
电气工程问答 6609

in the summer of 1996 and1997, merry worked as a salesgirl for this company in guangzhou.

merry passed tem 8 at college, and she is good at oral english

merry has worked for united butter for two years since she graduated from college.

a job interview include________.

when talking about weakness, you can point out “comparatively” weaker than others.

air hostess and bartender are the positions for services.

receptionist and typist are the positions for services.

electrician and architect are the positions for professional.

ceo and coo are the positions for administrative.

in the video, frank likes changing jobs.

in the video, mr. schulz is calling from international sales, england.

mr. matthews has gone to singapore on business for a few days.

mr. matthews won't be back until friday afternoon

mr. schulz thinks the price of the assembly coffee table is too high

the message isn't urgent mr. schulz will phone again

larry called the meeting to decide what action to take about a all decrease in sales.

the attendees have got an agenda before the meeting.

sales in july dropped by 21%.

amy claimed that the sales team should not be responsible for the sales drop.

richard was asked to give an ysis of the poor sales performance.

miss wang brings some flowers for ms. jones as a present, and ms. jones gives something in return.

ms jones didn’t sleep during the flight but she still feels fine

ms jones room is on the 6th floor with a balcony overlooking a beautiful lake.

ms. jones thinks that her room is cozy and well-decorated.

mr. lin will contact ms. jones the next afternoon.

the presenter should maintain eye contact with the audience.

the visual aids are not clear and helpful in doing presentation.

a clear structure of a presentation should include beginning, body and end.

the presenter should consider the audience.

the presenter should have a clear goal.

what is not being introduced in the presentation in the video?

how does the for a 1300 compare to the samsung i700 in the video?

which of the following statements is not true the for a 1300 in the video?

the appearance of the viatv desktop videophone is all and elegant.

the methods of the promotion is on a special offer.

a balance sheet helps any interested person quickly get a handle on the financial strength and capabilities of the business.

the chairman’s statement is made by the chairman of a company at annual general meeting and is often included in the annual report.

in order to survive, an airline company may share the pain with suppliers and reducing overheads.

annual turnover and market share are mentioned in the video.

what is the translation of balance sheet?

marketing involves making a communication about a product or service to encourage recipients of the communication to purchase or use the product or service.

the objective of promoting a product is to move the target market through the following phases: unawareness—awareness—understanding—attitude—purchase intention—purchase. .

market research is to find out whether there is any demand for your product, and whether there is any competition.

market testing is to produce a all quantity of a product and offer samples to selected customers to find out it they like it or not.

advertising is to consider your product, target customers and budget and choose the right media.

what is the company going to promote?

who is the advertising campaign for the major new products aimed at?

besides a lack of visual effects, what is mentioned as another weakness of radio ads?

which of the following methods will be used to promote the old product lines?

what is not mentioned as a promotional medium?

what is tom interested in purchasing?

what has tom seen before his talk with mr.chen?

what does tom ask mr. chen for?

what is mr. chens attitude toward commission?

how much commission does tom ask for?

计量经济学是一门 学科。


计量经济学主要由 、 和 三门学科的内容有机结合而成。



计量经济模型一般由 、 、 、 等四个要素构成。









当回归模型满足假定slr.1~slr.3时, olse具有无偏性,如果还满足slr.4,则olse具有有效性。

利用一元回归模型对被解释变量平均值e(yf | xf )进行区间预测的上界是:


