿童注意发展的特征中,正确的是( )

【单选题】儿童最早出现的记忆是(  )。

【单选题】“余音绕梁,三日不绝于耳”属于(  )。

【单选题】在幼儿的记忆中,(  )占主要地位,比重最大。

【单选题】最早采用无意义音节作为实验材料,对记忆进行系统研究并提出著名的“遗忘曲线”的心理学家是(  )。

【单选题】从记忆发生的顺序来看,儿童最晚出现的是(  )。

【单选题】幼儿机械记忆和意义记忆效果的比较,是(  )。

【单选题】在人脑中重现过去所感知过的事物的形象叫( )

【单选题】当客体在眼前消失,儿童仍认为它是存在的,这说明儿童已建立了( ) 概念。

【单选题】关于各种记忆出现时间由早到晚依次是( )

【单选题】记忆发生的时期是( )

【单选题】幼儿常把没有发生的或期望的事情当作真实的事情,这说明幼儿(  )。

【单选题】在同一桌上绘画的幼儿,其想象的主题往往雷同,这说明幼儿想象的特点是(  )。

【单选题】下列选项属于学前儿童想象的主要特点的是(  )。

【单选题】下列关于幼儿想象的说法,不正确的是(  )。

【单选题】小朋友们听老师讲《西游记》的故事时,仿佛看见了孙悟空大闹天宫的情景。这是(  )。

【单选题】学前儿童想象形象力求符合客观逻辑是在(  )。

【单选题】幼儿看到天上白云的形状,一会儿想象它是一匹飞奔的“骏马”,一会儿想象它是一座会动的“山”……这种想象属于(  )。

【单选题】在游戏中,幼儿正在当“医生”,忽然看见别的小朋友在“包糖果”,他就跑去当“包糖果”的“工人”,这说明幼儿(  )。

【单选题】小班幼儿往往对某个故事百听不厌,其原因主要是(  )。

【单选题】幼儿想象的形象之间常常毫无联系。例如,幼儿绘画常常是画了“小船”,又画“气球”;画了一把“牙刷”,又画一朵“小花”——这表明幼儿想象的一个特点是(  )。

【单选题】医生通过观察、号脉、听诊诊断病情属于(  )的思维特性。

【单选题】古人通过对每次看到“月晕”就要“刮风”,地板“潮湿”就要“下雨”,得出了“月晕而风”“础润而雨”的结论。这体现了思维具有(  )。

【单选题】(  )的发生标志着儿童的各种认识过程已经齐全。

【单选题】儿童思维方式的变化发展,与思维所用工具的变化相联系,直观行动思维所用的工具主要是(  )。

【单选题】在幼儿思维发展过程中,动作和语言对思维活动的作用变化规律表现为(  )。

【单选题】从发展过程看,儿童思维发展中,形成最晚的是(  )。

【单选题】幼儿典型的思维方式是( )

【单选题】幼儿难以理解反话的含义,是因为幼儿理解事物具有(  )。

【单选题】学前儿童比较的发展过程中,最先学会找出事物的( )

【单选题】儿童对空间概念的掌握中,对( )概念掌握最难。

【单选题】幼儿期的言语学习主要是(  )。

【单选题】冬冬边玩魔方边自己小声嘀咕:“转一下这面试试,再转这面呢?”这种语言被称为(  )。

【单选题】3岁前儿童的言语主要是(  )。

【单选题】儿童学习简单口语的最佳期是(  )。

【单选题】问题言语最为丰富的年龄是(  )。

【单选题】幼儿自言自语的表现有两种形式:一是问题言语;二是(  )。

【单选题】从词性上说,幼儿对(  )掌握最早

【单选题】对其掌握通常可以说明幼儿智力发展相对达到较高水平的词类是(  )。

【单选题】关于学前儿童言语的发生,正确的表述是( )