k元线性回归模型参数βj的置信度为1-α的置信区间为 ,n为样本个数。


要使模型能够得出参数估计量,所要求的最小样本容量为n≥k 1,其中k为解释变量个数。

在由n=30 的一组样本估计的、包含3个解释变量的线性回归模型中,计算的样本决定系数为0.8500,则调整后的决定系数为0.8327。


k元线性回归模型对回归系数显著性进行t检验,n为样本个数,原假设 h0:bj=0,备选假设h1:bj¹0,当 时拒绝原假设。





对于模型yt=b0 b1x1t b2x2t ut,与r12=0相比,r12=0.5时,估计量的方差将是原来的




















平稳时间序列的偏相关系数和自相关系数拖尾,且缓慢衰减收敛,则该时间序列可能是( )模型。










当随机误差项存在自相关时,进行单位根检验通过( )实现。








如果模型yt=β0 β1xt ut,可以说明不存在随机误差项自相关问题的是

模型yt=β0 β1xt ut的随机误差项自相关系数为-2.21,说明该模型存在随机误差项自相关问题。







早在元封元年,就是公元前110年, 汉武帝在海南设置( )、( )两郡,把海南正式纳入的版图。

非物质文化遗产项目,海南拥有一项,就是( )。

( )成为棉纺织业的发祥地。

南海航道更路经,记载了航海路线,帮助渔民前往南海作业,下南洋进行交易。记载的地名是由( )命名并沿用至今,例如以"峙"代替岛和屿,以"沙"或"线"指暗礁等。

海南“三月三”节是( )、( )的节日。






黎语,属汉藏语系壮侗语族( ) 。

临高话,属汉藏语系壮侗语族( )。

儋州话,属汉藏语系汉语( )。

客家话, 属汉藏语系汉语( )。

军话,属汉藏系汉语( )。

迈话,属汉藏语系汉语( )。

疍家话,属汉藏语系汉语( )。

发音时,声带振动的,是( )。








丘浚,生于公元1420年,号琼台,谥号文庄。是( )府城下田村人士,也就是现在的府城镇金花村人。

丘浚天资聪颖,很多东西看一遍就能背诵。六岁就能作出( )。

( )是海南历史上为官职位最高的一位名人。

清朝的《四库全书》就一共收入了( )226卷作品,这让他成为作品入选《四库全书》最多的海南人。

在海口,以招收学生为主的学校,是( )。

( )年,琼台师范高等专科学校正式升格为本科院校,更名为“琼台师范学院”。

土生土长的是 ( )


自然崇拜以( )为主要崇拜对象。


周朝在商朝灭亡的教训中产生了“天命靡常”的观念,提出了( ) 的思想。




引起的原因主要有( )

从形态看,按有无合同分为( )与 ( )两种。

动机目的上看,通常以( )理论解释的行为。



( )被确定为全国首个全域旅游创建省

华光礁沉船遗址.位于( )。

博物馆和海南省文体厅,调集全国水下考古专业人员,组建水下考古工作队,分别于\2007年和2008年,用( )个月的时间,发掘"华光礁1号"南宋沉船遗址。

华光礁沉船,船体中发现了( )个残留的“水密隔舱”。

"华光礁1号"出水文物近( )件,绝大部分是陶器和瓷器。


( )说过:“建筑是民族的个性。

精美繁复的( )风格在海口骑楼中较多。以得胜沙一带的骑楼为例,以大曲线勾勒出山花墙的轮廓,外立面以曲面为主,细部还有很多雕塑和浮雕装饰,形成华美的视觉效果。

任何一种伟大的事业,任何一种文化复兴,必定有其担纲者,而在现代社会,这种文化复兴的担纲者非( )莫属。

中世纪的教神学经历了教父哲学和经院哲学时期,前者以( )为代表强调信仰的作用。




在西方人的理念中,看得见摸得着的东西并不是最重要的,它背后有一个抽象的、能够用数学、逻辑和语言精确表达的( )。


自大学产生以后,世界历史的变迁大多与大学紧密相关,往往一个时代的崛起,是以大学的崛起为先导的:意大利的崛起有( )。

1620年五月花号靠岸,16年后建立哈佛,140年后建立了。以色列还根本不能建国的时候,一位伟大的思想者就建立了( )。




相传刻在德尔斐的阿波罗神庙的三句箴言为( )。


古希腊时期最重要的图书馆是( )。


希腊的文化和教育经过( )的改造而对后来的欧洲产生了影响。



( )并称欧洲四大名校。




1954年,( )等学院也加入了联盟,以“常春藤联盟”而声名远扬,古老的建筑上挂满了常春藤,颇为名副其实。




哈佛大学(harvard university)是一所位于波士顿剑桥城的私立大学,常春藤盟校成员之一。








所谓“私学”,主要是指与( )相对的一种教育形式。


稷下诸子研究的主要内容是( )。


汉武帝采纳( )的建议,在长安创建太学,太学成为集中培养统治人才的教育机构,这标志着古代大学官办教育制度的正式建立。




唐代大学在( )等方面都比较正规。

由于( )教育发达,,日本学生来留学的人数也比较多,当时最有名的是真备和阿倍仲麻吕二人。



程端礼根据朱熹的的读书方法提出了自己的读书原则有( )。

在宋代,儒家思想文化逐步转化为( )。







的大学形成比较特殊,半殖民地反封建的社会形态决定了近代大学和西方大学走的是完全不同的道路,它的创建不是一个自主自觉的过程,是由( )共同组成的。



随着两次战争失败,开放通商口岸,准许外国传教士在通商口岸办学,教会学校开始大增,逐渐升级为中学水平的学校,( )等学校都是当时比较有名的教会学校。



“思想自由,兼容并包”的办学精神是由( )提出?

“独立之精神,自由之思想”是由( )提出。

( )被印度圣雄甘地称为“最尊贵的人”。



梁漱溟是现代新儒家的早期代表人物之一,有"最后一位大儒家"之称 。


冯友兰的著作有( )。


( )在上海创办震旦学院,“震旦”为梵文,是印度对的古称,含“东方日出,前途无量”之意。




蔡元培要求学生一定要抱定为求学而来的宗旨( )。

抗战期间( )合组西南联合大学。


( )被称为“寡言君子”。

( )被国际学者公认为文艺复兴之父。







大学精神传统的诸方面都是围绕人的教育和人的精神而展开的,( )是大学精神传统中固有的主题。

在公元5世纪前后,也就是我们前面讲过的( ),世界上有几大文明各自形成了自己的经典。

大学精神传统有丰富的内涵,大学是( )。

教育的目的是充分发展个人的一切能力和个性,使之成为一个( )公民。我国古代书院的道德教育首先强调修身立己。

人类现代社会是以普遍的理性原则建构的,韦伯把现代社会称作( ),区别于传统世袭的社会和领袖中心的社会。







到了( ),科举制度被取消,一是因为科举方式本身与整个社会结构一样陈腐和僵化,二因为科举体系的文化内涵受到日益旺盛的西方现代文化的挑战。

在每个文明体系都有一个高居于世俗生活之上殿堂,为人间设立规则,树立权威,提示道理,因而得到广泛的( )。

秦始皇用( )手段统一了,以严刑峻法维持统治,企图开万世基业。

在抗战爆发之后,我国大批高校被迫内迁。 1937年平津沦陷,流亡中的北大、清华、南开三所大学在教育部的主持下,组成长沙临时大学。1938年春天,临时大学迁往大西南,于是在抗战的艰难岁月里,在的大西南,诞生了闻名于世的西南联合大学。

i have been working at dell computer for two years. i ______ in examing international contracts to make sure that they are comply with the law.

remploy is a company that employs disabled people. i ______ with the media and try to get us as much good publicity as possible.

shift work means you do your job for part of the week and another person does it for the other part.()

teleworking is suitable to the person who has young children to take care of.()

the job of secretary in office requires hot-desking in order to save office space.()

regular, fixed hours:______ hours

a temporary job: a ______ job

to work part-time: to work ______

an employer: an ______

a staff(salaried) photographer: a ______ photographer

don't worry. andrew is an excellent host. he will take ______ of you.

we have taken ______ a temporary secretary for three months to help us get through the work.

i think we should take a ______ . we've been discussing this for two hours now.

you should take what she says with a ______ of salt.

the conference will take ______ in new york in october next year.

these files have been zipped up to ____ less disk space.

my personal life has had to ____ my career.

there was no one else to ____ their children.

remember, stick to the issues and don't ____ it personally.

____ a hundred and twenty values and calculate the mean.

the most dynamic societies in the world are the ones that have the most entrepreneurs. these people are the spark in an economy's engine, activating and stimulating economic growth. the entrepreneur looks for opportunities to make a (1)______ by satisfying unsatistied needs, to fill the gap between what consumers want and the products and services that are currently available.