【单选题】新生入园,班里有一个孩子哭,其他孩子也会莫名其妙地跟着哭。这体现了情绪情感的(  )。

【单选题】某托儿所训练刚入所的孩子早上来时向老师说“早上好”,下午离园时说“再见”,结果许多孩子先学会说“再见”,而问“早上好”则较晚才学会,其重要原因是由于孩子早上不愿和父母分离。这是(   )。

【单选题】中班幼儿告状现象频繁,这主要是因为幼儿(  )。

【单选题】儿童原始的情绪反应具有的特点是(   )。

【单选题】儿童出生后最明显的情绪表现是(  ),它代表不愉快的情绪。

【单选题】儿童的情绪活动中,涉及社会往的内容随着年龄的增长而增加。学前儿童交往中的微笑可以分为三类,不包括(  )。

【单选题】婴幼儿喜欢成人接触、抚爱,这种情绪反应的动因是为满足儿童的(  )。

【单选题】幼儿表情社会化的发展主要包括两个方面:一是理解(辨别)面部表情的能力;二是(  )。

【单选题】两三岁以后的儿童,常常由于被告知蛇会咬人、黑夜有鬼等,而产生怕蛇、怕黑等情绪。这体现了情绪情感发展的哪种水平?(  )

【单选题】新入园的幼儿,看见妈妈离去时,会伤心地哭,当妈身影消失后,经老师劝导,很快就会愉快起来,如果妈妈再次从窗口出现,又会引起孩子的不愉快情绪。这表明(  )。

【单选题】下列哪项不属于幼儿情绪与情感发展的特点?(  )

【单选题】下列哪种方法不利于缓解或调整幼儿激动的情绪?(  )

【单选题】妈妈对正在大哭的幼儿说:“看这里这么多的泪水,我们正缺水呢,快来接吧。”这时妈妈真的拿来一个杯子,幼儿破涕为笑了。这种控制情绪的方法是(  )。

【单选题】受到别人嘲笑感到不愉快,对活动的成败感到恐惧、自豪、焦虑、害羞或惭愧,这种情感主要是与( )联系。

【单选题】情绪与人的身心健康互相制约、互相影响。下列哪种做法不利于幼儿保持健康的情绪?(  )

【单选题】(  )是指有意识地确立目的,调节和支配行为,并通过克服困难和挫折,实现预定目的的心理过程。

【单选题】意志行为的基本阶段分为(   )。

【单选题】意志行为准备阶段的主要任务是(   )。

【单选题】有多个目标,每个目标对自己都有利也都有弊,权衡利弊拿不定主意时的矛盾心情是(  )。

【单选题】( )岁幼儿坚持性发展的关键年龄

【单选题】下列各项,不是用来描述个性的词是( )

【单选题】个性的( )是指人与人之间没有完全相同的个性。

【单选题】从一个人行为的一个方面可看出他的个性,这是个性( )的表现。

【单选题】对幼儿来说,个性发展的主要内容是( )开始形成。

【单选题】在一定程度上说,( )的成熟标志着儿童个性的成熟。

【单选题】一般能力的核心是( )能力。

【单选题】孩子从刚出生开始,就显出个人特点的差异,这主要是( )的差异。

【单选题】自我意识萌芽最重要的标志是( )

【单选题】对粘液质的孩子,应着重( )

【单选题】个性中具有核心意义的心理特征是( )

【单选题】“人是社会关系的总和”强调的是人的( )

【单选题】( )是作为一个有特定性别的人在社会中的适当行为的总和,是社会性的主要方面。

【单选题】( )的发展使幼儿道德发展的核心问题。

【单选题】重视( )教育这一主题,已成为现代教育观念转变的一个主要标志。

【单选题】下列哪一项是最好的依恋类型( )

【单选题】儿童之间绝大多数的社会往是在( )中发生的。

【单选题】( )是儿童亲社会行为产生的基础。

【单选题】攻击性行为最大的特点是其( )

【单选题】在学龄前期,( )儿童的性别角色的教育对儿童的智力发展和性格发展是有益的。

【单选题】( )是儿童健全发展的重要组成部分,它与体格发展、认知发展共同构成儿童发展的三大方面。