· entrepreneurs are creative, (2)______ and future oriented.

· they are innovators who don't need to follow the tried and (3)______ route.

·they have a natural business (4)_____.

·they are not afraid of (5)______ work for afraid to fail.

·they are willing to take risks with their own(6)______ and resources.

·they are excellent problem solvers and negotiate the legal requirements to launch and (7)______ a business.they focus on sales, cash flow and revenue at all times.complete these phrases by choosing a proper word.

sachiko is trying to get ______ your call.

i'm just ______ your call.

let me ______ that back to you.

i'll call you ______ in an hour.

you can ______ me on this number any time.

the ______ i'm calling is that....

put the most appropriate modal verb into each gap. advertisers of alcoholic drinks ______ make advertisements which could appeal to children.

when advertising a product, you ______ mention the price.

when advertising a product, you ______ make false statements about compes' products.

if you advertise a service, you ______ explain the full terms and conditions, except in the all print.

1. when delegating, you should check up on your staff all the time. because they may forget what you have told them.

2. when delegating, you needn't explain what the rewards are because the staff will not take all their efforts to finish the job if they dont satisy with them.

3. in order to avoid misunderstanding, you'd better ask your staff to explain back what they are going to do.

if you give a _____ in recommendation letter, you give away a piece of your reputation.

our company intends to recruit some new employees with specialist ______ in this field.

this company is specialized in many businesses, _______ from production to travelling.

i hope you can spare some time to visit our company, inspect our products and discuss your particular ______ with us.

the teach told us that christmas ______ on december 25th.

can i ask you to _____ minutes on this meeting?

as the chairperson, mike will _____ the meeting.

there is another memo from the boss telling me to ____ another of his meetings.

tom said he fell aleep when he ______ the novel.

_______ is a type of gambling game in which people buy numbered tickets. several numbers are then chosen, and the people who have those numbers on their tickets win a prize.

if an employee is not ______ the requirement of the boss, he or she would usually be fired.

in order to reduce the cost of the company, the board decided to make some employees in several sectors _____.

if you are not at the office, some callers can leave their message in ______.

which of the following words does not have the similar meaning as “diiss”?

if you _____ your house or land, you use it as a guarantee to a company in order to borrow money from them.

if we catch an employee stealing, they ______ a verbal warning.

i am not sure what happened exactly. the incident needs ______ at quite carefully.

_______ your requirements in the memo about the meeting, i have already made some necessary preparations.

the aim of the report is to _______ whether ms. chuhova was unfairly diissed and if the procedure was followed.

it’s difficult to attract graduates into sales because _____.

______ means making a speech to convince people to buy something.

_____ is a kind of sales of making an unexpected phone call or visit to sell something.

the business trips with lots of free entertainment are usually called _____.

selling is one of those things that can happen to anyone, no _____ what their job description is.

different from marketing, sales has some direct effects on company and can create some _____ results.

it is important for the salesperson to ______ that the benefits of their products or services match the consumers’ requirements.

it is more _____ for salesperson to think through what the customers’ needs are than to directly ask “what do you need?”

it _____ without saying that word of mouth is the best advertisement.

the goal of staff training is to enhance employee quality, improve productivity and meet future needs of the ______.

after the staff training, the company need some ______ system to test the effects of training.

genrally speaking, there are two ways of staff training: the traditional face-to-face training and ______ training.

when writing a complaint letter, we had better use _____ voice to make the statement seem objective.

i prefer learning by myself to ______ the staff training of the company.

if i am working at my desk, i always stop _____ the phone.

_____ having written to them for a long time, she has received no reply.

_____ further increases in your prices, we are changing supplier.

i have complained about the problem twice before. _____, you have taken no action to resolve the issue.

the whole process of staff training includes needs ysis, instruction design, ______, implementation and evaluation.

choose a word from the passage in page 87, and fill in the blank in its right form. this year turnover has _______ (increase fourfold) as more marketers use scents to distinguish their brands.

some companies want to make shoppers wait around longer in the hope they will spot something to buy.

we often use phrasal verbs on the telephone. –can you wait for me for a second? we can also say “please ________.”

the new product _______ goes on sale next month isn’t ready yet.

the turnover was just under half a million ______ it was first founded in 1985. now it’s a hundred million.

he ______ a paper strip inside and waves it under his nose, breathing in deeply.

a jingle is a short tune used in advertising and for other commercial uses. the jingle contains one or more hooks and meaning that explicitly promote the product being advertised, usually through the use of one or more advertising slogans.

the brand identity is the representation of the company's reputation through the conveyance of attributes, values, purpose, strengths, and passions.

the explorer took only such men and things _______ he really needed into the jungle.

你能否帮我转接销售部? can you ____ me _______ to the sales department?

management means the organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives.

the basic task of management includes only marketing.

the activities associated with running a company, such as controlling, leading, monitoring, organizing, and planning.

madonna’s five dimensions of her successful strategy are_________ and to exploit your competences, address your weaknesses.

similarly, managers who don’t set career goals will _______ opportunities.

if only you do your very best, you will _________ success in everything.

you must ________ your weakness and then you may overcome and make use of it.

i don't know if it ______tomorrow. if it ______,we won’t go on a picnic.

susan will not arrive at the airport on time _______ she hurries up.

________your efforts, each of you has great wealth.

ethical economics is an oxymoron. it will make the economic system unfair.

green growth means fostering economic growth and development, while ensuring that natural assets continue to provide the resources and environmental services on which our well-being relies.

sustainable development will compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

the three pillars of sustainable development–economic growth, environmental stewardship, and social inclusion.

the coffeeconomics is an alternative economics research field to evaluate the coffee market structure behavior from a _____ and ________perspective.

gdp means _________.

because of _______, both signs can learn from one another if they can agree to meet halfway.

from behind, she looked as all and _______ as a child.

they _______ your memories; where you were, what you were doing, what you were interested in, what you were thinking of.

business law, also called commercial law or mercantile law, the body of rules, whether by convention, agreement, or national or international legislation, is governing the dealings between persons in commercial matters.

business law only includes company law, partnership act, law on sole proprietorship enterprises, and maritime law.

bylaw is a law made by local government that only relates to its particular region.

to franchise a right to sell a company's products in a particular area using the company's name.

prosecute means making a legal case against someone and claiming for money.

judge is the person in charge of a court who makes legal decisions.

the lawer is the person who gives legal advice and represents a person in court.

both sides met in order to try to resolve their differences.

他勇敢顽强地与疾病作斗争。 he fought the illness with courage and ________.

我们应该分清是非。we should make a distinction between right and wrong.

max bray, a business lecturer, thinks office workers still distrust computers.

technology is unreliable in most of people’s eyes. false.

worldwide, the amount of paper used for each year continues to rise, although statistics now show a slight reduction in the amount consumed in the uk.

if you are sent an important email, you are likely to print it, because there is always the fear that it might have get deleted.

your part in these meetings will dictate the kind of information you need and how you should prepare for them.

total group sales climbed by five percent to $`55 million, with the agricultural business delivering yet another record_____.

sales in the garden equipment_____ were slow in the early months of the year, but increased dramatically in the final quarter.

it is my belief that we have continued to grow by_____ our customers well.

many people nowadays save money to _c _ for their old age. a cater b supply c provide d equip

after checking the foods against your invoice, we discovered a considerable shortage ______ number.

the report is to be ______ to the directors as soon as possible.

i am glad that i feel quite _____ for the position you advertised.

we recommended ______aall quantity for trial.

______the quality, you must assure that we would get the goods produced in 2019.

______we appreciate your cooperation in giving us the information about your market, we regret that we are unable to reduce our price to the level you indicated.

we shall appreciate it if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thus ______ our buyers to catch the brisk demand at the beginning of the season.

i am writing ______ your advertisement for the position of conference manager.

i will phone you next week after you ______ a chance to go over the material.

i am sending you a check of $1500 ______ full payment of my account.

will you please let us have a selection of goods which you think are ______ for your market?

i was ______ to hear how popular our computer games have been with your customers.

we have received your letter of september 12, ______ we are glad to know that you are interested in our electric heaters.

each buyer should do his best to obtain the most ______ prices.

we assure you of our full ______ in executing the contract.

we thank you for your letter of may 5th, ______ your purchase from us of 5000 tons of green beans.

we think it would be ______ to take in orders from those firms whose standing and financial position are yet unknown.

may i suggest that we send a technician to inspect the equipment and make the necessary repairs at a ______ cost.

90% of the credit amount must be paid ______ the presentation of docuements.

when planning a presentation, it is important to pay attention to the audience and get to know their background.

when introducing a new product range onto the market, advance publicity is important as it could help raise awareness of potential consumers.

it reflects the effort over the past five years that has gone into transforming of our company into a highly competitive world-class business.

we believe that we know exactly what extra this is and we have already put into place organizational and technical changes to bring this about.

this performance has been achieved in the most toughest market conditions we have seen for many years yet.

fine fitness, the health and fitness club operator_______ an impressive set of results yesterday.

reporting a 38 percent jump in annual pretax profits, the company claimed that it had______ none of the problems revealed last week by its rival, top fit.

the company opened 12 new clubs in the past year,________ its total to 51.

even the more__________ clubs are still seeing sales growth.

this can be seen as clear______ of the appeal of fine fitness.

目前光纤通信所用光波的波长范围是( )。

外线光缆与局内光缆连接的设备是( )。

2m信号通过( )架连接到传输设备上。

光设备在局内通过( )与odf架相连。

光缆的盘长一般为2km 。

光缆的型号为gyta53-12a1,其中gy代表的含义是( )光缆。

以下( )不是无源光器件。

下列( )型号表示活动连接器的插针端面为球面。

otdr的测量方法是( )。

光纤的色散类型有( )。

测试时,脉宽的选择受仪表动态范围约束,被测光纤( )就应当选择宽脉冲。



把多个不同波长的光信号复合在一起并注入到一根光纤传输的器件是( )。

我国电信网采用的螺旋连接的活动连接器是( )。

edfa的应用形式有( )。

光纤断点接续的损耗一般不超过( )db。

光缆不能保护光纤有效地防止( )。

下面哪种结构在直接掩埋光缆中出现,但不在架空中光缆中出现( )。




光纤连接器的性能主要指( )。


常见光纤连接器( )。


stm-16每秒可传输的帧数是( )。

optix155/622h设备上etn指示灯表示( )含义 。

下列哪个维护操作时正确的( )

sdh荷载业务信息的数据处在帧结构中的( )部分

对于c波段的合波器,其第一波的频率为( )

wdm的工作窗口是( )

cwdm主要用在( )

dwdm主要用在( )

dwdm要使用( ) 等放大器

此次测试中使用的2m误码仪的接口是( )

华为stm-4速率级别的系列光板平均发送光功率指标参考值为( )dbm。

单纵模激光器的光谱宽度是按主模最大峰值下降 ( )时对应的带宽来衡量。

此次测试任务中测试波长应选择为( )。

s点在光接口上可以用( )表示 。


采用并发优收原理的自愈环是下面哪一种?( )

某速率为2.5g的二纤双向复用段倒换环,环上有4个adm站点,该环的最大容量是( )。

sdh网同步原则规定,基准定时链路上sdh网元时钟个数不能超过( )个 。

复用段倒换的条件有( )。

将3个tu-12构成tug-2 的步骤是( )。

华为osn 3500设备最多可提供( ) 个vc4。

aug构成stm-n需要加上( )字节。

实验室华为optix 155/622h上efs4板的port端口是( )接口。

以太网报文在mstp设备里可以采用( )协议进行封装。

做硬件内环回操作时要注意( )。

以下对环回操作说明正确的是( )。


网管中的提示性告警建议采用( )颜色。

环回操作中,对设备光线路单板光口的环回又称为( )